MRPT  2.0.4
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NmrptThis is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries
 NstdSTL namespace
 CCAStarExampleTo use the template, a class must be derived from CAStarAlgorithm<Solution class>="">
 CCCoinDistributionThis is a example of problem resolution using the CAStarAlgorithm template
 CCGraphSlamHandlerManage variables and methods related to applications executing graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam API
 CCMyRedirectorThis auxiliary class redirects the output sent to a streambuf to a wxTextCtrl object
 CEdgeAddersGeneric struct template Auxiliary class to add a new edge to the graph
 CEdgeAdders< GRAPH, false >Specific templates based on the above EdgeAdders template Non-PDF version:
 CEdgeAdders< GRAPH, true >
 Ckfslam_traits< CRangeBearingKFSLAM >
 Ckfslam_traits< CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D >
 CMyFooClass[example typename]
 Cpf2gauss_t< CMonteCarloLocalization3D >
 Cpf2gauss_t< mrpt::slam::CMonteCarloLocalization2D >
 CTAuxRangeMeasInfoAuxiliary for optimal sampling in RO-SLAM
 CTLocalPointLocal stucture used in the next method (must be here for usage within STL stuff)

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