MRPT  2.0.4
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mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D Class Reference

Detailed Description

CRandomFieldGridMap3D represents a 3D regular grid where each voxel is associated one real-valued property which is to be estimated by this class.

This class implements a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) estimator, with each voxel being connected to its 6 immediate neighbors (Up, down, left, right, front, back).

Note that this class does not derive from mrpt::maps::CMetricMap since the estimated values do not have sensor-especific semantics, i.e. the grid can be used to estimate temperature, gas concentration, etc.


Custom connectivity patterns can be defined with setVoxelsConnectivity().

See also
[New in MRPT 1.5.0]

Definition at line 72 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

#include <mrpt/maps/CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h>

Inheritance diagram for mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D:


struct  ConnectivityDescriptor
 Base class for user-supplied objects capable of describing voxels connectivity, used to build prior factors of the MRF graph. More...
struct  TInsertionOptions
 Parameters common to any derived class. More...
struct  TObservationGMRF
struct  TPriorFactorGMRF

Public Types

enum  TVoxelInterpolationMethod { gimNearest = 0, gimBilinear }
using grid_data_t = std::vector< TRandomFieldVoxel >
using iterator = typename grid_data_t::iterator
using const_iterator = typename grid_data_t::const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 CRandomFieldGridMap3D (double x_min=-2, double x_max=2, double y_min=-2, double y_max=2, double z_min=-2, double z_max=2, double voxel_size=0.5, bool call_initialize_now=true)
 Constructor. More...
void clear () override
 Erases all added observations and start again with an empty gridmap. More...
bool saveAsCSV (const std::string &filName_mean, const std::string &filName_stddev=std::string()) const
 Save the current estimated mean values to a CSV file (compatible with Paraview) with fields x y z mean_value. More...
void resize (double new_x_min, double new_x_max, double new_y_min, double new_y_max, double new_z_min, double new_z_max, const TRandomFieldVoxel &defaultValueNewvoxels, double additionalMarginMeters=2.0) override
 Changes the size of the grid, maintaining previous contents. More...
void setSize (const double x_min, const double x_max, const double y_min, const double y_max, const double z_min, const double z_max, const double resolution_xy, const double resolution_z=-1.0, const TRandomFieldVoxel *fill_value=nullptr) override
 Changes the size of the grid, erasing previous contents.If resolution_z<0, the same resolution will be used for all dimensions x,y,z as given in resolution_xy More...
void setVoxelsConnectivity (const ConnectivityDescriptor::Ptr &new_connectivity_descriptor)
 Sets a custom object to define the connectivity between voxels. More...
bool insertIndividualReading (const double sensorReading, const double sensorVariance, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &point, const TVoxelInterpolationMethod method, const bool update_map)
 Direct update of the map with a reading in a given position of the map. More...
void updateMapEstimation ()
 Run the method-specific procedure required to ensure that the mean & variances are up-to-date with all inserted observations, using parameters in insertionOptions. More...
virtual void resize (double new_x_min, double new_x_max, double new_y_min, double new_y_max, double new_z_min, double new_z_max, const TRandomFieldVoxel &defaultValueNewCells, double additionalMarginMeters=2)
 Changes the size of the grid, maintaining previous contents. More...
virtual void setSize (const double x_min, const double x_max, const double y_min, const double y_max, const double z_min, const double z_max, const double resolution_xy, const double resolution_z_=-1.0, const TRandomFieldVoxel *fill_value=nullptr)
 Changes the size of the grid, ERASING all previous contents. More...
void fill (const TRandomFieldVoxel &value)
 Fills all the cells with the same value. More...
bool isOutOfBounds (const int cx, const int cy, const int cz) const
size_t cellAbsIndexFromCXCYCZ (const int cx, const int cy, const int cz) const
 Gets the absolute index of a voxel in the linear container m_map[] from its cx,cy,cz indices, or -1 if out of map bounds (in any dimension). More...
TRandomFieldVoxelcellByPos (double x, double y, double z)
 Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its coordinates, or nullptr if it is out of the map extensions. More...
const TRandomFieldVoxelcellByPos (double x, double y, double z) const
TRandomFieldVoxelcellRefByPos (double x, double y, double z)
 Like cellByPos() but returns a reference. More...
const TRandomFieldVoxelcellRefByPos (double x, double y, double z) const
TRandomFieldVoxelcellByIndex (unsigned int cx, unsigned int cy, unsigned int cz)
 Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its voxel indexes, or nullptr if it is out of the map extensions. More...
const TRandomFieldVoxelcellByIndex (unsigned int cx, unsigned int cy, unsigned int cz) const
const TRandomFieldVoxelcellByIndex (size_t cidx) const
 Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its absolute voxel index, or nullptr if it is out of range. More...
TRandomFieldVoxelcellByIndex (size_t cidx)
size_t getSizeX () const
size_t getSizeY () const
size_t getSizeZ () const
size_t getVoxelCount () const
double getXMin () const
double getXMax () const
double getYMin () const
double getYMax () const
double getZMin () const
double getZMax () const
double getResolutionXY () const
double getResolutionZ () const
int x2idx (double x) const
 Transform a coordinate values into voxel indexes. More...
int y2idx (double y) const
int z2idx (double z) const
double idx2x (int cx) const
 Transform a voxel index into a coordinate value of the voxel central point. More...
double idx2y (int cy) const
double idx2z (int cz) const
iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
void dyngridcommon_writeToStream (ARCHIVE &out) const
 Serialization of all parameters, except the contents of each voxel (responsability of the derived class) More...
void dyngridcommon_readFromStream (ARCHIVE &in)
 Serialization of all parameters, except the contents of each voxel (responsability of the derived class) More...
virtual mxArraywriteToMatlab () const
 Introduces a pure virtual method responsible for writing to a mxArray Matlab object, typically a MATLAB struct whose contents are documented in each derived class. More...
RTTI classes and functions for polymorphic hierarchies
mrpt::rtti::CObject::Ptr duplicateGetSmartPtr () const
 Makes a deep copy of the object and returns a smart pointer to it. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::array< mrpt::system::TConsoleColor, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS > & logging_levels_to_colors ()
 Map from VerbosityLevels to their corresponding mrpt::system::TConsoleColor. More...
static std::array< std::string, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS > & logging_levels_to_names ()
 Map from VerbosityLevels to their corresponding names. More...

Public Attributes

TInsertionOptions insertionOptions

Static Public Attributes

 [default:false] Enables a profiler to show a performance report at application end. More...
static const size_t INVALID_VOXEL_IDX

Protected Member Functions

void internal_initialize (bool erase_prev_contents=true)
 Internal: called called after each change of resolution, size, etc. More...
std::vector< TRandomFieldVoxel > & m_map_castaway_const () const
 Used only from logically const method that really need to modify the object. More...
CSerializable virtual methods
uint8_t serializeGetVersion () const override
 Must return the current versioning number of the object. More...
void serializeTo (mrpt::serialization::CArchive &out) const override
 Pure virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract archive. More...
void serializeFrom (mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in, uint8_t serial_version) override
 Pure virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract archive. More...
CSerializable virtual methods
virtual void serializeTo (CSchemeArchiveBase &out) const
 Virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract schema based archive. More...
virtual void serializeFrom (CSchemeArchiveBase &in)
 Virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract schema based archive. More...

Protected Attributes

ConnectivityDescriptor::Ptr m_gmrf_connectivity
 Empty: default. More...
mrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph m_gmrf
std::vector< std::deque< TObservationGMRF > > m_mrf_factors_activeObs
 Vector with the active observations and their respective Information, for each map cell. More...
std::deque< TPriorFactorGMRFm_mrf_factors_priors
 Vector with the precomputed priors for each GMRF model. More...
grid_data_t m_map
 The cells. More...
double m_x_min
double m_x_max
double m_y_min
double m_y_max
double m_z_min
double m_z_max
double m_resolution_xy
double m_resolution_z
size_t m_size_x
size_t m_size_y
size_t m_size_z
size_t m_size_x_times_y
VerbosityLevel m_min_verbosity_level {LVL_INFO}
 Provided messages with VerbosityLevel smaller than this value shall be ignored. More...

Private Types

using BASE = mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel >

RTTI stuff

using Ptr = std::shared_ptr< mrpt::maps ::CRandomFieldGridMap3D >
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const mrpt::maps ::CRandomFieldGridMap3D >
using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< mrpt::maps ::CRandomFieldGridMap3D >
using ConstUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< const mrpt::maps ::CRandomFieldGridMap3D >
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId runtimeClassId
static constexpr const char * className = "mrpt::maps" "::" "CRandomFieldGridMap3D"
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId_GetBaseClass ()
static constexpr auto getClassName ()
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassIdGetRuntimeClassIdStatic ()
static std::shared_ptr< CObjectCreateObject ()
template<typename... Args>
static Ptr Create (Args &&... args)
template<typename Alloc , typename... Args>
static Ptr CreateAlloc (const Alloc &alloc, Args &&... args)
template<typename... Args>
static UniquePtr CreateUnique (Args &&... args)
virtual const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassIdGetRuntimeClass () const override
 Returns information about the class of an object in runtime. More...
virtual mrpt::rtti::CObjectclone () const override
 Returns a deep copy (clone) of the object, indepently of its class. More...

Logging methods

bool logging_enable_console_output {true}
 [Default=true] Set it to false in case you don't want the logged messages to be dumped to the output automatically. More...
bool logging_enable_keep_record {false}
 [Default=false] Enables storing all messages into an internal list. More...
void logStr (const VerbosityLevel level, std::string_view msg_str) const
 Main method to add the specified message string to the logger. More...
void logFmt (const VerbosityLevel level, const char *fmt,...) const MRPT_printf_format_check(3
 Alternative logging method, which mimics the printf behavior. More...
void void logCond (const VerbosityLevel level, bool cond, const std::string &msg_str) const
 Log the given message only if the condition is satisfied. More...
void setLoggerName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the COutputLogger instance. More...
std::string getLoggerName () const
 Return the name of the COutputLogger instance. More...
void setMinLoggingLevel (const VerbosityLevel level)
 Set the minimum logging level for which the incoming logs are going to be taken into account. More...
void setVerbosityLevel (const VerbosityLevel level)
 alias of setMinLoggingLevel() More...
VerbosityLevel getMinLoggingLevel () const
bool isLoggingLevelVisible (VerbosityLevel level) const
void getLogAsString (std::string &log_contents) const
 Fill the provided string with the contents of the logger's history in std::string representation. More...
std::string getLogAsString () const
 Get the history of COutputLogger instance in a string representation. More...
void writeLogToFile (const std::string *fname_in=nullptr) const
 Write the contents of the COutputLogger instance to an external file. More...
void dumpLogToConsole () const
 Dump the current contents of the COutputLogger instance in the terminal window. More...
std::string getLoggerLastMsg () const
 Return the last Tmsg instance registered in the logger history. More...
void getLoggerLastMsg (std::string &msg_str) const
 Fill inputtted string with the contents of the last message in history. More...
void loggerReset ()
 Reset the contents of the logger instance. More...
void logRegisterCallback (output_logger_callback_t userFunc)
bool logDeregisterCallback (output_logger_callback_t userFunc)

Member Typedef Documentation


Definition at line 77 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ const_iterator

using mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::const_iterator = typename grid_data_t::const_iterator

Definition at line 31 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ ConstPtr

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ ConstUniquePtr

using mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::ConstUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<const mrpt::maps :: CRandomFieldGridMap3D >

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ grid_data_t

Definition at line 29 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ iterator

using mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::iterator = typename grid_data_t::iterator

Definition at line 30 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ Ptr

A type for the associated smart pointer

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ UniquePtr

using mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< mrpt::maps :: CRandomFieldGridMap3D >

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ TVoxelInterpolationMethod


Definition at line 191 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRandomFieldGridMap3D()

CRandomFieldGridMap3D::CRandomFieldGridMap3D ( double  x_min = -2,
double  x_max = 2,
double  y_min = -2,
double  y_max = 2,
double  z_min = -2,
double  z_max = 2,
double  voxel_size = 0.5,
bool  call_initialize_now = true 


If you set call_initialize_now to false, the object will be initialized immediately (without the heavy initialization of the GMRF), but you then must call setSize() or clear() later to properly initialize the object before using it to insert observations.

Definition at line 29 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _GetBaseClass()

static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::_GetBaseClass ( )

◆ begin() [1/2]

iterator mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::begin ( )

Definition at line 352 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ begin() [2/2]

const_iterator mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::begin ( ) const

Definition at line 354 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellAbsIndexFromCXCYCZ()

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellAbsIndexFromCXCYCZ ( const int  cx,
const int  cy,
const int  cz 
) const

Gets the absolute index of a voxel in the linear container m_map[] from its cx,cy,cz indices, or -1 if out of map bounds (in any dimension).

See also
x2idx(), y2idx(), z2idx()

Definition at line 240 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByIndex() [1/4]

TRandomFieldVoxel * mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellByIndex ( unsigned int  cx,
unsigned int  cy,
unsigned int  cz 

Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its voxel indexes, or nullptr if it is out of the map extensions.

Definition at line 285 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByIndex() [2/4]

const TRandomFieldVoxel * mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellByIndex ( unsigned int  cx,
unsigned int  cy,
unsigned int  cz 
) const

Definition at line 291 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByIndex() [3/4]

const TRandomFieldVoxel * mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellByIndex ( size_t  cidx) const

Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its absolute voxel index, or nullptr if it is out of range.

Definition at line 302 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByIndex() [4/4]

TRandomFieldVoxel * mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellByIndex ( size_t  cidx)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 308 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByPos() [1/2]

TRandomFieldVoxel * mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellByPos ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its coordinates, or nullptr if it is out of the map extensions.

Definition at line 250 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByPos() [2/2]

const TRandomFieldVoxel * mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellByPos ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 258 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellRefByPos() [1/2]

TRandomFieldVoxel & mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellRefByPos ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Like cellByPos() but returns a reference.

std::out_of_rangeif out of grid limits.

Definition at line 268 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellRefByPos() [2/2]

const TRandomFieldVoxel & mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::cellRefByPos ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 275 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ clear()

void CRandomFieldGridMap3D::clear ( )

Erases all added observations and start again with an empty gridmap.

Reimplemented from mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel >.

Definition at line 73 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::clear().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clone()

virtual mrpt::rtti::CObject* mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::clone ( ) const

Returns a deep copy (clone) of the object, indepently of its class.

Implements mrpt::rtti::CObject.

◆ Create()

template<typename... Args>
static Ptr mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::Create ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ CreateAlloc()

template<typename Alloc , typename... Args>
static Ptr mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::CreateAlloc ( const Alloc &  alloc,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ CreateObject()

static std::shared_ptr<CObject> mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::CreateObject ( )

◆ CreateUnique()

template<typename... Args>
static UniquePtr mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::CreateUnique ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ dumpLogToConsole()

void COutputLogger::dumpLogToConsole ( ) const

Dump the current contents of the COutputLogger instance in the terminal window.

See also

Definition at line 190 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

◆ duplicateGetSmartPtr()

mrpt::rtti::CObject::Ptr CObject::duplicateGetSmartPtr ( ) const

Makes a deep copy of the object and returns a smart pointer to it.

Definition at line 204 of file CObject.h.

References mrpt::rtti::CObject::clone().

Referenced by mrpt::obs::CRawlog::insert().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dyngridcommon_readFromStream()

void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::dyngridcommon_readFromStream ( ARCHIVE &  in)

Serialization of all parameters, except the contents of each voxel (responsability of the derived class)

Definition at line 382 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ dyngridcommon_writeToStream()

void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::dyngridcommon_writeToStream ( ARCHIVE &  out) const

Serialization of all parameters, except the contents of each voxel (responsability of the derived class)

Definition at line 371 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ end() [1/2]

iterator mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::end ( )

Definition at line 353 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ end() [2/2]

const_iterator mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::end ( ) const

Definition at line 355 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ fill()

void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::fill ( const TRandomFieldVoxel &  value)

Fills all the cells with the same value.

Definition at line 223 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getClassName()

static constexpr auto mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::getClassName ( )

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ getLogAsString() [1/2]

void COutputLogger::getLogAsString ( std::string &  log_contents) const

Fill the provided string with the contents of the logger's history in std::string representation.

Definition at line 154 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

◆ getLogAsString() [2/2]

std::string COutputLogger::getLogAsString ( ) const

Get the history of COutputLogger instance in a string representation.

Definition at line 159 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

Referenced by mrpt::graphslam::deciders::CICPCriteriaNRD< GRAPH_T >::getDescriptiveReport().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLoggerLastMsg() [1/2]

std::string COutputLogger::getLoggerLastMsg ( ) const

Return the last Tmsg instance registered in the logger history.

Definition at line 195 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

References mrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg::getAsString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLoggerLastMsg() [2/2]

void COutputLogger::getLoggerLastMsg ( std::string &  msg_str) const

Fill inputtted string with the contents of the last message in history.

Definition at line 201 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

◆ getLoggerName()

std::string COutputLogger::getLoggerName ( ) const

Return the name of the COutputLogger instance.

See also

Definition at line 143 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

◆ getMinLoggingLevel()

VerbosityLevel mrpt::system::COutputLogger::getMinLoggingLevel ( ) const

◆ getResolutionXY()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getResolutionXY ( ) const

Definition at line 324 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getResolutionZ()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getResolutionZ ( ) const

Definition at line 325 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ GetRuntimeClass()

virtual const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::GetRuntimeClass ( ) const

Returns information about the class of an object in runtime.

Reimplemented from mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

◆ GetRuntimeClassIdStatic()

static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId& mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::GetRuntimeClassIdStatic ( )

◆ getSizeX()

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getSizeX ( ) const

Definition at line 314 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getSizeY()

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getSizeY ( ) const

Definition at line 315 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getSizeZ()

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getSizeZ ( ) const

Definition at line 316 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getVoxelCount()

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getVoxelCount ( ) const

Definition at line 317 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getXMax()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getXMax ( ) const

Definition at line 319 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getXMin()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getXMin ( ) const

Definition at line 318 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getYMax()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getYMax ( ) const

Definition at line 321 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getYMin()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getYMin ( ) const

Definition at line 320 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getZMax()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getZMax ( ) const

Definition at line 323 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getZMin()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::getZMin ( ) const

Definition at line 322 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ idx2x()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::idx2x ( int  cx) const

Transform a voxel index into a coordinate value of the voxel central point.

Definition at line 342 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ idx2y()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::idx2y ( int  cy) const

Definition at line 346 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ idx2z()

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::idx2z ( int  cz) const

Definition at line 350 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ insertIndividualReading()

bool CRandomFieldGridMap3D::insertIndividualReading ( const double  sensorReading,
const double  sensorVariance,
const mrpt::math::TPoint3D point,
const TVoxelInterpolationMethod  method,
const bool  update_map 

Direct update of the map with a reading in a given position of the map.

false if point is out of the grid extension.
[in]sensorReadingThe value observed in the (x,y,z) position
[in]sensorVarianceThe variance of the sensor observation
[in]pointThe (x,y,z) location
[in]methodVoxel interpolation method: how many voxels will be affected by the reading
[in]update_mapRun a global map update after inserting this observation (algorithm-dependant)

Definition at line 294 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References ASSERT_ABOVE_, ASSERTMSG_, mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::TObservationGMRF::Lambda, MRPT_END, MRPT_START, mrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph::UnaryFactorVirtualBase::node_id, mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::TObservationGMRF::obsValue, mrpt::math::TPoint3D_data< T >::x, mrpt::math::TPoint3D_data< T >::y, and mrpt::math::TPoint3D_data< T >::z.

Referenced by TEST().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ internal_initialize()

void CRandomFieldGridMap3D::internal_initialize ( bool  erase_prev_contents = true)

Internal: called called after each change of resolution, size, etc.

to build the prior factor information

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References ASSERT_, ASSERT_EQUAL_, dir, mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::ConnectivityDescriptor::getEdgeInformation(), mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::TPriorFactorGMRF::Lambda, MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_STREAM, mrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph::BinaryFactorVirtualBase::node_id_i, mrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph::BinaryFactorVirtualBase::node_id_j, mrpt::system::CTicTac::Tac(), and mrpt::system::CTicTac::Tic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isLoggingLevelVisible()

bool mrpt::system::COutputLogger::isLoggingLevelVisible ( VerbosityLevel  level) const

Definition at line 202 of file system/COutputLogger.h.

References mrpt::system::COutputLogger::m_min_verbosity_level.

Referenced by mrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderRBPF::processActionObservation(), and mrpt::system::COutputLoggerStreamWrapper::~COutputLoggerStreamWrapper().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isOutOfBounds()

bool mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::isOutOfBounds ( const int  cx,
const int  cy,
const int  cz 
) const

Definition at line 230 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ logCond()

void COutputLogger::logCond ( const VerbosityLevel  level,
bool  cond,
const std::string &  msg_str 
) const

Log the given message only if the condition is satisfied.

See also
log, logFmt

Definition at line 131 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

◆ logDeregisterCallback()

bool COutputLogger::logDeregisterCallback ( output_logger_callback_t  userFunc)
true if an entry was found and deleted.

Definition at line 291 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

References getAddress(), and mrpt::system::COutputLogger::m_listCallbacks.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ logFmt()

void COutputLogger::logFmt ( const VerbosityLevel  level,
const char *  fmt,
) const

◆ loggerReset()

void COutputLogger::loggerReset ( )

Reset the contents of the logger instance.

Called upon construction.

Definition at line 206 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

References mrpt::system::LVL_INFO.

◆ logging_levels_to_colors()

std::array< mrpt::system::TConsoleColor, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS > & COutputLogger::logging_levels_to_colors ( )

Map from VerbosityLevels to their corresponding mrpt::system::TConsoleColor.

Handy for coloring the input based on the verbosity of the message

Definition at line 47 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

References logging_levels_to_colors.

Referenced by mrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg::dumpToConsole().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ logging_levels_to_names()

std::array< std::string, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS > & COutputLogger::logging_levels_to_names ( )

Map from VerbosityLevels to their corresponding names.

Handy for printing the current message VerbosityLevel along with the actual content

Definition at line 60 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

References logging_levels_to_names.

Referenced by mrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg::getAsString().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ logRegisterCallback()

void COutputLogger::logRegisterCallback ( output_logger_callback_t  userFunc)

Definition at line 278 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

References mrpt::system::COutputLogger::m_listCallbacks.

◆ logStr()

void COutputLogger::logStr ( const VerbosityLevel  level,
std::string_view  msg_str 
) const

Main method to add the specified message string to the logger.

See also
logCond, logFmt

Definition at line 72 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

References mrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg::body, mrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg::dumpToConsole(), mrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg::level, mrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg::name, and mrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg::timestamp.

Referenced by mrpt::slam::PF_implementation< mrpt::math::TPose3D, CMonteCarloLocalization3D, mrpt::bayes::particle_storage_mode::VALUE >::PF_SLAM_implementation_pfAuxiliaryPFStandardAndOptimal(), mrpt::nav::CReactiveNavigationSystem::STEP1_InitPTGs(), mrpt::system::COutputLoggerStreamWrapper::~COutputLoggerStreamWrapper(), and mrpt::system::CTimeLoggerSaveAtDtor::~CTimeLoggerSaveAtDtor().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m_map_castaway_const()

std::vector<TRandomFieldVoxel >& mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_map_castaway_const ( ) const

Used only from logically const method that really need to modify the object.

Definition at line 362 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ resize() [1/2]

virtual void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::resize ( double  new_x_min,
double  new_x_max,
double  new_y_min,
double  new_y_max,
double  new_z_min,
double  new_z_max,
const TRandomFieldVoxel &  defaultValueNewCells,
double  additionalMarginMeters = 2 

Changes the size of the grid, maintaining previous contents.

See also

Definition at line 48 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ resize() [2/2]

void CRandomFieldGridMap3D::resize ( double  new_x_min,
double  new_x_max,
double  new_y_min,
double  new_y_max,
double  new_z_min,
double  new_z_max,
const TRandomFieldVoxel defaultValueNewvoxels,
double  additionalMarginMeters = 2.0 

Changes the size of the grid, maintaining previous contents.

See also

Definition at line 57 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References MRPT_END, MRPT_START, and resize().

Referenced by TEST().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveAsCSV()

bool mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::saveAsCSV ( const std::string &  filName_mean,
const std::string &  filName_stddev = std::string() 
) const

Save the current estimated mean values to a CSV file (compatible with Paraview) with fields x y z mean_value.

Optionally, std deviations can be also saved to another file with fields x y z stddev_value, if filName_stddev is provided.

false on error writing to file

Definition at line 208 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References mrpt::format().

Referenced by TEST().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serializeFrom() [1/2]

virtual void mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::serializeFrom ( CSchemeArchiveBase in)

Virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract schema based archive.

Definition at line 74 of file CSerializable.h.

References mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::GetRuntimeClass(), and THROW_EXCEPTION.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serializeFrom() [2/2]

void CRandomFieldGridMap3D::serializeFrom ( mrpt::serialization::CArchive in,
uint8_t  serial_version 

Pure virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract archive.

Users don't call this method directly. Instead, use stream >> object;.

inThe input binary stream where the object data must read from.
versionThe version of the object stored in the stream: use this version number in your code to know how to read the incoming data.
std::exceptionOn any I/O error

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 362 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References ASSERT_EQUAL_, MRPT_THROW_UNKNOWN_SERIALIZATION_VERSION, and mrpt::serialization::CArchive::ReadBuffer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serializeGetVersion()

uint8_t CRandomFieldGridMap3D::serializeGetVersion ( ) const

Must return the current versioning number of the object.

Start in zero for new classes, and increments each time there is a change in the stored format.

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 335 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

◆ serializeTo() [1/2]

virtual void mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::serializeTo ( CSchemeArchiveBase out) const

Virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract schema based archive.

Definition at line 64 of file CSerializable.h.

References mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::GetRuntimeClass(), and THROW_EXCEPTION.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serializeTo() [2/2]

void CRandomFieldGridMap3D::serializeTo ( mrpt::serialization::CArchive out) const

Pure virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract archive.

Users don't call this method directly. Instead, use stream << object;.

std::exceptionOn any I/O error

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 336 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References out.

◆ setLoggerName()

void COutputLogger::setLoggerName ( const std::string &  name)

◆ setMinLoggingLevel()

void COutputLogger::setMinLoggingLevel ( const VerbosityLevel  level)

Set the minimum logging level for which the incoming logs are going to be taken into account.

String messages with specified VerbosityLevel smaller than the min, will not be outputted to the screen and neither will a record of them be stored in by the COutputLogger instance

Definition at line 144 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::enableVerbose(), mrpt::math::CLevenbergMarquardtTempl< VECTORTYPE, USERPARAM >::execute(), generic_kf_slam_test(), generic_pf_test(), generic_rbpf_slam_test(), mrpt::apps::RawlogGrabberApp::initialize(), mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG::initialize(), mrpt::graphslam::deciders::CICPCriteriaNRD< GRAPH_T >::loadParams(), mrpt::apps::CGridMapAlignerApp::run(), mrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base::run(), and mrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Base::run().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSize() [1/2]

void CRandomFieldGridMap3D::setSize ( const double  x_min,
const double  x_max,
const double  y_min,
const double  y_max,
const double  z_min,
const double  z_max,
const double  resolution_xy,
const double  resolution_z = -1.0,
const TRandomFieldVoxel fill_value = nullptr 

Changes the size of the grid, erasing previous contents.If resolution_z<0, the same resolution will be used for all dimensions x,y,z as given in resolution_xy

Changes the size of the grid, erasing previous contents.

See also

Definition at line 41 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References MRPT_END, MRPT_START, and mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel >::setSize().

Referenced by TEST().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSize() [2/2]

virtual void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::setSize ( const double  x_min,
const double  x_max,
const double  y_min,
const double  y_max,
const double  z_min,
const double  z_max,
const double  resolution_xy,
const double  resolution_z_ = -1.0,
const TRandomFieldVoxel *  fill_value = nullptr 

Changes the size of the grid, ERASING all previous contents.

If fill_value is left as nullptr, the contents of cells may be undefined (some will remain with their old values, the new ones will have the default voxel value, but the location of old values may change wrt their old places). If fill_value is not nullptr, it is assured that all cells will have a copy of that value after resizing. If resolution_z<0, the same resolution will be used for all dimensions x,y,z as given in resolution_xy

See also
resize, fill

Definition at line 175 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by setSize().

◆ setVerbosityLevel()

void COutputLogger::setVerbosityLevel ( const VerbosityLevel  level)

◆ setVoxelsConnectivity()

void mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::setVoxelsConnectivity ( const ConnectivityDescriptor::Ptr new_connectivity_descriptor)

Sets a custom object to define the connectivity between voxels.

Must call clear() or setSize() afterwards for the changes to take place.

Definition at line 288 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

◆ updateMapEstimation()

void CRandomFieldGridMap3D::updateMapEstimation ( )

Run the method-specific procedure required to ensure that the mean & variances are up-to-date with all inserted observations, using parameters in insertionOptions.

Definition at line 264 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.cpp.

References ASSERT_, and ASSERTMSG_.

Referenced by TEST().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeLogToFile()

void COutputLogger::writeLogToFile ( const std::string *  fname_in = nullptr) const

Write the contents of the COutputLogger instance to an external file.

Upon call to this method, COutputLogger dumps the contents of all the logged commands so far to the specified external file. By default the filename is set to ${LOGGERNAME}.log except if the fname parameter is provided

See also
dumpToConsole, getAsString

Definition at line 165 of file COutputLogger.cpp.

References ASSERTMSG_, and mrpt::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeToMatlab()

virtual mxArray* mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::writeToMatlab ( ) const

Introduces a pure virtual method responsible for writing to a mxArray Matlab object, typically a MATLAB struct whose contents are documented in each derived class.

A new mxArray (caller is responsible of memory freeing) or nullptr is class does not support conversion to MATLAB.

Definition at line 90 of file CSerializable.h.

◆ x2idx()

int mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::x2idx ( double  x) const

Transform a coordinate values into voxel indexes.

Definition at line 327 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ y2idx()

int mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::y2idx ( double  y) const

Definition at line 331 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ z2idx()

int mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::z2idx ( double  z) const

Definition at line 335 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ className

constexpr const char* mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::className = "mrpt::maps" "::" "CRandomFieldGridMap3D"

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.


bool mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::ENABLE_GMRF_PROFILER

[default:false] Enables a profiler to show a performance report at application end.

Definition at line 83 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ insertionOptions

TInsertionOptions mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::insertionOptions
See also

Definition at line 141 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

Referenced by TEST().


const size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::INVALID_VOXEL_IDX

Definition at line 228 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ logging_enable_console_output

bool mrpt::system::COutputLogger::logging_enable_console_output {true}

[Default=true] Set it to false in case you don't want the logged messages to be dumped to the output automatically.

Definition at line 240 of file system/COutputLogger.h.

◆ logging_enable_keep_record

bool mrpt::system::COutputLogger::logging_enable_keep_record {false}

[Default=false] Enables storing all messages into an internal list.

See also
writeLogToFile, getLogAsString

Definition at line 243 of file system/COutputLogger.h.

◆ m_gmrf

mrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::m_gmrf

Definition at line 227 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ m_gmrf_connectivity

ConnectivityDescriptor::Ptr mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::m_gmrf_connectivity

Empty: default.

Definition at line 225 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ m_map

grid_data_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_map

The cells.

Definition at line 359 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_min_verbosity_level

VerbosityLevel mrpt::system::COutputLogger::m_min_verbosity_level {LVL_INFO}

Provided messages with VerbosityLevel smaller than this value shall be ignored.

Definition at line 253 of file system/COutputLogger.h.

Referenced by mrpt::system::COutputLogger::getMinLoggingLevel(), and mrpt::system::COutputLogger::isLoggingLevelVisible().

◆ m_mrf_factors_activeObs

std::vector<std::deque<TObservationGMRF> > mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::m_mrf_factors_activeObs

Vector with the active observations and their respective Information, for each map cell.

Definition at line 271 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ m_mrf_factors_priors

std::deque<TPriorFactorGMRF> mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::m_mrf_factors_priors

Vector with the precomputed priors for each GMRF model.

Definition at line 273 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

◆ m_resolution_xy

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_resolution_xy

Definition at line 363 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_resolution_z

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_resolution_z

Definition at line 363 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_size_x

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_size_x

Definition at line 365 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_size_x_times_y

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_size_x_times_y

Definition at line 365 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_size_y

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_size_y

Definition at line 365 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_size_z

size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_size_z

Definition at line 365 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_x_max

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_x_max

Definition at line 363 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_x_min

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_x_min

Definition at line 363 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_y_max

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_y_max

Definition at line 363 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_y_min

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_y_min

Definition at line 363 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_z_max

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_z_max

Definition at line 363 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ m_z_min

double mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel , double >::m_z_min

Definition at line 363 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ runtimeClassId

const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::runtimeClassId

Definition at line 79 of file CRandomFieldGridMap3D.h.

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