Example: gui_text_fonts_example

C++ example source code:
/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) | | https://www.mrpt.org/ | | | | Copyright (c) 2005-2024, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file | | See: https://www.mrpt.org/Authors - All rights reserved. | | Released under BSD License. See: https://www.mrpt.org/License | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindow.h> #include <iostream> using namespace mrpt; using namespace mrpt::gui; using namespace mrpt::img; using namespace std; // ------------------------------------------------------ // TestFonts // ------------------------------------------------------ void TestFonts() { CImage img(400, 300); img.filledRectangle(0, 0, 400, 300, TColor(0x50, 0x50, 0x50)); int y = 10; img.selectTextFont("5x7"); img.textOut(10, y, "Hello World! with font \"5x7\"", TColor::white()); y += 20; img.selectTextFont("6x13"); img.textOut(10, y, "Hello World! with font \"6x13\"", TColor::white()); y += 20; img.selectTextFont("6x13B"); img.textOut(10, y, "Hello World! with font \"6x13B\"", TColor::white()); y += 20; img.selectTextFont("6x13O"); img.textOut(10, y, "Hello World! with font \"6x13O\"", TColor::white()); y += 20; img.selectTextFont("9x15"); img.textOut(10, y, "Hello World! with font \"9x15\"", TColor::white()); y += 20; img.selectTextFont("9x15B"); img.textOut(10, y, "Hello World! with font \"9x15B\"", TColor::white()); y += 20; img.selectTextFont("18x18ja"); img.textOut(10, y, "MRPTのフォントは易しいです!", TColor::white()); y += 20; img.selectTextFont("10x20"); img.textOut(10, y, "Hello World! with font \"10x20\"", TColor::white()); y += 20; CDisplayWindow win1("MRPT - Demo of text fonts render"); win1.setPos(10, 10); win1.showImage(img); cout << "Push a key in the console or in the window to continue..."; win1.waitForKey(); cout << "Done" << endl; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // MAIN // ------------------------------------------------------ int main() { try { TestFonts(); return 0; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "MRPT error: " << mrpt::exception_to_str(e) << std::endl; return -1; } }