Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.9.9
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1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
10 #include "slam-precomp.h" // Precompiled headers
13 #include <mrpt/random.h>
19 #include <mrpt/math/geometry.h>
20 #include <mrpt/system/filesystem.h>
25 #include <mrpt/slam/CICP.h>
27 #include <mrpt/tfest/se2.h>
29 using namespace mrpt::math;
30 using namespace mrpt::slam;
31 using namespace mrpt::maps;
32 using namespace mrpt::utils;
33 using namespace mrpt::poses;
34 using namespace mrpt::random;
35 using namespace mrpt::vision;
36 using namespace std;
38 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
39 The method for aligning a pair of 2D points map.
40 * The meaning of some parameters are implementation dependent,
41 * so look for derived classes for instructions.
42 * The target is to find a PDF for the pose displacement between
43 * maps, <b>thus the pose of m2 relative to m1</b>. This pose
44 * is returned as a PDF rather than a single value.
45 *
46 * \param m1 [IN] The first map
47 * \param m2 [IN] The second map. The pose of this map respect to m1
48 is to be estimated.
49 * \param grossEst [IN] IGNORED
50 * \param runningTime [OUT] A pointer to a container for obtaining the
51 algorithm running time in seconds, or nullptr if you don't need it.
52 * \param info [OUT] See derived classes for details, or nullptr if it
53 isn't needed.
54 *
55 * \sa CPointsMapAlignmentAlgorithm
56  ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
57 CPosePDF::Ptr CGridMapAligner::AlignPDF(
58  const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap* mm1, const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap* mm2,
59  const CPosePDFGaussian& initialEstimationPDF, float* runningTime,
60  void* info)
61 {
64  switch (options.methodSelection)
65  {
66  case CGridMapAligner::amCorrelation:
67  return AlignPDF_correlation(
68  mm1, mm2, initialEstimationPDF, runningTime, info);
70  case CGridMapAligner::amModifiedRANSAC:
71  case CGridMapAligner::amRobustMatch:
72  // The same function has an internal switch for the specific method:
73  return AlignPDF_robustMatch(
74  mm1, mm2, initialEstimationPDF, runningTime, info);
76  default:
77  THROW_EXCEPTION("Wrong value found in 'options.methodSelection'!!");
78  }
81 }
83 bool myVectorOrder(const pair<size_t, float>& o1, const pair<size_t, float>& o2)
84 {
85  return o1.second < o2.second;
86 }
88 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
89  AlignPDF_robustMatch
90 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
91 CPosePDF::Ptr CGridMapAligner::AlignPDF_robustMatch(
92  const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap* mm1, const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap* mm2,
93  const CPosePDFGaussian& initialEstimationPDF, float* runningTime,
94  void* info)
95 {
98  ASSERT_(
99  options.methodSelection == CGridMapAligner::amRobustMatch ||
100  options.methodSelection == CGridMapAligner::amModifiedRANSAC)
102  TReturnInfo outInfo;
103  mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList& correspondences =
104  outInfo.correspondences; // Use directly this placeholder to save 1
105  // variable & 1 copy.
106  mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList largestConsensusCorrs;
108  CTicTac* tictac = nullptr;
110  CPose2D grossEst = initialEstimationPDF.mean;
115  std::vector<size_t> idxs1, idxs2;
118  // Asserts:
119  // -----------------
120  const CMultiMetricMap* multimap1 = nullptr;
121  const CMultiMetricMap* multimap2 = nullptr;
122  const COccupancyGridMap2D* m1 = nullptr;
123  const COccupancyGridMap2D* m2 = nullptr;
126  {
127  multimap1 = static_cast<const CMultiMetricMap*>(mm1);
128  multimap2 = static_cast<const CMultiMetricMap*>(mm2);
130  ASSERT_(multimap1->m_gridMaps.size() && multimap1->m_gridMaps[0]);
131  ASSERT_(multimap2->m_gridMaps.size() && multimap2->m_gridMaps[0]);
133  m1 = multimap1->m_gridMaps[0].get();
134  m2 = multimap2->m_gridMaps[0].get();
135  }
136  else if (
139  {
140  m1 = static_cast<const COccupancyGridMap2D*>(mm1);
141  m2 = static_cast<const COccupancyGridMap2D*>(mm2);
142  }
143  else
145  "Metric maps must be of classes COccupancyGridMap2D or "
146  "CMultiMetricMap")
149  m1->getResolution() == m2->getResolution(),
150  mrpt::format(
151  "Different resolutions for m1, m2:\n"
152  "\tres(m1) = %f\n\tres(m2) = %f\n",
153  m1->getResolution(), m2->getResolution()));
155  // The algorithm output auxiliar info:
156  // -------------------------------------------------
157  outInfo.goodness = 1.0f;
159  outInfo.landmarks_map1 = lm1;
160  outInfo.landmarks_map2 = lm2;
162  // The PDF to estimate:
163  // ------------------------------------------------------
164  CPosePDFSOG::Ptr pdf_SOG = mrpt::make_aligned_shared<CPosePDFSOG>();
166  // Extract features from grid-maps:
167  // ------------------------------------------------------
168  const size_t N1 = std::max(
169  40, mrpt::utils::round(m1->getArea() * options.featsPerSquareMeter));
170  const size_t N2 = std::max(
171  40, mrpt::utils::round(m2->getArea() * options.featsPerSquareMeter));
173  m_grid_feat_extr.extractFeatures(
174  *m1, *lm1, N1, options.feature_descriptor,
175  options.feature_detector_options);
176  m_grid_feat_extr.extractFeatures(
177  *m2, *lm2, N2, options.feature_descriptor,
178  options.feature_detector_options);
180  if (runningTime)
181  {
182  tictac = new CTicTac();
183  tictac->Tic();
184  }
186  const size_t nLM1 = lm1->size();
187  const size_t nLM2 = lm2->size();
189  // At least two landmarks at each map!
190  // ------------------------------------------------------
191  if (nLM1 < 2 || nLM2 < 2)
192  {
193  outInfo.goodness = 0;
194  }
195  else
196  {
197  //#define METHOD_FFT
200  // Compute correlation between landmarks:
201  // ---------------------------------------------
202  CMatrixFloat CORR(lm1->size(), lm2->size()), auxCorr;
203  CImage im1(1, 1, 1), im2(1, 1, 1); // Grayscale
204  CVectorFloat corr;
205  unsigned int corrsCount = 0;
206  std::vector<bool> hasCorr(nLM1, false);
208  const double thres_max = options.threshold_max;
209  const double thres_delta = options.threshold_delta;
211  // CDisplayWindowPlots::Ptr auxWin;
212  if (options.debug_show_corrs)
213  {
214  // auxWin = CDisplayWindowPlots::Ptr( new
215  // CDisplayWindowPlots("Individual corr.") );
216  std::cerr << "Warning: options.debug_show_corrs has no effect "
217  "since MRPT 0.9.1\n";
218  }
220  for (size_t idx1 = 0; idx1 < nLM1; idx1++)
221  {
222  // CVectorFloat corrs_indiv;
223  vector<pair<size_t, float>> corrs_indiv; // (index, distance);
224  // Index is used to
225  // recover the original
226  // index after sorting.
227  vector<float> corrs_indiv_only;
228  corrs_indiv.reserve(nLM2);
229  corrs_indiv_only.reserve(nLM2);
231  for (size_t idx2 = 0; idx2 < nLM2; idx2++)
232  {
233  float minDist;
234  minDist =
235  lm1->landmarks.get(idx1)->features[0]->descriptorDistanceTo(
236  *lm2->landmarks.get(idx2)->features[0]);
238  corrs_indiv.push_back(std::make_pair(idx2, minDist));
239  corrs_indiv_only.push_back(minDist);
240  } // end for idx2
242  // double corr_mean,corr_std;
243  // mrpt::math::meanAndStd(corrs_indiv_only,corr_mean,corr_std);
244  const double corr_best = mrpt::math::minimum(corrs_indiv_only);
245  // cout << "M: " << corr_mean << " std: " << corr_std << " best: "
246  // << corr_best << endl;
248  // Sort the list and keep the N best features:
249  std::sort(corrs_indiv.begin(), corrs_indiv.end(), myVectorOrder);
251  // const size_t nBestToKeep = std::min( (size_t)30,
252  // corrs_indiv.size() );
253  const size_t nBestToKeep = corrs_indiv.size();
255  for (size_t w = 0; w < nBestToKeep; w++)
256  {
257  if (corrs_indiv[w].second <= thres_max &&
258  corrs_indiv[w].second <= (corr_best + thres_delta))
259  {
260  idxs1.push_back(idx1);
261  idxs2.push_back(corrs_indiv[w].first);
262  outInfo.correspondences_dists_maha.push_back(
264  idx1, corrs_indiv[w].first, corrs_indiv[w].second));
265  }
266  }
268 #if 0
269  if (options.debug_show_corrs)
270  {
271  auxWin->setWindowTitle(format("Corr: %i - rest", int(idx1)));
273  auxWin->plot(corrs_indiv_only,".3","the_corr");
275  CVectorFloat xs(2), ys(2);
276  xs[0]=0; xs[1]=corrs_indiv_only.size()+1;
278  ys[0]=ys[1] = corr_best+thres_delta;
279  auxWin->plot(xs,ys,"g","the_thres");
281  if (idx1==0) auxWin->axis_fit();
282  auxWin->waitForKey();
283  }
284 #endif
286  } // end for idx1
288  // Save an image with each feature and its matches:
289  if (options.save_feat_coors)
290  {
292  mrpt::system::createDirectory("grid_feats");
294  std::map<size_t, std::set<size_t>> corrs_by_idx;
295  for (size_t l = 0; l < idxs1.size(); l++)
296  corrs_by_idx[idxs1[l]].insert(idxs2[l]);
298  for (std::map<size_t, std::set<size_t>>::iterator it =
299  corrs_by_idx.begin();
300  it != corrs_by_idx.end(); ++it)
301  {
302  CMatrixFloat descriptor1;
303  lm1->landmarks.get(it->first)
304  ->features[0]
305  ->getFirstDescriptorAsMatrix(descriptor1);
307  im1 = CImage(descriptor1, true);
309  const size_t FEAT_W = im1.getWidth();
310  const size_t FEAT_H = im1.getHeight();
311  const size_t nF = it->second.size();
313  CImage img_compose(FEAT_W * 2 + 15, 10 + (5 + FEAT_H) * nF);
314  img_compose.filledRectangle(
315  0, 0, img_compose.getWidth() - 1,
316  img_compose.getHeight() - 1, TColor::black());
318  img_compose.drawImage(5, 5, im1);
320  size_t j;
322  string fil =
323  format("grid_feats/_FEAT_MATCH_%03i", (int)it->first);
325  for (j = 0, it_j = it->second.begin(); j < nF; ++j, ++it_j)
326  {
327  fil += format("_%u", static_cast<unsigned int>(*it_j));
329  CMatrixFloat descriptor2;
330  lm2->landmarks.get(*it_j)
331  ->features[0]
332  ->getFirstDescriptorAsMatrix(descriptor2);
333  im2 = CImage(descriptor2, true);
334  img_compose.drawImage(
335  10 + FEAT_W, 5 + j * (FEAT_H + 5), im2);
336  }
337  fil += ".png";
338  img_compose.saveToFile(fil);
339  } // end for map
340  }
342  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
343  // Create the list of correspondences from the lists: idxs1 & idxs2
344  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
345  correspondences.clear();
346  for (it1 = idxs1.begin(), it2 = idxs2.begin(); it1 != idxs1.end();
347  ++it1, ++it2)
348  {
350  mp.this_idx = *it1;
351  mp.this_x = lm1->landmarks.get(*it1)->pose_mean.x;
352  mp.this_y = lm1->landmarks.get(*it1)->pose_mean.y;
353  mp.this_z = lm1->landmarks.get(*it1)->pose_mean.z;
355  mp.other_idx = *it2;
356  mp.other_x = lm2->landmarks.get(*it2)->pose_mean.x;
357  mp.other_y = lm2->landmarks.get(*it2)->pose_mean.y;
358  mp.other_z = lm2->landmarks.get(*it2)->pose_mean.z;
359  correspondences.push_back(mp);
361  if (!hasCorr[*it1])
362  {
363  hasCorr[*it1] = true;
364  corrsCount++;
365  }
366  } // end for corres.
368  outInfo.goodness = (2.0f * corrsCount) / (nLM1 + nLM2);
370  // Compute the estimation using ALL the correspondences (NO ROBUST):
371  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
372  mrpt::math::TPose2D noRobustEst;
373  if (!mrpt::tfest::se2_l2(correspondences, noRobustEst))
374  {
375  // There's no way to match the maps! e.g. no correspondences
376  outInfo.goodness = 0;
377  pdf_SOG->clear();
378  outInfo.sog1 = pdf_SOG;
379  outInfo.sog2 = pdf_SOG;
380  outInfo.sog3 = pdf_SOG;
381  }
382  else
383  {
384  outInfo.noRobustEstimation = mrpt::poses::CPose2D(noRobustEst);
386  mrpt::format(
387  "[CGridMapAligner] Overall estimation(%u corrs, total: "
388  "%u): (%.03f,%.03f,%.03fdeg)\n",
389  corrsCount, (unsigned)correspondences.size(),
390  outInfo.noRobustEstimation.x(),
391  outInfo.noRobustEstimation.y(),
392  RAD2DEG(outInfo.noRobustEstimation.phi())));
394  // The list of SOG modes & their corresponding sub-sets of
395  // matchings:
398  TMapMatchingsToPoseMode;
399  TMapMatchingsToPoseMode sog_modes;
401  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
402  // Now, we have to choose between the methods:
403  // - CGridMapAligner::amRobustMatch ("normal" RANSAC)
404  // - CGridMapAligner::amModifiedRANSAC
405  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
406  if (options.methodSelection == CGridMapAligner::amRobustMatch)
407  {
408  // ====================================================
409  // METHOD: "Normal" RANSAC
410  // ====================================================
412  // RANSAC over the found correspondences:
413  // -------------------------------------------------
414  const unsigned int min_inliers =
415  options.ransac_minSetSizeRatio * (nLM1 + nLM2) / 2;
417  mrpt::tfest::TSE2RobustParams tfest_params;
418  tfest_params.ransac_minSetSize = min_inliers;
419  tfest_params.ransac_maxSetSize = nLM1 + nLM2;
421  options.ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold;
422  tfest_params.ransac_nSimulations = 0; // 0=auto
423  tfest_params.ransac_fuseByCorrsMatch = true;
424  tfest_params.ransac_fuseMaxDiffXY = 0.01;
425  tfest_params.ransac_fuseMaxDiffPhi = DEG2RAD(0.1);
426  tfest_params.ransac_algorithmForLandmarks = true;
427  tfest_params.probability_find_good_model =
428  options.ransac_prob_good_inliers;
429  tfest_params.verbose = false;
431  mrpt::tfest::TSE2RobustResult tfest_result;
433  correspondences, options.ransac_SOG_sigma_m, tfest_params,
434  tfest_result);
436  ASSERT_(pdf_SOG);
437  *pdf_SOG = tfest_result.transformation;
438  largestConsensusCorrs = tfest_result.largestSubSet;
440  // Simplify the SOG by merging close modes:
441  // -------------------------------------------------
442  size_t nB = pdf_SOG->size();
443  outInfo.sog1 = pdf_SOG;
445  // Keep only the most-likely Gaussian mode:
446  CPosePDFSOG::TGaussianMode best_mode;
447  best_mode.log_w = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
449  for (size_t n = 0; n < pdf_SOG->size(); n++)
450  {
451  const CPosePDFSOG::TGaussianMode& m = (*pdf_SOG)[n];
453  if (m.log_w > best_mode.log_w) best_mode = m;
454  }
456  pdf_SOG->clear();
457  pdf_SOG->push_back(best_mode);
458  outInfo.sog2 = pdf_SOG;
461  "[CGridMapAligner] amRobustMatch: "
462  << nB << " SOG modes reduced to " << pdf_SOG->size()
463  << " (most-likely) (min.inliers=" << min_inliers << ")\n");
465  } // end of amRobustMatch
466  else
467  {
468  // ====================================================
469  // METHOD: "Modified" RANSAC
470  // ====================================================
471  mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList all_corrs = correspondences;
473  const size_t nCorrs = all_corrs.size();
474  ASSERT_(nCorrs >= 2)
476  pdf_SOG->clear(); // Start with 0 Gaussian modes
478  // Build a points-map for exploiting its KD-tree:
479  // ----------------------------------------------------
480  CSimplePointsMap lm1_pnts, lm2_pnts;
481  lm1_pnts.reserve(nLM1);
482  for (size_t i = 0; i < nLM1; i++)
483  lm1_pnts.insertPoint(lm1->landmarks.get(i)->pose_mean);
484  lm2_pnts.reserve(nLM2);
485  for (size_t i = 0; i < nLM2; i++)
486  lm2_pnts.insertPoint(lm2->landmarks.get(i)->pose_mean);
488  // RANSAC loop
489  // ---------------------
490  const size_t minInliersTOaccept =
491  round(options.ransac_minSetSizeRatio * 0.5 * (nLM1 + nLM2));
492  // Set an initial # of iterations:
493  const unsigned int ransac_min_nSimulations =
494  2 * (nLM1 + nLM2); // 1000;
495  unsigned int ransac_nSimulations =
496  10; // It doesn't matter actually, since will be changed in
497  // the first loop
498  const double probability_find_good_model = 0.9999;
500  const double chi2_thres_dim1 =
501  mrpt::math::chi2inv(options.ransac_chi2_quantile, 1);
502  const double chi2_thres_dim2 =
503  mrpt::math::chi2inv(options.ransac_chi2_quantile, 2);
505  // Generic 2x2 covariance matrix for all features in their local
506  // coords:
507  CMatrixDouble22 COV_pnt;
508  COV_pnt.get_unsafe(0, 0) = COV_pnt.get_unsafe(1, 1) =
509  square(options.ransac_SOG_sigma_m);
511  // The absolute number of trials.
512  // in practice it's only important for a reduced number of
513  // correspondences, to avoid a dead-lock:
514  // It's the binomial coefficient:
515  // / n \ n! n * (n-1)
516  // | | = ----------- = -----------
517  // \ 2 / 2! (n-2)! 2
518  //
519  const unsigned int max_trials =
520  (nCorrs * (nCorrs - 1) / 2) *
521  5; // "*5" is just for safety...
523  unsigned int iter = 0; // Valid iterations (those passing the
524  // first mahalanobis test)
525  unsigned int trials = 0; // counter of all iterations,
526  // including "iter" + failing ones.
527  while (iter < ransac_nSimulations &&
528  trials <
529  max_trials) // ransac_nSimulations can be dynamic
530  {
531  trials++;
533  mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList tentativeSubSet;
535  // Pick 2 random correspondences:
536  uint32_t idx1, idx2;
537  idx1 = getRandomGenerator().drawUniform32bit() % nCorrs;
538  do
539  {
540  idx2 = getRandomGenerator().drawUniform32bit() % nCorrs;
541  } while (idx1 == idx2); // Avoid a degenerated case!
543  // Uniqueness of features:
544  if (all_corrs[idx1].this_idx == all_corrs[idx2].this_idx ||
545  all_corrs[idx1].this_idx == all_corrs[idx2].other_idx)
546  continue;
547  if (all_corrs[idx1].other_idx == all_corrs[idx2].this_idx ||
548  all_corrs[idx1].other_idx == all_corrs[idx2].other_idx)
549  continue;
551  // Check the feasibility of this pair "idx1"-"idx2":
552  // The distance between the pair of points in MAP1 must be
553  // very close
554  // to that of their correspondences in MAP2:
555  const double corrs_dist1 =
557  all_corrs[idx1].this_x, all_corrs[idx1].this_y,
558  all_corrs[idx1].this_z, all_corrs[idx2].this_x,
559  all_corrs[idx2].this_y, all_corrs[idx2].this_z);
561  const double corrs_dist2 =
563  all_corrs[idx1].other_x, all_corrs[idx1].other_y,
564  all_corrs[idx1].other_z, all_corrs[idx2].other_x,
565  all_corrs[idx2].other_y, all_corrs[idx2].other_z);
567  // Is is a consistent possibility?
568  // We use a chi2 test (see paper for the derivation)
569  const double corrs_dist_chi2 =
570  square(square(corrs_dist1) - square(corrs_dist2)) /
571  (8.0 * square(options.ransac_SOG_sigma_m) *
572  (square(corrs_dist1) + square(corrs_dist2)));
574  if (corrs_dist_chi2 > chi2_thres_dim1) continue; // Nope
576  iter++; // Do not count iterations if they fail the test
577  // above.
579  // before proceeding with this hypothesis, is it an old one?
580  bool is_new_hyp = true;
581  for (TMapMatchingsToPoseMode::iterator itOldHyps =
582  sog_modes.begin();
583  itOldHyps != sog_modes.end(); ++itOldHyps)
584  {
585  if (itOldHyps->first.contains(all_corrs[idx1]) &&
586  itOldHyps->first.contains(all_corrs[idx2]))
587  {
588  // Increment weight:
589  itOldHyps->second.log_w = std::log(
590  std::exp(itOldHyps->second.log_w) + 1.0);
591  is_new_hyp = false;
592  break;
593  }
594  }
595  if (!is_new_hyp) continue;
597  // Ok, it's a new hypothesis:
598  tentativeSubSet.push_back(all_corrs[idx1]);
599  tentativeSubSet.push_back(all_corrs[idx2]);
601  // Maintain a list of already used landmarks IDs in both
602  // maps to avoid repetitions:
603  vector_bool used_landmarks1(nLM1, false);
604  vector_bool used_landmarks2(nLM2, false);
606  used_landmarks1[all_corrs[idx1].this_idx] = true;
607  used_landmarks1[all_corrs[idx2].this_idx] = true;
608  used_landmarks2[all_corrs[idx1].other_idx] = true;
609  used_landmarks2[all_corrs[idx2].other_idx] = true;
611  // Build the transformation for these temptative
612  // correspondences:
613  bool keep_incorporating = true;
614  CPosePDFGaussian temptPose;
615  do // Incremently incorporate inliers:
616  {
617  if (!mrpt::tfest::se2_l2(tentativeSubSet, temptPose))
618  continue; // Invalid matching...
620  // The computed cov is "normalized", i.e. must be
621  // multiplied by std^2_xy
622  temptPose.cov *= square(options.ransac_SOG_sigma_m);
624  // cout << "q: " << temptPose << endl;
626  // Find the landmark in MAP2 with the best (maximum)
627  // product-integral:
628  // (i^* , j^*) = arg max_(i,j) \int p_i()p_j()
629  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
630  const double ccos = cos(temptPose.mean.phi());
631  const double ssin = sin(temptPose.mean.phi());
633  CMatrixDouble22 Hc; // Jacobian wrt point_j
634  Hc.get_unsafe(1, 1) = ccos;
635  Hc.get_unsafe(0, 0) = ccos;
636  Hc.get_unsafe(1, 0) = ssin;
637  Hc.get_unsafe(0, 1) = -ssin;
640  Hq; // Jacobian wrt transformation q
641  Hq(0, 0) = 1;
642  Hq(1, 1) = 1;
644  TPoint2D p2_j_local;
645  vector<float> matches_dist;
646  std::vector<size_t> matches_idx;
648  CPoint2DPDFGaussian pdf_M2_j;
649  CPoint2DPDFGaussian pdf_M1_i;
651 // Use integral-of-product vs. mahalanobis distances to match:
655  double best_pair_value = 0;
656 #else
657  double best_pair_value =
658  std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
659 #endif
660  double best_pair_d2 =
661  std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
662  pair<size_t, size_t> best_pair_ij;
664 //#define SHOW_CORRS
666 #ifdef SHOW_CORRS
667  CDisplayWindowPlots win("Matches");
668 #endif
669  for (size_t j = 0; j < nLM2; j++)
670  {
671  if (used_landmarks2[j]) continue;
673  lm2_pnts.getPoint(
674  j, p2_j_local); // In local coords.
675  pdf_M2_j.mean = mrpt::poses::CPoint2D(
676  temptPose.mean +
677  p2_j_local); // In (temptative) global coords:
678  pdf_M2_j.cov.get_unsafe(0, 0) =
679  pdf_M2_j.cov.get_unsafe(1, 1) =
680  square(options.ransac_SOG_sigma_m);
682 #ifdef SHOW_CORRS
683  win.plotEllipse(
684  pdf_M2_j.mean.x(), pdf_M2_j.mean.y(),
685  pdf_M2_j.cov, 2, "b-",
686  format("M2_%u", (unsigned)j), true);
687 #endif
689  static const unsigned int N_KDTREE_SEARCHED = 3;
691  // Look for a few close features which may be
692  // potential matches:
693  lm1_pnts.kdTreeNClosestPoint2DIdx(
694  pdf_M2_j.mean.x(), pdf_M2_j.mean.y(),
695  N_KDTREE_SEARCHED, matches_idx, matches_dist);
697  // And for each one, compute the product-integral:
698  for (size_t u = 0; u < matches_idx.size(); u++)
699  {
700  if (used_landmarks1[matches_idx[u]]) continue;
702  // Jacobian wrt transformation q
703  Hq.get_unsafe(0, 2) =
704  -p2_j_local.x * ssin - p2_j_local.y * ccos;
705  Hq.get_unsafe(1, 2) =
706  p2_j_local.x * ccos - p2_j_local.y * ssin;
708  // COV_j = Hq \Sigma_q Hq^t + Hc Cj Hc^t
709  Hc.multiply_HCHt(COV_pnt, pdf_M1_i.cov);
710  Hq.multiply_HCHt(
711  temptPose.cov, pdf_M1_i.cov, true);
713  float px, py;
714  lm1_pnts.getPoint(matches_idx[u], px, py);
715  pdf_M1_i.mean.x(px);
716  pdf_M1_i.mean.y(py);
718 #ifdef SHOW_CORRS
719  win.plotEllipse(
720  pdf_M1_i.mean.x(), pdf_M1_i.mean.y(),
721  pdf_M1_i.cov, 2, "r-",
722  format("M1_%u", (unsigned)matches_idx[u]),
723  true);
724 #endif
726 // And now compute the product integral:
728  const double prod_ij =
729  pdf_M1_i.productIntegralWith(pdf_M2_j);
730  // const double prod_ij_d2 = square(
731  // pdf_M1_i.mahalanobisDistanceTo(pdf_M2_j) );
733  if (prod_ij > best_pair_value)
734 #else
735  const double prod_ij =
736  pdf_M1_i.mean.distanceTo(pdf_M2_j.mean);
737  if (prod_ij < best_pair_value)
738 #endif
739  {
740  // const double prodint_ij =
741  // pdf_M1_i.productIntegralWith2D(pdf_M2_j);
743  best_pair_value = prod_ij;
744  best_pair_ij.first = matches_idx[u];
745  best_pair_ij.second = j;
747  best_pair_d2 = square(
748  pdf_M1_i.mahalanobisDistanceTo(
749  pdf_M2_j));
751  // cout << "P1: " << pdf_M1_i.mean << " C= "
752  // << pdf_M1_i.cov.inMatlabFormat() << endl;
753  // cout << "P2: " << pdf_M2_j.mean << " C= "
754  // << pdf_M2_j.cov.inMatlabFormat() << endl;
755  // cout << " -> " << format("%e",prod_ij)
756  // << " d2: " << best_pair_d2 << endl <<
757  // endl;
758  }
759  } // end for u (closest matches of LM2 in MAP 1)
761 #ifdef SHOW_CORRS
762  win.axis_fit(true);
763  win.waitForKey();
764  win.clear();
765 #endif
767  } // end for each LM2
769  // Stop when the best choice has a bad mahal. dist.
770  keep_incorporating = false;
772  // For the best (i,j), gate by the mahalanobis distance:
773  if (best_pair_d2 < chi2_thres_dim2)
774  {
775  // AND, also, check if the descriptors have some
776  // resemblance!!
777  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
778  // double feat_dist =
779  // lm1->landmarks.get(best_pair_ij.first)->features[0]->descriptorDistanceTo(*lm1->landmarks.get(best_pair_ij.second)->features[0]);
780  // if (feat_dist< options.threshold_max)
781  {
782  float p1_i_localx, p1_i_localy;
783  float p2_j_localx, p2_j_localy;
784  lm1_pnts.getPoint(
785  best_pair_ij.first, p1_i_localx,
786  p1_i_localy);
787  lm2_pnts.getPoint(
788  best_pair_ij.second, p2_j_localx,
789  p2_j_localy); // In local coords.
791  used_landmarks1[best_pair_ij.first] = true;
792  used_landmarks2[best_pair_ij.second] = true;
794  tentativeSubSet.push_back(
796  best_pair_ij.first, best_pair_ij.second,
797  p1_i_localx, p1_i_localy, 0, // MAP1
798  p2_j_localx, p2_j_localy, 0 // MAP2
799  ));
801  keep_incorporating = true;
802  }
803  }
805  } while (keep_incorporating);
807  // Consider this pairing?
808  const size_t ninliers = tentativeSubSet.size();
809  if (ninliers > minInliersTOaccept)
810  {
812  newGauss.log_w = 0; // log(1); //
813  // std::log(static_cast<double>(nCoincidences));
814  newGauss.mean = temptPose.mean;
815  newGauss.cov = temptPose.cov;
817  sog_modes[tentativeSubSet] = newGauss;
819  // cout << "ITER: " << iter << " #inliers: " << ninliers
820  // << " q: " << temptPose.mean << endl;
821  }
823  // Keep the largest consensus & dynamic # of steps:
824  if (largestConsensusCorrs.size() < ninliers)
825  {
826  largestConsensusCorrs = tentativeSubSet;
828  // Update estimate of N, the number of trials to ensure
829  // we pick,
830  // with probability p, a data set with no outliers.
831  const double fracinliers =
832  ninliers /
833  static_cast<double>(std::min(nLM1, nLM2));
834  double pNoOutliers =
835  1 - pow(fracinliers,
836  static_cast<double>(
837  2.0)); // minimumSizeSamplesToFit
839  pNoOutliers = std::max(
840  std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(),
841  pNoOutliers); // Avoid division by -Inf
842  pNoOutliers = std::min(
843  1.0 - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(),
844  pNoOutliers); // Avoid division by 0.
845  // Number of
846  ransac_nSimulations =
847  log(1 - probability_find_good_model) /
848  log(pNoOutliers);
850  if (ransac_nSimulations < ransac_min_nSimulations)
851  ransac_nSimulations = ransac_min_nSimulations;
853  // if (verbose)
854  // cout << "[Align] Iter #" << iter << " Est. #iters: "
855  //<< ransac_nSimulations << " pNoOutliers=" <<
856  // pNoOutliers << " #inliers: " << ninliers << endl;
857  }
859  } // end of RANSAC loop
861  // Move SOG modes into pdf_SOG:
862  pdf_SOG->clear();
864  sog_modes.begin();
865  s != sog_modes.end(); ++s)
866  {
867  cout << "SOG mode: " << s->second.mean
868  << " inliers: " << s->first.size() << endl;
869  pdf_SOG->push_back(s->second);
870  }
872  // Normalize:
873  if (pdf_SOG->size() > 0) pdf_SOG->normalizeWeights();
875  // Simplify the SOG by merging close modes:
876  // -------------------------------------------------
877  size_t nB = pdf_SOG->size();
878  outInfo.sog1 = pdf_SOG;
880  CTicTac merge_clock;
881  pdf_SOG->mergeModes(options.maxKLd_for_merge, false);
882  const double merge_clock_tim = merge_clock.Tac();
884  outInfo.sog2 = pdf_SOG;
885  size_t nA = pdf_SOG->size();
887  mrpt::format(
888  "[CGridMapAligner] amModifiedRANSAC: %u SOG modes "
889  "merged to %u in %.03fsec\n",
890  (unsigned int)nB, (unsigned int)nA, merge_clock_tim));
892  } // end of amModifiedRANSAC
894  // Save best corrs:
895  if (options.debug_save_map_pairs)
896  {
897  static unsigned int NN = 0;
898  static const COccupancyGridMap2D* lastM1 = nullptr;
899  if (lastM1 != m1)
900  {
901  lastM1 = m1;
902  NN = 0;
903  }
904  printf(
905  " Largest consensus: %u\n",
906  static_cast<unsigned>(largestConsensusCorrs.size()));
907  CEnhancedMetaFile::LINUX_IMG_WIDTH(
908  m1->getSizeX() + m2->getSizeX() + 50);
909  CEnhancedMetaFile::LINUX_IMG_HEIGHT(
910  max(m1->getSizeY(), m2->getSizeY()) + 50);
913  sog_modes.begin();
914  s != sog_modes.end(); ++s)
915  {
916  COccupancyGridMap2D::saveAsEMFTwoMapsWithCorrespondences(
917  format("__debug_corrsGrid_%05u.emf", NN), m1, m2,
918  s->first);
919  COccupancyGridMap2D::saveAsBitmapTwoMapsWithCorrespondences(
920  format("__debug_corrsGrid_%05u.png", NN), m1, m2,
921  s->first);
922  ++NN;
923  }
924  }
926  // --------------------------------------------------------------------
927  // At this point:
928  // - "pdf_SOG": has the resulting PDF with the SOG (from whatever
929  // method)
930  // - "largestConsensusCorrs": The 'best' set of correspondences
931  //
932  // Now: If we had a multi-metric map, use the points map to improve
933  // the estimation with ICP.
934  // --------------------------------------------------------------------
935  if (multimap1 && multimap2 && !multimap1->m_pointsMaps.empty() &&
936  !multimap2->m_pointsMaps.empty() &&
937  multimap1->m_pointsMaps[0] && multimap2->m_pointsMaps[0])
938  {
939  CSimplePointsMap::Ptr pnts1 = multimap1->m_pointsMaps[0];
940  CSimplePointsMap::Ptr pnts2 = multimap2->m_pointsMaps[0];
942  CICP icp;
943  CICP::TReturnInfo icpInfo;
945  icp.options.maxIterations = 20;
946  icp.options.smallestThresholdDist = 0.05f;
947  icp.options.thresholdDist = 0.75f;
949  // cout << "Points: " << pnts1->size() << " " << pnts2->size()
950  // << endl;
952  // Invoke ICP once for each mode in the SOG:
953  size_t cnt = 0;
954  outInfo.icp_goodness_all_sog_modes.clear();
955  for (CPosePDFSOG::iterator i = pdf_SOG->begin();
956  i != pdf_SOG->end(); ++cnt)
957  {
958  CPosePDF::Ptr icp_est = icp.Align(
959  pnts1.get(), pnts2.get(), (i)->mean, nullptr, &icpInfo);
961  //(i)->cov(0,0) += square( 0.05 );
962  //(i)->cov(1,1) += square( 0.05 );
963  //(i)->cov(2,2) += square( DEG2RAD(0.05) );
965  CPosePDFGaussian i_gauss(i->mean, i->cov);
966  CPosePDFGaussian icp_gauss(icp_est->getMeanVal(), i->cov);
968  const double icp_maha_dist =
969  i_gauss.mahalanobisDistanceTo(icp_gauss);
971  cout << "ICP " << cnt << " log-w: " << i->log_w
972  << " Goodness: " << 100 * icpInfo.goodness
973  << " D_M= " << icp_maha_dist << endl;
974  cout << " final pos: " << icp_est->getMeanVal() << endl;
975  cout << " org pos: " << i->mean << endl;
977  outInfo.icp_goodness_all_sog_modes.push_back(
978  icpInfo.goodness);
980  // Discard?
981  if (icpInfo.goodness > options.min_ICP_goodness &&
982  icp_maha_dist < options.max_ICP_mahadist)
983  {
984  icp_est->getMean((i)->mean);
985  ++i;
986  }
987  else
988  {
989  // Delete:
990  i = pdf_SOG->erase(i);
991  }
993  } // end for i
995  // Merge:
996  outInfo.sog3 = pdf_SOG;
998  pdf_SOG->mergeModes(options.maxKLd_for_merge, false);
1000  "[CGridMapAligner] " << pdf_SOG->size()
1001  << " SOG modes merged after ICP.");
1003  } // end multimapX
1005  } // end of, yes, we have enough correspondences
1007  } // end of: yes, there are landmarks in the grid maps!
1009  // Copy the output info if requested:
1010  // -------------------------------------------------
1011  MRPT_TODO(
1012  "Refactor `info` so it is polymorphic and can use dynamic_cast<> here");
1013  if (info)
1014  {
1015  TReturnInfo* info_ = static_cast<TReturnInfo*>(info);
1016  *info_ = outInfo;
1017  }
1019  if (runningTime)
1020  {
1021  *runningTime = tictac->Tac();
1022  delete tictac;
1023  }
1025  return pdf_SOG;
1027  MRPT_END
1028 }
1030 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
1031  AlignPDF_correlation
1032 ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
1033 CPosePDF::Ptr CGridMapAligner::AlignPDF_correlation(
1034  const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap* mm1, const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap* mm2,
1035  const CPosePDFGaussian& initialEstimationPDF, float* runningTime,
1036  void* info)
1037 {
1038  MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM(initialEstimationPDF);
1039  MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM(info);
1045  CTicTac* tictac = nullptr;
1047  // Asserts:
1048  // -----------------
1051  const COccupancyGridMap2D* m1 =
1052  static_cast<const COccupancyGridMap2D*>(mm1);
1053  const COccupancyGridMap2D* m2 =
1054  static_cast<const COccupancyGridMap2D*>(mm2);
1056  ASSERT_(m1->getResolution() == m2->getResolution());
1058  if (runningTime)
1059  {
1060  tictac = new CTicTac();
1061  tictac->Tic();
1062  }
1064  // The PDF to estimate:
1065  // ------------------------------------------------------
1066  CPosePDFGaussian::Ptr PDF = mrpt::make_aligned_shared<CPosePDFGaussian>();
1068  // Determine the extension to compute the correlation into:
1069  // ----------------------------------------------------------
1070  float phiResolution = DEG2RAD(0.2f);
1071  float phiMin = -M_PIf + 0.5f * phiResolution;
1072  float phiMax = M_PIf;
1074  // Compute the difference between maps for each (u,v) pair!
1075  // --------------------------------------------------------------
1076  float phi;
1077  float pivotPt_x = 0.5f * (m1->getXMax() + m1->getXMin());
1078  float pivotPt_y = 0.5f * (m1->getYMax() + m1->getYMin());
1079  COccupancyGridMap2D map2_mod;
1080  CImage map1_img, map2_img;
1081  float currentMaxCorr = -1e6f;
1083  m1->getAsImage(map1_img);
1085  map2_mod.setSize(
1086  m1->getXMin(), m1->getXMax(), m1->getYMin(), m1->getYMax(),
1087  m1->getResolution());
1088  size_t map2_lx = map2_mod.getSizeX();
1089  size_t map2_ly = map2_mod.getSizeY();
1090  CMatrix outCrossCorr, bestCrossCorr;
1091  float map2width_2 = 0.5f * (map2_mod.getXMax() - map2_mod.getXMin());
1094  CDisplayWindow* win = new CDisplayWindow("corr");
1095  CDisplayWindow* win2 = new CDisplayWindow("map2_mod");
1096 #endif
1098  // --------------------------------------------------------
1099  // Use FFT-based correlation for each orientation:
1100  // --------------------------------------------------------
1101  for (phi = phiMin; phi < phiMax; phi += phiResolution)
1102  {
1103  // Create the displaced map2 grid, for the size of map1:
1104  // --------------------------------------------------------
1105  CPose2D v2(
1106  pivotPt_x - cos(phi) * map2width_2,
1107  pivotPt_y - sin(phi) * map2width_2,
1108  phi); // Rotation point: the centre of img1:
1109  CPoint2D v1, v3;
1110  v2 = CPose2D(0, 0, 0) - v2; // Inverse
1112  for (unsigned int cy2 = 0; cy2 < map2_ly; cy2++)
1113  {
1114  COccupancyGridMap2D::cellType* row = map2_mod.getRow(cy2);
1115  for (unsigned int cx2 = 0; cx2 < map2_lx; cx2++)
1116  {
1117  v3 = v2 + CPoint2D(map2_mod.idx2x(cx2), map2_mod.idx2y(cy2));
1118  *row++ = m2->p2l(m2->getPos(v3.x(), v3.y()));
1119  }
1120  }
1122  map2_mod.getAsImage(map2_img);
1123  // map2_img.saveToBMP("__debug_map2mod.bmp");
1125  // Compute the correlation:
1126  map1_img.cross_correlation_FFT(
1127  map2_img, outCrossCorr, -1, -1, -1, -1,
1128  127, // Bias to be substracted
1129  127 // Bias to be substracted
1130  );
1132  float corrPeak = outCrossCorr.maxCoeff();
1133  printf("phi = %fdeg \tmax corr=%f\n", RAD2DEG(phi), corrPeak);
1135  // Keep the maximum:
1136  if (corrPeak > currentMaxCorr)
1137  {
1138  currentMaxCorr = corrPeak;
1139  bestCrossCorr = outCrossCorr;
1140  PDF->mean.phi(phi);
1141  }
1144  outCrossCorr.adjustRange(0, 1);
1145  CImage aux(outCrossCorr, true);
1146  win->showImage(aux);
1147  win2->showImage(map2_img);
1148  std::this_thread::sleep_for(5ms);
1149 #endif
1151  } // end for phi
1153  if (runningTime)
1154  {
1155  *runningTime = tictac->Tac();
1156  delete tictac;
1157  }
1159  bestCrossCorr.normalize(0, 1);
1160  CImage aux(bestCrossCorr, true);
1161  aux.saveToFile("_debug_best_corr.png");
1164  delete win;
1165  delete win2;
1166 #endif
1168  // Transform the best corr matrix peak into coordinates:
1169  CMatrix::Index uMax, vMax;
1170  currentMaxCorr = bestCrossCorr.maxCoeff(&uMax, &vMax);
1172  PDF->mean.x(m1->idx2x(uMax));
1173  PDF->mean.y(m1->idx2y(vMax));
1175  return PDF;
1177  // Done!
1178  MRPT_END
1179 }
1181 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
1182  TConfigParams
1183  ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
1184 CGridMapAligner::TConfigParams::TConfigParams()
1185  : methodSelection(CGridMapAligner::amModifiedRANSAC),
1187  feature_descriptor(descPolarImages),
1188  feature_detector_options(),
1190  ransac_minSetSizeRatio(0.20f),
1191  ransac_SOG_sigma_m(0.10f),
1193  ransac_chi2_quantile(0.99),
1194  ransac_prob_good_inliers(0.9999),
1195  featsPerSquareMeter(0.015f),
1196  threshold_max(0.15f),
1197  threshold_delta(0.10f),
1198  min_ICP_goodness(0.30f),
1199  max_ICP_mahadist(10.0),
1200  maxKLd_for_merge(0.9),
1202  save_feat_coors(false),
1203  debug_show_corrs(false),
1204  debug_save_map_pairs(false)
1205 {
1206 }
1208 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
1209  dumpToTextStream
1210  ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
1212  mrpt::utils::CStream& out) const
1213 {
1214  out.printf(
1215  "\n----------- [CGridMapAligner::TConfigParams] ------------ \n\n");
1217  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(methodSelection, int)
1218  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(featsPerSquareMeter, float)
1219  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(threshold_max, float)
1220  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(threshold_delta, float)
1221  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(min_ICP_goodness, float)
1222  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(max_ICP_mahadist, double)
1223  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(maxKLd_for_merge, float)
1224  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(ransac_minSetSizeRatio, float)
1226  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(ransac_chi2_quantile, double)
1227  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(ransac_prob_good_inliers, double)
1228  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(ransac_SOG_sigma_m, float)
1229  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(save_feat_coors, bool)
1230  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(debug_show_corrs, bool)
1231  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(debug_save_map_pairs, bool)
1233  LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(feature_descriptor, int)
1235  feature_detector_options.dumpToTextStream(out);
1237  out.printf("\n");
1238 }
1240 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
1241  loadFromConfigFile
1242  ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
1244  const mrpt::utils::CConfigFileBase& iniFile, const std::string& section)
1245 {
1246  methodSelection =
1247  iniFile.read_enum(section, "methodSelection", methodSelection);
1250  featsPerSquareMeter, float, iniFile, section)
1251  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR(ransac_SOG_sigma_m, float, iniFile, section)
1253  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT(threshold_max, float, iniFile, section)
1254  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT(threshold_delta, float, iniFile, section)
1256  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT(min_ICP_goodness, float, iniFile, section)
1257  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT(max_ICP_mahadist, double, iniFile, section)
1259  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT(maxKLd_for_merge, float, iniFile, section)
1261  ransac_minSetSizeRatio, float, iniFile, section)
1263  ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold, float, iniFile, section)
1265  ransac_chi2_quantile, double, iniFile, section)
1267  ransac_prob_good_inliers, double, iniFile, section)
1269  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR(save_feat_coors, bool, iniFile, section)
1270  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR(debug_show_corrs, bool, iniFile, section)
1271  MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR(debug_save_map_pairs, bool, iniFile, section)
1273  feature_descriptor = iniFile.read_enum(
1274  section, "feature_descriptor", feature_descriptor, true);
1275  feature_detector_options.loadFromConfigFile(iniFile, section);
1276 }
1279  const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap* m1, const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap* m2,
1280  const CPose3DPDFGaussian& initialEstimationPDF, float* runningTime,
1281  void* info)
1282 {
1285  MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM(initialEstimationPDF);
1286  MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM(runningTime);
1287  MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM(info);
1288  THROW_EXCEPTION("Align3D method not applicable to gridmap-aligner");
1289 }
A namespace of pseudo-random numbers genrators of diferent distributions.
uint32_t drawUniform32bit()
Generate a uniformly distributed pseudo-random number using the MT19937 algorithm, in the whole range of 32-bit integers.
float getXMax() const
Returns the "x" coordinate of right side of grid map.
double x() const
Common members of all points & poses classes.
Definition: CPoseOrPoint.h:135
double getArea() const
Returns the area of the gridmap, in square meters.
bool createDirectory(const std::string &dirName)
Creates a directory.
Definition: filesystem.cpp:158
Classes for serialization, sockets, ini-file manipulation, streams, list of properties-values, timewatch, extensions to STL.
double productIntegralWith(const CPoint2DPDFGaussian &p) const
Computes the "correspondence likelihood" of this PDF with another one: This is implemented as the int...
CPose2D mean
The mean value.
#define min(a, b)
std::string format(const char *fmt,...) MRPT_printf_format_check(1
A std::string version of C sprintf.
double x
X,Y coordinates.
The struct for each mode:
Definition: CPosePDFSOG.h:43
float getResolution() const
Returns the resolution of the grid map.
ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap::Ptr, TListMaps > m_pointsMaps
STL-like proxy to access this kind of maps in maps.
double distanceTo(const CPoseOrPoint< OTHERCLASS > &b) const
Returns the Euclidean distance to another pose/point:
Definition: CPoseOrPoint.h:206
virtual void reserve(size_t newLength) override
Reserves memory for a given number of points: the size of the map does not change, it only reserves the memory.
float thresholdDist
Initial threshold distance for two points to become a correspondence.
Definition: CICP.h:122
A gaussian distribution for 2D points.
A class for aligning two multi-metric maps (with an occupancy grid maps and a points map...
A class for storing images as grayscale or RGB bitmaps.
Definition: CImage.h:118
mrpt::poses::CPosePDF::Ptr Align(const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap *m1, const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap *m2, const mrpt::poses::CPose2D &grossEst, float *runningTime=nullptr, void *info=nullptr)
The method for aligning a pair of metric maps, aligning only 2D + orientation.
Several implementations of ICP (Iterative closest point) algorithms for aligning two point maps or a ...
Definition: CICP.h:67
GLint * first
Definition: glext.h:3827
Parameters for se2_l2_robust().
Definition: se2.h:74
#define THROW_EXCEPTION(msg)
mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList largestSubSet
the largest consensus sub-set
Definition: se2.h:150
GLenum GLsizei n
Definition: glext.h:5074
Scalar * iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:26
#define LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR(variableName, variableType)
Macro for dumping a variable to a stream, within the method "dumpToTextStream(out)" (Variable types a...
virtual const mrpt::utils::TRuntimeClassId * GetRuntimeClass() const override
Returns information about the class of an object in runtime.
This file implements several operations that operate element-wise on individual or pairs of container...
bool ransac_fuseByCorrsMatch
(Default = true) If true, the weight of Gaussian modes will be increased when an exact match in the s...
Definition: se2.h:93
mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF::Ptr Align3DPDF(const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap *m1, const mrpt::maps::CMetricMap *m2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGaussian &initialEstimationPDF, float *runningTime=nullptr, void *info=nullptr)
Not applicable in this class, will launch an exception.
unsigned int ransac_nSimulations
(Default = 0) If set to 0, an adaptive algorithm is used to determine the number of iterations...
Definition: se2.h:86
unsigned int ransac_minSetSize
Definition: se2.h:77
Column vector, like Eigen::MatrixX*, but automatically initialized to zeros since construction...
Definition: eigen_frwds.h:42
const float ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold
bool myVectorOrder(const pair< size_t, float > &o1, const pair< size_t, float > &o2)
A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans. ...
void insertPoint(float x, float y, float z=0)
Provides a way to insert (append) individual points into the map: the missing fields of child classes...
Definition: CPointsMap.h:581
bool se2_l2(const mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences, mrpt::math::TPose2D &out_transformation, mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 *out_estimateCovariance=nullptr)
Least-squares (L2 norm) solution to finding the optimal SE(2) (x,y,yaw) between two reference frames...
Definition: se2_l2.cpp:46
STL namespace.
bool se2_l2_robust(const mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences, const double in_normalizationStd, const TSE2RobustParams &in_ransac_params, TSE2RobustResult &out_results)
Robust least-squares (L2 norm) solution to finding the optimal SE(2) (x,y,yaw) between two reference ...
const Scalar * const_iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:27
double mahalanobisDistanceTo(const CPosePDFGaussian &theOther)
Computes the Mahalanobis distance between the centers of two Gaussians.
void kdTreeNClosestPoint2DIdx(float x0, float y0, size_t knn, std::vector< size_t > &out_idx, std::vector< float > &out_dist_sqr) const
KD Tree-based search for the N closest point to some given 2D coordinates and returns their indexes...
GLdouble s
Definition: glext.h:3676
The ICP algorithm return information.
TConfigParams options
The options employed by the ICP align.
Definition: CICP.h:185
void Tic()
Starts the stopwatch.
Definition: CTicTac.cpp:82
Helper types for STL containers with Eigen memory allocators.
mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 cov
The 3x3 covariance matrix.
void getAsImage(utils::CImage &img, bool verticalFlip=false, bool forceRGB=false, bool tricolor=false) const
Returns the grid as a 8-bit graylevel image, where each pixel is a cell (output image is RGB only if ...
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition: glext.h:4178
#define MRPT_TODO(x)
This class allows loading and storing values and vectors of different types from a configuration text...
T square(const T x)
Inline function for the square of a number.
Definition: bits.h:55
std::vector< bool > vector_bool
A type for passing a vector of bools.
Definition: types_simple.h:31
bool verbose
Definition: se2.h:112
void cross_correlation_FFT(const CImage &in_img, math::CMatrixFloat &out_corr, int u_search_ini=-1, int v_search_ini=-1, int u_search_size=-1, int v_search_size=-1, float biasThisImg=0, float biasInImg=0) const
Computes the correlation matrix between this image and another one.
Definition: CImage.cpp:1750
CONTAINER::Scalar minimum(const CONTAINER &v)
std::shared_ptr< CLandmarksMap > Ptr
Definition: CLandmarksMap.h:77
float goodness
A goodness measure for the alignment, it is a [0,1] range indicator of percentage of correspondences...
Definition: CICP.h:202
This base class is used to provide a unified interface to files,memory buffers,..Please see the deriv...
Definition: CStream.h:41
A numeric matrix of compile-time fixed size.
This base provides a set of functions for maths stuff.
Definition: CArrayNumeric.h:19
std::shared_ptr< CPosePDF > Ptr
Definition: CPosePDF.h:44
size_t getWidth() const override
Returns the width of the image in pixels.
Definition: CImage.cpp:869
#define CLASS_ID(T)
Access to runtime class ID for a defined class name.
Definition: CObject.h:85
unsigned int ransac_maxSetSize
(Default = 20)
Definition: se2.h:79
#define M_PIf
A class for storing a map of 3D probabilistic landmarks.
Definition: CLandmarksMap.h:75
Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose ...
#define MRPT_END
float getXMin() const
Returns the "x" coordinate of left side of grid map.
Can be used to avoid "not used parameters" warnings from the compiler.
float idx2x(const size_t cx) const
Transform a cell index into a coordinate value.
A list of TMatchingPair.
Definition: TMatchingPair.h:93
unsigned int maxIterations
Maximum number of iterations to run.
Definition: CICP.h:109
This class implements a high-performance stopwatch.
Definition: CTicTac.h:23
bool ransac_algorithmForLandmarks
(Default = true) Use Mahalanobis distance (true) or Euclidean dist (false)
Definition: se2.h:100
mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 cov
Definition: CPosePDFSOG.h:47
size_t getHeight() const override
Returns the height of the image in pixels.
Definition: CImage.cpp:897
std::shared_ptr< CPose3DPDF > Ptr
Definition: CPose3DPDF.h:45
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat v3
Definition: glext.h:4109
std::string format(const char *fmt,...) MRPT_printf_format_check(1
A std::string version of C sprintf.
Definition: format.cpp:19
unsigned int getSizeX() const
Returns the horizontal size of grid map in cells count.
ProxyFilterContainerByClass< mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::Ptr, TListMaps > m_gridMaps
STL-like proxy to access this kind of maps in maps.
Classes for computer vision, detectors, features, etc.
std::shared_ptr< CPosePDFGaussian > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< CPosePDFSOG > Ptr
Definition: CPosePDFSOG.h:38
#define DEG2RAD
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
Definition: glext.h:4101
double ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold
(Default = 3.0)
Definition: se2.h:81
A class used to store a 2D point.
Definition: CPoint2D.h:36
double ransac_fuseMaxDiffPhi
(Default=0.1degree) (In radians)
Definition: se2.h:97
Classes for 2D/3D geometry representation, both of single values and probability density distribution...
Definition: CPoint.h:17
ENUMTYPE read_enum(const std::string &section, const std::string &name, const ENUMTYPE &defaultValue, bool failIfNotFound=false) const
Reads an "enum" value, where the value in the config file can be either a numerical value or the symb...
virtual void filledRectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const mrpt::utils::TColor color)
Draws a filled rectangle.
Definition: CCanvas.cpp:216
A class for storing an occupancy grid map.
#define MRPT_START
void dumpToTextStream(mrpt::utils::CStream &out) const override
This method should clearly display all the contents of the structure in textual form, sending it to a CStream.
unsigned long getPoint(size_t index, float &x, float &y, float &z) const
Access to a given point from map, as a 2D point.
Definition: CPointsMap.cpp:222
#define RAD2DEG
double chi2inv(double P, unsigned int dim=1)
The "quantile" of the Chi-Square distribution, for dimension "dim" and probability 0<P<1 (the inverse...
Definition: math.cpp:998
GLfloat GLfloat v1
Definition: glext.h:4105
static cellType p2l(const float p)
Scales a real valued probability in [0,1] to an integer representation of: log(p)-log(1-p) in the val...
Declares a virtual base class for all metric maps storage classes.
Definition: CMetricMap.h:55
A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle...
Definition: CPose2D.h:40
cellType * getRow(int cy)
Access to a "row": mainly used for drawing grid as a bitmap efficiently, do not use it normally...
float smallestThresholdDist
The size for threshold such that iterations will stop, since it is considered precise enough...
Definition: CICP.h:127
const double & phi() const
Get the phi angle of the 2D pose (in radians)
Definition: CPose2D.h:91
#define IS_CLASS(ptrObj, class_name)
Evaluates to true if the given pointer to an object (derived from mrpt::utils::CSerializable) is of t...
Definition: CObject.h:103
std::shared_ptr< CSimplePointsMap > Ptr
GLenum GLenum GLvoid * row
Definition: glext.h:3576
The ICP algorithm return information.
Definition: CICP.h:195
Lightweight 2D pose.
double mean(const CONTAINER &v)
Computes the mean value of a vector.
double Tac()
Stops the stopwatch.
Definition: CTicTac.cpp:97
#define ASSERT_(f)
float idx2y(const size_t cy) const
mrpt::poses::CPosePDFSOG transformation
The output as a set of transformations (sum of Gaussians)
Definition: se2.h:148
Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose ...
int round(const T value)
Returns the closer integer (int) to x.
Definition: round.h:25
bool saveToFile(const std::string &fileName, int jpeg_quality=95) const
Save the image to a file, whose format is determined from the extension (internally uses OpenCV)...
Definition: CImage.cpp:301
#define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT( variableName, variableType, configFileObject, sectionNameStr)
bool deleteFilesInDirectory(const std::string &s, bool deleteDirectoryAsWell=false)
Delete all the files in a given directory (nothing done if directory does not exists, or path is a file).
Definition: filesystem.cpp:214
float getPos(float x, float y) const
Read the real valued [0,1] contents of a cell, given its coordinates.
T distanceBetweenPoints(const T x1, const T y1, const T x2, const T y2)
Returns the distance between 2 points in 2D.
Definition: geometry.h:954
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat v2
Definition: glext.h:4107
CListGaussianModes::iterator iterator
Definition: CPosePDFSOG.h:70
void setSize(float x_min, float x_max, float y_min, float y_max, float resolution, float default_value=0.5f)
Change the size of gridmap, erasing all its previous contents.
#define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR( variableName, variableType, configFileObject, sectionNameStr)
An useful macro for loading variables stored in a INI-like file under a key with the same name that t...
This class stores any customizable set of metric maps.
unsigned int getSizeY() const
Returns the vertical size of grid map in cells count.
This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixFloat".
Definition: CMatrix.h:25
unsigned __int32 uint32_t
Definition: rptypes.h:47
CRandomGenerator & getRandomGenerator()
A static instance of a CRandomGenerator class, for use in single-thread applications.
Lightweight 2D point.
#define ASSERTMSG_(f, __ERROR_MSG)
mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble22 cov
The 2x2 covariance matrix.
int16_t cellType
The type of the map cells:
Output placeholder for se2_l2_robust()
Definition: se2.h:145
virtual void drawImage(int x, int y, const utils::CImage &img)
Draws an image as a bitmap at a given position.
Definition: CCanvas.cpp:256
A structure for holding correspondences between two sets of points or points-like entities in 2D or 3...
Definition: TMatchingPair.h:31
void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::utils::CConfigFileBase &source, const std::string &section) override
This method load the options from a ".ini"-like file or memory-stored string list.
double ransac_fuseMaxDiffXY
(Default = 0.01)
Definition: se2.h:95
virtual int printf(const char *fmt,...) MRPT_printf_format_check(2
Writes a string to the stream in a textual form.
Definition: CStream.cpp:597
double probability_find_good_model
(Default = 0.999) See parameter ransac_nSimulations.
Definition: se2.h:104
double mahalanobisDistanceTo(const CPoint2DPDFGaussian &other) const
Returns the Mahalanobis distance from this PDF to another PDF, that is, it&#39;s evaluation at (0...

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