Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.9.9
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1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2018, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
9 #pragma once
12 #include <mrpt/img/CImage.h>
13 #include <mrpt/obs/CObservation.h>
16 #include <mrpt/poses/CPose3D.h>
17 #include <mrpt/poses/CPose2D.h>
18 #include <mrpt/math/CPolygon.h>
19 #include <mrpt/math/CMatrix.h>
25 namespace mrpt
26 {
27 namespace obs
28 {
29 /** Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto() */
31 {
32  /** (Default: false) If false, local (sensor-centric) coordinates of points
33  * are generated. Otherwise, points are transformed with \a sensorPose.
34  * Furthermore, if provided, those coordinates are transformed with \a
35  * robotPoseInTheWorld */
37  /** (Default: nullptr) Read takeIntoAccountSensorPoseOnRobot */
39  /** (Default:true) [Only used when `range_is_depth`=true] Whether to use a
40  * Look-up-table (LUT) to speed up the conversion. It's thread safe in all
41  * situations <b>except</b> when you call this method from different threads
42  * <b>and</b> with different camera parameter matrices. In all other cases,
43  * it is a good idea to left it enabled. */
45  /** (Default:true) If possible, use SSE2 optimized code. */
46  bool USE_SSE2;
47  /** (Default:true) set to false if you want to preserve the organization of
48  * the point cloud */
49  bool MAKE_DENSE;
52  robotPoseInTheWorld(nullptr),
53  PROJ3D_USE_LUT(true),
54  USE_SSE2(true),
55  MAKE_DENSE(true)
56  {
57  }
58 };
59 /** Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::convertTo2DScan() */
61 {
62  /** The sensor label that will have the newly created observation. */
64  /** (Default=5 degrees) [Only if use_origin_sensor_pose=false] The upper &
65  * lower half-FOV angle (in radians). */
67  /** (Default:-inf, +inf) [Only if use_origin_sensor_pose=true] Only obstacle
68  * points with Z coordinates within the range [z_min,z_max] will be taken
69  * into account. */
70  double z_min, z_max;
71  /** (Default=1.2=120%) How many more laser scans rays to create (read docs
72  * for CObservation3DRangeScan::convertTo2DScan()). */
75  /** (Default:false) If `false`, the conversion will be such that the 2D
76  * observation pose on the robot coincides with that in the original 3D
77  * range scan.
78  * If `true`, the sensed points will be "reprojected" as seen from a sensor
79  * pose at the robot/vehicle frame origin (and angle_sup, angle_inf will be
80  * ignored) */
84 };
86 namespace detail
87 {
88 // Implemented in CObservation3DRangeScan_project3D_impl.h
89 template <class POINTMAP>
91  mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan& src_obs, POINTMAP& dest_pointcloud,
92  const mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams& projectParams,
93  const mrpt::obs::TRangeImageFilterParams& filterParams);
94 } // namespace detail
96 /** Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules a 3D range scan
97  *measurement, as from a time-of-flight range camera or any other RGBD sensor.
98  *
99  * This kind of observations can carry one or more of these data fields:
100  * - 3D point cloud (as float's).
101  * - Each 3D point has its associated (u,v) pixel coordinates in \a
102  *points3D_idxs_x & \a points3D_idxs_y (New in MRPT 1.4.0)
103  * - 2D range image (as a matrix): Each entry in the matrix
104  *"rangeImage(ROW,COLUMN)" contains a distance or a depth (in meters), depending
105  *on \a range_is_depth.
106  * - 2D intensity (grayscale or RGB) image (as a mrpt::img::CImage): For
107  *SwissRanger cameras, a logarithmic A-law compression is used to convert the
108  *original 16bit intensity to a more standard 8bit graylevel.
109  * - 2D confidence image (as a mrpt::img::CImage): For each pixel, a 0x00
110  *and a 0xFF mean the lowest and highest confidence levels, respectively.
111  * - Semantic labels: Stored as a matrix of bitfields, each bit having a
112  *user-defined meaning.
113  *
114  * The coordinates of the 3D point cloud are in meters with respect to the
115  *depth camera origin of coordinates
116  * (in SwissRanger, the front face of the camera: a small offset ~1cm in
117  *front of the physical focal point),
118  * with the +X axis pointing forward, +Y pointing left-hand and +Z pointing
119  *up. By convention, a 3D point with its coordinates set to (0,0,0), will be
120  *considered as invalid.
121  * The field CObservation3DRangeScan::relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth describes
122  *the change of coordinates from
123  * the depth camera to the intensity (RGB or grayscale) camera. In a
124  *SwissRanger camera both cameras coincide,
125  * so this pose is just a rotation (0,0,0,-90deg,0,-90deg). But in
126  * Microsoft Kinect there is also an offset, as shown in this figure:
127  *
128  * <div align=center>
129  * <img src="CObservation3DRangeScan_figRefSystem.png">
130  * </div>
131  *
132  * In any case, check the field \a relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth, or the method
133  *\a doDepthAndIntensityCamerasCoincide()
134  * to determine if both frames of reference coincide, since even for Kinect
135  *cameras both can coincide if the images
136  * have been rectified.
137  *
138  * The 2D images and matrices are stored as common images, with an up->down
139  *rows order and left->right, as usual.
140  * Optionally, the intensity and confidence channels can be set to
141  *delayed-load images for off-rawlog storage so it saves
142  * memory by having loaded in memory just the needed images. See the methods
143  *load() and unload().
144  * Due to the intensive storage requirements of this kind of observations, this
145  *observation is the only one in MRPT
146  * for which it's recommended to always call "load()" and "unload()" before
147  *and after using the observation, *ONLY* when
148  * the observation was read from a rawlog dataset, in order to make sure that
149  *all the externally stored data fields are
150  * loaded and ready in memory.
151  *
152  * Classes that grab observations of this type are:
153  * - mrpt::hwdrivers::CSwissRanger3DCamera
154  * - mrpt::hwdrivers::CKinect
155  * - mrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Sensor
156  *
157  * There are two sets of calibration parameters (see
158  *mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration() or the ready-to-use GUI program
159  *<a href=""
160  *>kinect-calibrate</a>):
161  * - cameraParams: Projection parameters of the depth camera.
162  * - cameraParamsIntensity: Projection parameters of the intensity
163  *(gray-level or RGB) camera.
164  *
165  * In some cameras, like SwissRanger, both are the same. It is possible in
166  *Kinect to rectify the range images such both cameras
167  * seem to coincide and then both sets of camera parameters will be identical.
168  *
169  * Range data can be interpreted in two different ways depending on the 3D
170  *camera (this field is already set to the
171  * correct setting when grabbing observations from an mrpt::hwdrivers
172  *sensor):
173  * - range_is_depth=true -> Kinect-like ranges: entries of \a rangeImage
174  *are
175  *distances along the +X axis
176  * - range_is_depth=false -> Ranges in \a rangeImage are actual distances
177  *in
178  *3D.
179  *
180  * The "intensity" channel may come from different channels in sesnsors as
181  *Kinect. Look at field \a intensityImageChannel to
182  * find out if the image was grabbed from the visible (RGB) or IR channels.
183  *
184  * 3D point clouds can be generated at any moment after grabbing with
185  *CObservation3DRangeScan::project3DPointsFromDepthImage() and
186  *CObservation3DRangeScan::project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto(), provided the
187  *correct
188  * calibration parameters. Note that project3DPointsFromDepthImage() will
189  *store the point cloud in sensor-centric local coordinates. Use
190  *project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto() to directly obtain vehicle or world
191  *coordinates.
192  *
193  * Example of how to assign labels to pixels (for object segmentation, semantic
194  *information, etc.):
195  *
196  * \code
197  * // Assume obs of type CObservation3DRangeScan::Ptr
198  * obs->pixelLabels = CObservation3DRangeScan::TPixelLabelInfo::Ptr( new
199  *CObservation3DRangeScan::TPixelLabelInfo<NUM_BYTES>() );
200  * obs->pixelLabels->setSize(ROWS,COLS);
201  * obs->pixelLabels->setLabel(col,row, label_idx); // label_idxs =
202  *[0,2^NUM_BYTES-1]
203  * //...
204  * \endcode
205  *
206  * \note Starting at serialization version 2 (MRPT 0.9.1+), the confidence
207  *channel is stored as an image instead of a matrix to optimize memory and disk
208  *space.
209  * \note Starting at serialization version 3 (MRPT 0.9.1+), the 3D point cloud
210  *and the rangeImage can both be stored externally to save rawlog space.
211  * \note Starting at serialization version 5 (MRPT 0.9.5+), the new field \a
212  *range_is_depth
213  * \note Starting at serialization version 6 (MRPT 0.9.5+), the new field \a
214  *intensityImageChannel
215  * \note Starting at serialization version 7 (MRPT 1.3.1+), new fields for
216  *semantic labeling
217  * \note Since MRPT 1.5.0, external files format can be selected at runtime
218  *with `CObservation3DRangeScan::EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT`
219  *
220  * \sa mrpt::hwdrivers::CSwissRanger3DCamera, mrpt::hwdrivers::CKinect,
221  *CObservation
222  * \ingroup mrpt_obs_grp
223  */
225 {
228  protected:
229  /** If set to true, m_points3D_external_file is valid. */
231  /** 3D points are in CImage::getImagesPathBase()+<this_file_name> */
234  /** If set to true, m_rangeImage_external_file is valid. */
236  /** rangeImage is in CImage::getImagesPathBase()+<this_file_name> */
239  public:
240  /** Default constructor */
242  /** Destructor */
243  virtual ~CObservation3DRangeScan();
245  /** @name Delayed-load manual control methods.
246  @{ */
247  /** Makes sure all images and other fields which may be externally stored
248  * are loaded in memory.
249  * Note that for all CImages, calling load() is not required since the
250  * images will be automatically loaded upon first access, so load()
251  * shouldn't be needed to be called in normal cases by the user.
252  * If all the data were alredy loaded or this object has no externally
253  * stored data fields, calling this method has no effects.
254  * \sa unload
255  */
256  virtual void load() const override;
257  /** Unload all images, for the case they being delayed-load images stored in
258  * external files (othewise, has no effect).
259  * \sa load
260  */
261  virtual void unload() override;
262  /** @} */
264  /** Project the RGB+D images into a 3D point cloud (with color if the target
265  * map supports it) and optionally at a given 3D pose.
266  * The 3D point coordinates are computed from the depth image (\a
267  * rangeImage) and the depth camera camera parameters (\a cameraParams).
268  * There exist two set of formulas for projecting the i'th point,
269  * depending on the value of "range_is_depth".
270  * In all formulas below, "rangeImage" is the matrix of ranges and the
271  * pixel coordinates are (r,c).
272  *
273  * 1) [range_is_depth=true] With "range equals depth" or "Kinect-like
274  * depth mode": the range values
275  * are in fact distances along the "+X" axis, not real 3D ranges (this
276  * is the way Kinect reports ranges):
277  *
278  * \code
279  * x(i) = rangeImage(r,c)
280  * y(i) = (r_cx - c) * x(i) / r_fx
281  * z(i) = (r_cy - r) * x(i) / r_fy
282  * \endcode
283  *
284  *
285  * 2) [range_is_depth=false] With "normal ranges": range means distance in
286  * 3D. This must be set when
287  * processing data from the SwissRange 3D camera, among others.
288  *
289  * \code
290  * Ky = (r_cx - c)/r_fx
291  * Kz = (r_cy - r)/r_fy
292  *
293  * x(i) = rangeImage(r,c) / sqrt( 1 + Ky^2 + Kz^2 )
294  * y(i) = Ky * x(i)
295  * z(i) = Kz * x(i)
296  * \endcode
297  *
298  * The color of each point is determined by projecting the 3D local point
299  * into the RGB image using \a cameraParamsIntensity.
300  *
301  * By default the local (sensor-centric) coordinates of points are
302  * directly stored into the local map, but if indicated so in \a
303  * takeIntoAccountSensorPoseOnRobot
304  * the points are transformed with \a sensorPose. Furthermore, if
305  * provided, those coordinates are transformed with \a robotPoseInTheWorld
306  *
307  * \tparam POINTMAP Supported maps are all those covered by
308  * mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter (mrpt::maps::CPointsMap and derived,
309  * mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured, PCL point clouds,...)
310  *
311  * \note In MRPT < 0.9.5, this method always assumes that ranges were in
312  * Kinect-like format.
313  */
314  template <class POINTMAP>
316  POINTMAP& dest_pointcloud,
317  const T3DPointsProjectionParams& projectParams,
318  const TRangeImageFilterParams& filterParams = TRangeImageFilterParams())
319  {
320  detail::project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto<POINTMAP>(
321  *this, dest_pointcloud, projectParams, filterParams);
322  }
324  /** This method is equivalent to \c project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto()
325  * storing the projected 3D points (without color, in local sensor-centric
326  * coordinates) in this same class.
327  * For new code it's recommended to use instead \c
328  * project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto() which is much more versatile. */
329  inline void project3DPointsFromDepthImage(const bool PROJ3D_USE_LUT = true)
330  {
332  p.takeIntoAccountSensorPoseOnRobot = false;
334  this->project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto(*this, p);
335  }
337  /** Convert this 3D observation into an "equivalent 2D fake laser scan",
338  * with a configurable vertical FOV.
339  *
340  * The result is a 2D laser scan with more "rays" (N) than columns has the
341  * 3D observation (W), exactly: N = W * oversampling_ratio.
342  * This oversampling is required since laser scans sample the space at
343  * evenly-separated angles, while
344  * a range camera follows a tangent-like distribution. By oversampling we
345  * make sure we don't leave "gaps" unseen by the virtual "2D laser".
346  *
347  * All obstacles within a frustum are considered and the minimum distance
348  * is kept in each direction.
349  * The horizontal FOV of the frustum is automatically computed from the
350  * intrinsic parameters, but the
351  * vertical FOV must be provided by the user, and can be set to be
352  * assymetric which may be useful
353  * depending on the zone of interest where to look for obstacles.
354  *
355  * All spatial transformations are riguorosly taken into account in this
356  * class, using the depth camera
357  * intrinsic calibration parameters.
358  *
359  * The timestamp of the new object is copied from the 3D object.
360  * Obviously, a requisite for calling this method is the 3D observation
361  * having range data,
362  * i.e. hasRangeImage must be true. It's not needed to have RGB data nor
363  * the raw 3D point clouds
364  * for this method to work.
365  *
366  * If `scanParams.use_origin_sensor_pose` is `true`, the points will be
367  * projected to 3D and then reprojected
368  * as seen from a different sensorPose at the vehicle frame origin.
369  * Otherwise (the default), the output 2D observation will share the
370  * sensorPose of the input 3D scan
371  * (using a more efficient algorithm that avoids trigonometric functions).
372  *
373  * \param[out] out_scan2d The resulting 2D equivalent scan.
374  *
375  * \sa The example in
376  *
377  */
378  void convertTo2DScan(
380  const T3DPointsTo2DScanParams& scanParams,
381  const TRangeImageFilterParams& filterParams =
384  /** Whether external files (3D points, range and confidence) are to be
385  * saved as `.txt` text files (MATLAB compatible) or `*.bin` binary
386  *(faster).
387  * Loading always will determine the type by inspecting the file extension.
388  * \note Default=false
389  **/
390  static void EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT(bool value);
391  static bool EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT();
393  /** \name Point cloud
394  * @{ */
395  /** true means the field points3D contains valid data. */
397  /** If hasPoints3D=true, the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of the 3D point cloud
398  * detected by the camera. \sa resizePoints3DVectors */
399  std::vector<float> points3D_x, points3D_y, points3D_z;
400  /** If hasPoints3D=true, the (x,y) pixel coordinates for each (X,Y,Z) point
401  * in \a points3D_x, points3D_y, points3D_z */
402  std::vector<uint16_t> points3D_idxs_x, points3D_idxs_y; //!<
404  /** Use this method instead of resizing all three \a points3D_x, \a
405  * points3D_y & \a points3D_z to allow the usage of the internal memory
406  * pool. */
407  void resizePoints3DVectors(const size_t nPoints);
409  /** Get the size of the scan pointcloud. \note Method is added for
410  * compatibility with its CObservation2DRangeScan counterpart */
411  size_t getScanSize() const;
412  /** @} */
414  /** \name Point cloud external storage functions
415  * @{ */
416  inline bool points3D_isExternallyStored() const
417  {
419  }
421  {
423  }
425  std::string& out_path) const;
427  {
428  std::string tmp;
430  return tmp;
431  }
432  /** Users won't normally want to call this, it's only used from internal
433  * MRPT programs. \sa EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT */
435  const std::string& fileName, const std::string& use_this_base_dir);
436  /** @} */
438  /** \name Range (depth) image
439  * @{ */
440  /** true means the field rangeImage contains valid data */
442  /** If hasRangeImage=true, a matrix of floats with the range data as
443  * captured by the camera (in meters) \sa range_is_depth */
445  /** true: Kinect-like ranges: entries of \a rangeImage are distances along
446  * the +X axis; false: Ranges in \a rangeImage are actual distances in 3D.
447  */
450  /** Similar to calling "rangeImage.setSize(H,W)" but this method provides
451  * memory pooling to speed-up the memory allocation. */
452  void rangeImage_setSize(const int HEIGHT, const int WIDTH);
453  /** @} */
455  /** \name Range Matrix external storage functions
456  * @{ */
457  inline bool rangeImage_isExternallyStored() const
458  {
460  }
462  {
464  }
466  std::string& out_path) const;
468  {
469  std::string tmp;
471  return tmp;
472  }
473  /** Users won't normally want to call this, it's only used from internal
474  * MRPT programs. \sa EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT */
476  const std::string& fileName, const std::string& use_this_base_dir);
477  /** Forces marking this observation as non-externally stored - it doesn't
478  * anything else apart from reseting the corresponding flag (Users won't
479  * normally want to call this, it's only used from internal MRPT programs)
480  */
482  {
484  }
485  /** @} */
487  /** \name Intensity (RGB) channels
488  * @{ */
489  /** Enum type for intensityImageChannel */
491  {
492  /** Grayscale or RGB visible channel of the camera sensor. */
494  /** Infrarred (IR) channel */
495  CH_IR = 1
496  };
498  /** true means the field intensityImage contains valid data */
500  /** If hasIntensityImage=true, a color or gray-level intensity image of the
501  * same size than "rangeImage" */
503  /** The source of the intensityImage; typically the visible channel \sa
504  * TIntensityChannelID */
506  /** @} */
508  /** \name Confidence "channel"
509  * @{ */
510  /** true means the field confidenceImage contains valid data */
512  /** If hasConfidenceImage=true, an image with the "confidence" value [range
513  * 0-255] as estimated by the capture drivers. */
515  /** @} */
517  /** \name Pixel-wise classification labels (for semantic labeling, etc.)
518  * @{ */
519  /** Returns true if the field CObservation3DRangeScan::pixelLabels contains
520  * a non-NULL smart pointer.
521  * To enhance a 3D point cloud with labeling info, just assign an
522  * appropiate object to \a pixelLabels
523  */
524  bool hasPixelLabels() const { return pixelLabels ? true : false; }
525  /** Virtual interface to all pixel-label information structs. See
526  * CObservation3DRangeScan::pixelLabels */
528  {
529  /** Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::pixelLabels */
530  using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<TPixelLabelInfoBase>;
531  using TMapLabelID2Name = std::map<uint32_t, std::string>;
533  /** The 'semantic' or human-friendly name of the i'th bit in
534  * pixelLabels(r,c) can be found in pixelLabelNames[i] as a std::string
535  */
538  const std::string& getLabelName(unsigned int label_idx) const
539  {
541  pixelLabelNames.find(label_idx);
542  if (it == pixelLabelNames.end())
543  throw std::runtime_error(
544  "Error: label index has no defined name");
545  return it->second;
546  }
547  void setLabelName(unsigned int label_idx, const std::string& name)
548  {
549  pixelLabelNames[label_idx] = name;
550  }
551  /** Check the existence of a label by returning its associated index.
552  * -1 if it does not exist. */
554  {
556  for (it = pixelLabelNames.begin(); it != pixelLabelNames.end();
557  it++)
558  if (it->second == name) return it->first;
559  return -1;
560  }
562  /** Resizes the matrix pixelLabels to the given size, setting all
563  * bitfields to zero (that is, all pixels are assigned NONE category).
564  */
565  virtual void setSize(const int NROWS, const int NCOLS) = 0;
566  /** Mark the pixel(row,col) as classified in the category \a label_idx,
567  * which may be in the range 0 to MAX_NUM_LABELS-1
568  * Note that 0 is a valid label index, it does not mean "no label" \sa
569  * unsetLabel, unsetAll */
570  virtual void setLabel(
571  const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) = 0;
572  virtual void getLabels(
573  const int row, const int col, uint8_t& labels) = 0;
574  /** For the pixel(row,col), removes its classification into the category
575  * \a label_idx, which may be in the range 0 to 7
576  * Note that 0 is a valid label index, it does not mean "no label" \sa
577  * setLabel, unsetAll */
578  virtual void unsetLabel(
579  const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) = 0;
580  /** Removes all categories for pixel(row,col) \sa setLabel, unsetLabel
581  */
582  virtual void unsetAll(
583  const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) = 0;
584  /** Checks whether pixel(row,col) has been clasified into category \a
585  * label_idx, which may be in the range 0 to 7
586  * \sa unsetLabel, unsetAll */
587  virtual bool checkLabel(
588  const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) const = 0;
594  /// std stream interface
595  friend std::ostream& operator<<(
596  std::ostream& out, const TPixelLabelInfoBase& obj)
597  {
598  obj.Print(out);
599  return out;
600  }
602  TPixelLabelInfoBase(unsigned int BITFIELD_BYTES_)
604  {
605  }
607  virtual ~TPixelLabelInfoBase() {}
608  /** Minimum number of bytes required to hold MAX_NUM_DIFFERENT_LABELS
609  * bits. */
612  protected:
613  virtual void internal_readFromStream(
615  virtual void internal_writeToStream(
616  mrpt::serialization::CArchive& out) const = 0;
617  virtual void Print(std::ostream&) const = 0;
618  };
620  template <unsigned int BYTES_REQUIRED_>
622  {
623  using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<TPixelLabelInfo>;
624  enum
625  {
627  };
629  /** Automatically-determined integer type of the proper size such that
630  * all labels fit as one bit (max: 64) */
631  using bitmask_t =
634  /** Each pixel may be assigned between 0 and MAX_NUM_LABELS-1 'labels'
635  * by
636  * setting to 1 the corresponding i'th bit [0,MAX_NUM_LABELS-1] in the
637  * byte in pixelLabels(r,c).
638  * That is, each pixel is assigned an 8*BITFIELD_BYTES bit-wide
639  * bitfield of possible categories.
640  * \sa hasPixelLabels
641  */
642  using TPixelLabelMatrix =
643  Eigen::Matrix<bitmask_t, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;
646  void setSize(const int NROWS, const int NCOLS) override
647  {
648  pixelLabels = TPixelLabelMatrix::Zero(NROWS, NCOLS);
649  }
650  void setLabel(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) override
651  {
652  pixelLabels(row, col) |= static_cast<bitmask_t>(1) << label_idx;
653  }
654  void getLabels(const int row, const int col, uint8_t& labels) override
655  {
656  labels = pixelLabels(row, col);
657  }
660  const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) override
661  {
662  pixelLabels(row, col) &= ~(static_cast<bitmask_t>(1) << label_idx);
663  }
664  void unsetAll(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) override
665  {
666  pixelLabels(row, col) = 0;
667  }
669  const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) const override
670  {
671  return (pixelLabels(row, col) &
672  (static_cast<bitmask_t>(1) << label_idx)) != 0;
673  }
675  // Ctor: pass identification to parent for deserialization
676  TPixelLabelInfo() : TPixelLabelInfoBase(BYTES_REQUIRED_) {}
678  protected:
682  mrpt::serialization::CArchive& out) const override;
683  void Print(std::ostream& out) const override
684  {
685  {
686  const uint32_t nR = static_cast<uint32_t>(pixelLabels.rows());
687  const uint32_t nC = static_cast<uint32_t>(pixelLabels.cols());
688  out << "Number of rows: " << nR << std::endl;
689  out << "Number of cols: " << nC << std::endl;
690  out << "Matrix of labels: " << std::endl;
691  for (uint32_t c = 0; c < nC; c++)
692  {
693  for (uint32_t r = 0; r < nR; r++)
694  out << pixelLabels.coeff(r, c) << " ";
696  out << std::endl;
697  }
698  }
699  out << std::endl;
700  out << "Label indices and names: " << std::endl;
702  for (it = pixelLabelNames.begin(); it != pixelLabelNames.end();
703  it++)
704  out << it->first << " " << it->second << std::endl;
705  }
706  }; // end TPixelLabelInfo
708  /** All information about pixel labeling is stored in this (smart pointer
709  * to) structure; refer to TPixelLabelInfo for details on the contents
710  * User is responsible of creating a new object of the desired data type.
711  * It will be automatically (de)serialized no matter its specific type. */
714  /** @} */
716  /** \name Sensor parameters
717  * @{ */
718  /** Projection parameters of the depth camera. */
720  /** Projection parameters of the intensity (graylevel or RGB) camera. */
723  /** Relative pose of the intensity camera wrt the depth camera (which is the
724  * coordinates origin for this observation).
725  * In a SwissRanger camera, this will be (0,0,0,-90deg,0,-90deg) since
726  * both cameras coincide.
727  * In a Kinect, this will include a small lateral displacement and a
728  * rotation, according to the drawing on the top of this page.
729  * \sa doDepthAndIntensityCamerasCoincide
730  */
733  /** Return true if \a relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth equals the pure rotation
734  * (0,0,0,-90deg,0,-90deg) (with a small comparison epsilon)
735  * \sa relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth
736  */
739  /** The maximum range allowed by the device, in meters (e.g. 8.0m, 5.0m,...)
740  */
741  float maxRange;
742  /** The 6D pose of the sensor on the robot. */
744  /** The "sigma" error of the device in meters, used while inserting the scan
745  * in an occupancy grid. */
746  float stdError;
748  // See base class docs
749  void getSensorPose(mrpt::poses::CPose3D& out_sensorPose) const override
750  {
751  out_sensorPose = sensorPose;
752  }
753  // See base class docs
754  void setSensorPose(const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& newSensorPose) override
755  {
756  sensorPose = newSensorPose;
757  }
759  /** @} */ // end sensor params
761  // See base class docs
762  void getDescriptionAsText(std::ostream& o) const override;
764  /** Very efficient method to swap the contents of two observations. */
765  void swap(CObservation3DRangeScan& o);
766  /** Extract a ROI of the 3D observation as a new one. \note PixelLabels are
767  * *not* copied to the output subimage. */
768  void getZoneAsObs(
769  CObservation3DRangeScan& obs, const unsigned int& r1,
770  const unsigned int& r2, const unsigned int& c1, const unsigned int& c2);
772  /** A Levenberg-Marquart-based optimizer to recover the calibration
773  * parameters of a 3D camera given a range (depth) image and the
774  * corresponding 3D point cloud.
775  * \param camera_offset The offset (in meters) in the +X direction of the
776  * point cloud. It's 1cm for SwissRanger SR4000.
777  * \return The final average reprojection error per pixel (typ <0.05 px)
778  */
780  const CObservation3DRangeScan& in_obs,
781  mrpt::img::TCamera& out_camParams, const double camera_offset = 0.01);
783  /** Look-up-table struct for project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto() */
785  {
788  };
789  /** 3D point cloud projection look-up-table \sa
790  * project3DPointsFromDepthImage */
793 }; // End of class def.
795 } // namespace obs
796 namespace opengl
797 {
798 /** Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<CObservation3DRangeScan>
799  * \ingroup mrpt_adapters_grp */
800 template <>
803  mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan, float>
804 {
805  private:
808  public:
809  /** The type of each point XYZ coordinates */
810  using coords_t = float;
811  /** Has any color RGB info? */
812  static const int HAS_RGB = 0;
813  /** Has native RGB info (as floats)? */
814  static const int HAS_RGBf = 0;
815  /** Has native RGB info (as uint8_t)? */
816  static const int HAS_RGBu8 = 0;
818  /** Constructor (accept a const ref for convenience) */
820  : m_obj(*const_cast<mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan*>(&obj))
821  {
822  }
823  /** Get number of points */
824  inline size_t size() const { return m_obj.points3D_x.size(); }
825  /** Set number of points (to uninitialized values) */
826  inline void resize(const size_t N)
827  {
828  if (N) m_obj.hasPoints3D = true;
829  m_obj.resizePoints3DVectors(N);
830  }
832  /** Get XYZ coordinates of i'th point */
833  template <typename T>
834  inline void getPointXYZ(const size_t idx, T& x, T& y, T& z) const
835  {
836  x = m_obj.points3D_x[idx];
837  y = m_obj.points3D_y[idx];
838  z = m_obj.points3D_z[idx];
839  }
840  /** Set XYZ coordinates of i'th point */
841  inline void setPointXYZ(
842  const size_t idx, const coords_t x, const coords_t y, const coords_t z)
843  {
844  m_obj.points3D_x[idx] = x;
845  m_obj.points3D_y[idx] = y;
846  m_obj.points3D_z[idx] = z;
847  }
848  /** Set XYZ coordinates of i'th point */
849  inline void setInvalidPoint(const size_t idx)
850  {
852  "mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan requires needs to be dense");
853  }
855 }; // end of PointCloudAdapter<CObservation3DRangeScan>
856 } // namespace opengl
857 } // namespace mrpt
863 #include "CObservation3DRangeScan_project3D_impl.h"
MRPT_FILL_ENUM_MEMBER(mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan, CH_VISIBLE)
Enum type for intensityImageChannel.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:490
An adapter to different kinds of point cloud object.
Definition: pointcloud_adapters.h:39
virtual void setSize(const int NROWS, const int NCOLS)=0
Resizes the matrix pixelLabels to the given size, setting all bitfields to zero (that is,...
std::string sensorLabel
The sensor label that will have the newly created observation.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:63
mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan >::resize
void resize(const size_t N)
Set number of points (to uninitialized values)
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:826
void getLabels(const int row, const int col, uint8_t &labels) override
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:654
virtual void load() const override
Makes sure all images and other fields which may be externally stored are loaded in memory.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:437
mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan >::setInvalidPoint
void setInvalidPoint(const size_t idx)
Set XYZ coordinates of i'th point.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:849
bool range_is_depth
true: Kinect-like ranges: entries of rangeImage are distances along the +X axis; false: Ranges in ran...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:448
const Scalar * const_iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:27
bool hasPoints3D
true means the field points3D contains valid data.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:396
Definition: TEnumType.h:74
std::string points3D_getExternalStorageFile() const
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:420
static TPixelLabelInfoBase * readAndBuildFromStream(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in)
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:1256
static TCached3DProjTables & get_3dproj_lut()
3D point cloud projection look-up-table
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:43
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:676
Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto()
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:30
mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan >::PointCloudAdapter
PointCloudAdapter(const mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan &obj)
Constructor (accept a const ref for convenience)
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:819
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:1309
void Print(std::ostream &out) const override
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:683
mrpt::img::TCamera cameraParamsIntensity
Projection parameters of the intensity (graylevel or RGB) camera.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:721
mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan >::coords_t
float coords_t
The type of each point XYZ coordinates.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:810
Default constructor.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:168
A "CObservation"-derived class that represents a 2D range scan measurement (typically from a laser sc...
Definition: CObservation2DRangeScan.h:56
Column vector, like Eigen::MatrixX*, but automatically initialized to zeros since construction.
Definition: eigen_frwds.h:44
virtual ~TPixelLabelInfoBase()
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:607
static double recoverCameraCalibrationParameters(const CObservation3DRangeScan &in_obs, mrpt::img::TCamera &out_camParams, const double camera_offset=0.01)
A Levenberg-Marquart-based optimizer to recover the calibration parameters of a 3D camera given a ran...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:727
mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan >::getPointXYZ
void getPointXYZ(const size_t idx, T &x, T &y, T &z) const
Get XYZ coordinates of i'th point.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:834
const GLubyte * c
Definition: glext.h:6313
void convertTo2DScan(mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan &out_scan2d, const T3DPointsTo2DScanParams &scanParams, const TRangeImageFilterParams &filterParams=TRangeImageFilterParams())
Convert this 3D observation into an "equivalent 2D fake laser scan", with a configurable vertical FOV...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:952
void internal_writeToStream(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &out) const override
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:1243
mrpt::img::TCamera prev_camParams
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:787
std::string points3D_getExternalStorageFileAbsolutePath() const
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:426
bool m_points3D_external_stored
If set to true, m_points3D_external_file is valid.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:230
std::vector< float > points3D_z
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:399
std::string rangeImage_getExternalStorageFileAbsolutePath() const
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:467
void internal_readFromStream(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in) override
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:1230
Virtual interface to all pixel-label information structs.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:527
GLsizei GLsizei GLuint * obj
Definition: glext.h:4070
void points3D_convertToExternalStorage(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &use_this_base_dir)
Users won't normally want to call this, it's only used from internal MRPT programs.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:536
bool checkLabel(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) const override
Checks whether pixel(row,col) has been clasified into category label_idx, which may be in the range 0...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:668
double angle_sup
(Default=5 degrees) [Only if use_origin_sensor_pose=false] The upper & lower half-FOV angle (in radia...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:66
void setSize(const int NROWS, const int NCOLS) override
Resizes the matrix pixelLabels to the given size, setting all bitfields to zero (that is,...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:646
const uint8_t BITFIELD_BYTES
Minimum number of bytes required to hold MAX_NUM_DIFFERENT_LABELS bits.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:610
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
Definition: CKalmanFilterCapable.h:30
void setLabel(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) override
Mark the pixel(row,col) as classified in the category label_idx, which may be in the range 0 to MAX_N...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:650
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:621
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: rptypes.h:41
bool hasPixelLabels() const
Returns true if the field CObservation3DRangeScan::pixelLabels contains a non-NULL smart pointer.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:524
std::shared_ptr< TPixelLabelInfoBase > Ptr
Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::pixelLabels.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:530
#define THROW_EXCEPTION(msg)
Definition: exceptions.h:41
bool rangeImage_isExternallyStored() const
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:457
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: glext.h:6305
Definition: TEnumType.h:58
std::vector< float > points3D_y
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:399
Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::convertTo2DScan()
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:60
void project3DPointsFromDepthImage(const bool PROJ3D_USE_LUT=true)
This method is equivalent to project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto() storing the projected 3D points (wit...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:329
void rangeImage_setSize(const int HEIGHT, const int WIDTH)
Similar to calling "rangeImage.setSize(H,W)" but this method provides memory pooling to speed-up the ...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:908
mrpt::math::CVectorFloat Kzs
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:786
void resizePoints3DVectors(const size_t nPoints)
Use this method instead of resizing all three points3D_x, points3D_y & points3D_z to allow the usage ...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:845
void setSensorPose(const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &newSensorPose) override
A general method to change the sensor pose on the robot.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:754
Virtual base class for "archives": classes abstracting I/O streams.
Definition: CArchive.h:48
mrpt::img::TCamera cameraParams
Projection parameters of the depth camera.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:719
virtual void Print(std::ostream &) const =0
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition: glext.h:4054
void getDescriptionAsText(std::ostream &o) const override
Build a detailed, multi-line textual description of the observation contents and dump it to the outpu...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:1121
std::map< uint32_t, std::string > TMapLabelID2Name
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:531
int checkLabelNameExistence(const std::string &name) const
Check the existence of a label by returning its associated index.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:553
TPixelLabelInfoBase::Ptr pixelLabels
All information about pixel labeling is stored in this (smart pointer to) structure; refer to TPixelL...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:712
mrpt::poses::CPose3D relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth
Relative pose of the intensity camera wrt the depth camera (which is the coordinates origin for this ...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:731
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: glext.h:3705
double angle_inf
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:66
size_t getScanSize() const
Get the size of the scan pointcloud.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:900
(Default:true) [Only used when range_is_depth=true] Whether to use a Look-up-table (LUT) to speed up ...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:44
virtual ~CObservation3DRangeScan()
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:188
void setLabelName(unsigned int label_idx, const std::string &name)
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:547
mrpt::img::CImage intensityImage
If hasIntensityImage=true, a color or gray-level intensity image of the same size than "rangeImage".
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:502
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TPixelLabelInfoBase &obj)
std stream interface
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:595
mrpt::poses::CPose3D sensorPose
The 6D pose of the sensor on the robot.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:743
This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixFloat".
Definition: CMatrix.h:24
Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules a 3D range scan measurement,...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:224
TIntensityChannelID intensityImageChannel
The source of the intensityImage; typically the visible channel.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:505
A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).
Definition: CPose3D.h:88
TPixelLabelMatrix pixelLabels
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:644
bool hasIntensityImage
true means the field intensityImage contains valid data
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:499
std::string m_rangeImage_external_file
rangeImage is in CImage::getImagesPathBase()+<this_file_name>
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:237
std::vector< float > points3D_x
If hasPoints3D=true, the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of the 3D point cloud detected by the camera.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:399
TPixelLabelInfoBase(unsigned int BITFIELD_BYTES_)
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:602
bool hasRangeImage
true means the field rangeImage contains valid data
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:441
float stdError
The "sigma" error of the device in meters, used while inserting the scan in an occupancy grid.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:746
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:50
bool USE_SSE2
(Default:true) If possible, use SSE2 optimized code.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:46
void unsetAll(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) override
Removes all categories for pixel(row,col)
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:664
double z_min
(Default:-inf, +inf) [Only if use_origin_sensor_pose=true] Only obstacle points with Z coordinates wi...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:70
std::vector< uint16_t > points3D_idxs_y
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:402
virtual void unsetLabel(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx)=0
For the pixel(row,col), removes its classification into the category label_idx, which may be in the r...
Structure to hold the parameters of a pinhole camera model.
Definition: TCamera.h:29
mrpt::img::CImage confidenceImage
If hasConfidenceImage=true, an image with the "confidence" value [range 0-255] as estimated by the ca...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:514
std::vector< uint16_t > points3D_idxs_x
If hasPoints3D=true, the (x,y) pixel coordinates for each (X,Y,Z) point in points3D_x,...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:402
A class for storing images as grayscale or RGB bitmaps.
Definition: img/CImage.h:130
void project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto(mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan &src_obs, POINTMAP &dest_pointcloud, const mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams &projectParams, const mrpt::obs::TRangeImageFilterParams &filterParams)
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan_project3D_impl.h:38
Look-up-table struct for project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto()
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:784
void unsetLabel(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) override
For the pixel(row,col), removes its classification into the category label_idx, which may be in the r...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:659
virtual void internal_writeToStream(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &out) const =0
Infrarred (IR) channel.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:495
typename mrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount< BYTES_REQUIRED >::type bitmask_t
Automatically-determined integer type of the proper size such that all labels fit as one bit (max: 64...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:632
std::string rangeImage_getExternalStorageFile() const
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:461
float maxRange
The maximum range allowed by the device, in meters (e.g.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:741
bool hasConfidenceImage
true means the field confidenceImage contains valid data
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:511
std::string m_points3D_external_file
3D points are in CImage::getImagesPathBase()+<this_file_name>
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:232
const mrpt::poses::CPose3D * robotPoseInTheWorld
(Default: nullptr) Read takeIntoAccountSensorPoseOnRobot
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:38
mrpt::math::CMatrix rangeImage
If hasRangeImage=true, a matrix of floats with the range data as captured by the camera (in meters)
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:444
(Default:true) set to false if you want to preserve the organization of the point cloud
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:49
Eigen::Matrix< bitmask_t, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > TPixelLabelMatrix
Each pixel may be assigned between 0 and MAX_NUM_LABELS-1 'labels' by setting to 1 the corresponding ...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:643
bool doDepthAndIntensityCamerasCoincide() const
Return true if relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth equals the pure rotation (0,0,0,-90deg,...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:937
GLenum GLenum GLvoid * row
Definition: glext.h:3576
double z_max
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:70
#define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(class_name)
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, within the class declarati...
Definition: CSerializable.h:102
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition: glext.h:4117
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:626
A helper base class for those PointCloudAdapter<> which do not handle RGB data; it declares needed in...
Definition: pointcloud_adapters.h:49
void getSensorPose(mrpt::poses::CPose3D &out_sensorPose) const override
A general method to retrieve the sensor pose on the robot.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:749
Grayscale or RGB visible channel of the camera sensor.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:493
void getZoneAsObs(CObservation3DRangeScan &obs, const unsigned int &r1, const unsigned int &r2, const unsigned int &c1, const unsigned int &c2)
Extract a ROI of the 3D observation as a new one.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:783
void rangeImage_convertToExternalStorage(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &use_this_base_dir)
Users won't normally want to call this, it's only used from internal MRPT programs.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:586
const std::string & getLabelName(unsigned int label_idx) const
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:538
virtual void setLabel(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx)=0
Mark the pixel(row,col) as classified in the category label_idx, which may be in the range 0 to MAX_N...
Declares a class that represents any robot's observation.
Definition: CObservation.h:43
void project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto(POINTMAP &dest_pointcloud, const T3DPointsProjectionParams &projectParams, const TRangeImageFilterParams &filterParams=TRangeImageFilterParams())
Project the RGB+D images into a 3D point cloud (with color if the target map supports it) and optiona...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:315
GLdouble GLdouble z
Definition: glext.h:3872
mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan >::setPointXYZ
void setPointXYZ(const size_t idx, const coords_t x, const coords_t y, const coords_t z)
Set XYZ coordinates of i'th point.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:841
GLuint in
Definition: glext.h:7274
bool points3D_isExternallyStored() const
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:416
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
Definition: glext.h:4101
virtual bool checkLabel(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx) const =0
Checks whether pixel(row,col) has been clasified into category label_idx, which may be in the range 0...
mrpt::math::CVectorFloat Kys
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:786
mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan >::size
size_t size() const
Get number of points.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:824
virtual void getLabels(const int row, const int col, uint8_t &labels)=0
virtual void unload() override
Unload all images, for the case they being delayed-load images stored in external files (othewise,...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:480
virtual void internal_readFromStream(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in)=0
bool use_origin_sensor_pose
(Default:false) If false, the conversion will be such that the 2D observation pose on the robot coinc...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:81
Usage: uint_select_by_bytecount<N>type var; allows defining var as a unsigned integer with,...
Definition: integer_select.h:54
double oversampling_ratio
(Default=1.2=120%) How many more laser scans rays to create (read docs for CObservation3DRangeScan::c...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:73
bool takeIntoAccountSensorPoseOnRobot
(Default: false) If false, local (sensor-centric) coordinates of points are generated.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:36
mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan >::m_obj
mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan & m_obj
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:806
void swap(CObservation3DRangeScan &o)
Very efficient method to swap the contents of two observations.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:400
static bool EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT()
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:53
void rangeImage_forceResetExternalStorage()
Forces marking this observation as non-externally stored - it doesn't anything else apart from reseti...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:481
GLenum GLint GLint y
Definition: glext.h:3538
virtual void unsetAll(const int row, const int col, uint8_t label_idx)=0
Removes all categories for pixel(row,col)
Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::project3DPointsFromDepthImageInto()
Definition: TRangeImageFilter.h:19
unsigned __int32 uint32_t
Definition: rptypes.h:47
GLenum GLint x
Definition: glext.h:3538
bool m_rangeImage_external_stored
If set to true, m_rangeImage_external_file is valid.
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:235
TMapLabelID2Name pixelLabelNames
The 'semantic' or human-friendly name of the i'th bit in pixelLabels(r,c) can be found in pixelLabelN...
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.h:536
void writeToStream(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &out) const
Definition: CObservation3DRangeScan.cpp:1217

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