Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.9.9
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1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
10 #include "tfest-precomp.h" // Precompiled headers
12 #include <mrpt/tfest/se2.h>
14 #include <mrpt/random.h>
16 #if MRPT_HAS_SSE2
17 #include <mrpt/utils/SSE_types.h>
18 #endif
20 using namespace mrpt;
21 using namespace mrpt::tfest;
22 using namespace mrpt::utils;
23 using namespace mrpt::poses;
24 using namespace mrpt::math;
25 using namespace std;
27 // Wrapper:
29  const TMatchingPairList& in_correspondences,
30  CPosePDFGaussian& out_transformation)
31 {
33  const bool ret =
34  tfest::se2_l2(in_correspondences, p, &out_transformation.cov);
35  out_transformation.mean = CPose2D(p);
36  return ret;
37 }
39 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
40  leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation
42  Compute the best transformation (x,y,phi) given a set of
43  correspondences between 2D points in two different maps.
44  This method is intensively used within ICP.
45  ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
47  const TMatchingPairList& in_correspondences, TPose2D& out_transformation,
48  CMatrixDouble33* out_estimateCovariance)
49 {
52  const size_t N = in_correspondences.size();
54  if (N < 2) return false;
56  const float N_inv = 1.0f / N; // For efficiency, keep this value.
58 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
59 // Compute the estimated pose. Notation from the paper:
60 // "Mobile robot motion estimation by 2d scan matching with genetic and
61 // iterative
62 // closest point algorithms", J.L. Martinez Rodriguez, A.J. Gonzalez, J. Morales
63 // Rodriguez, A. Mandow Andaluz, A. J. Garcia Cerezo,
64 // Journal of Field Robotics, 2006.
65 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
67 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
68 // For the formulas of the covariance, see:
69 //
70 // and Jose Luis Blanco's PhD thesis.
71 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
72 #if MRPT_HAS_SSE2
73  // SSE vectorized version:
75  //{
76  // TMatchingPair dumm;
77  // MRPT_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(dumm.this_x)==sizeof(float))
78  // MRPT_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(dumm.other_x)==sizeof(float))
79  //}
81  __m128 sum_a_xyz = _mm_setzero_ps(); // All 4 zeros (0.0f)
82  __m128 sum_b_xyz = _mm_setzero_ps(); // All 4 zeros (0.0f)
84  // [ f0 f1 f2 f3 ]
85  // xa*xb ya*yb xa*yb xb*ya
86  __m128 sum_ab_xyz = _mm_setzero_ps(); // All 4 zeros (0.0f)
88  for (TMatchingPairList::const_iterator corrIt = in_correspondences.begin();
89  corrIt != in_correspondences.end(); corrIt++)
90  {
91  // Get the pair of points in the correspondence:
92  // a_xyyx = [ xa ay | xa ya ]
93  // b_xyyx = [ xb yb | yb xb ]
94  // (product)
95  // [ xa*xb ya*yb xa*yb xb*ya
96  // LO0 LO1 HI2 HI3
97  // Note: _MM_SHUFFLE(hi3,hi2,lo1,lo0)
98  const __m128 a_xyz = _mm_loadu_ps(&corrIt->this_x); // *Unaligned* load
99  const __m128 b_xyz =
100  _mm_loadu_ps(&corrIt->other_x); // *Unaligned* load
102  const __m128 a_xyxy =
103  _mm_shuffle_ps(a_xyz, a_xyz, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0));
104  const __m128 b_xyyx =
105  _mm_shuffle_ps(b_xyz, b_xyz, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 1, 0));
107  // Compute the terms:
108  sum_a_xyz = _mm_add_ps(sum_a_xyz, a_xyz);
109  sum_b_xyz = _mm_add_ps(sum_b_xyz, b_xyz);
111  // [ f0 f1 f2 f3 ]
112  // xa*xb ya*yb xa*yb xb*ya
113  sum_ab_xyz = _mm_add_ps(sum_ab_xyz, _mm_mul_ps(a_xyxy, b_xyyx));
114  }
116  alignas(16) float sums_a[4], sums_b[4];
117  _mm_store_ps(sums_a, sum_a_xyz);
118  _mm_store_ps(sums_b, sum_b_xyz);
120  const float& SumXa = sums_a[0];
121  const float& SumYa = sums_a[1];
122  const float& SumXb = sums_b[0];
123  const float& SumYb = sums_b[1];
125  // Compute all four means:
126  const __m128 Ninv_4val =
127  _mm_set1_ps(N_inv); // load 4 copies of the same value
128  sum_a_xyz = _mm_mul_ps(sum_a_xyz, Ninv_4val);
129  sum_b_xyz = _mm_mul_ps(sum_b_xyz, Ninv_4val);
131  // means_a[0]: mean_x_a
132  // means_a[1]: mean_y_a
133  // means_b[0]: mean_x_b
134  // means_b[1]: mean_y_b
135  alignas(16) float means_a[4], means_b[4];
136  _mm_store_ps(means_a, sum_a_xyz);
137  _mm_store_ps(means_b, sum_b_xyz);
139  const float& mean_x_a = means_a[0];
140  const float& mean_y_a = means_a[1];
141  const float& mean_x_b = means_b[0];
142  const float& mean_y_b = means_b[1];
144  // Sxx Syy Sxy Syx
145  // xa*xb ya*yb xa*yb xb*ya
146  alignas(16) float cross_sums[4];
147  _mm_store_ps(cross_sums, sum_ab_xyz);
149  const float& Sxx = cross_sums[0];
150  const float& Syy = cross_sums[1];
151  const float& Sxy = cross_sums[2];
152  const float& Syx = cross_sums[3];
154  // Auxiliary variables Ax,Ay:
155  const float Ax = N * (Sxx + Syy) - SumXa * SumXb - SumYa * SumYb;
156  const float Ay = SumXa * SumYb + N * (Syx - Sxy) - SumXb * SumYa;
158 #else
159  // Non vectorized version:
160  float SumXa = 0, SumXb = 0, SumYa = 0, SumYb = 0;
161  float Sxx = 0, Sxy = 0, Syx = 0, Syy = 0;
163  for (TMatchingPairList::const_iterator corrIt = in_correspondences.begin();
164  corrIt != in_correspondences.end(); corrIt++)
165  {
166  // Get the pair of points in the correspondence:
167  const float xa = corrIt->this_x;
168  const float ya = corrIt->this_y;
169  const float xb = corrIt->other_x;
170  const float yb = corrIt->other_y;
172  // Compute the terms:
173  SumXa += xa;
174  SumYa += ya;
176  SumXb += xb;
177  SumYb += yb;
179  Sxx += xa * xb;
180  Sxy += xa * yb;
181  Syx += ya * xb;
182  Syy += ya * yb;
183  } // End of "for all correspondences"...
185  const float mean_x_a = SumXa * N_inv;
186  const float mean_y_a = SumYa * N_inv;
187  const float mean_x_b = SumXb * N_inv;
188  const float mean_y_b = SumYb * N_inv;
190  // Auxiliary variables Ax,Ay:
191  const float Ax = N * (Sxx + Syy) - SumXa * SumXb - SumYa * SumYb;
192  const float Ay = SumXa * SumYb + N * (Syx - Sxy) - SumXb * SumYa;
194 #endif
196  out_transformation.phi =
197  (Ax != 0 || Ay != 0)
198  ? atan2(static_cast<double>(Ay), static_cast<double>(Ax))
199  : 0.0;
201  const double ccos = cos(out_transformation.phi);
202  const double csin = sin(out_transformation.phi);
204  out_transformation.x = mean_x_a - mean_x_b * ccos + mean_y_b * csin;
205  out_transformation.y = mean_y_a - mean_x_b * csin - mean_y_b * ccos;
207  if (out_estimateCovariance)
208  {
209  CMatrixDouble33* C = out_estimateCovariance; // less typing!
211  // Compute the normalized covariance matrix:
212  // -------------------------------------------
213  double var_x_a = 0, var_y_a = 0, var_x_b = 0, var_y_b = 0;
214  const double N_1_inv = 1.0 / (N - 1);
216  // 0) Precompute the unbiased variances estimations:
217  // ----------------------------------------------------
219  in_correspondences.begin();
220  corrIt != in_correspondences.end(); corrIt++)
221  {
222  var_x_a += square(corrIt->this_x - mean_x_a);
223  var_y_a += square(corrIt->this_y - mean_y_a);
224  var_x_b += square(corrIt->other_x - mean_x_b);
225  var_y_b += square(corrIt->other_y - mean_y_b);
226  }
227  var_x_a *= N_1_inv; // /= (N-1)
228  var_y_a *= N_1_inv;
229  var_x_b *= N_1_inv;
230  var_y_b *= N_1_inv;
232  // 1) Compute BETA = s_Delta^2 / s_p^2
233  // --------------------------------
234  const double BETA = (var_x_a + var_y_a + var_x_b + var_y_b) *
235  pow(static_cast<double>(N), 2.0) *
236  static_cast<double>(N - 1);
238  // 2) And the final covariance matrix:
239  // (remember: this matrix has yet to be
240  // multiplied by var_p to be the actual covariance!)
241  // -------------------------------------------------------
242  const double D = square(Ax) + square(Ay);
244  C->get_unsafe(0, 0) =
245  2.0 * N_inv + BETA * square((mean_x_b * Ay + mean_y_b * Ax) / D);
246  C->get_unsafe(1, 1) =
247  2.0 * N_inv + BETA * square((mean_x_b * Ax - mean_y_b * Ay) / D);
248  C->get_unsafe(2, 2) = BETA / D;
250  C->get_unsafe(0, 1) = C->get_unsafe(1, 0) =
251  -BETA * (mean_x_b * Ay + mean_y_b * Ax) *
252  (mean_x_b * Ax - mean_y_b * Ay) / square(D);
254  C->get_unsafe(0, 2) = C->get_unsafe(2, 0) =
255  BETA * (mean_x_b * Ay + mean_y_b * Ax) / pow(D, 1.5);
257  C->get_unsafe(1, 2) = C->get_unsafe(2, 1) =
258  BETA * (mean_y_b * Ay - mean_x_b * Ax) / pow(D, 1.5);
259  }
261  return true;
264 }
Classes for serialization, sockets, ini-file manipulation, streams, list of properties-values, timewatch, extensions to STL.
CPose2D mean
The mean value.
double x
X,Y coordinates.
bool se2_l2(const mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences, mrpt::math::TPose2D &out_transformation, mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 *out_estimateCovariance=nullptr)
Least-squares (L2 norm) solution to finding the optimal SE(2) (x,y,yaw) between two reference frames...
Definition: se2_l2.cpp:46
STL namespace.
const Scalar * const_iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:27
mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 cov
The 3x3 covariance matrix.
T square(const T x)
Inline function for the square of a number.
Definition: bits.h:55
This base provides a set of functions for maths stuff.
Definition: CArrayNumeric.h:19
Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose ...
#define MRPT_END
A list of TMatchingPair.
Definition: TMatchingPair.h:93
Classes for 2D/3D geometry representation, both of single values and probability density distribution...
Definition: CPoint.h:17
#define MRPT_START
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle...
Definition: CPose2D.h:40
Lightweight 2D pose.
Functions for estimating the optimal transformation between two frames of references given measuremen...
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: glext.h:6305
double phi
Orientation (rads)

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