Ncomms | |
Ncv | |
NEigen | |
Nexprtk | |
▼Nmrpt | This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries |
Napps | |
▼Nbayes | The namespace for Bayesian filtering algorithm: different particle filters and Kalman filter algorithms |
Ndetail | Auxiliary functions, for internal usage of MRPT classes |
▼Ncomms | Serial and networking devices and utilities |
Nnet | A set of useful routines for networking |
▼Nconfig | |
Nsimpleini | |
▼Ncontainers | |
Ninternal | |
▼Ncpu | |
Ninternal | |
Ndetectors | |
Nexpr | |
Nglobal_settings | Global variables to change the run-time behaviour of some MRPT classes within mrpt-base |
▼Ngraphs | Abstract graph and tree data structures, plus generic graph algorithms |
Ndetail | Internal functions for MRPT |
▼Ngraphslam | SLAM methods related to graphs of pose constraints |
Napps | |
Ndeciders | |
Ndetail | Internal auxiliary classes |
Noptimizers | |
▼Ngui | Classes for creating GUI windows for 2D and 3D visualization |
Ndetail | Auxiliary structures used internally to mrpt |
Ninternal | |
Nhmtslam | Classes related to the implementation of Hybrid Metric Topological (HMT) SLAM |
Nhwdrivers | Contains classes for various device interfaces |
Nimg | |
Ninternal | |
▼Nio | |
Ninternal | |
Nzip | Compression using the "zip" algorithm and from/to gzip (gz) files |
Nkinematics | |
▼Nmaps | |
Ndetail | |
Ninternal | |
▼Nmrpt | |
▼Nmaps | |
NCOctoMapBase | |
▼Nmath | This base provides a set of functions for maths stuff |
Ndetail | |
Ninternal | |
▼Nmrpt | |
Nopengl | |
Nnav | |
▼Nobs | This namespace contains representation of robot actions and observations |
Ndetail | |
▼Ngnss | GNSS (GPS) data structures, mainly for use within mrpt::obs::CObservationGPS |
Nnv_oem6_ins_status_type | |
Nnv_oem6_position_type | |
Nnv_oem6_solution_status | |
Nstock_observations | A few stock observations for easy reuse in unit tests, examples, etc |
Nutils | |
▼Nopengl | The namespace for 3D scene representation and rendering |
Ngraph_tools | Tool functions for graphs of pose constraints |
Ninternal | |
Nstock_objects | A collection of pre-built 3D objects for quick insertion in opengl::COpenGLScene objects |
▼Nposes | Classes for 2D/3D geometry representation, both of single values and probability density distributions (PDFs) in many forms |
Ndetail | Internal, auxiliary templates for MRPT classes |
Ninternal | |
NLie | |
Nrandom | A namespace of pseudo-random numbers generators of diferent distributions |
Nros1bridge | ROS message: MRPT message: |
▼Nrtti | |
Ninternal | |
▼Nserialization | |
Ndetail | |
Ninternal | |
Nmetaprogramming | |
▼Nslam | |
Ndetail | |
▼Nsystem | |
Nos | |
▼Ntfest | Functions for estimating the optimal transformation between two frames of references given measurements of corresponding points |
Ninternal | |
Ntopography | This namespace provides topography helper functions, coordinate transformations |
▼Ntypemeta | |
Ndetail | |
Ninternal | |
Nutils | |
▼Nvision | Classes for computer vision, detectors, features, etc |
Ndetail | |
Npinhole | Functions related to pinhole camera models, point projections, etc |
Npnp | Perspective n Point (PnP) Algorithms toolkit for MRPT mrpt_vision_grp |
NMyNS | [example-define-class] |
Nnanoflann | |
Noctomap | |