struct mrpt::obs::VisualizationParameters


Here we can customize the way observations will be rendered as 3D objects in obs_to_viz(), obs3Dscan_to_viz(), etc.

See also:

obs_to_viz(), obs3Dscan_to_viz()

#include <mrpt/obs/customizable_obs_viz.h>

struct VisualizationParameters
    // fields

    bool showAxis = true;
    double axisTickFrequency = 1.0;
    double axisLimits = 20.0;
    double axisTickTextSize = 0.075;
    bool colorFromRGBimage = true;
    int colorizeByAxis = 0;
    bool invertColorMapping = false;
    mrpt::img::TColormap colorMap = mrpt::img::cmJET;
    double pointSize = 4.0;
    bool drawSensorPose = true;
    double sensorPoseScale = 0.3;
    bool onlyPointsWithColor = false;
    bool showSurfaceIn2Dscans = true;
    bool showPointsIn2Dscans = true;
    mrpt::img::TColor surface2DscansColor = {0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x80};
    mrpt::img::TColor points2DscansColor = {0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff};

    // construction


    // methods

    void save_to_ini_file(
        mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfg,
        const std::string& section = "ParametersView3DPoints"
        ) const;

    void load_from_ini_file(
        const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& cfg,
        const std::string& section = "ParametersView3DPoints"