Global Namespace
// namespaces namespace Bonxai; namespace Bonxai::details; namespace TCLAP; namespace mrpt; namespace mrpt::apps; namespace mrpt::bayes; namespace mrpt::bayes::detail; namespace mrpt::comms; namespace mrpt::comms::net; namespace mrpt::config; namespace mrpt::config::internal; namespace mrpt::containers; namespace mrpt::containers::internal; namespace mrpt::cpu; namespace mrpt::cpu::internal; namespace mrpt::detectors; namespace mrpt::expr; namespace mrpt::global_settings; namespace mrpt::graphs; namespace mrpt::graphs::detail; namespace mrpt::graphslam; namespace mrpt::graphslam::apps; namespace mrpt::graphslam::deciders; namespace mrpt::graphslam::detail; namespace mrpt::graphslam::optimizers; namespace mrpt::gtsam_wrappers; namespace mrpt::gui; namespace mrpt::gui::detail; namespace mrpt::gui::internal; namespace mrpt::hwdrivers; namespace mrpt::img; namespace mrpt::internal; namespace mrpt::io; namespace mrpt::io::internal; namespace mrpt::io::zip; namespace mrpt::kinematics; namespace mrpt::maps; namespace mrpt::maps::detail; namespace mrpt::maps::internal; namespace mrpt::maps::mrpt; namespace mrpt::maps::mrpt::maps; namespace mrpt::maps::mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase; namespace mrpt::math; namespace mrpt::math::detail; namespace mrpt::math::internal; namespace mrpt::nav; namespace mrpt::obs; namespace mrpt::obs::detail; namespace mrpt::obs::gnss; namespace mrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_ins_status_type; namespace mrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_position_type; namespace mrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_solution_status; namespace mrpt::obs::stock_observations; namespace mrpt::obs::utils; namespace mrpt::opengl; namespace mrpt::opengl::graph_tools; namespace mrpt::opengl::internal; namespace mrpt::opengl::stock_objects; namespace mrpt::poses; namespace mrpt::poses::Lie; namespace mrpt::poses::detail; namespace mrpt::poses::internal; namespace mrpt::random; namespace mrpt::ros1bridge; namespace mrpt::ros2bridge; namespace mrpt::rtti; namespace mrpt::rtti::internal; namespace mrpt::serialization; namespace mrpt::serialization::detail; namespace mrpt::serialization::internal; namespace mrpt::serialization::metaprogramming; namespace mrpt::slam; namespace mrpt::slam::detail; namespace mrpt::system; namespace mrpt::system::os; namespace mrpt::tfest; namespace mrpt::tfest::internal; namespace mrpt::topography; namespace mrpt::typemeta; namespace mrpt::typemeta::detail; namespace mrpt::typemeta::internal; namespace mrpt::vision; namespace mrpt::vision::detail; namespace mrpt::vision::pinhole; namespace mrpt::vision::pnp; namespace nanoflann; namespace nanogui; namespace octomap; namespace ros; namespace sensor_msgs; namespace std; namespace string_literals; namespace testing; // typedefs typedef std::function<void(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase&)> config_changer_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Base&)> post_tester_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase&)> config_changer_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase&)> config_changer_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Base&)> post_tester_t; typedef mrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Rawlog MCL; typedef void(*)(mrpt::io::CFileGZInputStream&in_rawlog, TCLAP::CmdLine&cmdline, bool verbose) TOperationFunctor; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase&)> config_changer_t; typedef std::function<void(mrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base&)> post_tester_t; typedef int cb_t; typedef unsigned int data_t; typedef mrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization<data_t, SMALL_LEN> vwsso_t; typedef std::set<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>> in_out_filenames; typedef GraphTester<CNetworkOfPoses2D> GraphTester2D; typedef GraphTester<CNetworkOfPoses3D> GraphTester3D; typedef GraphTester<CNetworkOfPoses2DInf> GraphTester2DInf; typedef GraphTester<CNetworkOfPoses3DInf> GraphTester3DInf; typedef struct _IplImage IplImage; typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, XPMColorMapData> XPMColorMap; typedef std::unordered_map<int64_t, int64_t> Long2LongHash; typedef unsigned char boolean; typedef JSAMPLE FAR* JSAMPROW; typedef JSAMPROW* JSAMPARRAY; typedef JSAMPARRAY* JSAMPIMAGE; typedef JCOEF JBLOCK[DCTSIZE2]; typedef JBLOCK FAR* JBLOCKROW; typedef JBLOCKROW* JBLOCKARRAY; typedef JBLOCKARRAY* JBLOCKIMAGE; typedef JCOEF FAR* JCOEFPTR; typedef struct jpeg_marker_struct FAR* jpeg_saved_marker_ptr; typedef struct jpeg_common_struct* j_common_ptr; typedef struct jpeg_compress_struct* j_compress_ptr; typedef struct jpeg_decompress_struct* j_decompress_ptr; typedef struct jvirt_sarray_control* jvirt_sarray_ptr; typedef struct jvirt_barray_control* jvirt_barray_ptr; typedef void(*)(const CSparseMatrix&M1, const CSparseMatrix&M2, CSparseMatrix&res) TMatrixSMOperator; typedef void(*)(const CMatrixDouble&M1, const CMatrixDouble&M2, CMatrixDouble&res) TMatrixDenseOperator; typedef double Scalar; typedef mrpt::system::CGenericMemoryPool<CObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolParams, CObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolData> TMyPointsMemPool; typedef mrpt::system::CGenericMemoryPool<CObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolParams, CObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolData> TMyRangesMemPool; typedef CObservationRotatingScan RotScan; typedef mrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan Velo; typedef TPixelLabelInfoBase plib; typedef mrpt::system::CGenericMemoryPool<CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles_MemPoolParams, CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles_MemPoolData> TMyMemPool; typedef SE_traits_tests<mrpt::poses::CPose3D> SE3_traits_tests; typedef SE_traits_tests<mrpt::poses::CPose2D> SE2_traits_tests; typedef struct mxArray_tag mxArray; typedef std::vector<std::vector<double>> TPoints; typedef double precnum_t; // enums enum Directions; enum J_COLOR_SPACE; enum J_DCT_METHOD; enum J_DITHER_MODE; enum JohnsonBodyPart; enum PLY_DATA_TYPE; enum TestColors; // structs struct Bar1; struct Bar2; struct CAngularObservationMesh_fnctr; struct CObject; struct CObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolData; struct CObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolParams; struct CObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolData; struct CObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolParams; struct CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles_MemPoolData; struct CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles_MemPoolParams; struct FontData; template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> struct Foo; struct JHUFF_TBL; struct JQUANT_TBL; struct LUT_info; struct LoadedModuleInfo; struct MapAuxPFCleanup; struct MapCanComputeLikelihood; struct MapExecutor; struct MapIsEmpty; struct MatchingVertex; struct ModulesRegistry; struct MyFooClass; struct MyGlobalProfiler; struct PlyElement; struct PlyFile; struct PlyProperty; struct SegmentVector; struct T2ListsOfSegments; struct TAuxLoadFunctor; struct TAuxRangeMeasInfo; struct TCommonRegion; struct TDUOParams; struct TDataPerGPS; struct TDataPerGPSGAS; struct TFace; struct TFunctorLaserSimulData; struct TGPSDataPoint; struct TGPSGASDataPoint; struct TGap; struct TInfoPerSensorLabel; struct TInterpQuery; struct TLocalPoint; struct TObs; struct TOldCellTypeInVersion1; struct TOutputRawlogCreator; struct TParsersRegistry; struct TSegmentWithLine; struct TTempIntersection; struct TVertex; struct XPMColorMapData; template <class T> struct has_variance<T, std::void_t<decltype(T::variance)>>; template <class T, class = void> struct has_variance; struct jpeg_common_struct; struct jpeg_component_info; struct jpeg_compress_struct; struct jpeg_decompress_struct; struct jpeg_destination_mgr; struct jpeg_error_mgr; struct jpeg_marker_struct; struct jpeg_memory_mgr; struct jpeg_progress_mgr; struct jpeg_scan_info; struct jpeg_source_mgr; template <> struct kfslam_traits<CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D>; template <> struct kfslam_traits<CRangeBearingKFSLAM>; template <class IMPL> struct kfslam_traits; template <> struct pf2gauss_t<mrpt::slam::CMonteCarloLocalization2D>; template <> struct pf2gauss_t<CMonteCarloLocalization3D>; template <class PDF> struct pf2gauss_t; struct rgbRecord; struct sort_pred; // classes class CAboutBox; class CAboutBoxBase; class CAboutBoxQt; class CDialogAskUserForCamera; class CDisplayWindow_WXAPP; template <class GRAPH_T = mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses2DInf> class CGraphSlamHandler; class CMyRedirector; class FAddUntracedLines; class FCreatePolygon; template <class T> class FCreatePolygonFromFace; class FUnprojectPolygon2D; template <class my_graph_t> class GraphSlamLevMarqTest; template <class my_graph_t> class GraphTester; class ICPTests; class KmTree; class MD5; class POSIT; class Pose3DPDFGaussTests; class Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests; class Pose3DQuatTests; class Pose3DTests; class PosePDFGaussTests; class QuaternionTests; template <class POSE_TYPE> class SE_traits_tests; class TextureResourceHandler; class WxSubSystemGlobalData; // global variables const std::string gridmap1_fil = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR() + std::string("/share/mrpt/datasets/malaga-cs-fac-building.simplemap.gz"); try; constexpr auto sect = "MappingApplication"; static auto tester_for_2006_01_21 = [](mrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Base& o) { EXPECT_EQ(o.out_estimated_path.size(), 224U); const auto p = mrpt::poses::CPose3D(o.out_estimated_path.rbegin()->second); const auto p_gt = mrpt::poses::CPose3D::FromString("[3.4548 -18.0399 0.000000 -86.48 0.000000 0.000000]"); EXPECT_LT(mrpt::poses::Lie::SE<3>::log(p - p_gt).norm(), 1.0)<<"actual pose ="<<p.asString()<<"\nexpected pose="<<p_gt.asString(); }; static bool tester_result_ok = true; static auto tester_for_localization_demo = [](mrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Base& o) { EXPECT_EQ(o.out_estimated_path.size(), 37U); if(o.out_estimated_path.empty()) return; const mrpt::math::TPose3D p = o.out_estimated_path.rbegin()->second; const auto p_gt = mrpt::math::TPose3D::FromString("[15.89 -10.0 0.000000 4.8 0.000000 0.000000]"); const auto p_err = mrpt::poses::CPose3D(p_gt - p); const double err = mrpt::poses::Lie::SE<3>::log(p_err).norm(); if(err<0.5) { tester_result_ok = true; } else { tester_result_ok = false; std::cerr<<"Final pose mismatch(will retry N times):\n" "Expected: "<<p_gt.asString()<<"\n" "Actual : "<<p.asString()<<"\n"; } }; const std::string ini_fil = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR() + "/share/mrpt/config_files/rawlog-grabber/camera_ffmpeg_video_file.ini"s; const std::string video_fil = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR() + "/share/mrpt/datasets/dummy_video.avi"s; try { mrpt::apps::RawlogGrabberApp app; const char* argv[] = {"rawlog-grabber", ini_fil.c_str()}; const int argc = sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0]); const auto out_dir = mrpt::system::getTempFileName() + "_dir"s; constexpr auto sect = "MappingApplication"; static auto tester_for_2006_01_21 = [](mrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base& o) { EXPECT_EQ(o.out_estimated_path.size(), 224U); const auto p = mrpt::poses::CPose3D(o.out_estimated_path.rbegin()->second); const auto p_gt = mrpt::poses::CPose3D::FromString("[3.4548 -18.0399 0.000000 -86.48 0.000000 0.000000]"); EXPECT_LT(mrpt::poses::Lie::SE<3>::log(p - p_gt).norm(), 1.0)<<"actual pose ="<<p.asString()<<"\nexpected pose="<<p_gt.asString(); }; static auto tester_for_ROSLAM_demo = [](mrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base& o) { EXPECT_EQ(o.out_estimated_path.size(), 99U); const auto p = mrpt::poses::CPose3D(o.out_estimated_path.rbegin()->second); const auto p_gt = mrpt::poses::CPose3D::FromString("[1.938686 3.352273 0.000000 114.993417 0.000000 0.000000]"); EXPECT_LT(mrpt::poses::Lie::SE<3>::log(p - p_gt).norm(), 1.0)<<"actual pose ="<<p.asString()<<"\nexpected pose="<<p_gt.asString(); MRPT_TODO("Stricter unit tests: check for estimated landmark positions"); }; static int MRPT_SAVE_NAME_PADDING = 50; static int MRPT_SAVE_VALUE_PADDING = 20; const std::string sampleCfgTxt = "[test]\n" "key_str = this is a \\\n" "long value that can be \\\n" "split into several lines \\\n" "but read as a single line. \n"; const std::string expectedStr = std::string("this is a long value that can be split into several lines but read as a " "single line."); const int LOADABLEOPTS_COLUMN_WIDTH = 41; constexpr size_t SMALL_LEN = 16; int counter = 0; const mrpt::containers::yaml testMap = mrpt::containers::yaml::Map({{"K", 2.0}, {"book", "silmarillion"}, {"mySequence", mrpt::containers::yaml::Sequence({1.0, 2.0, mrpt::containers::yaml::Map({{"P", 1.0}, {"Q", 2.0}})})}, {"myEmptyVal", {}}, {"myDict", mrpt::containers::yaml::Map({{"A", 1.0}, {"B", 2.0}, {"C", 3.0}})}}); std::string persistent_error_msg; const std::map<std::string, in_out_filenames> inout_graph_files { {"GraphTester2D", {{"graphslam_SE2_in.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good.graph"}, {"graphslam_SE2_in2.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good2.graph"}, {"graphslam_SE2_in3.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good3.graph"}}}, {"GraphTester2DInf", {{"graphslam_SE2_in.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good.graph"}, {"graphslam_SE2pdf_in.graph", "graphslam_SE2pdf_out_good.graph"}}}, {"GraphTester3D", {{"graphslam_SE3_in_torus3D-first100.graph", "graphslam_SE3_out_good_torus3D-first100.graph"}, {"graphslam_SE2_in2.graph", "graphslam_SE2_out_good2.graph"}}}}; const long ID_MENUITEM1 = wxNewId(); const long ID_MENUITEM2 = wxNewId(); const long ID_MENUITEM3 = wxNewId(); const long ID_MENUITEM1 = wxNewId(); const long ID_MENUITEM2 = wxNewId(); const int INVALID_CLICK_COORDS = -99999; bool isConsoleApp_value = true; const long ID_TIMER_WX_PROCESS_REQUESTS = wxNewId(); const char* mrpt_default_icon_xpm[]; std::map<const mrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_DUO3D*, TDUOParams> duo_params; const size_t MAX_NMEA_LINE_LENGTH = 1024; const int MINIMUM_PACKETS_TO_SET_TIMESTAMP_REFERENCE = 10; const unsigned char SearchForAF = 0; const unsigned char SearchForFE = 1; const unsigned char SearchForC0 = 2; const unsigned char SearchForC2 = 3; const unsigned char PacketFound = 4; const unsigned char SaveData = 5; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<COpenNI2Generic::CDevice>> vDevices; std::recursive_mutex vDevices_mx; string jointNames[] = { "head", "neck", "torso", "left_shoulder", "left_elbow", "left_hand", "left_hip", "left_knee", "left_foot", "right_shoulder", "right_elbow", "right_hand", "right_hip", "right_knee", "right_foot"}; static char ALawCompressTable[128] = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}; uint8_t table_16u_to_8u[0x10000]; bool table_16u_to_8u_init = false; map<string, FontData> list_registered_fonts; bool list_fonts_init = false; static int LINUX_IMG_WIDTH_value = 800; static int LINUX_IMG_HEIGHT_value = 600; static bool DISABLE_JPEG_COMPRESSION_value = true; static int SERIALIZATION_JPEG_QUALITY_value = 95; const thread_local bool MRPT_DEBUG_IMG_LAZY_LOAD = mrpt::get_env<bool>("MRPT_DEBUG_IMG_LAZY_LOAD", false); static const rgbRecord theRGBRecords[]; static const int numTheRGBRecords = 235; const auto tstImgFileColor = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR() + "/samples/img_basic_example/frame_color.jpg"s; FILE* outfile; FILE* infile; boolean suppress; int val; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_10x20[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_18x18ja[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_5x7[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_6x13[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_6x13B[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_6x13O[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_9x15[]; static const unsigned char mrpt_font_gz_9x15B[]; const size_t tst_data_len = 1000U; const float R = 0.01f; const double xMin = -4.0; const double xMax = 4.0; const double yMin = -4.0; const double yMax = 4.0; const double val = 0.2; const double sigma = 1.0; const bool ti = true; const bool um = false; bool HEIGHTGRIDMAP_EXPORT3D_AS_MESH_value = true; static const float MAX_H = 0.69314718055994531f; static CLogOddsGridMapLUT<COccupancyGridMap2D::cellType> logodd_lut; static CLogOddsGridMapLUT<COccupancyGridMap3D::voxelType> logodd_lut; static constexpr unsigned FRBITS = 9; static TAuxLoadFunctor dummy_loader; const size_t demo9_N = 9; const float demo9_xs[demo9_N] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2}; const float demo9_ys[demo9_N] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2}; const float demo9_zs[demo9_N] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2}; static thread_local std::optional<mrpt::math::TBoundingBox> bbMemory; double bbMemoryFading = 0.99; const double eps = 1e-12; static long double const sqrt_2pi = 2.506628274631000502415765284811045253006L; static double geometryEpsilon = 1e-5; static vector<ostream*> gLogOutputs; static vector<ostream*> gVerboseLogOutputs; const double dat_A[] = {4, 5, 8, -2, 1, 3}; const double dat_B[] = {2, 6, 9, 8}; const double dat_Cok[] = {53, 64, -2, 32, 29, 30}; static double test_nums[3 *4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}; const double eps = 1e-14; const double eps = 1e-9; const double list_test_kernel_none[][5] = { {0.0, .0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {1.0, .0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {10.0, .0, 10.0, 1.0, 0.0}}; const double list_test_kernel_pshb[][5] = { {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5}, {0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.125}, {0.0, 9.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.0555556}, {1.0, 1.0, 0.828427, 0.707107, -0.176777}, {1.0, 4.0, 0.944272, 0.894427, -0.0894427}, {1.0, 9.0, 0.973666, 0.948683, -0.0474342}, {4.0, 1.0, 2.47214, 0.447214, -0.0447214}, {4.0, 4.0, 3.31371, 0.707107, -0.0441942}, {4.0, 9.0, 3.63331, 0.83205, -0.0320019}}; CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod; mrpt::nav const unsigned NUM_FACTORS = 7U; const double = 20; const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* lstClasses[] = { CLASS_ID(CLogFileRecord), }; static IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE(CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, CSerializable, mrpt::nav) static std PTG_collision_behavior_t COLLISION_BEHAVIOR = mrpt::nav::COLL_BEH_BACK_AWAY; const uint32_t COLGRID_FILE_MAGIC = 0xC0C0C0C3; static bool EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT_value = false; constexpr unsigned int TEST_RANGEIMG_WIDTH = 32; constexpr unsigned int TEST_RANGEIMG_HEIGHT = 24; constexpr float SECOND_LAYER_CONSTANT_RANGE = 50.0f; static CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScans velodyne_sincos_tables; const float VLP16_BLOCK_TDURATION = 110.592f; const float VLP16_DSR_TOFFSET = 2.304f; const float VLP16_FIRING_TOFFSET = 55.296f; const double HDR32_DSR_TOFFSET = 1.152; const double HDR32_FIRING_TOFFSET = 46.08; const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* lstClasses[] = { CLASS_ID(CObservation2DRangeScan), CLASS_ID(CObservation3DRangeScan), CLASS_ID(CObservation3DScene), CLASS_ID(CObservationRGBD360), CLASS_ID(CObservationBearingRange), CLASS_ID(CObservationBatteryState), CLASS_ID(CObservationWirelessPower), CLASS_ID(CObservationRFID), CLASS_ID(CObservationBeaconRanges), CLASS_ID(CObservationComment), CLASS_ID(CObservationGasSensors), CLASS_ID(CObservationGPS), CLASS_ID(CObservationReflectivity), CLASS_ID(CObservationIMU), CLASS_ID(CObservationOdometry), CLASS_ID(CObservationRange), CLASS_ID(CObservationImage), CLASS_ID(CObservationStereoImages), CLASS_ID(CObservationCANBusJ1939), CLASS_ID(CObservationRawDAQ), CLASS_ID(CObservation6DFeatures), CLASS_ID(CObservationVelodyneScan), CLASS_ID(CObservationRotatingScan), CLASS_ID(CActionRobotMovement2D), CLASS_ID(CActionRobotMovement3D)}; const auto fn_pair_make_unique = [](auto& ptr) { ptr.pose.reset(dynamic_cast<mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF*>(ptr.pose->clone())); ptr.sf.reset(dynamic_cast<mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame*>(ptr.sf->clone())); }; static const unsigned char sample_image1[]; static const unsigned char sample_image2[]; const char* velodyne_default_calib_HDL32; const char* velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3_part1; const char* velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3_part2; const std::string velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3 = std::string(velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3_part1) + std::string(velodyne_default_calib_HDL64E_S3_part2); const char* velodyne_default_calib_VLP16; static std::map<std::string, VelodyneCalibration> cache_default_calibs; const thread_local bool MRPT_FBORENDER_SHOW_DEVICES = mrpt::get_env<bool>("MRPT_FBORENDER_SHOW_DEVICES"); const thread_local bool MRPT_FBORENDER_USE_LUT = mrpt::get_env<bool>("MRPT_FBORENDER_USE_LUT", true); static math::TPolygon3D tmpPoly (3); static const uint8_t grid_line_indices[] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4, 0, 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 4}; static const uint8_t cube_indices[2 *6 *3] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 3, 4, 0, 4, 5, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 1, 0, 1, 6, 7, 7, 2, 1, 7, 3, 4, 2, 3, 7, 4, 7, 6, 5, 6, 4}; static const mrpt::math::TPoint3Df normals_cube[6 *2] = { {1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, 0, -1}, {0, 0, -1}, {-1, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}}; float OCTREE_RENDER_MAX_DENSITY_POINTS_PER_SQPIXEL_value = 0.10f; size_t OCTREE_RENDER_MAX_POINTS_PER_NODE_value = 1e6; constexpr double text_spacing = 1.5; constexpr double text_kerning = 0.1; Point mono_vertices[]; Font::Index mono_triangles[]; Font::Index mono_lines[]; Font::Char mono_chars[]; Font mono_font = { mono_vertices, mono_triangles, mono_lines, mono_chars, " $(,048<@DHLPTX\\`dhlptx|#'+/" "37;?CGKOSW[_cgkosw{\"&*.26:>BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~\t!%)-159=" "AEIMQUY]aeimquy}"}; Point sans_vertices[]; Font::Index sans_triangles[]; Font::Index sans_lines[]; Font::Char sans_chars[]; Font sans_font = { sans_vertices, sans_triangles, sans_lines, sans_chars, " $(,048<@DHLPTX\\`dhlptx|#'+/" "37;?CGKOSW[_cgkosw{\"&*.26:>BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~\t!%)-159=" "AEIMQUY]aeimquy}"}; Point serif_vertices[]; Font::Index serif_triangles[]; Font::Index serif_lines[]; Font::Char serif_chars[]; Font serif_font = { serif_vertices, serif_triangles, serif_lines, serif_chars, " $(,048<@DHLPTX\\`dhlptx|#'+/" "37;?CGKOSW[_cgkosw{\"&*.26:>BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~\t!%)-159=" "AEIMQUY]aeimquy}"}; const int NO_OTHER_PROPS = -1; const char DONT_STORE_PROP = 0; const char STORE_PROP = 1; const char OTHER_PROP = 0; const char NAMED_PROP = 1; const std::map<std::string, PLY_DATA_TYPE> type_names = { {"char"s, PLY_CHAR}, {"short"s, PLY_SHORT}, {"int16"s, PLY_SHORT}, {"int"s, PLY_INT}, {"int32"s, PLY_INT}, {"uchar"s, PLY_UCHAR}, {"uint8"s, PLY_UCHAR}, {"ushort"s, PLY_USHORT}, {"uint16"s, PLY_USHORT}, {"uint"s, PLY_UINT}, {"uint32"s, PLY_UINT}, {"float"s, PLY_FLOAT}, {"float32"s, PLY_FLOAT}, {"double"s, PLY_DOUBLE}, {"float64"s, PLY_DOUBLE}, }; const std::map<PLY_DATA_TYPE, std::string> type_names_inv = { {PLY_CHAR, "char"}, {PLY_SHORT, "short"}, {PLY_INT, "int"}, {PLY_UCHAR, "uchar"}, {PLY_USHORT, "ushort"}, {PLY_UINT, "uint"}, {PLY_FLOAT, "float"s}, {PLY_DOUBLE, "double"}, }; const int ply_type_size[] = {0, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8}; const float VAL_NOT_SET = -1e10; const std::array<PlyProperty, 5> vert_props = { PlyProperty("x", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, x)), PlyProperty("y", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, y)), PlyProperty("z", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, z)), PlyProperty("intensity", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, intensity)), PlyProperty("timestamp", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TVertex, timestamp)), }; const PlyProperty face_props[] = { {"intensity", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(TFace, intensity)}, {"vertex_indices", PLY_INT, PLY_INT, offsetof(TFace, verts), true, PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(TFace, nverts)}}; const double POSE_TAIL_LENGTH = 0.1; const double POSE_TAIL_WIDTH = 3.0; const float POSE_POINT_SIZE = 4.0f; const float POSE_AXIS_SCALE = 0.1f; const bool MRPT_OPENGL_VERBOSE = mrpt::get_env<bool>("MRPT_OPENGL_VERBOSE", false); const bool MRPT_OPENGL_DEBUG_SHOW_SHADOW_MAP = mrpt::get_env<bool>("MRPT_OPENGL_DEBUG_SHOW_SHADOW_MAP", false); static const std::vector<mrpt::poses::CPose3D> ptc = { {.0, .0, .0, .0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 10.0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, 1.0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, .0_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 80.0_deg, 5.0_deg, 5.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -20.0_deg, -30.0_deg, -40.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, -5.0_deg, 25.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, -15.0_deg}, {-6.0, 2.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, 15.0_deg}, {6.0, -5.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, 15.0_deg}, {6.0, 2.0, -9.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, 15.0_deg}, {0.0, 8.0, 5.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}, {1.0, 0.0, 5.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}, {1.0, 8.0, 0.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}}; bool USE_SUT_QUAT2EULER_CONVERSION_value = false; const auto bb_min = mrpt::math::TPose3D(1, 2, 3, -20.0_deg, -30.0_deg, -40.0_deg); const auto bb_max = mrpt::math::TPose3D(3, 4, 5, 20.0_deg, 30.0_deg, 40.0_deg); bool USE_SUT_EULER2QUAT_CONVERSION_value = false; static const std::vector<mrpt::poses::CPose3D> ptc = { {.0, .0, .0, .0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 10.0_deg, .0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, 1.0_deg, .0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .0_deg, .0_deg, 1.0_deg}, {-6.0, 2.0, 3.0, 40.0_deg, 20.0_deg, 15.0_deg}, {1.0, 8.0, 0.0, -45.0_deg, 10.0_deg, 70.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 89.0_deg, .5_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, -2.0, 0.4, -89.0_deg, .5_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .1_deg, 89.0_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, -2.0, 0.4, .1_deg, -88.0_deg, 1.0_deg}, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .1_deg, .9_deg, 178.0_deg}, {1.0, -2.0, 0.4, .1_deg, .9_deg, -179.1_deg}, }; static thread_local CRandomGenerator randomGenerator; const uint8_t SERIALIZATION_END_FLAG = 0x88; const size_t NUM_OBSERVATIONS_TO_SIMUL = 15; const size_t RANSAC_MINIMUM_INLIERS = 9; const float normalizationStd = 0.10f; const float ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold = 5.0f; const size_t MINIMUM_RANSAC_ITERS = 100000; const size_t NUM_MAP_FEATS = 50; const double MAP_SIZE_X = 30; const double MAP_SIZE_Y = 15; const unsigned char alphabet[64+1] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static std::array<mrpt::system::ConsoleForegroundColor, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS> logging_levels_to_colors = { ConsoleForegroundColor::BLUE, ConsoleForegroundColor::DEFAULT, ConsoleForegroundColor::GREEN, ConsoleForegroundColor::RED }; static std::array<std::string, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS> logging_levels_to_names = { "DEBUG", "INFO ", "WARN ", "ERROR" }; static MyGlobalProfiler global_profiler; const char* sLicenseTextF = " Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit(MRPT) " " \n" " " " " " \n" " " " \n" " Copyright(c) 2005-%Y, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file " "\n" " See: - All rights reserved. " " " " \n" " Released under BSD License. See details in " " " " \n"; static std::condition_variable cv2; static std::mutex cv_m; static std::mutex cv2_m; static std::atomic<int> thrCnt = 0; static std::atomic<int> thrDone = 0; static const std::string sNewName = "NewName"; mrpt::vision::TCalibrationStereoImageList images { using namespace std::string_literals; mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibParams params; mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibResults out; const auto dir = mrpt::UNITTEST_BASEDIR() + "/share/mrpt/datasets/stereo-calib/"s; const unsigned int NUM_IMGS = 4; params check_size_x = 6; params check_size_y = 9; params optimize_k1 = true; params optimize_k2 = true; params optimize_k3 = true; params optimize_t1 = true; params optimize_t2 = true; params check_squares_length_X_meters = 0.034; params check_squares_length_Y_meters = 0.034; params verbose = false; bool ok = mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration(images, params, out); mrpt::pimpl<Impl> m_video; const int FEAT_FREE = -1; // global functions EXPECT_TRUE(mrpt::system::fileExists(ini_fil)); EXPECT_TRUE(mrpt::system::fileExists(gridmap1_fil)); catch(const std::exception& e); template <class SLAM_CLASS> void generic_icp_slam_test( const std::string& ini_filename, const std::string& rawlog_filename, config_changer_t cfg_changer, post_tester_t post_tester ); TEST( ICP_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_PointMap ); TEST( ICP_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_Grid ); TEST( ICP_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_LM ); void generic_kf_slam_test( const std::string& ini_filename, const std::string& rawlog_filename, config_changer_t cfg_changer ); TEST( KFSLAMApp, EKF_SLAM_3D ); TEST( KFSLAMApp, EKF_SLAM_2D ); TEST( KFSLAMApp, EKF_SLAM_3D_data_assoc_JCBB_Maha ); TEST( KFSLAMApp, EKF_SLAM_3D_data_assoc_NN_Maha ); void generic_pf_test( const std::string& ini_filename, const std::string& rawlog_filename, const std::string& map_filename, config_changer_t cfg_changer, post_tester_t post_tester ); TEST( MonteCarloLocalization_Rawlog, RunForSampleDataset_2D ); TEST( MonteCarloLocalization_Rawlog, RunForSampleDataset_3D ); template <typename T> bool getArgValue( TCLAP::CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& arg_name, T& out_val ); bool isFlagSet( TCLAP::CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& arg_name ); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_2d_scans_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_anemometer_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_camera_params); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_cut); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_deexternalize); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_describe); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_enose_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_externalize); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_remove_label); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_keep_label); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_generate_3d_pointclouds); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_gps_kml); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_gps_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_gps_all); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_gps_gas_kml); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_imu_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_info); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_list_images); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_list_poses); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_list_rangebearing); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_list_timestamps); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_odometry_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_recalc_odometry); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_rawdaq_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_remap_timestamps); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_rename_externals); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_sensors_pose); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_stereo_rectify); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_undistort); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_camera_params); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_cut); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_deexternalize); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_describe); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_gps_all); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_gps_gas_kml); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_gps_kml); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_enose_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_gps_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_rawdaq_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_2d_scans_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_anemometer_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_imu_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_export_odometry_txt); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_externalize); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_generate_3d_pointclouds); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_info); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_keep_label); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_list_images); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_list_poses); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_list_rangebearing); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_list_timestamps); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_recalc_odometry); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_remap_timestamps); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_remove_label); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_rename_externals); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_sensors_pose); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_stereo_rectify); DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(op_undistort); TCLAP::CmdLine cmd( "rawlog-edit", ' ', mrpt::format("%s - Sources timestamp: %s\n", MRPT_getVersion().c_str(), MRPT_getCompilationDate().c_str()) ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_input_file( "i", "input", "Input dataset(required)(*.rawlog)", true, "", "dataset.rawlog", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_output_file( "o", "output", "Output dataset(*.rawlog)", false, "", "dataset_out.rawlog", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_plugins( "p", "plugins", "Single or comma-separated list of .so/.dll plugins to load for additional " "user-supplied classes", false, "", "", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_outdir( "", "out-dir", "Output directory(used by some commands only)", false, ".", ".", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_external_img_extension( "", "image-format", "External image format", false, "png", " jpg, png, pgm, ...", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_externals_filename_fmt( "", "externals-filename-format", "Format string for the command --rename-externals." "(Default: \"${type}_${label}_%.06%f\"). Refer to docs for " "mrpt::obs::format_externals_filename().", false, "\"${type}_${label}_%.06%f\"", "\"${type}_${label}_%.06%f\"", cmd ); TCLAP::SwitchArg arg_txt_externals( "", "txt-externals", "When externalizing CObservation3DRangeScan objects, switched from binary " "files(default) to plain text.", cmd, false ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_img_size( "", "image-size", "Resize output images", false, "", "COLSxROWS", cmd ); TCLAP::SwitchArg arg_rectify_centers( "", "rectify-centers-coincide", "In stereo rectification, force that both image centers after coincide " "after rectifying.", cmd, false ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_out_text_file( "", "text-file-output", "Output for a text file", false, "out.txt", "out.txt", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<uint64_t> arg_from_index( "", "from-index", "Starting index for --cut", false, 0, "N0", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<uint64_t> arg_to_index( "", "to-index", "End index for --cut", false, 0, "N1", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<double> arg_from_time( "", "from-time", "Starting time for -- cut, as UNIX timestamp, optionally with fractions of " "seconds.", false, 0, "T0", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<double> arg_to_time( "", "to-time", "End time for -- cut, as UNIX timestamp, optionally with fractions of " "seconds.", false, 0, "T1", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<double> arg_odo_KL( "", "odo-KL", "Constant from encoder ticks to meters left wheel, used in " "--recalc-odometry.", false, 0, "KL", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<double> arg_odo_KR( "", "odo-KR", "Constant from encoder ticks to meters right wheel, used in " "--recalc-odometry.", false, 0, "KR", cmd ); TCLAP::ValueArg<double> arg_odo_D( "", "odo-D", "Distance between left-right wheels meters, used in --recalc-odometry.", false, 0, "D", cmd ); TCLAP::SwitchArg arg_overwrite( "w", "overwrite", "Force overwrite target file without prompting.", cmd, false ); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> arg_select_label( "", "select-label", "Select one sensor label on which to apply the operation.\n" "Several labels can be provided separated by commas.\n" "Only for those ops that mention --select-label as optional.", false, "", "label" [, label...], cmd ); TCLAP::SwitchArg arg_quiet( "q", "quiet", "Terse output", cmd, false ); bool isFlagSet( TCLAP::CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& arg_name ); template <typename T> bool getArgValue( TCLAP::CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& arg_name, T& out_val ); template bool getArgValue( TCLAP::CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& arg_name, std::string& out_val ); template bool getArgValue( TCLAP::CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& arg_name, double& out_val ); template bool getArgValue( TCLAP::CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& arg_name, size_t& out_val ); template bool getArgValue( TCLAP::CmdLine& cmdline, const std::string& arg_name, int& out_val ); EXPECT_TRUE(mrpt::system::fileExists(ini_fil)); EXPECT_TRUE(mrpt::system::fileExists(video_fil)); app setMinLoggingLevel(mrpt::system::LVL_ERROR); app initialize( argc, argv ); void generic_rbpf_slam_test( const std::string& ini_filename, const std::string& rawlog_filename, config_changer_t cfg_changer, post_tester_t post_tester ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_Lidar2D_optimal_sampling ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_Lidar2D_gridICP ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_Lidar2D_pointsICP ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_ROSLAM_MC ); TEST( RBPF_SLAM_App, MapFromRawlog_ROSLAM_SOG ); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_apps); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_detectors); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_graphs); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_gui); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_hwdrivers); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_img); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_kinematics); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_maps); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_math); (registerAllClasses_mrpt_nav); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_obs); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_opengl); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_poses); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_slam); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_tfest); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_topography); MRPT_INITIALIZER(registerAllClasses_mrpt_vision); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(kfEKFNaive); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(kfEKFAlaDavison); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(kfIKFFull); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(kfIKF); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, pfStandardProposal ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, pfAuxiliaryPFStandard ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, pfOptimalProposal ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, prMultinomial ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, prResidual ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, prStratified ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter, prSystematic ); project(ALL_MRPT_LIBS); TEST( NodeletsTests, pub_sub_multithread_test ); TEST( SocketTests, send_receive_object ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, readwrite ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, Sections ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, Names ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, setFromString ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, readMultiLineStrings ); TEST( CConfigFile, readMultiLineStrings ); TEST( CConfigFileMemory, parseVariables ); TEST( bimap, operations ); TEST( CDynamicGrid, GetSetAndResize ); TEST( CDynamicGrid, rangeForLoop ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, EmptyPop ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, EmptyPopAfterPushes ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, RandomWriteAndPeek ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, RandomWriteManyAndPeek ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, RandomWriteAndPeekOverrun ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, Size ); template <typename T> void impl_WritePeekCheck(); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, WritePeekCheck_uint8_t ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, WritePeekCheck_uint16_t ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, WritePeekCheck_uint32_t ); TEST( circular_buffer_tests, WritePeekCheck_uint64_t ); TEST( find_closest, testStdMap ); TEST( find_closest, testStdMultiMap ); TEST( find_closest_with_tolerance, testStdMap ); TEST( copy_ptr, SimpleOps ); TEST( copy_ptr, StlContainer ); TEST( poly_ptr, SimpleOps ); TEST( poly_ptr, StlContainer ); template <typename T> void simple_test_hash_string(); TEST( ts_hash_map, string_hash_u8 ); TEST( ts_hash_map, string_hash_u16 ); TEST( ts_hash_map, string_hash_u32 ); TEST( ts_hash_map, string_hash_u64 ); TEST( ts_hash_map, stdstring_key ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, Empty ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, ResizeSize ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, ResizeWriteRead ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, ResizeWriteReadIterators ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, GrowCheckContents ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, ShrinkCheckContents ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, GrowCheckFrontBack ); TEST( vector_with_small_size_optimization, push_back ); TEST( containers_visit_each, call_all ); const yaml::node_t& findKeyNode( const yaml::node_t* me, const std::string& key ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, emptyCtor ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, assignments ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, initializers ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, initializerMap ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, initializerSequence ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, nested ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, nested2 ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, printYAML ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, printDebugStructure ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, ctorMap ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, comments ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, iterate ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, macros ); MRPT_TEST( yaml, hexadecimal ); void foo(mrpt::containers::yaml& p); MRPT_TEST( yaml, assignmentsInCallee ); template <class Dest, class Source> Dest bit_cast(const Source& source); template < std::size_t alignment, typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>::value> > bool my_is_aligned(T ptr); TEST( aligned_allocator, aligned_malloc ); TEST( aligned_allocator, aligned_calloc ); TEST( bits_math, sign ); TEST( bits_math, keep_min ); TEST( bits_math, keep_max ); TEST( bits_math, round2up ); TEST( bits_math, hypot_fast ); TEST( bits_math, deg_rad ); TEST( bits_math, signWithZero ); TEST( bits_math, abs_diff ); TEST( bits_math, min3 ); TEST( bits_math, max3 ); TEST( bits_math, fix ); TEST( bits_math, saturate_val ); TEST( bits_math, saturate ); TEST( bits_math, lowestPositive ); uint64_t as_nanoseconds(const struct timespec& ts); void from_nanoseconds( const uint64_t ns, struct timespec& ts ); TEST( clock, delay_Realtime ); TEST( clock, changeSource ); TEST( clock, checkSynchEpoch ); TEST( clock, simulatedTime ); TEST( constexpr_for, compileTest ); TEST( cpu, features_as_string ); TEST( cpu, supports ); TEST( exception, stackedExceptionBasic ); template <typename T> void test_except_3rd_lvl(T val); void test_except_2nd_lvl(); void test_except_toplevel(); TEST( exception, stackedExceptionComplex ); TEST( exception, assertException ); TEST( exception, infiniteRecurseBug ); TEST( exception, assertMacros ); TEST( FormatTest, LargeStrings ); TEST( FormatTest, ToString ); TEST( FromStringTests, Basic ); TEST( is_defined, tests1 ); TEST( lock_helper, testCompilation ); template <typename T> void reverseBytesInPlace_2b(T& v_in_out); template <typename T> void reverseBytesInPlace_4b(T& v_in_out); template <typename T> void reverseBytesInPlace_8b(T& v_in_out); TEST( bits, reverseBytes ); TEST( round, longRound ); TEST( WorkerThreadsPool, runTasks ); IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE( CDetectableObject, CSerializable, mrpt::detectors ); TEST( RuntimeCompiledExpression, SimpleTest ); static double myNullary(); static double myNeg(double x); static double myAdd( double x, double y ); static double myDiff( double x, double y, double z ); TEST( RuntimeCompiledExpression, CustomFunctions ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featNotDefined); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featKLT); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featHarris); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featSIFT); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featSURF); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featBeacon); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featFAST); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featORB); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featAKAZE); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(featLSD); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descAny); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descSIFT); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descSURF); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descSpinImages); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descPolarImages); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descLogPolarImages); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descORB); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descBLD); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(descLATCH); void mouseGlitchFilter( const int x, const int y, const int& mouseClickX, const int& mouseClickY ); static void MyGetScaledClientSize( const wxWindow* w, int& width, int& height ); EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(mpWindow::OnMouseRightDown); wxAppConsole* mrpt_wxCreateApp(); CDisplayWindow_WXAPP& wxGetApp(); int mrpt_wxEntryReal(); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor, ssInitializing ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor, ssWorking ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor, ssError ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor, ssUninitialized ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGPSInterface, NONE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGPSInterface, AUTO ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGPSInterface, NMEA ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGPSInterface, NOVATEL_OEM6 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_AUTODETECT ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_DC1394 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_VFL ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::hwdrivers, CAMERA_CV_DSHOW ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CKinect, VIDEO_CHANNEL_RGB ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CKinect, VIDEO_CHANNEL_IR ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, VLP16 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, HDL32 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, HDL64 ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, UNCHANGED ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, STRONGEST ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, LAST ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CVelodyneScanner, DUAL ); char hexCharToInt(char n); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_GGA ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_RMC ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_GLL ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_VTG ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_ZDA ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_ZDA_stream ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NOVATEL6_stream ); TEST( CGPSInterface, parse_NMEA_stream ); std::atomic<int> numInstances(0); bool isValidParameter(const mrpt::img::TCamera& param); unsigned char LinearToALawSample(uint16_t sample); void do_init_table_16u_to_8u(); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img, cmNONE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img, cmGRAYSCALE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img, cmJET ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img, cmHOT ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img::DistortionModel, none ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img::DistortionModel, plumb_bob ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::img::DistortionModel, kannala_brandt ); DECLARE_MEXPLUS_FROM(mrpt::img::TCamera); void init_fonts_list(); template <typename RET = uint32_t> constexpr RET pixelDepth2CvDepth(PixelDepth d); template <typename RET = uint32_t> RET pixelDepth2IPLCvDepth(PixelDepth d); template <unsigned int HALF_WIN_SIZE> void MRPT_DISABLE_FULL_OPTIMIZATION image_KLT_response_template( const uint8_t* in, const int widthStep, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int32_t& _gxx, int32_t& _gyy, int32_t& _gxy ); void image_SSE2_scale_half_1c8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); void image_SSSE3_scale_half_3c8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); void image_SSE2_scale_half_smooth_1c8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); void image_SSSE3_rgb_to_gray_8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); void image_SSSE3_bgr_to_gray_8u( const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, int w, int h, size_t in_step, size_t out_step ); static const char* ParseColor(const char* data); TEST( CImage, CtorDefault ); TEST( CImage, CtorSized ); TEST( CImage, GetSetPixel ); TEST( CImage, CopyMoveSwap ); TEST( CImage, ExternalImage ); TEST( CImage, ConvertGray ); TEST( CImage, CtorRefOrGray ); TEST( CImage, HalfAndDouble ); TEST( CImage, getChannelsOrder ); TEST( CImage, ChangeCvMatCopies ); TEST( CImage, ScaleImage ); TEST( CImage, Serialize ); TEST( CImage, KLT_response ); TEST( CImage, LoadAndComparePseudoRnd ); TEST( CImage, LoadAndSave ); TEST( CImage, DifferentAccessMethodsColor ); TEST( CImage, DifferentAccessMethodsGray ); TEST( color_maps, cmGRAYSCALE ); TEST( color_maps, cmJET ); TEST( color_maps, cmHOT ); typedef JMETHOD( boolean, jpeg_marker_parser_method, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo) ); jpeg_std_error JPP((struct jpeg_error_mgr*err)); jpeg_CreateCompress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)); jpeg_CreateDecompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)); EXTERN(void); jpeg_set_colorspace JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace)); jpeg_set_quality JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int quality, boolean force_baseline)); jpeg_set_linear_quality JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int scale_factor, boolean force_baseline)); jpeg_add_quant_table JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int which_tbl, const unsigned int*basic_table, int scale_factor, boolean force_baseline)); EXTERN(int); EXTERN(JQUANT_TBL*); EXTERN(JHUFF_TBL*); jpeg_start_compress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, boolean write_all_tables)); jpeg_write_scanlines JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, JDIMENSION num_lines)); jpeg_write_raw_data JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE data, JDIMENSION num_lines)); jpeg_write_marker JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int marker, const JOCTET*dataptr, unsigned int datalen)); jpeg_write_m_header JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int marker, unsigned int datalen)); jpeg_read_header JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, boolean require_image)); EXTERN(boolean); jpeg_read_scanlines JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, JDIMENSION max_lines)); jpeg_read_raw_data JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE data, JDIMENSION max_lines)); jpeg_start_output JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int scan_number)); jpeg_save_markers JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int marker_code, unsigned int length_limit)); jpeg_set_marker_processor JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int marker_code, jpeg_marker_parser_method routine)); EXTERN(jvirt_barray_ptr*); jpeg_write_coefficients JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, jvirt_barray_ptr*coef_arrays)); jpeg_copy_critical_parameters JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo)); jpeg_resync_to_restart JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int desired)); static TCamera getSampleCameraParamsBase(); static TCamera getSampleCameraParamsPlumbBob(); static TCamera getSampleCameraParamsFishEye(); TEST( TCamera, EqualOperator ); TEST( TCamera, CopyCtor ); TEST( TCamera, ToFromINI_PlumbBob ); TEST( TCamera, ToFromINI_FishEye ); void generate_test_data(std::vector<uint8_t>& tst_data); TEST( CFileGZStreams, readwriteTmpFileCompressed ); TEST( CFileGZStreams, compareWithTestGZFiles ); TEST( CMemoryStream, readwrite ); TEST( CTextFileLinesParser, parse ); static std::string LAZY_LOAD_PATH_BASE("."); TEST( file_get_contents, readTestFile ); TEST( file_get_contents, throwOnError ); TEST( Compress, DataBlockGZ ); void addBar_D( mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& objs, const double d ); void addBar_A( mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::Ptr& objs, const double a ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColouringMethod, cmFromHeightRelativeToSensor ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColouringMethod, cmFromHeightRelativeToSensorJet ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColouringMethod, cmFromHeightRelativeToSensorGray ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColouringMethod, cmFromIntensityImage ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( maps::CHeightGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrSimpleAverage ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmMeanInformation ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmRayTracing ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmConsensus ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmCellsDifference ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmLikelihoodField_Thrun ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmLikelihoodField_II ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D, lmConsensusOWA ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D, lmRayTracing ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D, lmLikelihoodField_Thrun ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrKernelDM ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrKalmanFilter ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrKalmanApproximate ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrKernelDMV ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation, mrGMRF_SD ); static void aux_projectPoint_with_distortion( const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& P, const TCamera& params, TPixelCoordf& pixel, ] bool accept_points_behind ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CGasConcentrationGridMap2D, CRandomFieldGridMap2D, mrpt::maps ); static void test_CGasConcentrationGridMap2D_insertAndRead( mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TMapRepresentation mapType, const double resolution, const std::function<double(const mrpt::maps::TRandomFieldCell&)>& cellToValue ); TEST( CGasConcentrationGridMap2D, insertAndRead ); template <class MAP> void do_test_insertCheckMapBounds(); TEST( CHeightGridMap2Ds, insertCheckMapBounds ); template <class MAP> void do_test_insertPointsAndRead(); TEST( CHeightGridMap2Ds, insertPointsAndRead ); template <typename cell_t> void test_monotonic(); TEST( CLogOddsGridMapLUT, monotonic_8bit ); TEST( CLogOddsGridMapLUT, monotonic_16bit ); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, isEmpty ); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, initializers ); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, copyCtorOp ); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, moveOp ); TEST( CMultiMetricMapTests, unknownMapType ); static void func_laserSimul_callback( const mrpt::math::CVectorFixedDouble<3>& x_pose, const TFunctorLaserSimulData& fixed_param, mrpt::math::CVectorDouble& y_scanRanges ); TEST( COccupancyGridMap2DTests, insert2DScan ); TEST( COccupancyGridMap2DTests, NearestNeighborsCapable ); TEST( COccupancyGridMap3DTests, insert2DScan ); TEST( COccupancyGridMap3DTests, NearestNeighborsCapable ); TEST( COccupancyGridMap3DTests, insertScan3D ); TEST( COctoMapTests, updateVoxels ); TEST( COctoMapTests, insert2DScan ); void run_pc_filter_test( const double map2_x_off, const double map2_tim_off, const size_t expected_m1_count, const size_t expected_m2_count ); TEST( CPointCloudFilterByDistance, noOutliers ); TEST( CPointCloudFilterByDistance, withOutliers ); TEST( CPointCloudFilterByDistance, tooOldMap ); void internal_build_points_map_from_scan2D( const mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan& obs, mrpt::maps::CMetricMap::Ptr& out_map, const void* insertOps ); template <class MAP> void load_demo_9pts_map(MAP& pts); template <class MAP> void do_test_insertPoints(); template <class MAP> void do_test_clipOutOfRangeInZ(); template <class MAP> void do_test_clipOutOfRange(); template <class MAP> void do_tests_loadSaveStreams(); TEST( CSimplePointsMapTests, insertPoints ); TEST( CWeightedPointsMapTests, insertPoints ); TEST( CColouredPointsMapTests, insertPoints ); TEST( CPointsMapXYZI, insertPoints ); TEST( CSimplePointsMapTests, clipOutOfRangeInZ ); TEST( CWeightedPointsMapTests, clipOutOfRangeInZ ); TEST( CColouredPointsMapTests, clipOutOfRangeInZ ); TEST( CSimplePointsMapTests, clipOutOfRange ); TEST( CWeightedPointsMapTests, clipOutOfRange ); TEST( CColouredPointsMapTests, clipOutOfRange ); TEST( CSimplePointsMapTests, loadSaveStreams ); TEST( CWeightedPointsMapTests, loadSaveStreams ); TEST( CColouredPointsMapTests, loadSaveStreams ); TEST( CPointsMapXYZI, loadFromKittiVelodyneFile ); TEST( CRandomFieldGridMap3D, insertCheckMapBounds ); TEST( CRandomFieldGridMap3D, insertPointsAndRead ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CWirelessPowerGridMap2D, CRandomFieldGridMap2D, mrpt::maps ); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CBeacon); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CBeaconMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CColouredPointsMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CGasConcentrationGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CWirelessPowerGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CHeightGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CReflectivityGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(COccupancyGridMap2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(COccupancyGridMap3D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CSimplePointsMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CRandomFieldGridMap3D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CWeightedPointsMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CPointsMapXYZI); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(COctoMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CColouredOctoMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CVoxelMap); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CVoxelMapRGB); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScans); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationPointCloud); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRotatingScan); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CAngularObservationMesh); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CPlanarLaserScan); TEST( SerializeTestMaps, WriteReadToMem ); TEST( SerializeTestOpenGL, WriteReadToMem ); TEST( SerializeTestOpenGL, PredefinedSceneFile ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CObservationPointCloud, CObservation, mrpt::obs ); TPolygon3D createFromTriangle(const mrpt::opengl::TTriangle& t); void ClearKMeansLogging(); void AddKMeansLogging( std::ostream* out, bool verbose ); Scalar RunKMeans( int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, int attempts, Scalar* centers, int* assignments ); Scalar RunKMeansPlusPlus( int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, int attempts, Scalar* centers, int* assignments ); MRPT_WARNING( "Deprecated header<mrpt/math/lightweight_geom_data.h>, use " "<mrpt/math/XXX.h> instead for the required types " "(XXX=TPose3D, TPoint2D, etc.)" ); MRPT_WARNING( "Deprecated header<mrpt/math/lightweight_geom_data_frwds.h>, use " "<mrpt/math/TPoseOrPoint.h> instead" ); template <class LUT_CLASS> void atan2_lut_test( const LUT_CLASS& atan2lut, const double SIZE, const double max_deg_errors, const double skip_area ); TEST( CAtan2LookUpTable, ValidValidTest ); TEST( CAtan2LookUpTable, MultiResTest ); TEST( LevMarq, optimizeTest ); TEST( CMatrixDynamic, GetSetEigen ); TEST( CMatrixDynamic, asString ); TEST( CMatrixDynamic, CtorFromArray ); TEST( CMatrixDynamic, Resizes ); TEST( CVectorDynamic, segment ); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); TEST( CMatrixFixed, CtorUninit ); TEST( CMatrixFixed, CtorAllZeros ); TEST( CMatrixFixed, Identity ); TEST( CMatrixFixed, asString ); TEST( CMatrixFixed, GetSetEigen ); TEST( CVectorDouble, resize ); TEST( ops_containers, ncc_vector ); TEST( ops_containers, xcorr ); void generateRandomSparseMatrix( size_t N, size_t M, size_t nEntries, CSparseMatrix& MAT ); void do_test_init_to_unit(size_t N); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromDenseUnit ); void do_test_init_random(size_t N); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromDenseRandom ); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromTriplet ); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromSparse ); TEST( SparseMatrix, InitFromRandom ); void do_matrix_op_test( size_t nRows1, size_t nCols1, size_t nNonZeros1, size_t nRows2, size_t nCols2, size_t nNonZeros2, TMatrixSMOperator op1, TMatrixDenseOperator op2 ); void op_sparse_add( const CSparseMatrix& M1, const CSparseMatrix& M2, CSparseMatrix& res ); void op_dense_add( const CMatrixDouble& M1, const CMatrixDouble& M2, CMatrixDouble& res ); TEST( SparseMatrix, Op_Add ); void op_sparse_multiply_AB( const CSparseMatrix& M1, const CSparseMatrix& M2, CSparseMatrix& res ); void op_dense_multiply_AB( const CMatrixDouble& M1, const CMatrixDouble& M2, CMatrixDouble& res ); TEST( SparseMatrix, Op_Multiply_AB ); TEST( SparseMatrix, CholeskyDecomp ); DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); TEST( distributions, normalPDF_1d ); TEST( distributions, normalPDF_vector ); TEST( distributions, erfc ); TEST( distributions, erf ); TEST( distributions, normalCDF ); TEST( distributions, chi2inv ); TEST( distributions, chi2PDF ); TEST( distributions, noncentralChi2PDF_CDF ); TEST( data_utils, mahalanobisDistance2AndLogPDF ); TEST( EigenAlignment, PrintAlignment ); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void checkAlignedFoo( const Foo<INTER_SPACE>& d, const std::string& testName ); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void do_test_AlignedMemOnStack(); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void do_test_AlignedMemOnStackUpTo(); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void do_test_AlignedMemInSTL(); template <unsigned int INTER_SPACE> void do_test_AlignedMemInSTLUpTo(); TEST( EigenAlignment, AlignedMemOnStack ); TEST( EigenAlignment, AlignedMemInSTL ); static void myGeneralDFT( int sign, const CMatrixFloat& in_real, const CMatrixFloat& in_imag, CMatrixFloat& out_real, CMatrixFloat& out_imag ); static long double Power_Series_S(long double x); static long double xFresnel_Auxiliary_Cosine_Integral(long double x); static long double xFresnel_Auxiliary_Sine_Integral(long double x); static long double Power_Series_C(long double x); static long double xChebyshev_Tn_Series( long double x, const long double a [], int degree ); long double lfresnel_sin_alt(long double x); long double lfresnel_cos_alt(long double x); double Fresnel_Sine_Integral(double x); long double xFresnel_Sine_Integral(long double x); double Fresnel_Auxiliary_Sine_Integral(double x); static long double sin_Chebyshev_Expansion_0_1(long double x); static long double sin_Chebyshev_Expansion_1_3(long double x); static long double sin_Chebyshev_Expansion_3_5(long double x); static long double sin_Chebyshev_Expansion_5_7(long double x); static long double sin_Asymptotic_Series(long double x); double Fresnel_Auxiliary_Cosine_Integral(double x); static long double cos_Chebyshev_Expansion_0_1(long double x); static long double cos_Chebyshev_Expansion_1_3(long double x); static long double cos_Chebyshev_Expansion_3_5(long double x); static long double cos_Chebyshev_Expansion_5_7(long double x); static long double cos_Asymptotic_Series(long double x); double Fresnel_Cosine_Integral(double x); long double xFresnel_Cosine_Integral(long double x); TEST( fresnel, fresnelc ); TEST( fresnel, fresnels ); template <class T2D, class U2D, class T3D, class U3D> bool intersectInCommonPlane( const T3D& o1, const U3D& o2, const mrpt::math::TPlane& p, mrpt::math::TObject3D& obj ); bool intersectInCommonLine( const mrpt::math::TSegment3D& s1, const mrpt::math::TSegment3D& s2, const mrpt::math::TLine3D& lin, mrpt::math::TObject3D& obj ); bool intersectInCommonLine( const TSegment2D& s1, const TSegment2D& s2, const TLine2D& lin, TObject2D& obj ); void unsafeProjectPoint( const TPoint3D& point, const TPose3D& pose, TPoint2D& newPoint ); bool intersect( const TPolygonWithPlane& p1, const TLine3D& l2, double& d, double bestKnown ); bool intersect( const TPolygonWithPlane& p1, const TPolygonWithPlane& p2, TObject3D& obj ); void createFromPoseAndAxis( const TPose3D& p, TLine3D& r, size_t axis ); bool intersect( const TSegmentWithLine& s1, const TSegmentWithLine& s2, TObject2D& obj ); void getSegmentsWithLine( const TPolygon2D& poly, vector<TSegmentWithLine>& segs ); bool intersectAux( const TPolygon3D& p1, const TPlane& pl1, const TPolygon3D& p2, const TPlane& pl2, TObject3D& obj ); bool compatibleBounds( const TPoint3D& min1, const TPoint3D& max1, const TPoint3D& min2, const TPoint3D& max2 ); void getPlanes( const std::vector<TPolygon3D>& polys, std::vector<TPlane>& planes ); void getMinAndMaxBounds( const std::vector<TPolygon3D>& v1, std::vector<TPoint3D>& minP, std::vector<TPoint3D>& maxP ); void createPlaneFromPoseAndAxis( const TPose3D& pose, TPlane& plane, size_t axis ); template <class T> size_t getIndexOfMin( const T& e1, const T& e2, const T& e3 ); bool firstOrNonPresent( size_t i, const std::vector<MatchingVertex>& v ); bool depthFirstSearch( const CSparseMatrixTemplate<unsigned char>& mat, std::vector<std::vector<MatchingVertex>>& res, std::vector<bool>& used, size_t searching, unsigned char mask, std::vector<MatchingVertex>& current ); void depthFirstSearch( const CSparseMatrixTemplate<unsigned char>& mat, std::vector<std::vector<MatchingVertex>>& res, std::vector<bool>& used ); bool intersect( const TLine2D& l1, const TSegmentWithLine& s2, TObject2D& obj ); bool intersect( const TSegmentWithLine& s1, const TLine2D& l2, TObject2D& obj ); TEST( Geometry, Line2DIntersect ); TEST( Geometry, Line2DAngle ); TEST( Geometry, Line3DAngle ); TEST( Geometry, PlaneAngle ); TEST( Geometry, PlaneLineAngle ); TEST( Geometry, PlanePointDistance ); TEST( Geometry, PlanePointSignedDistance ); TEST( Geometry, Line3DDistance ); TEST( Geometry, Line3DDclosestPointTo ); TEST( Geometry, Segment2DIntersect ); TEST( Geometry, Intersection3D ); TEST( Geometry, IntersectionPlanePlane ); void myTestPolygonContainsPoint( std::vector<TPoint2D>& vs, bool convex ); TEST( Geometry, PolygonConvexContainsPoint ); TEST( Geometry, PolygonConcaveContainsPoint ); TEST( Geometry, changeEpsilon ); TEST( Geometry, conformAPlane ); TEST( Geometry, RectanglesIntersection ); TEST( TLine2D, asString ); TEST( TLine3D, asString ); TEST( TPlane, asString ); TEST( Geometry, closestFromPointToSegment ); TEST( Geometry, closestFromPointToLine ); TEST( Geometry, squaredDistancePointToLine ); TEST( TPolygon2D, toFromYAML ); TEST( TPolygon3D, toFromYAML ); TEST( Geometry, polygonIntersection ); TEST( Geometry, areAligned_TPoint2D ); TEST( Geometry, areAligned_TPoint3D ); TEST( Geometry, project2D ); TEST( Geometry, project3D ); TEST( Geometry, getRegressionLine2D ); TEST( Geometry, getRegressionLine3D ); TEST( Geometry, getRegressionPlane ); TEST( KDTreeCapable, test1 ); void AddKMeansLogging( std::ostream* out, bool verbose ); void ClearKMeansLogging(); static double GetSeconds(); static void RunKMeansOnce( const KmTree& tree, int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, Scalar* centers, Scalar* min_cost, Scalar* max_cost, Scalar* total_cost, double start_time, double* min_time, double* max_time, double* total_time, Scalar* best_centers, int* best_assignment ); void LogMetaStats( Scalar min_cost, Scalar max_cost, Scalar total_cost, double min_time, double max_time, double total_time, int num_attempts ); Scalar RunKMeans( int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, int attempts, Scalar* ret_centers, int* ret_assignment ); Scalar RunKMeansPlusPlus( int n, int k, int d, Scalar* points, int attempts, Scalar* ret_centers, int* ret_assignment ); int __KMeansAssertionFailure( const char* file, int line, const char* expression ); Scalar* PointAllocate(int d); void PointFree(Scalar* p); void PointCopy( Scalar* p1, const Scalar* p2, int d ); void PointAdd( Scalar* p1, const Scalar* p2, int d ); void PointScale( Scalar* p, Scalar scale, int d ); Scalar PointDistSq( const Scalar* p1, const Scalar* p2, int d ); int __KMeansAssertionFailure( const char* file, int line, const char* expression ); int GetRandom(int n); template <class T> void noncentralChi2OneIteration( T arg, T& lans, T& dans, T& pans, unsigned int& j ); TEST( Matrices, DynMat_size ); TEST( Matrices, A_times_B_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, A_times_B_fix ); TEST( Matrices, SerializeCMatrixD ); TEST( Matrices, EigenVal2x2dyn ); TEST( Matrices, eig_symmetric ); TEST( Matrices, EigenVal3x3dyn ); TEST( Matrices, EigenVal2x2fix ); TEST( Matrices, EigenVal3x3fix ); TEST( Matrices, inv_4x4_fix ); TEST( Matrices, inv_LLt_4x4_fix ); TEST( Matrices, inv_6x6_fix ); TEST( Matrices, inv_6x6_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, transpose ); TEST( Matrices, multiply_A_skew3 ); TEST( Matrices, multiply_skew3_A ); TEST( Matrices, fromMatlabStringFormat ); TEST( Matrices, HCHt_3x2_2x2_2x3 ); TEST( Matrices, HCHt_scalar_1x2_2x2_2x1 ); TEST( Matrices, det_2x2_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, det_2x2_fix ); TEST( Matrices, det_3x3_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, det_3x3_fix ); TEST( Matrices, det_4x4_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, det_4x4_fix ); TEST( Matrices, det_10x10_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, chol_2x2_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, chol_2x2_fix ); TEST( Matrices, chol_3x3_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, chol_3x3_fix ); TEST( Matrices, chol_10x10_dyn ); TEST( Matrices, meanAndStdColumns ); TEST( Matrices, meanAndStdAll ); TEST( Matrices, laplacian ); TEST( Matrices, loadFromTextFile ); TEST( Matrices, loadFromArray ); TEST( Matrices, CMatrixFixedNumeric_loadWithEigenMap ); TEST( Matrices, EigenMatrix_loadWithEigenMap ); TEST( Matrices, setSize ); TEST( Matrices, extractSubmatrixSymmetricalBlocks ); TEST( Matrices, extractSubmatrixSymmetrical ); TEST( Matrices, removeColumns ); TEST( Matrices, removeRows ); MRPT_TEST( MatrixYaml, FromToEigen ); MRPT_TEST( MatrixYaml, Vector ); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); void CSqrt( double x, double y, double& a, double& b ); int SolveP4Bi( double* x, double b, double d ); static void dblSort3( double& a, double& b, double& c ); int SolveP4De( double* x, double b, double c, double d ); double N4Step( double x, double a, double b, double c, double d ); static double SolveP5_1( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e ); TEST( poly_roots, solve_poly2 ); TEST( poly_roots, solve_poly3 ); TEST( poly_roots, solve_poly4 ); EXPLICIT_INST_ransac_detect_3D_planes(float); EXPLICIT_INST_ransac_detect_3D_planes(double); EXPLICIT_INSTANT_ransac_detect_2D_lines(float); EXPLICIT_INSTANT_ransac_detect_2D_lines(double); template <TRobustKernelType KERNEL_TYPE> void tester_robust_kernel( const double table [][5], const size_t N ); TEST( RobustKernels, PlainLeastSquares ); TEST( RobustKernels, PseudoHuber ); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); TEST( SLERP_tests, correctShortestPath ); template <typename T> void testDefaultCtor(); TEST( TBoundingBox, defaultCtor ); template <typename T> void testFromCorners(); TEST( TBoundingBox, fromCorners ); template <typename T> void testInvalidThrows(); TEST( TBoundingBox, invalidThrows ); template <typename T> void testIntersections(); TEST( TBoundingBox, intersections ); TEST( TBoundingBox, compose ); TEST( TBoundingBox, inverseCompose ); double isLeft( const mrpt::math::TPoint2D& P0, const mrpt::math::TPoint2D& P1, const mrpt::math::TPoint2D& P2 ); TEST( LightGeomData, PragmaPack ); TEST( LightGeomData, ConstExprCtors ); TEST( LightGeomData, Conversions ); TEST( LightGeomData, Comparisons ); TEST( LightGeomData, Strings ); TEST( Wrap2PI_tests, angDistance ); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(double); DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(float); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CHolonomicND, SITUATION_TARGET_DIRECTLY ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CHolonomicND, SITUATION_SMALL_GAP ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CHolonomicND, SITUATION_WIDE_GAP ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CHolonomicND, SITUATION_NO_WAY_FOUND ); ( CAbstractNavigator, IDLE ); ( CAbstractNavigator, NAVIGATING ); ( CAbstractNavigator, SUSPENDED ); ( CAbstractNavigator, NAV_ERROR ); IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE( CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, CSerializable, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CLogFileRecord_FullEval, CHolonomicLogFileRecord, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CHolonomicND, CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, mrpt::nav); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CHolonomicVFF, CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, mrpt::nav ); ( NavTests, NavGeomUtils_collision_straight_circ_robot ); TEST( PlannerSimple2D, findPath ); TEST( NavTests, Serialization_WriteReadToMem ); TEST( SerializeTestObs, WriteReadToOctectVectors ); TEST( NavTests, NavLogLoadFromTestFile ); IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT( CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase, CObject, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_MRPT_OBJECT( CMultiObjMotionOpt_Scalarization, CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase, mrpt::nav ); template <typename RNAVCLASS> void ( const std::string& sFilename, const std::string& sHoloMethod, const TPoint2D& nav_target, const TPoint2D& world_topleft, const TPoint2D& world_rightbottom, const TPoint2D& block_obstacle_topleft = TPoint2D(0, 0), const TPoint2D& block_obstacle_rightbottom = TPoint2D(0, 0) ); template <typename RNAVCLASS> void ( const std::string& sFilename, const std::string& sHoloMethod, const TPoint2D& nav_target, const TPoint2D& world_topleft, const TPoint2D& world_rightbottom, const TPoint2D& block_obstacle_topleft = TPoint2D(0, 0), const TPoint2D& block_obstacle_rightbottom = TPoint2D(0, 0) ); const TPoint2D ( 2. 0, 0. 4 ); const TPoint2D ( - 10, 10 ); const TPoint2D ( 10, - 10 ); const TPoint2D ( 9. 0, 4. 0 ); const TPoint2D ( - 10, 10 ); const TPoint2D ( 30, - 10 ); const TPoint2D ( 4. 0, 2. 0 ); const TPoint2D ( 5. 0, -2. 0 ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, no_obstacle_nav_VFF ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, no_obstacle_nav_ND ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, no_obstacle_nav_FullEval ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, no_obstacle_nav_VFF ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, no_obstacle_nav_ND ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, no_obstacle_nav_FullEval ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, with_obstacle_nav_VFF ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, with_obstacle_nav_ND ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem, with_obstacle_nav_FullEval ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, with_obstacle_nav_VFF ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, with_obstacle_nav_ND ); ( CReactiveNavigationSystem3D, with_obstacle_nav_FullEval ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_alpha, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_C, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_CC, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_CCS, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CPTG_DiffDrive_CS, CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator, mrpt::nav ); static double calc_trans_distance_t_below_Tramp_abc_numeric( double T, double a, double b, double c ); TEST( NavTests, PTGs_tests ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D, emOdometry ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D, emScan2DMatching ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D, mmGaussian ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D, mmThrun ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement3D, mmGaussian ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement3D, mm6DOF ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan, CH_VISIBLE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan, CH_IR ); bool operator == ( const LUT_info& a, const LUT_info& o ); void mempool_donate_range_matrix(CObservation3DRangeScan& obs); void fillSampleObs( mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan& obs, mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams& pp, int test_case ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_noFilter ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMinMax1 ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_additionalLayers ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMinMaxAllBetween ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMinMaxNoneBetween ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMin ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, Project3D_filterMax ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, LoadAndCheckFloorPoints ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, SyntheticRange ); TEST( CObservation3DRangeScan, SyntheticDepth ); bool TIMECONV_GetJulianDateFromGPSTime( const unsigned short gps_week, const double gps_tow, const unsigned int utc_offset, double* julian_date ); bool TIMECONV_IsALeapYear(const unsigned short year); bool TIMECONV_GetNumberOfDaysInMonth( const unsigned short year, const unsigned char month, unsigned char* days_in_month ); bool TIMECONV_GetUTCTimeFromJulianDate(const double julian_date, mrpt::system::TTimeParts& utc); TEST( CObservationIMU, Deserialize_v3 ); TEST( CObservationIMU, Deserialize_v4 ); TEST( CObservationRotatingScan, fromKittiUndistorted ); TEST( CObservationRotatingScan, fromVelodyne ); TEST( CObservationRotatingScan, from2DScan ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CObservationStereoImagesFeatures, CObservation, mrpt::obs ); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservation2DRangeScan); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservation3DRangeScan); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservation3DScene); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRGBD360); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationBearingRange); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationBatteryState); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationWirelessPower); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRFID); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationBeaconRanges); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationComment); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationGasSensors); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationGPS); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationReflectivity); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationIMU); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationOdometry); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRange); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationImage); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationStereoImages); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationCANBusJ1939); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRawDAQ); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservation6DFeatures); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationVelodyneScan); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CObservationRotatingScan); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CActionRobotMovement2D); TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(CActionRobotMovement3D); TEST( Observations, WriteReadToMem ); TEST( Observations, WriteReadToOctectVectors ); template <class T> void run_copy_tests(); TEST( Observations, CopyCtorAssignOp ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( Foo, CSerializable, MyNS ); TEST( Serialization, CustomClassSerialize ); TEST( Serialization, ArchiveSharedPtrs ); TEST( Serialization, optionalObjects ); TEST( Serialization, enums ); TEST( CSimpleMap, ParseFileInFormat_v1_5 ); void generic_dump_BESTPOS( const Message_NV_OEM6_BESTPOS::content_t& fields, std::ostream& out ); void generic_dump_MARKTIME( const Message_NV_OEM6_MARKTIME::content_t& fields, std::ostream& out ); void generic_getFieldValues_MARKTIME( const Message_NV_OEM6_MARKTIME::content_t& fields, std::ostream& o ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TCullFace, NONE ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TCullFace, BACK ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TCullFace, FRONT ); bool solveEqn( double a, double b, double c, double& t ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoid2D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoid3D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoidInverseDepth2D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoidInverseDepth3D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CEllipsoidRangeBearing2D, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl ); void aux_add3DpointWithEigenVectors( const double x, const double y, const double z, std::vector<mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<float, 3, 1>>& pts, const mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 3, 3>& M, const mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 3, 1>& mean ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CGridPlaneXY, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CGridPlaneXZ, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl); mrpt::math::TPolygonWithPlane createPolygonFromTriangle(const std::pair<mrpt::opengl::TTriangle, CMesh::TTriangleVertexIndices>& p); bool sort_voxels_z( const COctoMapVoxels::TVoxel& a, const COctoMapVoxels::TVoxel& b ); bool getVerticesAndFaces( const vector<math::TPolygon3D>& polys, vector<TPoint3D>& vertices, vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>& faces ); bool analyzeJohnsonPartsString( const std::string& components, uint32_t numBaseEdges, vector<JohnsonBodyPart>& parts ); size_t additionalVertices( JohnsonBodyPart j, uint32_t numBaseEdges ); void insertCupola( size_t numBaseEdges, double angleShift, double baseRadius, double edgeLength, bool isRotated, bool isUpwards, size_t base, vector<TPoint3D>& verts, vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>& faces ); void insertRotunda( double angleShift, double baseRadius, bool isRotated, bool isUpwards, size_t base, vector<TPoint3D>& verts, vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>& faces ); size_t additionalFaces( JohnsonBodyPart j, uint32_t numBaseEdges ); bool faceContainsEdge( const CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace& f, const CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronEdge& e ); bool getPlanesIntersection( const vector<const TPlane*>& planes, TPoint3D& pnt ); bool searchForFace( const vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>& fs, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2, uint32_t v3 ); bool searchForEdge( const vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronEdge>& es, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2, size_t& where ); bool searchForEdge( const vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>::const_iterator& begin, const vector<CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace>::const_iterator& end, uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2 ); double getHeight( const TPolygon3D& p, const TPoint3D& c ); IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE( CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles, CRenderizable, mrpt::opengl ); IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( CSetOfTriangles, CRenderizableShaderTriangles, mrpt::opengl ); PlyElement* find_element( PlyFile* plyfile, const std::string& s ); PlyProperty* find_property( PlyElement* elem, const std::string& s, int* index ); void write_scalar_type( FILE* fp, PLY_DATA_TYPE code ); vector<string> get_words( FILE* fp, string& orig_line ); void write_binary_item( FILE* fp, int int_val, unsigned int uint_val, double double_val, int type ); void write_ascii_item( FILE* fp, int int_val, unsigned int uint_val, double double_val, int type ); void add_element( PlyFile* plyfile, const vector<string>& words ); void add_property( PlyFile* plyfile, const vector<string>& words ); void add_comment( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& line ); void add_obj_info( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& line ); void copy_property( PlyProperty* dest, const PlyProperty* src ); void store_item( char* item, int type, int int_val, unsigned int uint_val, double double_val ); void get_stored_item( void* ptr, int type, int* int_val, unsigned int* uint_val, double* double_val ); double get_item_value( const char*, int ); void get_ascii_item( const char* word, int type, int* int_val, unsigned int* uint_val, double* double_val ); int get_binary_item( FILE* fp, int bin_file_type, int type, int* int_val, unsigned int* uint_val, double* double_val ); void ascii_get_element( PlyFile* plyfile, char* elem_ptr ); void binary_get_element( PlyFile* plyfile, char* elem_ptr ); PlyFile* ply_write( FILE* fp, const vector<string>& elem_names, int file_type ); PlyFile* ply_open_for_writing( const char* name, const vector<string>& elem_names, int file_type, float* version ); void ply_describe_element( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name, int nelems, vector<PlyProperty>& prop_list ); void ply_describe_property( PlyFile* plyfile, const char* elem_name, const PlyProperty* prop ); void ply_element_count( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name, int nelems ); void ply_header_complete(PlyFile* plyfile); void ply_put_element_setup( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name ); void ply_put_element( PlyFile* plyfile, void* elem_ptr ); void ply_put_comment( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& comment ); void ply_put_obj_info( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& obj_info ); PlyFile* ply_read( FILE* fp, vector<string>& elem_names ); PlyFile* ply_open_for_reading( const char* filename, vector<string>& elem_names, int* file_type, float* version ); vector<PlyProperty> ply_get_element_description( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name, int& nelems, int& nprops ); void ply_get_property( PlyFile* plyfile, const string& elem_name, const PlyProperty* prop ); void ply_get_element( PlyFile* plyfile, void* elem_ptr ); void ply_get_comments( PlyFile* plyfile, vector<string>& comments ); void ply_get_obj_info( PlyFile* plyfile, vector<string>& obj_info ); void ply_close(PlyFile* plyfile); void ply_get_info( PlyFile* ply, float* version, int* file_type ); double get_item_value( char* item, int type ); PLY_DATA_TYPE get_prop_type(const string& type_name); TEST( OpenGL, perspectiveMatrix ); TEST( OpenGL, orthoMatrix ); TEST( OpenGL, perspectiveMatrixFromPinhole ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imSpline ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imLinear2Neig ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imLinear4Neig ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imSSLLLL ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imLinearSlerp ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::poses, imSplineSlerp ); template <class POSE_T> void readFileWithPoses( const std::string& fname, std::vector<POSE_T>* poses_vec, std::vector<mrpt::system::TTimeStamp>* timestamps = NULL, bool substract_init_offset = false ); TEST( CPoint, toFromString_2D ); TEST( CPoint, toFromString_3D ); TEST( CPose2DInterpolator, interp ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, DefaultValues ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Initialization ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, OperatorBracket ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, InverseHM ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Compose ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, composeFrom ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ToFromCPose2D ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ComposeAndInvComposeWithPoint ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ComposePointJacob ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ComposePointJacobApprox ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, InvComposePointJacob ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ComposePointJacob_se3 ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, InvComposePointJacob_se3 ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, ExpLnEqual ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dExpe_de_at_0 ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dLnT_dT ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dexpeD_de ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dDexpe_de ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, Jacob_dAexpeD_de ); TEST_F( Pose3DTests, translation ); TEST( CPose3DInterpolator, interp ); template <class MAT33, class MAT66> void cov2to3( const MAT33& c2d, MAT66& c3d ); TEST_F( Pose3DPDFGaussTests, ToQuatGaussPDFAndBack ); TEST_F( Pose3DPDFGaussTests, CompositionJacobian ); TEST_F( Pose3DPDFGaussTests, AllOperators ); TEST_F( Pose3DPDFGaussTests, ChangeCoordsRef ); TEST( CPose3DPDFGrid, uniformDistribution ); TEST( CPose3DPDFGrid, setManualPDF ); static void quat_vs_YPR( double yaw, double pitch, double roll, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, const std::string& sRotMat ); TEST( QuatTests, Quat_vs_YPR ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, FromYPRAndBack ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, UnaryInverse ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, CopyOperator ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, Compose ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, ComposeWithPoint ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, ComposeWithPointJacob ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, InvComposeWithPoint ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, InvComposeWithPointJacob ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, ComposeInvComposePoint ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, ComposePoint_vs_CPose3D ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, InvComposePoint_vs_CPose3D ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, SphericalCoordsJacobian ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatTests, NormalizationJacobian ); void aux_poseypr2posequat( const CVectorFixedDouble<6>& x, ] const double& dummy, CVectorFixedDouble<7>& y ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, ToYPRGaussPDFAndBack ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, CompositionJacobian ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, Inverse ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, Composition ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, InverseComposition ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, RelativeDisplacement ); TEST_F( Pose3DQuatPDFGaussTests, ChangeCoordsRef ); poses::CPosePDFGaussian operator + ( const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& A, const mrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussian& B ); TEST_F( PosePDFGaussTests, Inverse ); poses::CPosePDFGaussianInf operator + ( const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& A, const mrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussianInf& B ); TEST( CPosePDFGrid, defaultCtor ); TEST( CPosePDFGrid, resize ); TEST( CPosePDFGrid, basicOps ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, crossProduct ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, gimbalLock ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, ToYPRAndBack ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, LnAndExpMatches ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, ExpAndLnMatches ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, ThrowOnNotNormalized ); TEST_F( QuaternionTests, ensurePositiveRealPart ); TEST( CRobot2DPoseEstimator, defaultCtor ); TEST( CRobot2DPoseEstimator, extrapolateRobotPose ); TEST( CRobot2DPoseEstimator, integrateOdometryAndLocalization ); template <int DIM> void run_tf_test1(const mrpt::poses::CPose2D& A2B_); TEST( FrameTransformer, SimplePublishAndLookup ); TEST_F( SE3_traits_tests, SE3_jacobs_DinvP1InvP2 ); TEST_F( SE3_traits_tests, SE3_jacobs_dAB_dAB ); TEST_F( SE2_traits_tests, SE2_jacobs_DinvP1InvP2 ); TEST_F( SE2_traits_tests, SE2_jacobs_dAB_dAB ); template <typename VEC3, typename MAT3x3, typename MAT3x9> void M3x9( const VEC3& a, const MAT3x3& B, MAT3x9& RES ); void run_test_so2_avrg( const double* angs, const size_t N, const double ang_correct_avr ); TEST( SE2_SE3_avrg, SO2_average ); void run_test_so3_avrg( const double* angs, const size_t N, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33& correct_avr ); TEST( SE2_SE3_avrg, SO3_average ); TEST( Random, Randomize ); TEST( Random, KnownSequence ); TEST( Random, drawGaussianMultivariateMany ); TEST( Random, portable_uniform_distribution ); TEST( Random, shuffle ); uint32_t hiBit(const uint32_t u); uint32_t loBit(const uint32_t u); uint32_t loBits(const uint32_t u); uint32_t mixBits( const uint32_t u, const uint32_t v ); uint32_t twist( const uint32_t m, const uint32_t s0, const uint32_t s1 ); void getEmptyRosMsg(nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid& msg); TEST( Map, basicTestHeader ); TEST( Map, check_ros2mrpt_and_back ); void getEmptyRosMsg(nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid& msg); TEST( Map, basicTestHeader ); TEST( Map, check_ros2mrpt_and_back ); static bool check_field( const sensor_msgs::PointField& input_field, std::string check_name, const sensor_msgs::PointField** output ); static void get_float_from_field( const sensor_msgs::PointField* field, const unsigned char* data, float& output ); static void get_uint16_from_field( const sensor_msgs::PointField* field, const unsigned char* data, uint16_t& output ); static bool check_field( const sensor_msgs::msg::PointField& input_field, std::string check_name, const sensor_msgs::msg::PointField** output ); static void get_float_from_field( const sensor_msgs::msg::PointField* field, const unsigned char* data, float& output ); static void get_uint16_from_field( const sensor_msgs::msg::PointField* field, const unsigned char* data, uint16_t& output ); TEST( PointCloud2, toROS ); TEST( PointCloud2, toROS ); TEST( PoseConversions, copyMatrix3x3ToCMatrixDouble33 ); TEST( PoseConversions, copyCMatrixDouble33ToMatrix3x3 ); TEST( PoseConversions, reference_frame_change_with_rotations ); void check_CPose3D_tofrom_ROS( double x, double y, double z, double yaw, double pitch, double roll ); TEST( PoseConversions, check_CPose3D_tofrom_ROS ); TEST( PoseConversions, check_CPose2D_to_ROS ); TEST( PoseConversions, copyMatrix3x3ToCMatrixDouble33 ); TEST( PoseConversions, copyCMatrixDouble33ToMatrix3x3 ); TEST( PoseConversions, reference_frame_change_with_rotations ); void check_CPose3D_tofrom_ROS( double x, double y, double z, double yaw, double pitch, double roll ); TEST( PoseConversions, check_CPose3D_tofrom_ROS ); TEST( PoseConversions, check_CPose2D_to_ROS ); template <class MSG_T> void fromROS_variance( const MSG_T& msg, mrpt::obs::CObservationRange& obj ); template <class MSG_T> void toROS_variance( MSG_T& msg, const mrpt::obs::CObservationRange::TMeasurement& m ); TEST( Time, basicTest ); TEST( Time, basicTest ); void do_register(); TEST( rtti, CObject_CLASSID ); TEST( rtti, MyDerived1_CLASSID ); TEST( rtti, Factory ); TEST( rtti, CreateSmartPointerTypes ); TEST( rtti, CListOfClasses ); TEST( Serialization, bimap ); TEST( Serialization, STL_stdvector ); TEST( Serialization, STL_stdmap ); TEST( Serialization, STL_complex_error_type ); TEST( Serialization, optional_STL ); CArchive& operator << ( CArchive& a, const Foo& f ); CArchive& operator >> ( CArchive& a, Foo& f ); TEST( Serialization, vector_custom_type ); TEST( Serialization, vector_shared_ptr ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGridMapAligner, amRobustMatch ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGridMapAligner, amCorrelation ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( CGridMapAligner, amModifiedRANSAC ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(icpClassic); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(icpLevenbergMarquardt); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(icpCovLinealMSE); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(icpCovFiniteDifferences); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::slam, smMETRIC_MAP_MATCHING ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::slam, smOBSERVATION_OVERLAP ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( mrpt::slam, smCUSTOM_FUNCTION ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(assocNN); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(assocJCBB); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(metricMaha); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(metricML); static bool myVectorOrder( const pair<size_t, float>& o1, const pair<size_t, float>& o2 ); TEST_F( ICPTests, AlignScans_icpClassic ); TEST_F( ICPTests, AlignScans_icpLevenbergMarquardt ); TEST_F( ICPTests, RayTracingICP3D ); static double eval_similarity_metric_map_matching( const CIncrementalMapPartitioner* parent, const map_keyframe_t& kf1, const map_keyframe_t& kf2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& relPose2wrt1 ); static double eval_similarity_observation_overlap( const map_keyframe_t& kf1, const map_keyframe_t& kf2, const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& relPose2wrt1 ); TEST( CIncrementalMapPartitioner, test_dataset ); void run_test_pf_localization( CPose2D& meanPose, CMatrixDouble33& cov ); TEST( MonteCarlo2D, RunSampleDataset ); TEST( DataAssociation, TestNoICs ); bool ransac_data_assoc_run(); TEST( tfest, ransac_data_assoc ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(LVL_DEBUG); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(LVL_INFO); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(LVL_WARN); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(LVL_ERROR); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( LVL_DEBUG, "DEBUG" ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( LVL_INFO, "INFO" ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( LVL_WARN, "WARN" ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( LVL_ERROR, "ERROR" ); TEST( Base64, RandomEncDec ); bool cmpFileEntriesName_Asc( const CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo& a, const CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo& b ); bool cmpFileEntriesName_Desc( const CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo& a, const CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo& b ); template <typename T, typename... U> size_t getAddress(std::function<T(U...)> f); unsigned long CRC32Value( int i, const uint32_t CRC32_POLYNOMIAL ); TEST( crc, crc32 ); std::string aux_format_string_multilines( const std::string& s, size_t len ); TEST( CTimeLogger, getLastTime ); TEST( CTimeLogger, getMeanTime ); TEST( CTimeLogger, printStats ); TEST( CTimeLogger, printStatsFaulty ); TEST( CTimeLogger, multithread ); TEST( DateTime, dateTimeVsClock ); TEST( DateTime, time_t_forth_back ); TEST( DateTime, fixed_date_check ); TEST( DateTime, double_to_from ); TEST( DateTime, timestampAdd ); std::string p2s(const fs::path& p); TEST( FileSystem, fileNameChangeExtension ); TEST( FileSystem, extractFileExtension ); TEST( FileSystem, extractFileDirectory ); TEST( FileSystem, extractFileName ); TEST( FileSystem, filePathSeparatorsToNative ); TEST( FileSystem, toAbsolutePath ); TEST( FileSystem, pathJoin ); std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& out, MD5 md5 ); void my_aux_sighandler(int); int myKbhit(); template void mrpt::system::tokenize< std::deque< std::string > >( const std::string& inString, const std::string& inDelimiters, std::deque<std::string>& outTokens, bool skipBlankTokens ); template void mrpt::system::tokenize< std::vector< std::string > >( const std::string& inString, const std::string& inDelimiters, std::vector<std::string>& outTokens, bool skipBlankTokens ); TEST( string_utils, firstNLines ); TEST( thread_name, set_get_current_thread ); static void testerThread(const std::string& myName); TEST( thread_name, set_get_other_thread ); void markAsPicked( const TMatchingPair& c, std::vector<bool>& alreadySelectedThis, std::vector<bool>& alreadySelectedOther ); CPose3DQuat generate_points( TPoints& pA, TPoints& pB ); template <typename T> void generate_list_of_points( const TPoints& pA, const TPoints& pB, TMatchingPairListTempl<T>& list ); void generate_vector_of_points( const TPoints& pA, const TPoints& pB, vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& ptsA, vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& ptsB ); template <typename T> void se3_l2_MatchList_test(); TEST( tfest, se3_l2_MatchList_float ); TEST( tfest, se3_l2_MatchList_double ); TEST( tfest, se3_l2_PtsLists ); TEST( tfest, se3_l2_robust ); void do_test_geodetic_geocentric(const TGeodeticCoords c1); TEST( TopographyConversion, GeodeticToGeocentricToGeodetic ); TEST( TopographyConversion, geodeticToENU_WGS84 ); template <class T> std::set<T> make_set( const T& v0, const T& v1 ); TEST( TopographyReconstructPathFrom3RTK, sampleDataset ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TestColors, Black ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TestColors, Gray ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( TestColors, White ); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(North); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(East); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(South); MRPT_FILL_ENUM(West); TEST( TEnumType, str2value ); TEST( TEnumType, value2str ); TEST( StaticString, ctor ); TEST( StaticString, concat_literals ); TEST( StaticString, concat_multi ); TEST( num_to_string, ctor ); DECLARE_CUSTOM_TTYPENAME(MyFooClass); DECLARE_CUSTOM_TTYPENAME(MyNS::MyBarClass); TEST( TTypeName, types2str ); TEST( TTypeName, types2str_shared_ptr ); TEST( TTypeName, types2stdstring ); constexpr int foo_i_below_10(unsigned i); TEST( XAssert, build_time ); template <bool POSES_INVERSE> void reprojectionResidualsElement( const TCamera& camera_params, const TFeatureObservation& OBS, std::array<double, 2>& out_residual, const TFramePosesVec::value_type& frame, const TLandmarkLocationsVec::value_type& point, double& sum, const bool use_robust_kernel, const double kernel_param, double* out_kernel_1st_deriv ); static void extractLines_CannyHough( const cv::Mat& canny_image, const std::vector<cv::Vec2f> lines, std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& segments, size_t threshold ); static void jacob_db_dp( const TPoint3D& p, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 2, 3>& G ); static void jacob_dh_db_and_dh_dc( const TPoint3D& nP, const mrpt::math::CVectorFixedDouble<9>& c, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 2, 2>& Hb, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 2, 9>& Hc ); static void jacob_deps_D_p_deps( const TPoint3D& p_D, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 3, 6>& dpl_del ); static void jacob_dA_eps_D_p_deps( const CPose3D& A, const CPose3D& D, const TPoint3D& p, mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed<double, 3, 6>& dp_deps ); static void project_point( const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& P, const mrpt::img::TCamera& params, const mrpt::math::TPose3D& cameraPose, mrpt::img::TPixelCoordf& px ); images resize(NUM_IMGS); for(); EXPECT_LT( out. final_rmse, 3. 0 ); EXPECT_GT( out. final_iters, 10UL ); EXPECT_NEAR( out.cam_params.rightCameraPose. x, 0. 1194, 0. 005 ); EXPECT_EQ( out.image_pair_was_used. size (), NUM_IMGS ); template <bool FASTLOAD> bool buildPyramid_templ( CImagePyramid& obj, mrpt::img::CImage& img, size_t nOctaves, const bool smooth_halves, const bool convert_grayscale ); static void do_rectify( const CStereoRectifyMap& me, const cv::Mat& src_left, const cv::Mat& src_right, cv::Mat& out_left, cv::Mat& out_right, int16_t* map_xl, int16_t* map_xr, uint16_t* map_yl, uint16_t* map_yr, int interp_method ); int solve_deg2( double a, double b, double c, double& x1, double& x2 ); int solve_deg3(double a, double b, double c, double d, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2); int solve_deg4( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2, double& x3 ); int solve_deg2( double a, double b, double c, double& x1, double& x2 ); int solve_deg3(double a, double b, double c, double d, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2); int solve_deg4( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2, double& x3 ); // macros #define ADD_COLOR_MAP(c) #define APPERTURE #define APPERTURE #define APPERTURE #define ASRT_FAIL( \ __CONDITIONSTR, \ __A, \ __B, \ __ASTR, \ __BSTR \ ) #define ASSERTDEBMSG_( \ f, \ __ERROR_MSG \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_(f) #define ASSERTDEB_EQUAL_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_GE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_GT_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_LE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_LT_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTDEB_NOT_EQUAL_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERTMSG_( \ f, \ __ERROR_MSG \ ) #define ASSERT_(f) #define ASSERT_DIRECTORY_EXISTS_(DIR) #define ASSERT_EQUAL_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_FILE_EXISTS_(FIL) #define ASSERT_GE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_GT_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_LE_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_LT_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define ASSERT_NEAR_( \ __A, \ __B, \ __TOLERANCE \ ) #define ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_( \ __A, \ __B \ ) #define BIG_STRING #define BUFFER_OFFSET(offset) #define BUILD_128BIT_CONST( \ _name, \ B0, \ B1, \ B2, \ B3, \ B4, \ B5, \ B6, \ B7, \ B8, \ B9, \ B10, \ B11, \ B12, \ B13, \ B14, \ B15 \ ) #define CALIB_DECIMAT #define CARCHIVE_VERBOSE #define CASCADE #define CASCADE_CONST #define CHECK_AND_RET_ERROR( \ _COND_, \ _MSG_ \ ) #define CHECK_AND_RET_ERROR( \ _COND_, \ _MSG_ \ ) #define CHECK_AND_RET_ERROR( \ _COND_, \ _MSG_ \ ) #define CHECK_AND_RET_ERROR( \ _COND_, \ _MSG_ \ ) #define CHECK_FC2_ERROR(_err) #define CHECK_MEMBER(_m) #define CHECK_TRICLOPS_ERROR(_err) #define CLASS_ID(T) #define CLASS_ID_NAMESPACE( \ class_name, \ namespaceName \ ) #define CLASS_ID_TEMPLATE( \ class_name, \ T \ ) #define COMMON_PTG_DESIGN_PARAMS #define COPY_MEMBER(_m) #define CV_PI #define C_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU #define DCTSIZE #define DCTSIZE2 #define DECLARE_CUSTOM_TTYPENAME(_TYPE) #define DECLARE_MEXPLUS_FROM(complete_type) #define DECLARE_MEX_CONVERSION #define DECLARE_OP_FUNCTION(_NAME) #define DECLARE_TTYPENAME_CLASSNAME(_CLASSNAME) #define DEFAULT_LOGLVL_MRPT_UNSCOPED #define DEFINE_GENERIC_SENSOR(class_name) #define DEFINE_SCHEMA_SERIALIZABLE() #define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE( \ class_name, \ NS \ ) #define DEFINE_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT(class_name) #define DEFINE_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE(class_name) #define DEF_TYPESTR(_NAME) #define DEG2RAD #define DOFOR(_MSG_ID) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_MATFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_, \ M_ \ ) #define DO_RECURSE_CHILD( \ INDEX, \ SEQ0, \ SEQ1, \ SEQ2, \ SEQ3, \ SEQ4, \ SEQ5, \ SEQ6, \ SEQ7 \ ) #define DO_VECDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_VECDYN_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION(T_) #define DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_ \ ) #define DO_VECFIXED_INSTANTIATION_NM( \ T_, \ N_ \ ) #define DUMP_IMU_DATA(x) #define D_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU #define EPSILON_LHM #define EXPLICIT_INSTANT_ransac_detect_2D_lines(_TYPE_) #define EXPLICIT_INST_ransac_detect_3D_planes(_TYPE_) #define F5(t) #define FC2_BUF_IMG #define FC2_CAM #define FC2_CAM_INFO #define FILE_ATTRIB_ARCHIVE #define FILE_ATTRIB_DIRECTORY #define FILL_JOINT_DATA( \ _J1, \ _J2 \ ) #define FRBITS #define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES #define GNSS_BINARY_MSG_DEFINITION_END #define GNSS_BINARY_MSG_DEFINITION_MID #define GNSS_BINARY_MSG_DEFINITION_MID_END #define GNSS_BINARY_MSG_DEFINITION_START(_MSG_ID) #define GNSS_MESSAGE_BINARY_BLOCK( \ DATA_PTR, \ DATA_LEN \ ) #define GRAPHS_TESTS(_TYPE) #define HAVE_BOOLEAN #define HAVE_FBO #define HAVE_OPENCV_WITH_LATCH #define HAVE_OPENCV_WITH_LSD #define HAVE_OPENCV_WITH_SURF #define HEADER_PIXEL( \ data, \ pixel \ ) #define IMAGE_ALLOC_PERFLOG #define IMPLEMENTS_GENERIC_SENSOR( \ class_name, \ NameSpace \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_MEXPLUS_FROM(complete_type) #define IMPLEMENTS_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base, \ NameSpace \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE( \ class_name, \ base, \ NameSpace \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base, \ NS \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE( \ class_name, \ base_class, \ NS \ ) #define IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_SERIALIZABLE_NS_PREFIX( \ class_name, \ base_class, \ NS \ ) #define INT16_MAX #define INT16_MAX #define INT16_MIN #define INT16_MIN #define INT8_MAX #define INT8_MAX #define INT8_MIN #define INT8_MIN #define INTERNAL_IMPLEMENTS_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base, \ NameSpace, \ class_registry_name \ ) #define INTERNAL_IMPLEMENTS_VIRTUAL_MRPT_OBJECT( \ class_name, \ base_name, \ NS, \ registered_name \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG( \ _LVL, \ _STRING \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_FMT( \ _LVL, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_ONCE( \ _LVL, \ _STRING \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_STREAM( \ _LVL, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE( \ _LVL, \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_FMT( \ _LVL, \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define INTERNAL_MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_STREAM( \ _LVL, \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define INTPRECNUMBIT #define INVALID_SOCKET #define INVALID_TIMESTAMP #define INV_POSES_BOOL #define IS_CLASS( \ obj, \ class_name \ ) #define IS_DERIVED( \ obj, \ class_name \ ) #define JDCT_DEFAULT #define JDCT_FASTEST #define JMSG_LENGTH_MAX #define JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX #define JPEG_APP0 #define JPEG_COM #define JPEG_EOI #define JPEG_HEADER_OK #define JPEG_HEADER_TABLES_ONLY #define JPEG_LIB_VERSION #define JPEG_REACHED_EOI #define JPEG_REACHED_SOS #define JPEG_ROW_COMPLETED #define JPEG_RST0 #define JPEG_SCAN_COMPLETED #define JPEG_SUSPENDED #define JPOOL_IMAGE #define JPOOL_NUMPOOLS #define JPOOL_PERMANENT #define JPP(arglist) #define KINECT_H #define KINECT_RANGES_TABLE_LEN #define KINECT_RANGES_TABLE_MASK #define KINECT_W #define KM_ASSERT(expression) #define LIK_LF_CACHE_INVALID #define LIST_ALL_MSGS #define LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType \ ) #define LOADABLEOPTS_DUMP_VAR_DEG(variableName) #define LOAD_FONT(FONTNAME) #define LOG( \ verbose, \ text \ ) #define LOOP_MAX_COUNT #define LUT_TABLE #define MAKEWORD16B( \ __LOBYTE, \ __HILOBYTE \ ) #define MAKEWORD32B( \ __LOWORD16, \ __HIWORD16 \ ) #define MAKEWORD64B( \ __LOWORD32, \ __HIWORD32 \ ) #define MAP_DEFINITION_END(_CLASS_NAME_) #define MAP_DEFINITION_REGISTER( \ _CLASSNAME_STRINGS, \ _CLASSNAME_WITH_NS \ ) #define MAP_DEFINITION_START(_CLASS_NAME_) #define MASK2BYTES #define MASK3BYTES #define MASK4BYTES #define MASK5BYTES #define MASK6BYTES #define MASKBITS #define MASKBYTE #define MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN #define MAX_SAMP_FACTOR #define MAX_USERS #define MCP_LOAD_OPT( \ Yaml__, \ Var__ \ ) #define MCP_LOAD_OPT_DEG( \ Yaml__, \ Var__ \ ) #define MCP_LOAD_REQ( \ Yaml__, \ Var__ \ ) #define MCP_LOAD_REQ_DEG( \ Yaml__, \ Var__ \ ) #define MCP_SAVE( \ Yaml__, \ Var__ \ ) #define MCP_SAVE_DEG( \ Yaml__, \ Var__ \ ) #define MRPT_CHECK_GCC_VERSION( \ major, \ minor \ ) #define MRPT_CHECK_NORMAL_NUMBER(v) #define MRPT_CHECK_VISUALC_VERSION(major) #define MRPT_DAQmxCfgInputBuffer #define MRPT_DAQmxCfgOutputBuffer #define MRPT_DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming #define MRPT_DAQmxClearTask #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateAIVoltageChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateAOVoltageChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCIAngEncoderChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCICountEdgesChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCILinEncoderChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCIPeriodChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCIPulseWidthChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanFreq #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateDIChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateDOChan #define MRPT_DAQmxCreateTask #define MRPT_DAQmxGetExtendedErrorInfo #define MRPT_DAQmxReadAnalogF64 #define MRPT_DAQmxReadCounterF64 #define MRPT_DAQmxReadDigitalU8 #define MRPT_DAQmxStartTask #define MRPT_DAQmxStopTask #define MRPT_DAQmxWriteAnalogF64 #define MRPT_DAQmxWriteDigitalLines #define MRPT_DAQmxWriteDigitalU32 #define MRPT_DAQmx_ErrChk(functionCall) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME(_TYPE) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_CONTAINER(_CONTAINER) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_CONTAINER_ASSOC(_CONTAINER) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_CONTAINER_FIX_SIZE(_CONTAINER) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_NAMESPACE( \ _TYPE, \ __NS \ ) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_NO_NAMESPACE( \ _TYPE, \ __NS \ ) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_PTR(_TYPE) #define MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_PTR_NAMESPACE( \ _TYPE, \ __NS \ ) #define MRPT_END #define MRPT_END_WITH_CLEAN_UP(stuff) #define MRPT_ENUM_TYPE_BEGIN(_ENUM_TYPE_WITH_NS) #define MRPT_ENUM_TYPE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE( \ _NAMESPACE, \ _ENUM_TYPE_WITH_NS \ ) #define MRPT_ENUM_TYPE_END() #define MRPT_FILL_ENUM(_X) #define MRPT_FILL_ENUM_CUSTOM_NAME( \ _X, \ _NAME \ ) #define MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER( \ _CLASS, \ _VALUE \ ) #define MRPT_HAS_OPENCV #define MRPT_HAS_SOME_NIDAQMX #define MRPT_INITIALIZER(f) #define MRPT_LIKELY(EXPR) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_CAST( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ variableTypeCast, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_CAST_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ variableTypeCast, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_CS( \ variableName, \ variableType \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREESf( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_CONFIG_VAR_REQUIRED_CS( \ variableName, \ variableType \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_CAST( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ variableTypeCast, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_CAST_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ variableTypeCast, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_DEBUG(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_FMT( \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_STREAM(__CONTENTS) #define MRPT_LOG_ERROR(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_ERROR_FMT( \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_ERROR_STREAM(__CONTENTS) #define MRPT_LOG_INFO(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_INFO_FMT( \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_INFO_STREAM(__CONTENTS) #define MRPT_LOG_ONCE_DEBUG(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_ONCE_ERROR(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_ONCE_INFO(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_ONCE_WARN(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG_FMT( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG_STREAM( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_ERROR( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_ERROR_FMT( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_ERROR_STREAM( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_INFO( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_INFO_FMT( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_INFO_STREAM( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_WARN( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _STRING \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_WARN_FMT( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_WARN_STREAM( \ _PERIOD_SECONDS, \ __CONTENTS \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_WARN(_STRING) #define MRPT_LOG_WARN_FMT( \ _FMT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define MRPT_LOG_WARN_STREAM(__CONTENTS) #define MRPT_MATRIX_CONSTRUCTORS_FROM_POSES(_CLASS_) #define MRPT_READ_POD( \ _STREAM, \ _VARIABLE \ ) #define MRPT_SAVE_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_SAVE_CONFIG_VAR_COMMENT( \ variableName, \ __comment \ ) #define MRPT_SAVE_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES( \ variableName, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MRPT_SAVE_CONFIG_VAR_DEGREES_COMMENT( \ __entryName, \ __variable, \ __comment \ ) #define MRPT_START #define MRPT_THROW_UNKNOWN_SERIALIZATION_VERSION(__V) #define MRPT_TODO(x) #define MRPT_TRY_END #define MRPT_TRY_END_WITH_CLEAN_UP(stuff) #define MRPT_TRY_START #define MRPT_UNSCOPED_LOGGER_END #define MRPT_UNSCOPED_LOGGER_START #define MRPT_USE_NIDAQMX #define MRPT_USE_NIDAQMXBASE #define MRPT_VISUALC_VERSION(major) #define MRPT_WARNING(x) #define MRPT_X_ASSERT(CHECK) #define MY_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define MY_LOAD_HERE_CONFIG_VAR_NO_DEFAULT( \ variableName, \ variableType, \ targetVariable, \ configFileObject, \ sectionNameStr \ ) #define M_2PI #define M_2PIf #define M_2PIl #define M_DUO_PTR #define M_DUO_VALUE #define M_PI #define M_PIf #define M_PIl #define NANOGUI_END_TRY(_parentWindowRef_) #define NANOGUI_START_TRY #define NUM_ARITH_TBLS #define NUM_ASYMPTOTIC_TERMS #define NUM_HUFF_TBLS #define NUM_JOINTS #define NUM_LINES #define NUM_QUANT_TBLS #define N_CIRCULOS #define PLY_ASCII #define PLY_BINARY_BE #define PLY_BINARY_LE #define POINT_COLOR #define POSE_COLOR #define PRINT_JOINT(_J) #define PROJ_SUB_NODE(POSTFIX) #define PROJ_SUB_NODE_ALREADY_DONE( \ INDEX, \ POSTFIX \ ) #define RAD2DEG #define RAWDAQ_SHOW_FIRSTS(_VEC) #define READ_DOUBLE_CHECK_IT_MATCHES_STORED(_VAR) #define READ_FLOAT_CHECK_IT_MATCHES_STORED(_VAR) #define READ_JOINT(_J) #define READ_UINT16_CHECK_IT_MATCHES_STORED(_VAR) #define REQUIRES(...) #define RET_ERROR(msg) #define RET_ERROR(msg) #define S11 #define S12 #define S13 #define S14 #define S21 #define S22 #define S23 #define S24 #define S31 #define S32 #define S33 #define S34 #define S41 #define S42 #define S43 #define S44 #define SAVE_MATRIX(M) #define SCHEMA_DESERIALIZE_DATATYPE_VERSION() #define SCHEMA_SERIALIZE_DATATYPE_VERSION(ser_version) #define SELBYTE0(v) #define SELBYTE1(v) #define SELBYTE2(v) #define SELBYTE3(v) #define SENSOR_CLASS_ID(class_name) #define SENSOR_IS_CLASS( \ ptrObj, \ class_name \ ) #define STATS_EXPERIMENT #define STATS_EXPERIMENT_ALSO_NC #define TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(_classname) #define TEST_CLASS_MOVE_COPY_CTORS(_classname) #define THE_CAMERA #define THE_CONTEXT #define THROW_EXCEPTION(msg) #define THROW_EXCEPTION_FMT( \ _FORMAT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define THROW_TYPED_EXCEPTION( \ msg, \ exceptionClass \ ) #define THROW_TYPED_EXCEPTION_FMT( \ exceptionClass, \ _FORMAT_STRING, \ ... \ ) #define TIMECONV_JULIAN_DATE_START_OF_GPS_TIME #define TIMEVAL_NUMS #define TIMEVAL_NUMS_CONST #define TOL_LHM #define TRI_CONTEXT #define TST_FOR_TYPE(__TSTTYPE) #define TST_FOR_TYPE2( \ __TSTTYPE, \ __TSTTYPE2ndpart \ ) #define TwoPi #define VERBOSE_COUT #define VERBOSE_COUT #define WRITE_JOINT(_J) #define WRITE_OTHER_SAMPLES( \ _VECTOR_NAME, \ _FRMT, \ _TYPECAST \ ) #define WX_END_TRY #define WX_START_TRY #define _MRPT_AUXTOSTR(__AA) #define __CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME__ #define __has_builtin(x) #define __has_extension #define __has_feature(x) #define _access #define _rmdir #define _stat #define int_x2idx(_X) #define int_y2idx(_Y) #define isense_handles #define jpeg_common_fields #define jpeg_create_compress(cinfo) #define jpeg_create_decompress(cinfo) #define mpLEGEND_LINEWIDTH #define mpLEGEND_MARGIN #define mpLN10 #define mpMIN_X_AXIS_LABEL_SEPARATION #define mpMIN_Y_AXIS_LABEL_SEPARATION #define mpSCROLL_NUM_PIXELS_PER_LINE #define mrpt_alloca(nBytes) #define mrpt_alloca_free(mem_block) #define myRGB( \ r, \ g, \ b \ ) #define skl_states #define user_tracker #define wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE #define wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD
typedef struct mxArray_tag mxArray
Forward declaration for mxArray (avoid including as much as possible to speed up compiling)
Global Variables
static std::array<mrpt::system::ConsoleForegroundColor, NUMBER_OF_VERBOSITY_LEVELS> logging_levels_to_colors = { ConsoleForegroundColor::BLUE, ConsoleForegroundColor::DEFAULT, ConsoleForegroundColor::GREEN, ConsoleForegroundColor::RED }
Implementation file for the COutputLogger header class.
Global Functions
IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CHolonomicND, CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod, mrpt::nav)
Initialize the parameters of the navigator, from some configuration file, or default values if filename is set to NULL.
bool TIMECONV_GetUTCTimeFromJulianDate(const double julian_date, mrpt::system::TTimeParts& utc)
Number of days since noon Universal Time Jan 1, 4713 BCE (Julian calendar) [days].
IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CGridPlaneXY, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl)
IMPLEMENTS_SERIALIZABLE(CGridPlaneXZ, CRenderizableShaderWireFrame, mrpt::opengl)
void my_aux_sighandler(int)
By ninjalj in
int solve_deg3( double a, double b, double c, double d, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2 )
Reference : Eric W.
Weisstein. “Cubic Equation.” From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource.
Number of real roots found.
int solve_deg4( double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double& x0, double& x1, double& x2, double& x3 )
Reference : Eric W.
Weisstein. “Quartic Equation.” From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource.
Number of real roots found.
int solve_de