class | CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod |
| A base class for holonomic reactive navigation methods. More...
class | CAbstractNavigator |
| This is the base class for any reactive/planned navigation system. More...
class | CAbstractPTGBasedReactive |
| Base class for reactive navigator systems based on TP-Space, with an arbitrary holonomic reactive method running on it and any number of PTGs for transforming the navigation space. More...
class | CHolonomicFullEval |
| Full evaluation of all possible directions within the discrete set of input directions. More...
class | CHolonomicLogFileRecord |
| A base class for log records for different holonomic navigation methods. More...
class | CHolonomicND |
| An implementation of the holonomic reactive navigation method "Nearness-Diagram". More...
class | CHolonomicVFF |
| A holonomic reactive navigation method, based on Virtual Force Fields (VFF). More...
class | ClearanceDiagram |
| Clearance information for one particular PTG and one set of obstacles. More...
class | CLogFileRecord |
| A class for storing, saving and loading a reactive navigation log record for the CReactiveNavigationSystem class. More...
class | CLogFileRecord_FullEval |
| A class for storing extra information about the execution of CHolonomicFullEval navigation. More...
class | CLogFileRecord_ND |
| A class for storing extra information about the execution of CHolonomicND navigation. More...
class | CLogFileRecord_VFF |
| A class for storing extra information about the execution of CHolonomicVFF navigation. More...
class | CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase |
| Virtual base class for multi-objective motion choosers, as used for reactive navigation engines. More...
class | CMultiObjMotionOpt_Scalarization |
| Implementation of multi-objective motion chooser using scalarization: a user-given formula is used to collapse all the scores into a single scalar score. More...
class | CNavigatorManualSequence |
| "Fake navigator" for tests: it just sends out a pre-programmed sequence of commands to the robot. More...
class | CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator |
| This is the base class for any user-defined PTG. More...
class | CPTG_DiffDrive_alpha |
| The "a(symptotic)-alpha PTG", as named in PTG papers. More...
class | CPTG_DiffDrive_C |
| A PTG for circular paths ("C" type PTG in papers). More...
class | CPTG_DiffDrive_CC |
| A PTG for optimal paths of type "C|C" , as named in PTG papers. More...
class | CPTG_DiffDrive_CCS |
| A PTG for optimal paths of type "C|C,S" (as named in PTG papers). More...
class | CPTG_DiffDrive_CollisionGridBased |
| Base class for all PTGs suitable to non-holonomic, differentially-driven (or Ackermann) vehicles based on numerical integration of the trajectories and collision look-up-table. More...
class | CPTG_DiffDrive_CS |
| A PTG for optimal paths of type "CS", as named in PTG papers. More...
class | CPTG_Holo_Blend |
| A PTG for circular-shaped robots with holonomic kinematics. More...
class | CPTG_RobotShape_Circular |
| Base class for all PTGs using a 2D circular robot shape model. More...
class | CPTG_RobotShape_Polygonal |
| Base class for all PTGs using a 2D polygonal robot shape model. More...
class | CReactiveNavigationSystem |
| See base class CAbstractPTGBasedReactive for a description and instructions of use. More...
class | CReactiveNavigationSystem3D |
| See base class CAbstractPTGBasedReactive for a description and instructions of use. More...
class | CRobot2NavInterface |
| The pure virtual interface between a real or simulated robot and any CAbstractNavigator -derived class. More...
class | CRobot2NavInterfaceForSimulator_DiffDriven |
| CRobot2NavInterface implemented for a simulator object based on mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_DiffDriven Only senseObstacles() remains virtual for the user to implement it. More...
class | CRobot2NavInterfaceForSimulator_Holo |
| CRobot2NavInterface implemented for a simulator object based on mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_Holo. More...
class | CWaypointsNavigator |
| This class extends CAbstractNavigator with the capability of following a list of waypoints. More...
class | PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS |
| TP Space-based RRT path planning for SE(2) (planar) robots. More...
class | PlannerSimple2D |
| Searches for collision-free path in 2D occupancy grids for holonomic circular robots. More...
class | PlannerTPS_VirtualBase |
| Virtual base class for TP-Space-based path planners. More...
struct | PoseDistanceMetric |
| Generic base for metrics. More...
struct | PoseDistanceMetric< TNodeSE2 > |
| Pose metric for SE(2) More...
struct | PoseDistanceMetric< TNodeSE2_TP > |
| Pose metric for SE(2) limited to a given PTG manifold. More...
struct | RRTAlgorithmParams |
struct | RRTEndCriteria |
struct | TCandidateMovementPTG |
| Stores a candidate movement in TP-Space-based navigation. More...
struct | TCPoint |
| Trajectory points in C-Space for non-holonomic robots. More...
struct | TMoveEdgeSE2_TP |
| An edge for the move tree used for planning in SE2 and TP-space. More...
class | TMoveTree |
| This class contains motions and motions tree structures for the hybrid navigation algorithm. More...
struct | TNodeSE2 |
struct | TNodeSE2_TP |
struct | TPlannerInputTempl |
struct | TPlannerResultTempl |
struct | TRobotShape |
| A 3D robot shape stored as a "sliced" stack of 2D polygons, used for CReactiveNavigationSystem3D Depending on each PTG, only the 2D polygon or the circular radius will be taken into account. More...
struct | TWaypoint |
| A single waypoint within TWaypointSequence. More...
struct | TWaypointSequence |
| The struct for requesting navigation requests for a sequence of waypoints. More...
struct | TWaypointsRenderingParams |
| used in getAsOpenglVisualization() More...
struct | TWaypointStatus |
| A waypoint with an execution status. More...
struct | TWaypointStatusSequence |
| The struct for querying the status of waypoints navigation. More...
bool | collision_free_dist_segment_circ_robot (const mrpt::math::TPoint2D &p_start, const mrpt::math::TPoint2D &p_end, const double robot_radius, const mrpt::math::TPoint2D &obstacle, double &out_col_dist) |
| Computes the collision-free distance for a linear segment path between two points, for a circular robot, and a point obstacle (ox,oy). More...
bool | collision_free_dist_arc_circ_robot (const double arc_radius, const double robot_radius, const mrpt::math::TPoint2D &obstacle, double &out_col_dist) |
| Computes the collision-free distance for a forward path (+X) circular arc path segment from pose (0,0,0) and radius of curvature R (>0 -> +Y, <0 -> -Y), a circular robot and a point obstacle (ox,oy). More...
bool | operator== (const CAbstractNavigator::TNavigationParamsBase &, const CAbstractNavigator::TNavigationParamsBase &) |
mrpt::utils::CStream & | operator<< (mrpt::utils::CStream &o, const mrpt::nav::TCPoint &p) |
mrpt::utils::CStream & | operator>> (mrpt::utils::CStream &i, mrpt::nav::TCPoint &p) |