MRPT at present offers one SLAM solution for RO-SLAM, integrated into the RBPF-SLAM framework. Refer to this tutorial for more details on the different methods available.
Users can employ 2D or 3D poses in RBPF-SLAM, but notice that RO-SLAM with a RBPF requires a decent odometry as input, which can comprise 2D or 3D robot motion actions.
There are two implementations:
The pf-localization application is a CLI to the underlying C++ class from the library: [mrpt-apps].
Users can employ 2D or 3D odometry as input for 2D or 3D motion estimation. If no odometry is available, using a no-motion mean value with a large uncertainty should work.
The CLI application works with offline data only, for online use, please refer to the underlying class in [mrpt-apps] or use the even most low-level classes:
The ro-localization application is exactly like pf-localization above, but with two differences:
If your sensors do NOT suffer of bias with often, abrupt large changes, the regular PF solution should be preferred (faster, simpler).
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