Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.9.9
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1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
9 #include "vision-precomp.h" // Precompiled headers
12 #include <mrpt/vision/utils.h>
13 #include <mrpt/vision/pinhole.h>
15 #include <mrpt/vision/CFeature.h>
17 #include <mrpt/poses/CPoint3D.h>
18 //#include <mrpt/maps/CLandmarksMap.h>
22 #include <mrpt/system/filesystem.h>
23 #include <mrpt/system/os.h>
24 #include <mrpt/utils/CTicTac.h>
25 #include <mrpt/utils/CTimeLogger.h>
26 #include <mrpt/math/utils.h>
27 #include <mrpt/math/ops_vectors.h>
29 #include <mrpt/math/geometry.h>
31 // Universal include for all versions of OpenCV
32 #include <mrpt/otherlibs/do_opencv_includes.h>
34 using namespace mrpt;
35 using namespace mrpt::vision;
36 using namespace mrpt::utils;
37 // using namespace mrpt::maps;
38 using namespace mrpt::math;
39 using namespace mrpt::system;
40 using namespace std;
43 #include <process.h>
44 #include <windows.h> // TODO: This is temporary!!!
45 #endif
47 const int FEAT_FREE = -1;
48 // const int NOT_ASIG = 0; // JL: Not used anymore?? (FAMD)
49 // const int ASG_FEAT = 1;
50 // const int AMB_FEAT = 2;
52 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
53  insertHashCoeffs
54 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
56  const CFeature::Ptr& feat, TQuantizationTable& qTable)
57 {
59  for (int k = 0; k < int(feat->multiScales.size()); ++k)
60  {
61  for (int m = 0; m < int(feat->multiOrientations[k].size()); ++m)
62  {
63  int key1 = feat->multiHashCoeffs[k][m][0];
64  int key2 = feat->multiHashCoeffs[k][m][1];
65  int key3 = feat->multiHashCoeffs[k][m][2];
67  bool found = false;
68  if (qTable.find(key1) != qTable.end() &&
69  qTable[key1].find(key2) != qTable[key1].end() &&
70  qTable[key1][key2].find(key3) != qTable[key1][key2].end())
71  {
72  // The entry for these keys already exists
73  // Check if the qTable already contain this ID and multiScale!
74  for (int n = 0; n < int(qTable[key1][key2][key3].size()); ++n)
75  {
76  TFeatureID thisID = qTable[key1][key2][key3][n].first;
77  double thisScale = qTable[key1][key2][key3][n].second;
78  if (thisID == feat->ID && thisScale == feat->multiScales[k])
79  found = true;
80  // cout << "Inserting in: " <<
81  // key1 << "," << key2 << "," <<
82  // key3 << endl;
83  } // end-for
84  } // end-if
85  if (!found) // Insert the new coefficients if they haven't been
86  // inserted before
87  qTable[key1][key2][key3].push_back(
88  make_pair(feat->ID, feat->multiScales[k]));
89  } // end for multiOrientations
90  } // end for multiScales
92 } // end-insertHashCoeffs
94 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
95  saveQTableToFile
96 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
98  const TQuantizationTable& qTable, const string& filename)
99 {
100  FILE* f = mrpt::system::os::fopen(filename, "wt");
102  typedef map<int, map<int, map<int, deque<pair<TFeatureID, double>>>>>
106  map<int, map<int, deque<pair<TFeatureID, double>>>>::const_iterator it2;
107  map<int, deque<pair<TFeatureID, double>>>::const_iterator it3;
109  for (it1 = qTable.begin(); it1 != qTable.end(); ++it1)
110  for (it2 = it1->second.begin(); it2 != it1->second.end(); ++it2)
111  for (it3 = it2->second.begin(); it3 != it2->second.end(); ++it3)
112  {
114  f, "%d\t%d\t%d\t", it1->first, it2->first, it3->first);
115  for (int k = 0; k < int(it3->second.size()); ++k)
117  f, "%lu\t%.2f\t",
118  static_cast<long unsigned int>(it3->second[k].first),
119  it3->second[k].second);
120  mrpt::system::os::fprintf(f, "\n");
121  } // end-for
123 } // end-saveQTableToFile
125 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
126  relocalizeMultiDesc
127 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
128 // Return the number of features which have been properly re-matched
130  const CImage& image, CFeatureList& baseList, CFeatureList& currentList,
131  TQuantizationTable& qTable, const TMultiResDescOptions& desc_opts,
132  const TMultiResDescMatchOptions& match_opts)
133 {
135  const bool PARAR = false;
137  int TH = 30; // The threshold for searching in the quantization table
139  output.firstListCorrespondences.resize(baseList.size(), -1);
140  output.firstListDistance.resize(baseList.size());
141  output.firstListFoundScales.resize(baseList.size());
142  output.secondListCorrespondences.resize(currentList.size(), -1);
143  output.nMatches = 0;
146  map<int, map<int, deque<pair<TFeatureID, double>>>>::iterator it2;
147  map<int, deque<pair<TFeatureID, double>>>::iterator it3;
149  vector<TFeatureID> vID;
151  int hpSize = desc_opts.basePSize / 2; // Half of the patch size
152  int w = image.getWidth();
153  int h = image.getHeight();
155  map<TFeatureID, vector<double>> featsToCompareMap;
157  int curCounter = 0;
159  for (it = currentList.begin(); it != currentList.end(); ++it, ++curCounter)
160  {
161  if (PARAR && (*it)->ID == 193)
162  {
163  for (int i = 0; i < (int)(*it)->multiScales.size(); ++i)
164  cout << (*it)->multiScales[i] << endl;
165  }
166  ASSERT_((*it)->multiHashCoeffs.size() == (*it)->multiScales.size());
168  // (*it)->dumpToConsole();
169  // (*it)->patch.saveToFile(format("imgs/patch_ini_%d.jpg",
170  // int((*it)->ID)));
171  // cout << "done" << endl;
173  featsToCompareMap.clear();
174  if (!(*it)->descriptors.hasDescriptorMultiSIFT())
175  {
176  cout << "[relocalizeMultiDesc] Feature " << (*it)->ID
177  << " in currentList hasn't got any descriptor." << endl;
179  // Compute the new descriptors at scale 1.0
180  TMultiResDescOptions nopts = desc_opts;
181  nopts.scales.resize(1);
182  nopts.scales[0] = 1.0;
183  if ((*it)->x + hpSize > (w - 1) || (*it)->y + hpSize > (h - 1) ||
184  (*it)->x - hpSize < 0 || (*it)->y - hpSize < 0)
185  {
186  cout << "[relocalizeMultiDesc] WARNING: Feature too close to "
187  "the border. MultiDescriptor computation skipped."
188  << endl;
189  continue;
190  }
192  } // end-if
194  for (int k = 0; k < int((*it)->multiOrientations[0].size()); ++k)
195  {
196  /* Where to look for within the quantization table?*/
197  /* this is done for each feature and for each main orientation*/
198  int c1mn = (*it)->multiHashCoeffs[0][k][0] - TH;
199  int c1mx = (*it)->multiHashCoeffs[0][k][0] + TH;
201  int c2mn = (*it)->multiHashCoeffs[0][k][1] - TH;
202  int c2mx = (*it)->multiHashCoeffs[0][k][1] + TH;
204  int c3mn = (*it)->multiHashCoeffs[0][k][2] - TH;
205  int c3mx = (*it)->multiHashCoeffs[0][k][2] + TH;
207  for (int m1 = c1mn; m1 < c1mx; ++m1)
208  {
209  it1 = qTable.find(m1);
210  if (it1 != qTable.end())
211  {
212  for (int m2 = c2mn; m2 < c2mx; ++m2)
213  {
214  it2 = it1->second.find(m2);
215  if (it2 != it1->second.end())
216  {
217  for (int m3 = c3mn; m3 < c3mx; ++m3)
218  {
219  it3 = it2->second.find(m3);
220  if (it3 != it2->second.end())
221  {
222  for (int n = 0; n < int(it3->second.size());
223  ++n)
224  {
225  featsToCompareMap[qTable[m1][m2][m3]
226  [n].first]
227  .push_back(
228  qTable[m1][m2][m3][n].second);
229  } // endfor n
230  } // endif it3
231  } // endfor m3
232  } // endif it2
233  } // endfor m2
234  } // endif it1
235  } // endfor m1
237  // Erase duplicates
238  vID.resize(featsToCompareMap.size()); // To store only the IDs
239  int counter = 0;
240  for (map<TFeatureID, vector<double>>::iterator
241  nit = featsToCompareMap.begin();
242  nit != featsToCompareMap.end(); ++nit, ++counter)
243  {
244  // Remove duplicates
245  std::sort(nit->second.begin(), nit->second.end());
248  vit = std::unique(nit->second.begin(), nit->second.end());
250  nit->second.resize(vit - nit->second.begin());
252  // Add to the ID vector
253  vID[counter] = nit->first;
254  }
256  // Find the scales where to look
257  // Use all orientations for each scale (we don't know a priori
258  // what's the change in orientation)
259  counter = 0;
260  // for each feature to compare
261  int minDist = 1e6;
262  int minBaseScl = 0;
263  int minBaseFeat = 0;
264  for (map<TFeatureID, vector<double>>::iterator
265  nit = featsToCompareMap.begin();
266  nit != featsToCompareMap.end(); ++nit, ++counter)
267  {
268  int baseIdx;
269  CFeature::Ptr baseFeat = baseList.getByID(nit->first, baseIdx);
271  // cout << int((*it)->ID) << " (" << (*it)->x <<
272  // "," << (*it)->y << ")";
273  // cout << "
274  // -------------------------------------------------------------"
275  // << endl;
277  // for each scale within the base feature
278  for (int k1 = 0; k1 < int(baseFeat->multiScales.size()); ++k1)
279  {
280  // for each scale from the qTable
281  for (int k2 = 0; k2 < int(nit->second.size()); ++k2)
282  {
283  if (baseFeat->multiScales[k1] ==
284  nit->second[k2]) // if this scale has been selected
285  {
286  // for each orientation of the feature 1
287  for (int k3 = 0;
288  k3 <
289  int(baseFeat->multiOrientations[k1].size());
290  ++k3)
291  {
292  // for each orientation of the feature 2
293  for (int k4 = 0;
294  k4 <
295  int((*it)->multiOrientations[0].size());
296  ++k4)
297  {
298  // check orientation
299  if (fabs(
300  baseFeat->multiOrientations[k1]
301  [k3] -
302  (*it)->multiOrientations[0][k4]) >
303  DEG2RAD(10))
304  continue;
305  // cout
306  // <<
307  // "Orientation
308  // check
309  // passed"
310  // <<
311  // endl;
312  // cout
313  // <<
314  // "HASH:
315  // " <<
316  // (*it)->multiHashCoeffs[0][k4]
317  // <<
318  // endl;
320  // Compute the distance
321  int dist = 0;
322  for (int d = 0;
323  d <
324  int(baseFeat->descriptors
325  .multiSIFTDescriptors[k1][k3]
326  .size());
327  ++d)
328  dist += fabs(
329  float(
330  baseFeat->descriptors
331  .multiSIFTDescriptors[k1]
332  [k3]
333  [d]) -
334  float(
335  (*it)
336  ->descriptors
337  .multiSIFTDescriptors[0][k4]
338  [d]));
340  // cout
341  // <<
342  // nit->first
343  // << "["
344  // <<
345  // baseFeat->multiScales[k1]
346  // << "]
347  // - ori:
348  // " <<
349  // baseFeat->multiOrientations[k1][k3]
350  // << " -
351  // HASH:
352  // " <<
353  // baseFeat->multiHashCoeffs[k1][k3]
354  // << " -
355  // dist:
356  // " <<
357  // dist
358  // <<
359  // endl;
360  if (dist < minDist)
361  {
362  minDist = dist; // minimun distance of
363  // the features
364  minBaseFeat = baseIdx; // index of the
365  // base feature
366  minBaseScl =
367  k1; // scale of the base feature
368  } // end-if
369  } // end-for
370  } // end-for
371  } // end-if
372  } // end-for-k2
373  } // end-for-k1
374  // if( baseFeat->ID == 32 && (*it)->ID == 9 )
375  // mrpt::system::pause();
376  } // end-for-nit
377  if (minDist < match_opts.matchingThreshold)
378  {
379  // We've found a match
380  // Store the index of the current feature
381  output.firstListCorrespondences[minBaseFeat] = curCounter;
382  output.firstListFoundScales[minBaseFeat] = minBaseScl;
383  output.firstListDistance[minBaseFeat] = minDist;
384  output.secondListCorrespondences[curCounter] = minBaseFeat;
385  output.nMatches++;
386  }
387  } // end-for orientations
388  // if( (*it)->ID == 9 )
389  // {
390  // baseList.getByID(32)->dumpToConsole();
391  // (*it)->dumpToConsole();
392  // mrpt::system::pause();
393  // }
395  } // end-for-it
397  return output;
400 } // end-relocalizeMultiDesc
402 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
403  updateBaseList
404 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
405 // Updates the following parameters for each feature in Base List:
406 // Coordinates, the number of frames it has been seen in, the number of frames
407 // since the last time it was seen and
408 // the number of frames it has not been seen. This is done according to the
409 // information in vector "idx" and the
410 // positions of the features in current list.
412  CFeatureList& baseList, const CFeatureList& currentList,
413  const vector<int>& idx)
414 {
416  ASSERT_(idx.size() == baseList.size());
418  size_t sz = idx.size();
420  CVectorDouble dp(sz), my(sz);
421  int counter = 0;
422  for (int k = 0; k < (int)sz; ++k)
423  {
424  if (idx[k] == FEAT_FREE)
425  {
426  baseList[k]->nTimesNotSeen++;
427  baseList[k]->nTimesLastSeen++;
428  }
429  else
430  {
431  baseList[k]->nTimesSeen++;
432  baseList[k]->nTimesLastSeen = 0;
434  // Update position!
435  dp[k] = fabs(baseList[k]->depth - currentList[idx[k]]->depth);
436  // cout << "dp:" << dp[k] << endl;
438  counter++;
439  } // end-else
440  } // end-for
442  double m_dp, std_dp;
443  mrpt::math::meanAndStd(dp, m_dp, std_dp);
444  cout << "mean&std: " << m_dp << "," << std_dp << endl;
446  for (int k = 0; k < (int)idx.size(); ++k)
447  {
448  if (idx[k] != FEAT_FREE)
449  {
450  // Update position!
451  if (dp[k] < (m_dp + std_dp))
452  {
453  baseList[k]->x = currentList[idx[k]]->x;
454  baseList[k]->y = currentList[idx[k]]->y;
455  baseList[k]->p3D = currentList[idx[k]]->p3D;
456  }
457  } // end-if
458  } // end-for
461 } // updateBaseList
463 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
464  checkScalesAndFindMore
465 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
466 // Checks the scales where the matched were found and find more descriptors if
467 // they are located at the boundaries of
468 // the scale range o a certain feature within base list.
469 // It also deletes the features in base list which are have not been seen for a
470 // long time and it wasn't seen enough.
472  CMatchedFeatureList& baseList, const CFeatureList& currentList,
473  const CImage& currentImage, const TMultiResMatchingOutput& output,
474  const TMultiResDescOptions& computeOpts,
475  const TMultiResDescMatchOptions& matchOpts)
476 {
478  int m = 0;
479  // cout << "Base: " << baseList.size() << " and output: " <<
480  // output.firstListCorrespondences.size() << endl;
481  for (itBase = baseList.begin(); itBase != baseList.end(); ++m)
482  {
483  // cout << m << " was last seen " <<
484  // itBase->->first->nTimesLastSeen << " frames ago and has been
485  // seen " << itBase->first->nTimesSeen << " times so far." <<
486  // endl;
487  if (itBase->first->nTimesLastSeen > matchOpts.lastSeenThreshold &&
488  itBase->first->nTimesSeen < matchOpts.timesSeenThreshold)
489  {
490  // cnt++;
491  // cout << "Deleted feature #" << m << endl;
492  itBase = baseList.erase(itBase);
493  //++itBase;
494  }
495  else
496  {
497  // We've found a tracked match
498  // We have found the match in both frames! Check out the scales!
499  // if( !(m < (int)output.firstListCorrespondences.size()
500  // ))
501  // {
502  // cout << m << " vs " <<
503  // (int)output.firstListCorrespondences.size() <<
504  // endl;
505  // ASSERT_( m <
506  // (int)output.firstListCorrespondences.size() );
507  // }
509  int tidx = output.firstListCorrespondences[m];
510  // ASSERT_( tidx < (int)currentList.size() );
512  if (tidx != FEAT_FREE)
513  {
514  if (output.firstListFoundScales[m] == 0)
515  {
516  cout << "Left feature " << m << " found in scale 0!"
517  << endl;
518  // currentImage.saveToFile("imgs/current.jpg");
519  // cout << "px: "<< currentList[tidx]->x
520  // << ","<< currentList[tidx]->y << endl;
522  currentImage, currentList[tidx], itBase->first, true,
523  computeOpts);
524  ASSERT_(
525  itBase->first->descriptors.hasDescriptorMultiSIFT());
526  if (res == 0)
527  cout << "LF LOWSCALES Out of bounds!!" << endl;
528  // mrpt::system::pause();
529  }
530  else
531  {
532  size_t nscales = itBase->first->multiScales.size() - 1;
533  // itBase->first->dumpToConsole();
534  if (output.firstListFoundScales[m] == (int)nscales)
535  {
536  cout << "Left feature " << m << " found in last scale!"
537  << endl;
539  currentImage, currentList[tidx], itBase->first,
540  false, computeOpts);
541  if (res == 0)
542  cout << "LF HIGHSCALES Out of bounds!!" << endl;
543  // mrpt::system::pause();
544  }
545  }
546  } // end-if
547  ++itBase;
548  } // end-else
549  } // end-for
550 } // checkScalesAndFindMore
552 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
553  computeGradient
554 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
555 // computeGradient.- Computes both the (approximated) gradient magnitude and
556 // orientation for a certain point within the image
557 // return: true = OK; false = if the keypoint is located at the image border
558 // (where the gradient cannot be computed).
559 // x = col, y = row
561  const CImage& image, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y,
562  double& mag, double& ori)
563 {
564  if (x > 0 && x < image.getWidth() - 1 && y > 0 && y < image.getHeight() - 1)
565  {
566  float d1, d2;
567  //----------
568  //| 0|-1| 0|
569  //----------
570  //|-1| 0| 1|
571  //----------
572  //| 0| 1| 0|
573  //----------
575  // According to Hess's implementation (Lowe does: d2 =
576  // image.getAsFloat(x,y+1) - px4 = image.getAsFloat(x,y-1); )
577  d1 = image.getAsFloat(x + 1, y) - image.getAsFloat(x - 1, y);
578  d2 = image.getAsFloat(x, y - 1) - image.getAsFloat(x, y + 1);
580  mag = sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);
581  ori = atan2(d2, d1); // From -pi to pi
582  return true;
583  }
584  else
585  {
586  cout << "[computeGradient]: Out of bounds in " << x << "," << y
587  << " with image: " << image.getWidth() << "x" << image.getHeight()
588  << endl;
589  return false;
590  }
591 } // end-computeGradient
593 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
594  computeMainOrientations
595 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
596 // Compute a set of main orientations (if there are more than one) of a certain
597 // keypoint within the image.
598 // return: true = OK; false = keypoint is too close the image margin (there is
599 // no space for the whole patch)
601  const CImage& image, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y,
602  const unsigned int patchSize, std::vector<double>& orientations,
603  const double& sigma)
604 {
607  // Pre operations
608  orientations.clear();
610  // Local variables:
611  const unsigned int NBINS = 36;
612  const int hPatchSize = patchSize / 2;
614  vector<double> oris(NBINS, 0.0);
615  int mx = (int)x, my = (int)y;
617  // Check if there's no margin problems when computing the orientation
618  if (mx - (hPatchSize + 1) < 0 || my - (hPatchSize + 1) < 0 ||
619  mx + (hPatchSize + 1) > (int)(image.getWidth() - 1) ||
620  my + (hPatchSize + 1) > (int)(image.getHeight() - 1))
621  return false; // Feature is too close to the image's border
623  // For each pixel within the patch (patchSize should be 29x29):
624  // Compute local gradients (magnitude and orientation)
625  // The orientation histogram is weighted with a Gaussian with sigma = 7.5
626  // (Cheklov's Thesis)
627  // cout << "IM: " << image.getWidth() << " and PS: " << patchSize <<
628  // endl;
629  double exp_denom = 2.0 * sigma * sigma;
630  double bin_size = M_2PI / NBINS;
631  double mag, ori;
632  for (int ii = -hPatchSize; ii <= hPatchSize; ++ii)
633  for (int jj = -hPatchSize; jj <= hPatchSize; ++jj)
634  {
635  if (computeGradient(image, mx + ii, my + jj, mag, ori))
636  {
637  ori += M_PI; // ori: from 0 to 2*pi
638  double w = mag * exp(-(ii * ii + jj * jj) / exp_denom);
640  int bin =
641  ((int)(floor(ori / bin_size))) % NBINS; // from 0 to 35
642  double bin_center = bin * bin_size;
643  double dif = ori - bin_center;
644  int nxbin;
645  if (dif > 0)
646  nxbin =
647  bin == NBINS - 1
648  ? 0
649  : bin +
650  1; // the other involved bin is the next one
651  else
652  nxbin = bin == 0 ? NBINS - 1 : bin - 1; // the other
653  // involved bin is
654  // the previous one
656  double nbin_center = nxbin * bin_size;
657  double dif2 = ori - nbin_center;
659  oris[bin] += w * fabs(dif2) / bin_size; // dif2 == 0 means that
660  // "ori" is equal to
661  // "bin_center"
662  oris[nxbin] += w * fabs(dif) / bin_size; // dif == 0 means that
663  // "ori" is equal to
664  // "nbin_center"
665  } // end-if
666  else
667  return false;
668  } // end
669  // Search for the maximum
670  double mxori = 0.0;
671  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < oris.size(); ++k)
672  {
673  if (oris[k] > mxori)
674  {
675  mxori = oris[k];
676  }
677  } // end-for
679  // Compute the peaks of the histogram of orientations
680  double hist_mag_th = 0.8 * mxori;
681  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < oris.size(); ++k)
682  {
683  double pv = k == 0 ? oris[oris.size() - 1]
684  : oris[k - 1]; // Previous peak of the histogram
685  double nv = k == oris.size() - 1
686  ? 0
687  : oris[k + 1]; // Next peak of the histogram
689  if (oris[k] > pv && oris[k] > nv &&
690  oris[k] > hist_mag_th) // It this peak is maximum and is over 0.8
691  // of the maximum peak
692  {
693  // Check this formulae:
694  // double A = (pv-nv)/(4*oris[k]+2*nv-2*pv-4*oris[k]);
695  // double peak = A/(1+2*A);
697  // Interpolate the position of the peak
698  double int_bin =
699  k +
700  0.5 * (pv - nv) / (pv - 2.0 * oris[k] + nv); // Hess formulae
701  int_bin = (int_bin < 0) ? NBINS + int_bin : (int_bin >= NBINS)
702  ? int_bin - NBINS
703  : int_bin;
704  double int_ori =
705  ((M_2PI * int_bin) / NBINS) - M_PI; // Back to -pi:pi
706  orientations.push_back(int_ori);
708  // cout << "Ori found: " << int_ori << endl;
709  }
710  }
711  return true;
713 } // end vision::computeMainOrientation
715 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
716  interpolateHistEntry
717 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
719  vector<double>& oris, const double& cbin, const double& rbin,
720  const double& obin, const double& mag, const int d, const int n)
721 {
722  // Insert the sample into the orientation histogram taking into account that
723  // there is an overlapping
724  // of half a bin between consecutive bins.
725  // [And the first one overlaps with the last one??? --> Apparently not]
727  CTimeLogger logger;
728  logger.disable();
730  double ncbin = cbin + d / 2. - 0.5;
731  double nrbin = rbin + d / 2. - 0.5;
733  int ncbin_i = floor(ncbin);
734  int nrbin_i = floor(nrbin);
735  int nobin_i = floor(obin);
737  double d_c = ncbin_i - ncbin;
738  double d_r = nrbin_i - nrbin;
739  double d_o = nobin_i - obin;
741  for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
742  for (int m = 0; m < 2; ++m)
743  for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l)
744  if (ncbin_i + k >= 0 && ncbin_i + k < d && nrbin_i + m >= 0 &&
745  nrbin_i + m < d)
746  {
747  int idx = ((nobin_i + l) % n) + n * (ncbin_i + k) +
748  n * d * (nrbin_i + m);
749  oris[idx] += mag * (1 - fabs(d_c + k)) *
750  (1 - fabs(d_r + m)) * (1 - fabs(d_o + l));
751  }
753  // // Spatial bin
754  // std::vector<int> colIndex, rowIndex;
755  // std::vector<double> colBinDistance, rowBinDistance;
756  //
757  // logger.enter("Main loop");
758  // colIndex.reserve(2);
759  // colBinDistance.reserve(2);
760  // rowIndex.reserve(2);
761  // rowBinDistance.reserve(2);
762  // for( int bin = 0; bin < d; bin++ )
763  // {
764  // double binCenter = bin-1.5; // Center
765  // of the bin
766  // double colDistance = fabs( cbin - binCenter ); //
767  // Distance to the center of the bin
768  // if( colDistance < 1.0 ) // If it
769  // is close enough
770  // {
771  // colIndex.push_back( bin );
772  // colBinDistance.push_back( 1-colDistance );
773  // }
774  //
775  // double rowDistance = fabs( rbin - binCenter );
776  // if( rowDistance < 1.0 )
777  // {
778  // rowIndex.push_back( bin );
779  // rowBinDistance.push_back( 1-rowDistance );
780  // }
781  //
782  // if( colIndex.size() == 2 && rowIndex.size() == 2 ) // We
783  // have found all we need (stop looping)
784  // break;
785  // } // end for
786  //
787  // logger.leave("Main loop");
788  // ASSERT_( colIndex.size() <= 2 && rowIndex.size() <= 2 );
789  //
790  // // Orientation bin
791  // std::vector<int> oriIndex(2);
792  // std::vector<double> oriBinDistance(2);
793  // oriIndex[0] = floor( obin );
794  // oriIndex[1] = oriIndex[0] == n-1 ? 0 : oriIndex[0]+1;
795  // oriBinDistance[0] = 1 - (obin-oriIndex[0]);
796  // oriBinDistance[1] = 1 - oriBinDistance[0];
797  //
798  // // The entry can affect to 2 (1x1x2), 4 (2x1x2 or 1x2x2) or 8 (2x2x2)
799  // bins
800  // // Insert into the histogram
801  // logger.enter("Insertion in histogram");
802  // for( unsigned int k = 0; k < colIndex.size(); ++k )
803  // for( unsigned int l = 0; l < rowIndex.size(); ++l )
804  // for( unsigned int m = 0; m < 2; ++m )
805  // {
806  // if( colIndex[k] >= 0 && rowIndex[l] >= 0 )
807  // {
808  // unsigned int idx = (unsigned int)(oriIndex[m] +
809  // n*colIndex[k] + n*d*rowIndex[l] );
810  // oris[idx] +=
811  // mag*colBinDistance[k]*rowBinDistance[l]*oriBinDistance[m];
812  // } // end if
813  // } // end for
814  // logger.leave("Insertion in histogram");
815 } // end of interpolateHistEntry
817 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
818  computeHistogramOfOrientations
819 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
820 // x = col, y = row
822  const CImage& image, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y,
823  const unsigned int patchSize, const double& orientation,
824  vector<int32_t>& descriptor, const TMultiResDescOptions& opts,
825  vector<int32_t>& hashCoeffs)
826 {
828  CTimeLogger tlogger;
829  tlogger.disable();
831  // The patch is 29x29
832  int w = 16; // width of the used patch
833  int Bp = 4; // Number of spatial bins
834  int n = 8; // Number of frequential bins (per spatial bin) --> Descriptor
835  // size: 4 x 4 x 8 = 128
836  double cos_t = cos(orientation);
837  double sin_t = sin(orientation);
838  double bins_per_rad = n / M_2PI;
839  double exp_denom = opts.sg3 * opts.sg3 * 2;
840  int radius = 0.5 * patchSize;
841  vector<double> oris(Bp * Bp * n, 0.0); // Typically 128-D
843  // Normalize patch
844  CImage nimage, thePatch;
845  if (opts.computeHashCoeffs)
846  {
848  thePatch, x - radius, y - radius, patchSize, patchSize);
850  thePatch,
851  nimage); // Normalize to zero-mean and unit standard deviation
852  }
854  // For each pixel in the 23x23 patch:
855  // a. find its rotated position
856  // b. determine its proper spatial bin (and the other affected one)
857  // c. rotate its orientation with respect the main orientation
858  // d. determine its frequential bin
859  // e. compute the weight
860  // const double kp = ((double)(Bp+1))/((double)w); // [0.31250] Constant
861  // for mapping between -8,8 -> -2.5,2.5
862  const double kp =
863  double(Bp) /
864  double(w); // [0.25] Constant for mapping between -8,8 -> -2,2
865  double mag, ori;
866  double cbin, rbin, obin;
867  double c1 = 0.0, c2 = 0.0, c3 = 0.0;
869  // FILE *f1 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/c1p.txt", "wt" );
870  // FILE *f2 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/c1n.txt", "wt" );
871  // FILE *f3 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/c2p.txt", "wt" );
872  // FILE *f4 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/c2n.txt", "wt" );
873  // FILE *f5 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/c3p.txt", "wt" );
874  // FILE *f6 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/c3n.txt", "wt" );
875  // FILE *f7 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/c0.txt", "wt" );
876  // FILE *f8 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/c3.txt", "wt" );
877  // FILE *f9 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/r0.txt", "wt" );
878  // FILE *f10 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/r3.txt", "wt" );
879  // FILE *f11 = mrpt::system::os::fopen( "imgs/out.txt", "wt" );
881  for (int c = -radius; c <= radius; ++c)
882  for (int r = -radius; r <= radius; ++r)
883  {
884  cbin = kp * c * cos_t - kp * r * sin_t;
885  rbin = kp * c * sin_t + kp * r * cos_t;
887  if (cbin > -2.5 && cbin < 2.5 && rbin > -2.5 && rbin < 2.5)
888  {
889  tlogger.enter("computeGradient");
890  bool res =
891  vision::computeGradient(image, x + c, y + r, mag, ori);
892  tlogger.leave("computeGradient");
893  if (res)
894  {
895  ori -= orientation;
896  while (ori < 0.0) ori += M_2PI;
897  while (ori >= M_2PI) ori -= M_2PI;
899  obin = ori * bins_per_rad;
900  w = exp(-(c * c + r * r) / exp_denom);
901  tlogger.enter("interpolate");
903  oris, cbin, rbin, obin, mag, Bp, n);
904  tlogger.leave("interpolate");
905  } // end if
907  // if( cbin < -0.5 )
908  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f7, "%d %d\n",
909  // y+r, x+c );
910  // if( cbin > 0.5 )
911  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f8, "%d %d\n",
912  // y+r, x+c );
913  // if( rbin < -0.5 )
914  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f9, "%d %d\n",
915  // y+r, x+c );
916  // if( rbin > 0.5 )
917  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f10, "%d %d\n",
918  // y+r, x+c );
920  // Compute the hashing coefficients:
921  if (opts.computeHashCoeffs)
922  {
923  if (cbin < 0)
924  {
925  c1 += nimage.getAsFloat(c + radius, r + radius);
926  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f1,
927  //"%d
928  //%d\n", y+r, x+c );
929  }
930  else
931  {
932  c1 -= nimage.getAsFloat(c + radius, r + radius);
933  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f2,
934  //"%d
935  //%d\n", y+r, x+c );
936  }
937  if (rbin < 0)
938  {
939  c2 += nimage.getAsFloat(c + radius, r + radius);
940  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f3,
941  // "%d %d\n", y+r, x+c );
942  }
943  else
944  {
945  c2 -= nimage.getAsFloat(c + radius, r + radius);
946  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f4,
947  // "%d %d\n", y+r, x+c );
948  }
949  if ((cbin < 0 && rbin < 0) || (cbin > 0 && rbin > 0))
950  {
951  c3 += nimage.getAsFloat(c + radius, r + radius);
952  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f5,
953  // "%d %d\n", y+r, x+c );
954  }
955  else
956  {
957  c3 -= nimage.getAsFloat(c + radius, r + radius);
958  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f6,
959  // "%d %d\n", y+r, x+c );
960  }
961  } // end-if
962  } // end
963  // else
964  // mrpt::system::os::fprintf( f11, "%d %d\n", y+r,
965  // x+c );
966  } // end-for
967  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f1);
968  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f2);
969  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f3);
970  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f4);
971  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f5);
972  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f6);
973  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f7);
974  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f8);
975  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f9);
976  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f10);
977  // mrpt::system::os::fclose(f11);
979  // mrpt::system::pause();
981  if (opts.computeHashCoeffs)
982  {
983  hashCoeffs.resize(3);
984  hashCoeffs[0] = round(c1);
985  hashCoeffs[1] = round(c2);
986  hashCoeffs[2] = round(c3);
988  // cout << "Hash Coeffs: " << hashCoeffs << endl;
989  }
991  // Normalize
992  tlogger.enter("normalize");
993  double sum = 0.0;
994  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < oris.size(); ++ii)
995  sum += oris[ii] * oris[ii];
996  sum = 1 / sqrt(sum);
997  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < oris.size(); ++ii) oris[ii] *= sum;
999  // Crop to "crop_value"
1000  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < oris.size(); ++ii)
1001  oris[ii] = min(opts.cropValue, oris[ii]);
1003  // Normalize again -> we have the descriptor!
1004  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < oris.size(); ++ii)
1005  sum += oris[ii] * oris[ii];
1006  sum = 1 / sqrt(sum);
1007  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < oris.size(); ++ii) oris[ii] *= sum;
1009  // Convert it to std::vector<int>
1010  descriptor.resize(oris.size());
1011  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < descriptor.size(); ++ii)
1012  descriptor[ii] = (int)(255.0f * oris[ii]);
1014  tlogger.leave("normalize");
1016  MRPT_END
1017 } // end vision::computeHistogramOfOrientations
1019 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
1020  matchMultiResolutionFeatures
1021 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
1023  const CFeatureList& list1, CFeatureList& list2, const CImage& rightImage,
1024  const TMultiResDescMatchOptions& matchOpts,
1025  const TMultiResDescOptions& computeOpts)
1026 {
1028  // "List1" has a set of features with their depths computed
1029  // "List2" has a set of FAST features detected in the next frame (with their
1030  // depths)
1031  // We perform a prediction of the "List1" features and try to find its
1032  // matches within List2
1033  // --------------------------------------------------------
1034  // Algortihm summary:
1035  // --------------------------------------------------------
1036  // For each feature in List1 we find a search region: by now a fixed window
1037  // e.g. 20x20 pixels
1038  // TO DO: Non-maximal supression according to the feature score
1039  // From the remaining set, we compute the main orientation and check its
1040  // consistency with the List1 feature
1041  // NEW: compute the corresponding feature in right image and compute its
1042  // depth
1043  // From the remaining set, we compute the descriptor at scale 1.0 and
1044  // determine the set of scales where to look for
1045  // If the distance between descriptors is below a certain threshold, we've
1046  // found a match.
1047  // --------------------------------------------------------
1049  // General variables
1050  CTimeLogger logger;
1051  logger.disable();
1053  TMultiResMatchingOutput output;
1055  // Preliminary tasks
1056  output.firstListCorrespondences.resize(list1.size(), FEAT_FREE);
1057  output.secondListCorrespondences.resize(list2.size(), FEAT_FREE);
1058  output.firstListFoundScales.resize(list1.size(), -1);
1059  output.firstListDistance.resize(list1.size(), 1.0);
1061  // Local variables
1062  int hWindow =
1063  matchOpts.searchAreaSize / 2; // Half of the search window width
1064  int mxsize = hWindow + 2 * matchOpts.lastSeenThreshold;
1065  int imageW = rightImage.getWidth(); // Image width
1066  int imageH = rightImage.getHeight(); // Image height
1067  int leftFeatCounter = 0;
1068  int rightFeatCounter = 0; // Counter for features
1069  int patchSize = computeOpts.basePSize;
1070  int minScale;
1071  double maxResponse;
1072  output.nMatches = 0;
1073  int ridx = 0;
1077  // cout << "Starting the loop" << endl;
1078  cout << endl;
1079  for (leftFeatCounter = 0, it1 = list1.begin(); it1 != list1.end();
1080  ++it1, ++leftFeatCounter)
1081  {
1082  if (!(*it1)->descriptors.hasDescriptorMultiSIFT()) continue;
1083  // cout << (*it1)->ID << " with " << endl;
1084  double sRegionX0 =
1085  max((*it1)->x - min((hWindow + 2 * (*it1)->nTimesLastSeen), mxsize),
1086  0.0f);
1087  double sRegionX1 =
1088  min((*it1)->x + min((hWindow + 2 * (*it1)->nTimesLastSeen), mxsize),
1089  (float)imageW);
1090  double sRegionY0 =
1091  max((*it1)->y - min((hWindow + 2 * (*it1)->nTimesLastSeen), mxsize),
1092  0.0f);
1093  double sRegionY1 =
1094  min((*it1)->y + min((hWindow + 2 * (*it1)->nTimesLastSeen), mxsize),
1095  (float)imageH);
1097  int minDist = 1e6;
1098  // int minIdx = -1;
1099  minScale = -1;
1100  maxResponse = 0;
1101  ridx = 0;
1103  for (rightFeatCounter = 0, it2 = list2.begin(); it2 != list2.end();
1104  ++it2, ++rightFeatCounter)
1105  {
1106  // if( (*it2)->ID == 193 )
1107  // {
1108  // cout << (*it1)->ID << " with " << (*it2)->ID <<
1109  // endl;
1110  // mrpt::system::pause();
1111  // }
1113  // FILTER 1: Search region
1114  if ((*it2)->x < sRegionX0 || (*it2)->x > sRegionX1 ||
1115  (*it2)->y < sRegionY0 || (*it2)->y > sRegionY1)
1116  {
1117  // if( (*it2)->ID == 193 )
1118  // {
1119  // cout << (*it2)->ID << " OOB" << endl;
1120  // }
1121  continue;
1122  }
1124  // cout << " " << (*it2)->ID << endl;
1126  // Compute main orientations
1127  // logger.enter("cmorientation");
1128  // (*it2)->multiScales.push_back( 1.0 );
1129  // (*it2)->multiOrientations.resize( 1 );
1130  // (*it2)->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors.resize( 1 );
1131  // (*it2)->multiHashCoeffs.resize( 1 );
1132  vector<double> thisOris;
1134  rightImage, (*it2)->x, (*it2)->y, patchSize, thisOris,
1135  computeOpts.sg2))
1136  {
1137  // if( (*it2)->ID == 193 )
1138  // {
1139  // cout << (*it2)->ID << " bad orientation
1140  // computed" << endl;
1141  // mrpt::system::pause();
1142  // }
1143  continue;
1144  }
1145  // logger.leave("cmorientation");
1147  // Compute the proper scales where to look for
1148  int firstScale, lastScale;
1149  if (matchOpts.useDepthFilter)
1150  vision::setProperScales((*it1), (*it2), firstScale, lastScale);
1151  else
1152  {
1153  firstScale = max(0, (int)matchOpts.lowScl1);
1154  lastScale =
1155  min((int)(*it1)->multiScales.size() - 1,
1156  (int)matchOpts.highScl1);
1157  }
1159  // if( (*it2)->ID == 193 )
1160  // {
1161  // cout << "Searching in scales: " << firstScale << "
1162  // to " << lastScale << endl;
1163  // mrpt::system::pause();
1164  // }
1166  // Search for consistency of the orientation
1167  for (int k1 = firstScale; k1 <= lastScale; ++k1)
1168  for (int k2 = 0; k2 < (int)(*it1)->multiOrientations[k1].size();
1169  ++k2)
1170  for (int k3 = 0; k3 < (int)thisOris.size();
1171  ++k3) // FILTER 2: Orientation
1172  if (fabs(
1173  (*it1)->multiOrientations[k1][k2] -
1174  thisOris[k3]) < matchOpts.oriThreshold ||
1175  fabs(
1176  M_2PI - fabs(
1177  (*it1)->multiOrientations[k1][k2] -
1178  thisOris[k3])) <
1179  matchOpts.oriThreshold)
1180  {
1181  // Orientation check passed
1182  // FILTER 3: Feature response
1183  // has it a better score than its 8 neighbours?
1184  // logger.enter("non-max");
1185  // TO DO: search the maximum number of neighbours up
1186  // to 8
1187  bool isMax = true;
1188  if (list2.size() >= 8)
1189  {
1190  std::vector<size_t> out_idx;
1191  std::vector<float> out_dist_sqr;
1192  maxResponse = (*it2)->response;
1195  (*it2)->x, (*it2)->y, 8, out_idx,
1196  out_dist_sqr);
1197  for (size_t kdcounter = 0;
1198  kdcounter < out_idx.size(); ++kdcounter)
1199  {
1200  if (out_dist_sqr[kdcounter] > 1.4142)
1201  continue;
1203  if (list2[out_idx[kdcounter]]->response >
1204  maxResponse)
1205  {
1206  maxResponse =
1207  list2[out_idx[kdcounter]]->response;
1208  isMax = false;
1209  break;
1210  }
1211  }
1212  } // end-if
1214  if (!isMax)
1215  {
1216  cout << "NO ES MAX" << endl;
1218  continue;
1219  }
1221  // Candidate found at scale "k1" and orientation
1222  // "k2" (list1) and orientation "k3" (list2)
1223  // Compute descriptor for these conditions!
1225  // vector<int> desc,
1226  // hashC;
1227  // TMultiResDescOptions
1228  // auxOpts = computeOpts;
1229  // auxOpts.computeHashCoeffs
1230  // = false;
1232  // All the filters have been passed -> we can add
1233  // all the information into the feature
1234  // If it has a previous computed descriptor it is
1235  // substituted by this one
1236  if ((*it2)->multiScales.size() == 0)
1237  {
1238  (*it2)->multiScales.resize(1);
1239  (*it2)->multiScales[0] = 1.0;
1240  (*it2)->multiOrientations.resize(1);
1241  (*it2)->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors.resize(
1242  1);
1243  (*it2)->multiHashCoeffs.resize(1);
1244  }
1246  /* ORIENTATIONS */
1247  bool oriFound = false;
1248  int wh = 0;
1249  for (int co = 0;
1250  co < (int)(*it2)->multiOrientations[0].size();
1251  ++co)
1252  if ((*it2)->multiOrientations[0][co] ==
1253  thisOris[k3])
1254  {
1255  wh = co;
1256  oriFound = true;
1257  }
1259  int dist = 0;
1260  if (!oriFound) // The feature hasn't got this
1261  // orientation already -> compute
1262  // the descriptor & coeffs
1263  {
1264  // if( (*it2)->ID
1265  // == 193 )
1266  // cout <<
1267  // "Orientation
1268  // not found
1269  // -> compute
1270  // the
1271  // descriptor."
1272  // << endl;
1274  (*it2)->multiOrientations[0].push_back(
1275  thisOris[k3]);
1277  vector<int32_t> thisDesc, thisHash;
1279  rightImage, (*it2)->x, (*it2)->y, patchSize,
1280  thisOris[k3], thisDesc, computeOpts,
1281  thisHash);
1283  /* DESCRIPTORS */
1284  (*it2)
1285  ->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors[0]
1286  .push_back(thisDesc);
1288  (*it2)->multiHashCoeffs[0].push_back(thisHash);
1290  for (int n = 0; n < int(thisDesc.size()); n++)
1291  dist += square(
1292  (*it1)
1293  ->descriptors
1294  .multiSIFTDescriptors[k1][k2][n] -
1295  thisDesc[n]);
1296  } // end if
1297  else
1298  {
1299  // if( (*it2)->ID
1300  // == 193 )
1301  // cout <<
1302  // "Skipping
1303  // descriptor
1304  // computation."
1305  // << endl;
1307  for (int n = 0;
1308  n < (int)(*it2)
1309  ->descriptors
1310  .multiSIFTDescriptors[0][wh]
1311  .size();
1312  n++)
1313  dist += square(
1314  (*it1)
1315  ->descriptors
1316  .multiSIFTDescriptors[k1][k2][n] -
1317  (*it2)
1318  ->descriptors
1319  .multiSIFTDescriptors[0][wh][n]);
1320  } // end else
1322  // if( PARAR &&
1323  // (*it2)->ID == 193 )
1324  // {
1325  // (*it2)->dumpToConsole();
1326  // mrpt::system::pause();
1327  // }
1329  // FILTER 4 for the matching: Descriptor distance
1330  if (dist < minDist)
1331  {
1332  minDist = dist;
1333  ridx = rightFeatCounter;
1334  maxResponse = (*it2)->response;
1335  minScale = k1;
1337  // minauxfscale =
1338  // auxfscale;
1339  // minauxlscale =
1340  // auxlscale;
1342  // mindepth1 =
1343  // (*it1)->depth;
1344  // mindepth2 =
1345  // (*it2)->depth;
1346  }
1348  // if( (*it2)->ID == 193
1349  // )
1350  // {
1351  // cout << "Matching
1352  // entre 193 y "<<
1353  // (*it2)->ID << "
1354  // entre escalas: "
1355  // << firstScale << "
1356  // y " << lastScale
1357  // << endl;
1358  // cout << "OR1: " <<
1359  // (*it1)->multiOrientations[k1][k2]
1360  // << " OR2: " <<
1361  // (*it2)->multiOrientations[0][k3];
1362  // cout << "SCL: " <<
1363  // (*it1)->multiScales[k1]
1364  // << " DIST: " <<
1365  // dist << endl;
1366  // }
1368  } // end if
1369  } // end for it2
1370  if (minDist < matchOpts.matchingThreshold)
1371  {
1373  int auxIdx = output.secondListCorrespondences[ridx];
1374  if (auxIdx != FEAT_FREE &&
1375  minDist < output.firstListDistance[auxIdx])
1376  {
1377  // We've found a better match
1378  output.firstListDistance[leftFeatCounter] = minDist;
1379  output.firstListCorrespondences[leftFeatCounter] = ridx;
1380  output.secondListCorrespondences[ridx] = leftFeatCounter;
1381  output.firstListFoundScales[leftFeatCounter] = minScale;
1383  // Undo the previous one
1384  output.firstListDistance[auxIdx] = 1.0;
1385  output.firstListCorrespondences[auxIdx] = FEAT_FREE;
1386  output.firstListFoundScales[auxIdx] = -1;
1388  // cout << "Better match at scale: " << minScale
1389  // << endl;
1390  } // end-if
1391  else
1392  {
1393  //// cout << "New match found: [R] " <<
1394  /// minRightIdx
1395  ///<<
1396  ///" with [L] " << minLeftIdx << "(" << minVal << ")" << endl;
1397  output.secondListCorrespondences[ridx] = leftFeatCounter;
1398  output.firstListCorrespondences[leftFeatCounter] = ridx;
1399  output.firstListDistance[leftFeatCounter] = minDist;
1400  output.firstListFoundScales[leftFeatCounter] = minScale;
1401  output.nMatches++;
1402  // cout << "Match found at scale: " << minScale <<
1403  // endl;
1404  }
1405  // Match found
1406  // leftMatchingIdx.push_back( leftFeatCounter );
1407  // rightMatchingIdx.push_back( minIdx );
1408  // outScales.push_back( minScale );
1409  //
1410  // cout << "Match found: [" << leftFeatCounter << "," <<
1411  // minIdx;
1412  // cout << "] at scale " << minScale << " [" <<
1413  // minauxfscale << "," << minauxlscale << "]";
1414  // cout << " with depths: [" << mindepth1 << "," <<
1415  // mindepth2 << "]" << endl;
1416  } // end if
1417  } // end for it1
1419  return output;
1420  MRPT_END
1421 } // end matchMultiResolutionFeatures
1423 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
1424  matchMultiResolutionFeatures
1425 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
1427  CMatchedFeatureList& mList1, CMatchedFeatureList& mList2,
1428  const CImage& leftImage, const CImage& rightImage,
1429  const TMultiResDescMatchOptions& matchOpts,
1430  const TMultiResDescOptions& computeOpts)
1431 {
1433  // "mList1" has a set of matched features with their depths computed
1434  // "mList2" has a set of matched FAST features detected in the next frame at
1435  // scale 1.0 (with their depths)
1436  // We perform a prediction of the "mList1" features and try to find its
1437  // matches within mList2
1438  // --------------------------------------------------------
1439  // Algortihm summary:
1440  // --------------------------------------------------------
1441  // For each feature in List1 we find a search region: by now a fixed window
1442  // e.g. 20x20 pixels
1443  // TO DO: Non-maximal supression according to the feature score
1444  // From the remaining set, we compute the main orientation and check its
1445  // consistency with the List1 feature
1446  // NEW: compute the corresponding feature in right image and compute its
1447  // depth
1448  // From the remaining set, we compute the descriptor at scale 1.0 and
1449  // determine the set of scales where to look for
1450  // If the distance between descriptors is below a certain threshold, we've
1451  // found a match.
1452  // --------------------------------------------------------
1454  // General variables
1455  CTimeLogger logger;
1456  // logger.disable();
1458  ASSERT_(mList1.size() > 0 && mList2.size() > 0);
1460  CFeatureList baseList1, baseList2;
1461  mList1.getBothFeatureLists(baseList1, baseList2);
1463  CFeatureList auxList1, auxList2;
1464  mList2.getBothFeatureLists(auxList1, auxList2);
1466  vector<int> scales1, scales2;
1468  TMultiResMatchingOutput output1, output2;
1470  // Left image
1471  output1 = matchMultiResolutionFeatures(
1472  baseList1, auxList1, leftImage, matchOpts, computeOpts);
1474  baseList1, auxList1,
1475  output1.firstListCorrespondences); // Update counters
1476  // updateBaseList(leftIdx2,auxList1);
1478  // CImage auxImg1, auxImg2;
1479  // auxImg1 = leftImage;
1480  // int hwsize = matchOpts.searchAreaSize/2;
1481  // for( int k = 0; k < leftIdx1.size(); ++k )
1482  // if( leftIdx1[k] != FEAT_FREE )
1483  // {
1484  // auxImg1.cross( baseList1[k]->x, baseList1[k]->y, TColor::red(),
1485  // '+' );
1486  // auxImg1.textOut( baseList1[k]->x, baseList1[k]->y,
1487  // format("%d", scales1[k]), TColor::red );
1488  // auxImg1.rectangle( baseList1[k]->x-hwsize,
1489  // baseList1[k]->y-hwsize, baseList1[k]->x+hwsize,
1490  // baseList1[k]->y+hwsize, TColor::red );
1491  // }
1492  // win1.showImage( auxImg1 );
1494  // Right image
1495  output2 = matchMultiResolutionFeatures(
1496  baseList2, auxList2, rightImage, matchOpts, computeOpts);
1498  baseList2, auxList2,
1499  output2.firstListCorrespondences); // Update counters
1500  // updateBaseList(rightIdx2,auxList2);
1502  // auxImg2 = rightImage;
1503  // for( int k = 0; k < rightIdx1.size(); ++k )
1504  // if( rightIdx1[k] != FEAT_FREE )
1505  // {
1506  // auxImg2.cross( baseList2[k]->x, baseList2[k]->y, TColor::red(),
1507  // '+' );
1508  // auxImg2.textOut( baseList2[k]->x, baseList2[k]->y,
1509  // format("%d", scales2[k]), TColor::red );
1510  // auxImg2.rectangle( baseList2[k]->x-hwsize,
1511  // baseList2[k]->y-hwsize, baseList2[k]->x+hwsize,
1512  // baseList2[k]->y+hwsize, TColor::red );
1513  // }
1514  // win2.showImage( auxImg2 );
1515  // mrpt::system::pause();
1517  cout << "Left matches: " << output1.nMatches << " out of "
1518  << baseList1.size() << "," << auxList1.size() << endl;
1519  cout << "Right matches: " << output2.nMatches << " out of "
1520  << baseList2.size() << "," << auxList2.size() << endl;
1521  cout << "Matched list: " << mList1.size() << endl;
1523  // for(int k = 0; k < auxList2.size(); ++k)
1524  // {
1525  // cout << k;
1526  // auxList2[k]->dumpToConsole();
1527  // }
1528  // mrpt::system::pause();
1531  int m;
1532  // int cnt = 0;
1533  for (m = 0, itMatch = mList1.begin(); itMatch != mList1.end(); ++m)
1534  {
1535  // cout << m << " " << endl;
1536  if (itMatch->first->nTimesLastSeen > matchOpts.lastSeenThreshold ||
1537  itMatch->second->nTimesLastSeen > matchOpts.lastSeenThreshold)
1538  {
1539  // cnt++;
1540  // cout << "feature " << m << " must be deleted" << endl;
1541  itMatch = mList1.erase(itMatch);
1542  }
1543  else
1544  {
1545  // We've found a tracked match
1546  // We have found the match in both frames! Check out the scales!
1547  int tidx = output1.firstListCorrespondences[m];
1548  if (tidx != FEAT_FREE)
1549  {
1550  if (scales1[m] == 0)
1551  {
1552  cout << "Left feature " << m << " found in scale 0!"
1553  << endl;
1555  leftImage, auxList1[tidx], itMatch->first, true,
1556  computeOpts);
1557  if (res == 0)
1558  cout << "LF LOWSCALES Out of bounds!!" << endl;
1559  // mrpt::system::pause();
1560  }
1561  else
1562  {
1563  int nScales = (int)itMatch->first->multiScales.size();
1564  if (scales1[m] == nScales - 1)
1565  {
1566  cout << "Left feature " << m << " found in last scale!"
1567  << endl; // computeMoreDescriptors( auxList1[k1],
1568  // leftImage, false, itMatch->first );
1569  cout << "tidx=" << tidx << endl;
1571  leftImage, auxList1[tidx], itMatch->first, false,
1572  computeOpts);
1573  if (res == 0)
1574  cout << "LF HIGHSCALES Out of bounds!!" << endl;
1575  // mrpt::system::pause();
1576  }
1577  }
1578  } // end-if
1580  // cout << "Left: " << m << " with " << << " at scale: "
1581  // << output1.firstListFoundScales[m] << endl;
1582  // cout << "Right: " << m << " with " <<
1583  // output2.firstListCorrespondences[m] << " at scale: "
1584  // << output2.firstListFoundScales[m] << endl;
1585  tidx = output2.firstListCorrespondences[m];
1586  if (tidx != FEAT_FREE)
1587  {
1588  if (scales2[m] == 0)
1589  {
1590  cout << "Right feature " << m << " found in scale 0!"
1591  << endl; // computeMoreDescriptors( auxList2[k2],
1592  // rightImage, true, itMatch->second );
1594  rightImage, auxList2[tidx], itMatch->second, true,
1595  computeOpts);
1596  if (res == 0)
1597  cout << "RF LOWSCALES Out of bounds!!" << endl;
1598  // mrpt::system::pause();
1599  }
1600  else
1601  {
1602  int nScales = (int)itMatch->second->multiScales.size();
1603  if (scales2[m] == nScales - 1)
1604  {
1605  cout << "Right feature " << m << " found in scale!"
1606  << endl; // computeMoreDescriptors( auxList2[k2],
1607  // rightImage, false, itMatch->second );
1609  rightImage, auxList2[tidx], itMatch->second, false,
1610  computeOpts);
1611  if (res == 0)
1612  cout << "RF HIGHSCALES Out of bounds!!" << endl;
1613  // mrpt::system::pause();
1614  }
1615  }
1616  } // end-else
1617  itMatch++;
1618  } // end-else
1619  } // end-for
1620  // cout << cnt << " features would be deleted." << endl;
1621  return mList1.size();
1622  MRPT_END
1623 } // end matchMultiResolutionFeatures
1625 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
1626  computeMoreDescriptors
1627 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
1629  const CImage& image, const CFeature::Ptr& inputFeat,
1630  CFeature::Ptr& outputFeat, const bool& lowerScales,
1631  const TMultiResDescOptions& opts)
1632 {
1636  //**************************************************************************
1637  // Pre-smooth the image with sigma = sg1 (typically 0.5)
1638  //**************************************************************************
1639  cv::Mat tempImg1;
1640  IplImage aux1;
1642  const cv::Mat inImg1 =
1643  cv::cvarrToMat(image.getAs<IplImage>(), false /*dont copy data*/);
1645  cv::GaussianBlur(
1646  inImg1, tempImg1, cvSize(0, 0), opts.sg1 /*sigmaX*/,
1647  opts.sg1 /*sigmaY*/);
1648  aux1 = tempImg1;
1649  CImage smLeftImg(&aux1);
1650  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1652  unsigned int a = opts.basePSize;
1654  int largestSize = lowerScales ? round(a * 0.8) : round(a * 2.0);
1655  largestSize = largestSize % 2
1656  ? largestSize
1657  : largestSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
1658  int hLargestSize = largestSize / 2;
1660  unsigned int npSize, hpSize;
1662  // We don't take into account the matching if it is too close to the image
1663  // border (the largest patch cannot be extracted)
1664  if (inputFeat->x + hLargestSize > smLeftImg.getWidth() - 1 ||
1665  inputFeat->x - hLargestSize < 0 ||
1666  inputFeat->y + hLargestSize > smLeftImg.getHeight() - 1 ||
1667  inputFeat->y - hLargestSize < 0)
1668  return 0;
1670  // int iniScale = 0, endScale = 0;
1671  if (lowerScales)
1672  {
1673  vector<double> thisScales(2);
1674  thisScales[0] = 0.5;
1675  thisScales[1] = 0.8;
1677  double baseScale = outputFeat->multiScales[0];
1679  // cout << " :: Lower scales" << endl;
1680  outputFeat->multiScales.push_front(thisScales[1] * baseScale);
1681  outputFeat->multiScales.push_front(thisScales[0] * baseScale);
1683  // iniScale = 0;
1684  // endScale = 2;
1686  for (int k = 1; k >= 0; --k)
1687  {
1688  npSize = round(a * thisScales[k]);
1689  npSize = npSize % 2
1690  ? npSize
1691  : npSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
1692  hpSize = npSize / 2; // half size of the patch
1694  CImage tPatch;
1695  // LEFT IMAGE:
1696  if (npSize)
1697  smLeftImg.extract_patch(
1698  tPatch, inputFeat->x - hpSize, inputFeat->y - hpSize,
1699  npSize, npSize);
1701  cv::Mat out_mat_patch;
1702  // The size is a+2xa+2 because we have to compute the gradient
1703  // (magnitude and orientation) in every pixel within the axa patch
1704  // so we need
1705  // one more row and column. For instance, for a 23x23 patch we need
1706  // a 25x25 patch.
1707  cv::resize(
1708  cv::cvarrToMat(tPatch.getAs<IplImage>(), false), out_mat_patch,
1709  cv::Size(a + 2, a + 2));
1710  IplImage aux_img = IplImage(out_mat_patch);
1711  CImage rsPatch(&aux_img);
1713  // cout << " ::: Patch extracted and resized" << endl;
1714  vector<double> auxOriVector;
1716  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a, auxOriVector, opts.sg2))
1717  {
1718  cout << "computeMainOrientations returned false" << endl;
1720  }
1722  // cout << " ::: Orientation computed" << endl;
1723  vector<vector<int32_t>> auxDescVector;
1724  vector<vector<int32_t>> auxHashCoeffs;
1725  auxDescVector.resize(auxOriVector.size());
1726  auxHashCoeffs.resize(auxOriVector.size());
1727  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < auxOriVector.size(); ++m)
1728  {
1729  // cout << " :: Descriptor for orientation " <<
1730  // auxOriVector[m];
1732  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a, auxOriVector[m],
1733  auxDescVector[m], opts, auxHashCoeffs[m]);
1734  // cout << " ...done" << endl;
1735  } // end-for
1736  outputFeat->multiOrientations.push_front(auxOriVector);
1737  outputFeat->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors.push_front(
1738  auxDescVector);
1739  outputFeat->multiHashCoeffs.push_front(auxHashCoeffs);
1740  } // end-for
1741  }
1742  else
1743  {
1744  // cout << " :: Higher scales" << endl;
1745  vector<double> thisScales(4);
1746  thisScales[0] = 1.2;
1747  thisScales[1] = 1.5;
1748  thisScales[2] = 1.8;
1749  thisScales[3] = 2.0;
1751  size_t nCurrScales = outputFeat->multiScales.size();
1752  outputFeat->multiScales.push_back(
1753  thisScales[0] * outputFeat->multiScales[nCurrScales - 1]);
1754  outputFeat->multiScales.push_back(
1755  thisScales[1] * outputFeat->multiScales[nCurrScales - 1]);
1756  outputFeat->multiScales.push_back(
1757  thisScales[2] * outputFeat->multiScales[nCurrScales - 1]);
1758  outputFeat->multiScales.push_back(
1759  thisScales[3] * outputFeat->multiScales[nCurrScales - 1]);
1761  // for( int k = nCurrScales; k <
1762  // (int)outputFeat->multiScales.size(); ++k )
1763  for (int k = 0; k < (int)thisScales.size(); ++k)
1764  {
1765  // cout << " ::: For scale " << k+nCurrScales << endl;
1767  npSize = round(a * thisScales[k]);
1768  npSize = npSize % 2
1769  ? npSize
1770  : npSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
1771  hpSize = npSize / 2; // half size of the patch
1773  CImage tPatch;
1775  // LEFT IMAGE:
1776  smLeftImg.extract_patch(
1777  tPatch, inputFeat->x - hpSize, inputFeat->y - hpSize, npSize,
1778  npSize);
1780  cv::Mat out_mat_patch;
1781  // The size is a+2xa+2 because we have to compute the gradient
1782  // (magnitude and orientation) in every pixel within the axa patch
1783  // so we need
1784  // one more row and column. For instance, for a 23x23 patch we need
1785  // a 25x25 patch.
1786  cv::resize(
1787  cv::cvarrToMat(tPatch.getAs<IplImage>(), false), out_mat_patch,
1788  cv::Size(a + 2, a + 2));
1789  IplImage aux_img = IplImage(out_mat_patch);
1790  CImage rsPatch(&aux_img);
1792  // cout << " ::: Patch extracted and resized" << endl;
1794  vector<double> auxOriVector;
1796  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a, auxOriVector, opts.sg2);
1798  // cout << " ::: Orientation computed" << endl;
1800  vector<vector<int32_t>> auxDescVector;
1801  vector<vector<int32_t>> auxCoefVector;
1802  auxDescVector.resize(auxOriVector.size());
1803  auxCoefVector.resize(auxOriVector.size());
1804  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < auxOriVector.size(); ++m)
1805  {
1806  // cout << " :: Descriptor for orientation " <<
1807  // auxOriVector[m];
1809  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a, auxOriVector[m],
1810  auxDescVector[m], opts, auxCoefVector[m]);
1811  // cout << " ...done" << endl;
1812  } // end-for
1813  outputFeat->multiOrientations.push_back(auxOriVector);
1814  outputFeat->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors.push_back(
1815  auxDescVector);
1816  outputFeat->multiHashCoeffs.push_back(auxCoefVector);
1817  } // end-for
1818  } // end else
1819  ASSERT_(outputFeat->descriptors.hasDescriptorMultiSIFT());
1820  return 1;
1821  MRPT_END
1822 #else
1823  THROW_EXCEPTION("This function needs OpenCV 2.1+")
1824  return 0;
1825 #endif
1826 } // end-computeMoreDescriptors
1828 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
1829  setProperScales
1830 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
1832  const CFeature::Ptr& feat1, const CFeature::Ptr& feat2, int& firstScale,
1833  int& lastScale)
1834 {
1835  // Find the range of scales (of those within feat1) where the descriptor
1836  // should be matched
1837  // For the feat1 we use "initialDepth" since all the scales are relative to
1838  // this depth while for the
1839  // feat2 it is used "depth" which is the actual scale of the feature.
1841  int numScales = int(feat1->multiScales.size());
1842  // if( numScales <= 1 )
1843  // {
1844  // cout << "BAD NUMBER OF SCALES: " << endl;
1845  // feat1->dumpToConsole();
1846  // feat2->dumpToConsole();
1847  ASSERT_(numScales > 1);
1848  // }
1850  firstScale = 0;
1851  lastScale = numScales - 1;
1853  // Determine the range of scale where to look for in the list1
1854  double smin =
1855  (feat2->depth - 0.15 * feat1->initialDepth) / feat1->initialDepth;
1856  double smax =
1857  (feat2->depth + 0.15 * feat1->initialDepth) / feat1->initialDepth;
1859  if (smin <= feat1->multiScales[1])
1860  firstScale = 0;
1861  else
1862  {
1863  if (smin > feat1->multiScales[numScales - 2])
1864  firstScale = numScales - 2;
1865  else // it is in between the limits
1866  {
1867  for (int k = 1; k <= numScales - 3; ++k)
1868  if (smin > feat1->multiScales[k]) firstScale = k;
1869  } // end else
1870  } // end else
1872  if (smax <= feat1->multiScales[1])
1873  lastScale = 1;
1874  else
1875  {
1876  if (smax > feat1->multiScales[numScales - 2])
1877  lastScale = numScales - 1;
1878  else
1879  {
1880  for (int k = 1; k <= numScales - 3; ++k)
1881  if (smax <= feat1->multiScales[k])
1882  {
1883  lastScale = k;
1884  break;
1885  } // end if
1886  } // end else
1887  } // end else
1889  ASSERT_(firstScale >= 0 && lastScale < numScales && firstScale < lastScale);
1890  MRPT_END
1891 } // end setProperScales
1893 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
1894  computeMultiResolutionDescriptors
1895 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
1897  const CImage& imageLeft, const CImage& imageRight,
1898  CMatchedFeatureList& matchedFeats, const TMultiResDescOptions& opts)
1899 {
1903  CTimeLogger tlogger;
1904  tlogger.disable();
1905  ASSERT_(matchedFeats.size() > 0);
1907  //**************************************************************************
1908  // Pre-smooth the image with sigma = sg1 (typically 0.5)
1909  //**************************************************************************
1910  tlogger.enter("smooth");
1911  cv::Mat tempImg1, tempImg2;
1912  IplImage aux1, aux2;
1914  const cv::Mat inImg1 = cv::cvarrToMat(imageLeft.getAs<IplImage>());
1915  const cv::Mat inImg2 = cv::cvarrToMat(imageRight.getAs<IplImage>());
1917  cv::GaussianBlur(
1918  inImg1, tempImg1, cvSize(0, 0), opts.sg1 /*sigmaX*/,
1919  opts.sg1 /*sigmaY*/);
1920  aux1 = tempImg1;
1921  CImage smLeftImg(&aux1);
1923  cv::GaussianBlur(
1924  inImg2, tempImg2, cvSize(0, 0), opts.sg1 /*sigmaX*/,
1925  opts.sg1 /*sigmaY*/);
1926  aux2 = tempImg2;
1927  CImage smRightImg(&aux2);
1928  tlogger.leave("smooth");
1929  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1931  unsigned int a = opts.basePSize;
1932  unsigned int feat_counter = 0;
1933  unsigned int good_matches = 0;
1935  int largestSize = round(a * opts.scales[opts.scales.size() - 1]);
1936  largestSize = largestSize % 2
1937  ? largestSize
1938  : largestSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
1939  int hLargestSize = largestSize / 2;
1941  unsigned int npSize;
1942  unsigned int hpSize;
1944  for (CMatchedFeatureList::iterator itMatch = matchedFeats.begin();
1945  itMatch != matchedFeats.end(); ++itMatch, ++feat_counter)
1946  {
1947  // We don't take into account the matching if it is too close to the
1948  // image border (the largest patch cannot be extracted)
1949  if (itMatch->first->x + hLargestSize > smLeftImg.getWidth() - 1 ||
1950  itMatch->first->x - hLargestSize < 0 ||
1951  itMatch->first->y + hLargestSize > smLeftImg.getHeight() - 1 ||
1952  itMatch->first->y - hLargestSize < 0 ||
1953  itMatch->second->x + hLargestSize > smRightImg.getWidth() - 1 ||
1954  itMatch->second->x - hLargestSize < 0 ||
1955  itMatch->second->y + hLargestSize > smRightImg.getHeight() - 1 ||
1956  itMatch->second->y - hLargestSize < 0)
1957  continue;
1959  // We have found a proper match to obtain the multi-descriptor
1960  // Compute the depth and store the coords:
1961  tlogger.enter("compute depth");
1962  if (opts.computeDepth)
1963  {
1964  double disp = itMatch->first->x - itMatch->second->x;
1965  double aux = opts.baseline / disp;
1966  double x3D = (itMatch->first->x - * aux;
1967  double y3D = (itMatch->first->y - * aux;
1968  double z3D = opts.fx * aux;
1970  itMatch->first->depth = sqrt(x3D * x3D + y3D * y3D + z3D * z3D);
1971  itMatch->second->depth = sqrt(
1972  (x3D - opts.baseline) * (x3D - opts.baseline) + y3D * y3D +
1973  z3D * z3D);
1974  }
1975  tlogger.leave("compute depth");
1977  tlogger.enter("cp scales");
1978  itMatch->first->multiScales.resize(opts.scales.size());
1979  itMatch->first->multiOrientations.resize(opts.scales.size());
1980  itMatch->first->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors.resize(
1981  opts.scales.size());
1982  itMatch->first->multiHashCoeffs.resize(opts.scales.size());
1984  itMatch->second->multiScales.resize(opts.scales.size());
1985  itMatch->second->multiOrientations.resize(opts.scales.size());
1986  itMatch->second->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors.resize(
1987  opts.scales.size());
1988  itMatch->second->multiHashCoeffs.resize(opts.scales.size());
1990  // Copy the scale values within the feature.
1991  memcpy(
1992  &itMatch->first->multiScales[0], &opts.scales[0],
1993  opts.scales.size() * sizeof(double));
1994  memcpy(
1995  &itMatch->second->multiScales[0], &opts.scales[0],
1996  opts.scales.size() * sizeof(double));
1997  tlogger.leave("cp scales");
1999  // For each of the involved scales
2000  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < opts.scales.size(); ++k)
2001  {
2002  npSize = round(a * opts.scales[k]);
2003  npSize = npSize % 2
2004  ? npSize
2005  : npSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
2006  hpSize = npSize / 2; // half size of the patch
2008  CImage tPatch;
2010  // LEFT IMAGE:
2011  tlogger.enter("extract & resize");
2012  smLeftImg.extract_patch(
2013  tPatch, itMatch->first->x - hpSize, itMatch->first->y - hpSize,
2014  npSize, npSize);
2016  cv::Mat out_mat_patch;
2017  // The size is a+2xa+2 because we have to compute the gradient
2018  // (magnitude and orientation) in every pixel within the axa patch
2019  // so we need
2020  // one more row and column. For instance, for a 23x23 patch we need
2021  // a 25x25 patch.
2022  cv::resize(
2023  cv::cvarrToMat(tPatch.getAs<IplImage>(), false), out_mat_patch,
2024  cv::Size(a + 2, a + 2));
2025  IplImage aux_img = IplImage(out_mat_patch);
2026  CImage rsPatch(&aux_img);
2027  tlogger.leave("extract & resize");
2029  tlogger.enter("main orientations");
2030  // Compute the main orientations for the axa patch, taking into
2031  // account that the actual patch has a size of a+2xa+2
2032  // (being the center point the one with coordinates a/2+1,a/2+1).
2033  // A sigma = opts.sg2 is used to smooth the entries in the
2034  // orientations histograms
2035  // Orientation vector will be resize inside the function, so don't
2036  // reserve space for it
2038  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a,
2039  itMatch->first->multiOrientations[k], opts.sg2);
2040  tlogger.leave("main orientations");
2042  size_t nMainOris = itMatch->first->multiOrientations[k].size();
2043  itMatch->first->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors[k].resize(
2044  nMainOris);
2045  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < nMainOris; ++m)
2046  {
2047  tlogger.enter("compute histogram");
2049  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a,
2050  itMatch->first->multiOrientations[k][m],
2051  itMatch->first->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors[k][m],
2052  opts, itMatch->first->multiHashCoeffs[k][m]);
2053  tlogger.leave("compute histogram");
2054  } // end for
2056  // RIGHT IMAGE:
2057  tlogger.enter("extract & resize");
2058  imageRight.extract_patch(
2059  tPatch, itMatch->second->x - hpSize,
2060  itMatch->second->y - hpSize, npSize, npSize);
2062  cv::resize(
2063  cv::cvarrToMat(tPatch.getAs<IplImage>(), false), out_mat_patch,
2064  cv::Size(a + 2, a + 2));
2065  IplImage aux_img2 = IplImage(out_mat_patch);
2066  CImage rsPatch2(&aux_img2);
2067  tlogger.leave("extract & resize");
2069  tlogger.enter("main orientations");
2071  rsPatch2, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a,
2072  itMatch->second->multiOrientations[k], opts.sg2);
2073  tlogger.leave("main orientations");
2075  nMainOris = itMatch->second->multiOrientations[k].size();
2076  itMatch->second->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors[k].resize(
2077  nMainOris);
2079  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < nMainOris; ++m)
2080  {
2081  tlogger.enter("compute histogram");
2083  rsPatch2, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a,
2084  itMatch->second->multiOrientations[k][m],
2085  itMatch->second->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors[k][m],
2086  opts, itMatch->second->multiHashCoeffs[k][m]);
2087  tlogger.leave("compute histogram");
2088  } // end for
2089  } // end scales for
2090  good_matches++;
2091  } // end matches for
2092  MRPT_END
2093 #else
2094  THROW_EXCEPTION("This function needs OpenCV 2.1+")
2095 #endif
2096 } // end-vision::computeMultiResolutionDescriptors
2098 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
2099  computeMultiResolutionDescriptors
2100 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
2102  const CImage& image, CFeature::Ptr& feat, const TMultiResDescOptions& opts)
2103 {
2107  int a = opts.basePSize;
2108  int maxScale = opts.scales.size();
2109  int h = image.getHeight();
2110  int w = image.getWidth();
2111  int npSize, hpSize;
2113  int largestSize = round(a * opts.scales[maxScale - 1]);
2114  largestSize = largestSize % 2
2115  ? largestSize
2116  : largestSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
2117  int hLargestSize = largestSize / 2;
2119  if (feat->x + hLargestSize > (w - 1) || feat->x - hLargestSize < 0 ||
2120  feat->y + hLargestSize > (h - 1) || feat->y - hLargestSize < 0)
2121  {
2122  cout << endl
2123  << "[computeMultiResolutionDescriptors] WARNING: Feature is too "
2124  "close to the border. MultiDescriptor computation skipped."
2125  << endl;
2126  return false;
2127  }
2129  feat->multiScales.resize(maxScale);
2130  feat->multiOrientations.resize(maxScale);
2131  feat->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors.resize(maxScale);
2132  // If the hash coeffs have to be computed, resize the vector of hash coeffs.
2133  if (opts.computeHashCoeffs) feat->multiHashCoeffs.resize(maxScale);
2135  // Copy the scale values within the feature.
2136  for (int k = 0; k < maxScale; ++k) feat->multiScales[k] = opts.scales[k];
2138  // For each of the involved scales
2139  for (int k = 0; k < maxScale; ++k)
2140  {
2141  npSize = round(a * opts.scales[k]);
2142  npSize = npSize % 2 ? npSize
2143  : npSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
2144  hpSize = npSize / 2; // half size of the patch
2146  CImage tPatch(npSize, npSize);
2148  // LEFT IMAGE:
2149  // if( feat->x+hpSize > image.getWidth()-1 || feat->y+hpSize >
2150  // image.getHeight()-1 || feat->x-hpSize < 0 || feat->y-hpSize <
2151  // 0 )
2152  // cout << "(" << feat->x << "," << feat->y << ") and hpSize:
2153  // " << hpSize << " with scales ";
2154  // cout << opts.scales << " imSize: " << image.getWidth() <<
2155  // "x" << image.getHeight() << endl;
2156  image.extract_patch(
2157  tPatch, feat->x - hpSize, feat->y - hpSize, npSize, npSize);
2159  cv::Mat out_mat_patch;
2160  // The size is a+2xa+2 because we have to compute the gradient
2161  // (magnitude and orientation) in every pixel within the axa patch so we
2162  // need
2163  // one more row and column. For instance, for a 23x23 patch we need a
2164  // 25x25 patch.
2165  cv::resize(
2166  cv::cvarrToMat(tPatch.getAs<IplImage>(), false), out_mat_patch,
2167  cv::Size(a + 2, a + 2));
2168  IplImage aux_img = IplImage(out_mat_patch);
2169  CImage rsPatch(&aux_img);
2171  // Compute the main orientations for the axa patch, taking into account
2172  // that the actual patch has a size of a+2xa+2
2173  // (being the center point the one with coordinates a/2+1,a/2+1).
2174  // A sigma = opts.sg2 is used to smooth the entries in the orientations
2175  // histograms
2176  // Orientation vector will be resized inside the function, so don't
2177  // reserve space for it
2179  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a, feat->multiOrientations[k],
2180  opts.sg2);
2182  size_t nMainOris = feat->multiOrientations[k].size();
2183  feat->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors[k].resize(nMainOris);
2184  if (opts.computeHashCoeffs) feat->multiHashCoeffs[k].resize(nMainOris);
2186  for (unsigned int m = 0; m < nMainOris; ++m)
2187  {
2188  if (opts.computeHashCoeffs)
2189  {
2191  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a,
2192  feat->multiOrientations[k][m],
2193  feat->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors[k][m], opts,
2194  feat->multiHashCoeffs[k][m]);
2195  } // end-if
2196  else
2197  {
2198  vector<int32_t> vec;
2200  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a,
2201  feat->multiOrientations[k][m],
2202  feat->descriptors.multiSIFTDescriptors[k][m], opts, vec);
2203  } // end-else
2204  } // end orientations for (m)
2205  } // end scales for (k)
2206  return true;
2207  MRPT_END
2208 #else
2209  THROW_EXCEPTION("This function needs OpenCV 2.1+")
2210 #endif
2211 } // end-computeMultiResolutionDescriptors
2213 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
2214  computeMultiResolutionDescriptors
2215 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
2217  const CImage& image, CFeatureList& list, const TMultiResDescOptions& opts)
2218 {
2221  CTimeLogger tlogger;
2222  tlogger.disable();
2223  ASSERT_(list.size() > 0);
2224  CImage smLeftImg;
2225  if (opts.blurImage)
2226  {
2227  //**************************************************************************
2228  // Pre-smooth the image with sigma = sg1 (typically 0.5)
2229  //**************************************************************************
2230  cv::Mat tempImg;
2231  IplImage aux;
2233  const cv::Mat inImg = cv::cvarrToMat(image.getAs<IplImage>());
2235  cv::GaussianBlur(
2236  inImg, tempImg, cvSize(0, 0), opts.sg1 /*sigmaX*/,
2237  opts.sg1 /*sigmaY*/);
2238  aux = tempImg;
2239  smLeftImg.loadFromIplImage(&aux);
2240  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2241  }
2242  else
2243  smLeftImg = image;
2245  TMultiResDescOptions auxOpts = opts;
2246  auxOpts.blurImage = false;
2247  vector<bool> st(list.size());
2248  int k = 0;
2249  for (CFeatureList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it, ++k)
2250  st[k] = computeMultiResolutionDescriptors(smLeftImg, (*it), auxOpts);
2251  return st;
2252  MRPT_END
2253 #else
2254  THROW_EXCEPTION("This function needs OpenCV 2.1+")
2255 #endif
2257 } // end computeMultiResolutionDescriptors
2259 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
2260  computeMultiResolutionDescriptors
2261 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
2263  const CImage& image, CFeatureList& list, const TMultiResDescOptions& opts)
2264 {
2267  CTimeLogger tlogger;
2268  tlogger.disable();
2269  ASSERT_(list.size() > 0);
2271  //**************************************************************************
2272  // Pre-smooth the image with sigma = sg1 (typically 0.5)
2273  //**************************************************************************
2274  tlogger.enter("smooth");
2275  cv::Mat tempImg1;
2276  IplImage aux1;
2278  const cv::Mat inImg1 = cv::cvarrToMat(image.getAs<IplImage>(), false);
2280  cv::GaussianBlur(
2281  inImg1, tempImg1, cvSize(0, 0), opts.sg1 /*sigmaX*/,
2282  opts.sg1 /*sigmaY*/);
2283  aux1 = tempImg1;
2284  CImage smLeftImg(&aux1);
2285  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2287  unsigned int a = opts.basePSize;
2289  int largestSize = round(a * opts.scales[opts.scales.size() - 1]);
2290  largestSize = largestSize % 2
2291  ? largestSize
2292  : largestSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
2293  int hLargestSize = largestSize / 2;
2295  unsigned int npSize;
2296  unsigned int hpSize;
2298  for (CFeatureList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
2299  {
2300  // We don't take into account the matching if it is too close to the
2301  // image border (the largest patch cannot be extracted)
2302  if ((*it)->x + hLargestSize > smLeftImg.getWidth() - 1 ||
2303  (*it)->x - hLargestSize < 0 ||
2304  (*it)->y + hLargestSize > smLeftImg.getHeight() - 1 ||
2305  (*it)->y - hLargestSize < 0)
2306  continue;
2308  // We have found a proper match to obtain the multi-descriptor
2309  tlogger.enter("cp scales");
2310  (*it)->multiScales.resize(opts.scales.size());
2311  (*it)->multiOrientations.resize(opts.scales.size());
2313  // Copy the scale values within the feature.
2314  memcpy(
2315  &(*it)->multiScales[0], &opts.scales[0],
2316  opts.scales.size() * sizeof(double));
2317  tlogger.leave("cp scales");
2319  // For each of the involved scales
2320  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < opts.scales.size(); ++k)
2321  {
2322  npSize = round(a * opts.scales[k]);
2323  npSize = npSize % 2
2324  ? npSize
2325  : npSize + 1; // round to the closest odd number
2326  hpSize = npSize / 2; // half size of the patch
2328  CImage tPatch;
2330  // LEFT IMAGE:
2331  tlogger.enter("extract & resize");
2332  smLeftImg.extract_patch(
2333  tPatch, (*it)->x - hpSize, (*it)->y - hpSize, npSize, npSize);
2335  cv::Mat out_mat_patch;
2336  // The size is a+2xa+2 because we have to compute the gradient
2337  // (magnitude and orientation) in every pixel within the axa patch
2338  // so we need
2339  // one more row and column. For instance, for a 23x23 patch we need
2340  // a 25x25 patch.
2341  cv::resize(
2342  cv::cvarrToMat(tPatch.getAs<IplImage>(), false), out_mat_patch,
2343  cv::Size(a + 2, a + 2));
2344  IplImage aux_img = IplImage(out_mat_patch);
2345  CImage rsPatch(&aux_img);
2346  tlogger.leave("extract & resize");
2348  tlogger.enter("main orientations");
2349  // Compute the main orientations for the axa patch, taking into
2350  // account that the actual patch has a size of a+2xa+2
2351  // (being the center point the one with coordinates a/2+1,a/2+1).
2352  // A sigma = opts.sg2 is used to smooth the entries in the
2353  // orientations histograms
2354  // Orientation vector will be resize inside the function, so don't
2355  // reserve space for it
2357  rsPatch, a / 2 + 1, a / 2 + 1, a, (*it)->multiOrientations[k],
2358  opts.sg2);
2359  tlogger.leave("main orientations");
2361  } // end scales for
2362  } // end matches for
2363  MRPT_END
2364 #else
2365  THROW_EXCEPTION("This function needs OpenCV 2.1+")
2366 #endif
2367 } // end computeMultiOrientations
float getAsFloat(unsigned int col, unsigned int row, unsigned int channel) const
Returns the contents of a given pixel at the desired channel, in float format: [0,255]->[0,1] The coordinate origin is pixel(0,0)=top-left corner of the image.
Definition: CImage.cpp:953
std::shared_ptr< CFeature > Ptr
Definition: CFeature.h:58
Classes for serialization, sockets, ini-file manipulation, streams, list of properties-values, timewatch, extensions to STL.
#define min(a, b)
bool computeMainOrientations(const mrpt::utils::CImage &image, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int patchSize, std::vector< double > &orientations, const double &sigma)
Computes the main orientations (within 80% of the peak value of orientation histogram) of a certain p...
This namespace provides a OS-independent interface to many useful functions: filenames manipulation...
Definition: math_frwds.h:30
int void fclose(FILE *f)
An OS-independent version of fclose.
Definition: os.cpp:272
A class for storing images as grayscale or RGB bitmaps.
Definition: CImage.h:118
void computeMultiResolutionDescriptors(const mrpt::utils::CImage &imageLeft, const mrpt::utils::CImage &imageRight, CMatchedFeatureList &matchedFeats, const TMultiResDescOptions &opts)
Computes the multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptor of a set of matched features.
size_t size() const
Definition: CFeature.h:387
#define THROW_EXCEPTION(msg)
GLenum GLsizei n
Definition: glext.h:5074
Scalar * iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:26
Struct containing the output after matching multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptors.
Column vector, like Eigen::MatrixX*, but automatically initialized to zeros since construction...
Definition: eigen_frwds.h:42
bool computeGradient(const mrpt::utils::CImage &image, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, double &mag, double &ori)
Computes the gradient of certain pixel within the image.
void setProperScales(const CFeature::Ptr &feat1, const CFeature::Ptr &feat2, int &firstScale, int &lastScale)
Computes the initial and final scales where to look when finding a match between multi-resolution fea...
GLenum GLsizei GLenum GLenum const GLvoid * image
Definition: glext.h:3551
for(ctr=DCTSIZE;ctr > 0;ctr--)
Definition: jidctflt.cpp:56
TInternalFeatList::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: CFeature.h:367
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei depth
Definition: glext.h:3600
std::vector< int > secondListCorrespondences
Contains the indexes within the first list corresponding to the second one.
STL namespace.
#define M_PI
Definition: bits.h:92
const Scalar * const_iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:27
uint32_t highScl1
The highest scales in the two features to be taken into account in the matching process.
void kdTreeNClosestPoint2DIdx(float x0, float y0, size_t knn, std::vector< size_t > &out_idx, std::vector< float > &out_dist_sqr) const
KD Tree-based search for the N closest point to some given 2D coordinates and returns their indexes...
std::vector< double > firstListDistance
Contains the distances between the descriptors.
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition: glext.h:4178
const T * getAs() const
Returns a pointer to a const T* containing the image - the idea is to call like "img.getAs<IplImage>()" so we can avoid here including OpenCV&#39;s headers.
Definition: CImage.h:587
void computeHistogramOfOrientations(const mrpt::utils::CImage &image, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int patchSize, const double &orientation, std::vector< int32_t > &descriptor, const TMultiResDescOptions &opts, std::vector< int32_t > &hashCoeffs)
Computes the SIFT-like descriptor of a certain point within an image at the base scale, i.e.
#define M_2PI
Definition: mrpt_macros.h:437
T square(const T x)
Inline function for the square of a number.
Definition: bits.h:55
bool computeHashCoeffs
Whether or not compute the coefficients for mantaining a HASH table of descriptors (for relocalizatio...
std::vector< int > firstListFoundScales
Contains the scales of the first list where the correspondence was found.
void getBothFeatureLists(CFeatureList &list1, CFeatureList &list2)
Returns the matching features as two separate CFeatureLists.
Definition: CFeature.cpp:1425
This base provides a set of functions for maths stuff.
Definition: CArrayNumeric.h:19
size_t getWidth() const override
Returns the width of the image in pixels.
Definition: CImage.cpp:869
uint32_t basePSize
The size of the base patch.
double sg1
The sigmas for the Gaussian kernels.
#define MRPT_END
uint32_t timesSeenThreshold
The minimum number of frames for a certain feature to be considered stable.
int computeMoreDescriptors(const mrpt::utils::CImage &image, const CFeature::Ptr &inputFeat, CFeature::Ptr &outputFeat, const bool &lowerScales, const TMultiResDescOptions &opts)
Computes more multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptors for a feature using its position in a new image...
const GLubyte * c
Definition: glext.h:6313
uint32_t lastSeenThreshold
The allowed number of frames since a certain feature was seen for the last time.
std::map< int, std::map< int, std::map< int, std::deque< std::pair< TFeatureID, double > > > > > TQuantizationTable
bool useDepthFilter
Whether or not use the filter based on the depth test.
CONTAINER::Scalar sum(const CONTAINER &v)
Computes the sum of all the elements.
size_t getHeight() const override
Returns the height of the image in pixels.
Definition: CImage.cpp:897
TMultiResMatchingOutput relocalizeMultiDesc(const mrpt::utils::CImage &image, CFeatureList &baseList, CFeatureList &currentList, TQuantizationTable &qTable, const TMultiResDescOptions &desc_opts, const TMultiResDescMatchOptions &match_opts)
void interpolateHistEntry(std::vector< double > &hist, const double &cbin, const double &rbin, const double &obin, const double &mag, const int d, const int n)
Inserts the orientation value of a certain pixel within the keypoint neighbourhood into the histogram...
Classes for computer vision, detectors, features, etc.
std::vector< int > firstListCorrespondences
Contains the indexes within the second list corresponding to the first one.
#define DEG2RAD
uint64_t TFeatureID
Definition of a feature ID.
double cropValue
The SIFT-like descriptor is cropped at this value during normalization.
A list of visual features, to be used as output by detectors, as input/output by trackers, etc.
Definition: CFeature.h:305
void insertHashCoeffs(const CFeature::Ptr &feat, TQuantizationTable &qTable)
int fprintf(FILE *fil, const char *format,...) noexcept MRPT_printf_format_check(2
An OS-independent version of fprintf.
Definition: os.cpp:405
void pause(const std::string &msg=std::string("Press any key to continue...")) noexcept
Shows the message "Press any key to continue" (or other custom message) to the current standard outpu...
Definition: os.cpp:427
uint32_t searchAreaSize
Size of the squared area where to search for a match.
#define MRPT_START
std::vector< double > scales
The set of scales relatives to the base patch.
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
bool computeDepth
Whether or not to compute the depth of the feature.
double oriThreshold
The threshold for the orientation test.
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: glext.h:3705
void meanAndStd(const VECTORLIKE &v, double &out_mean, double &out_std, bool unbiased=true)
Computes the standard deviation of a vector.
uint32_t lowScl1
The lowest scales in the two features to be taken into account in the matching process.
Struct containing the options when computing the multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptors.
void updateBaseList(CFeatureList &baseList, const CFeatureList &currentList, const std::vector< int > &idx)
void saveQTableToFile(const TQuantizationTable &qTable, const std::string &filename)
void extract_patch(CImage &patch, const unsigned int col=0, const unsigned int row=0, const unsigned int width=1, const unsigned int height=1) const
Extract a patch from this image, saveing it into "patch" (its previous contents will be overwritten)...
Definition: CImage.cpp:1367
#define ASSERT_(f)
A versatile "profiler" that logs the time spent within each pair of calls to enter(X)-leave(X), among other stats.
Definition: CTimeLogger.h:45
int round(const T value)
Returns the closer integer (int) to x.
Definition: round.h:25
Struct containing the options when matching multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptors.
TInternalFeatList::iterator iterator
Definition: CFeature.h:366
void checkScalesAndFindMore(CMatchedFeatureList &baseList, const CFeatureList &currentList, const mrpt::utils::CImage &currentImage, const TMultiResMatchingOutput &output, const TMultiResDescOptions &computeOpts, const TMultiResDescMatchOptions &matchOpts)
GLenum GLint GLint y
Definition: glext.h:3538
FILE * fopen(const char *fileName, const char *mode) noexcept
An OS-independent version of fopen.
Definition: os.cpp:254
double matchingThreshold
The absolute threshold in descriptor distance for considering a match.
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:3923
void computeMultiOrientations(const mrpt::utils::CImage &image, CFeatureList &list, const TMultiResDescOptions &opts)
Computes the multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptor of a list of features.
GLuint res
Definition: glext.h:7268
GLenum GLint x
Definition: glext.h:3538
const int FEAT_FREE
bool blurImage
Whether or not to blur the image previously to compute the descriptors.
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte a
Definition: glext.h:6279
void normalizeImage(const mrpt::utils::CImage &image, mrpt::utils::CImage &nimage)
Normalizes the brigthness and contrast of an image by setting its mean value to zero and its standard...
CFeature::Ptr getByID(const TFeatureID &ID) const
Get a reference to a Feature from its ID.
Definition: CFeature.cpp:1251
double fx
Intrinsic stereo pair parameters for computing the depth of the feature.
void memcpy(void *dest, size_t destSize, const void *src, size_t copyCount) noexcept
An OS and compiler independent version of "memcpy".
Definition: os.cpp:355
TMultiResMatchingOutput matchMultiResolutionFeatures(const CFeatureList &list1, CFeatureList &list2, const mrpt::utils::CImage &rightImage, const TMultiResDescMatchOptions &matchOpts, const TMultiResDescOptions &computeOpts)
Matches two CFeatureList containing mulit-resolution descriptors.
A list of features.
Definition: CFeature.h:504

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