MRPT  2.0.4
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1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2020, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See: |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
9 #pragma once
11 #include <mrpt/math/geometry.h>
15 namespace mrpt
16 {
17 namespace opengl
18 {
19 class CPolyhedron;
21 /**
22  * This class represents arbitrary polyhedra. The class includes a set of
23  * static methods to create common polyhedrons. The class includes many methods
24  * to create standard polyhedra, not intended to be fast but to be simple. For
25  * example, the dodecahedron is not created efficiently: first, an icosahedron
26  * is created, and a duality operator is applied to it, which yields the
27  * dodecahedron. This way, code is much smaller, although much slower. This is
28  * not a big problem, since polyhedron creation does not usually take a
29  * significant amount of time (they are created once and rendered many times).
30  * Polyhedra information and models have been gotten from the Wikipedia,
31  *
32  * \sa opengl::COpenGLScene
33  *
34  * <div align="center">
35  * <table border="0" cellspan="4" cellspacing="4" style="border-width: 1px;
36  * border-style: solid;">
37  * <tr> <td> mrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron </td> <td> \image html
38  * preview_CPolyhedron.png </td> </tr>
39  * </table>
40  * </div>
41  *
42  * \ingroup mrpt_opengl_grp
43  */
46 {
48  public:
49  /** @name Renderizable shader API virtual methods
50  * @{ */
51  void render(const RenderContext& rc) const override;
52  void renderUpdateBuffers() const override;
53  void freeOpenGLResources() override
54  {
57  }
59  virtual shader_list_t requiredShaders() const override
60  {
61  // May use up to two shaders (triangles and lines):
63  }
64  void onUpdateBuffers_Wireframe() override;
65  void onUpdateBuffers_Triangles() override;
66  /** @} */
68  /**
69  * Struct used to store a polyhedron edge. The struct consists only of two
70  * vertex indices, used to access the polyhedron vertex list.
71  */
73  {
74  /**
75  * Vertices.
76  */
77  uint32_t v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
78  /**
79  * Default constructor. Initializes to garbage.
80  */
81  TPolyhedronEdge() = default;
82  /**
83  * Comparison agains another edge. Simmetry is taken into account.
84  */
85  bool operator==(const TPolyhedronEdge& e) const
86  {
87  if (e.v1 == v1 && e.v2 == v2)
88  return true;
89  else
90  return e.v1 == v2 && e.v2 == v1;
91  }
92  /**
93  * Given a set of vertices, computes the length of the vertex.
94  */
95  double length(const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vs) const;
96  /**
97  * Destructor.
98  */
99  ~TPolyhedronEdge() = default;
100  };
101  /**
102  * Struct used to store a polyhedron face. Consists on a set of vertex
103  * indices and a normal vector.
104  */
106  {
107  /** Vector of indices to the vertex list. */
108  std::vector<uint32_t> vertices;
109  /** Normal vector. */
111  /** Fast default constructor. Initializes to garbage. */
113  /** Destructor. */
114  ~TPolyhedronFace() = default;
115  /** Given a set of vertices, computes the area of this face. */
116  double area(const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vertices) const;
117  /** Given a set of vertices, get this face's center. */
118  void getCenter(
119  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vertices,
120  mrpt::math::TPoint3D& p) const;
121  };
123  protected:
124  /**
125  * List of vertices presents in the polyhedron.
126  */
127  std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D> m_Vertices;
128  /**
129  * List of polyhedron's edges.
130  */
131  std::vector<TPolyhedronEdge> m_Edges;
132  /**
133  * List of polyhedron's faces.
134  */
135  std::vector<TPolyhedronFace> m_Faces;
136  /**
137  * This flag determines whether the polyhedron will be displayed as a solid
138  * object or as a set of edges.
139  */
140  bool m_Wireframe{false};
141  /**
142  * Mutable list of actual polygons, maintained for speed.
143  */
144  mutable std::vector<mrpt::math::TPolygonWithPlane> tempPolygons;
145  /**
146  * Whether the set of actual polygons is up to date or not.
147  */
148  mutable bool polygonsUpToDate{false};
150  public:
151  /** Evaluates the bounding box of this object (including possible children)
152  * in the coordinate frame of the object parent. */
153  void getBoundingBox(
155  mrpt::math::TPoint3D& bb_max) const override;
157  // Static methods to create frequent polyhedra. More bizarre polyhedra are
158  // intended to be added in a near future.
160  /** @name Platonic solids.
161  @{
162  */
163  /**
164  * Creates a regular tetrahedron (see
165 The tetrahedron is created as a
166  triangular pyramid whose edges and vertices are transitive.
167  * The tetrahedron is the dual to itself.
168  <p align="center"><img src="Tetrahedron.gif"></p>
169  * \sa
170  CreatePyramid,CreateJohnsonSolidWithConstantBase,CreateTruncatedTetrahedron
171  */
172  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTetrahedron(double radius);
173  /**
174  * Creates a regular cube, also called hexahedron (see
175 The hexahedron is created as a
176  cubic prism which transitive edges. Another ways to create it include:
177  <ul><li>Dual to an octahedron.</li><li>Parallelepiped with three
178  orthogonal, equally-lengthed vectors.</li><li>Triangular trapezohedron
179  with proper height.</li></ul>
180  <p align="center"><img src="Hexahedron.gif"></p>
181  * \sa
182  CreateOctahedron,getDual,CreateParallelepiped,CreateTrapezohedron,CreateTruncatedHexahedron,CreateTruncatedOctahedron,CreateCuboctahedron,CreateRhombicuboctahedron
183  */
184  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateHexahedron(double radius);
185  /**
186  * Creates a regular octahedron (see
187 The octahedron is created as a
188  square bipyramid whit transitive edges and vertices. Another ways to
189  create an octahedron are:
190  <ul><li>Dual to an hexahedron</li><li>Triangular antiprism with transitive
191  vertices.</li><li>Conveniently truncated tetrahedron.</li></ul>
192  <p align="center"><img src="Octahedron.gif"></p>
193  * \sa
194  CreateHexahedron,getDual,CreateArchimedeanAntiprism,CreateTetrahedron,truncate,CreateTruncatedOctahedron,CreateTruncatedHexahedron,CreateCuboctahedron,CreateRhombicuboctahedron
195  */
196  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateOctahedron(double radius);
197  /**
198  * Creates a regular dodecahedron (see
199 The dodecahedron is created as
200  the dual to an icosahedron.
201  <p align="center"><img src="Dodecahedron.gif"></p>
202  * \sa
203  CreateIcosahedron,getDual,CreateTruncatedDodecahedron,CreateTruncatedIcosahedron,CreateIcosidodecahedron,CreateRhombicosidodecahedron
204  */
205  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateDodecahedron(double radius);
206  /**
207  * Creates a regular icosahedron (see
208 The icosahedron is created as a
209  gyroelongated pentagonal bipyramid with transitive edges, and it's the
210  dual to a dodecahedron.
211  <p align="center"><img src="Icosahedron.gif"></p>
212  * \sa
213  CreateJohnsonSolidWithConstantBase,CreateDodecahedron,getDual,CreateTruncatedIcosahedron,CreateTruncatedDodecahedron,CreateIcosidodecahedron,CreateRhombicosidodecahedron
214  */
215  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateIcosahedron(double radius);
216  /** @}
217  */
219  /** @name Archimedean solids.
220  @{
221  */
222  /**
223  * Creates a truncated tetrahedron, consisting of four triangular faces and
224  for hexagonal ones (see
225 Its dual is the
226  triakis tetrahedron.
227  <p align="center"><img src="Truncatedtetrahedron.gif"></p>
228  * \sa CreateTetrahedron,CreateTriakisTetrahedron
229  */
230  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedTetrahedron(double radius);
231  /**
232  * Creates a cuboctahedron, consisting of six square faces and eight
233  triangular ones (see There
234  are several ways to create a cuboctahedron:
235  <ul><li>Hexahedron truncated to a certain extent.</li><li>Octahedron
236  truncated to a certain extent.</li><li>Cantellated
237  tetrahedron</li><li>Dual to a rhombic dodecahedron.</li></ul>
238  <p align="center"><img src="Cuboctahedron.gif"></p>
239  * \sa
240  CreateHexahedron,CreateOctahedron,truncate,CreateTetrahedron,cantellate,CreateRhombicuboctahedron,CreateRhombicDodecahedron,
241  */
242  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateCuboctahedron(double radius);
243  /**
244  * Creates a truncated hexahedron, with six octogonal faces and eight
245  triangular ones (see
246  The truncated octahedron is dual to the triakis octahedron.
247  <p align="center"><img src="Truncatedhexahedron.gif"></p>
248  * \sa CreateHexahedron,CreateTriakisOctahedron
249  */
250  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedHexahedron(double radius);
251  /**
252  * Creates a truncated octahedron, with eight hexagons and eight squares
253  (see It's the dual to
254  the tetrakis hexahedron.
255  <p align="center"><img src="Truncatedoctahedron.gif"></p>
256  * \sa CreateOctahedron,CreateTetrakisHexahedron
257  */
258  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedOctahedron(double radius);
259  /**
260  * Creates a rhombicuboctahedron, with 18 squares and 8 triangles (see
261, calculated as an
262  elongated square bicupola. It can also be calculated as a cantellated
263  hexahedron or octahedron, and its dual is the deltoidal icositetrahedron.
264  * If the second argument is set to false, the lower cupola is rotated, so
265  that the objet created is an elongated square gyrobicupola (see
266 This is not
267  an archimedean solid, but a Johnson one, since it hasn't got vertex
268  transitivity.
269  <p align="center"><img src="Rhombicuboctahedron.gif"></p>
270  * \sa
271  CreateJohnsonSolidWithConstantBase,CreateHexahedron,CreateOctahedron,cantellate,CreateCuboctahedron,CreateDeltoidalIcositetrahedron
272  */
274  double radius, bool type = true);
275  /**
276  * Creates an icosidodecahedron, with 12 pentagons and 20 triangles (see
277 Certain truncations of
278  either a dodecahedron or an icosahedron yield an icosidodecahedron.
279  * The dual of the icosidodecahedron is the rhombic triacontahedron.
280  * If the second argument is set to false, the lower rotunda is rotated. In
281  this case, the object created is a pentagonal orthobirotunda (see
282 This object
283  presents symmetry against the XY plane and is not vertex transitive, so
284  it's a Johnson's solid.
285  <p align="center"><img src="Icosidodecahedron.gif"></p>
286  * \sa
287  CreateDodecahedron,CreateIcosahedron,truncate,CreateRhombicosidodecahedron,CreateRhombicTriacontahedron
288  */
290  double radius, bool type = true);
291  /**
292  * Creates a truncated dodecahedron, consisting of 12 dodecagons and 20
293  triangles (see The
294  truncated dodecahedron is the dual to the triakis icosahedron.
295  <p align="center"><img src="Truncateddodecahedron.gif"></p>
296  * \sa CreateDodecahedron,CreateTriakisIcosahedron
297  */
298  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedDodecahedron(double radius);
299  /**
300  * Creates a truncated icosahedron, consisting of 20 hexagons and 12
301  pentagons. This object resembles a typical soccer ball (see
302 The pentakis
303  dodecahedron is the dual to the truncated icosahedron.
304  <p align="center"><img src="Truncatedicosahedron.gif"></p>
305  * \sa CreateIcosahedron,CreatePentakisDodecahedron
306  */
307  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedIcosahedron(double radius);
308  /**
309  * Creates a rhombicosidodecahedron, consisting of 30 squares, 12 pentagons
310  and 20 triangles (see
311 This object can be
312  obtained as the cantellation of either a dodecahedron or an icosahedron.
313  The dual of the rhombicosidodecahedron is the deltoidal hexecontahedron.
314  <p align="center"><img src="Rhombicosidodecahedron.gif"></p>
315  * \sa
316  CreateDodecahedron,CreateIcosahedron,CreateIcosidodecahedron,CreateDeltoidalHexecontahedron
317  */
318  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRhombicosidodecahedron(double radius);
319  /** @}
320  */
322  /** @name Other Johnson solids.
323  @{
324  */
325  /**
326  * Creates a pentagonal rotunda (half an icosidodecahedron), consisting of
327  * six pentagons, ten triangles and a decagon (see
328  *
329  * \sa CreateIcosidodecahedron,CreateJohnsonSolidWithConstantBase
330  */
331  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreatePentagonalRotunda(double radius);
332  /** @}
333  */
335  /** @name Catalan solids.
336  @{
337  */
338  /**
339  * Creates a triakis tetrahedron, dual to the truncated tetrahedron. This
340  body consists of 12 isosceles triangles (see
342  <p align="center"><img src="Triakistetrahedron.gif"></p>
343  * \sa CreateTruncatedTetrahedron
344  */
345  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTriakisTetrahedron(double radius);
347  /**
348  * Creates a rhombic dodecahedron, dual to the cuboctahedron. This body
349  consists of 12 rhombi (see
351  <p align="center"><img src="Rhombicdodecahedron.gif"></p>
352  * \sa CreateCuboctahedron
353  */
354  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRhombicDodecahedron(double radius);
356  /**
357  * Creates a triakis octahedron, dual to the truncated hexahedron. This
358  body consists of 24 isosceles triangles (see
360  <p align="center"><img src="Triakisoctahedron.gif"></p>
361  * \sa CreateTruncatedHexahedron
362  */
363  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTriakisOctahedron(double radius);
365  /**
366  * Creates a tetrakis hexahedron, dual to the truncated octahedron. This
367  body consists of 24 isosceles triangles (see
369  <p align="center"><img src="Tetrakishexahedron.gif"></p>
370  * \sa CreateTruncatedOctahedron
371  */
372  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTetrakisHexahedron(double radius);
374  /**
375  * Creates a deltoidal icositetrahedron, dual to the rhombicuboctahedron.
376  This body consists of 24 kites (see
378  <p align="center"><img src="Deltoidalicositetrahedron.gif"></p>
379  * \sa CreateRhombicuboctahedron
380  */
383  /**
384  * Creates a rhombic triacontahedron, dual to the icosidodecahedron. This
385  body consists of 30 rhombi (see
387  <p align="center"><img src="Rhombictriacontahedron.gif"></p>
388  * \sa CreateIcosidodecahedron
389  */
390  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRhombicTriacontahedron(double radius);
392  /**
393  * Creates a triakis icosahedron, dual to the truncated dodecahedron. This
394  body consists of 60 isosceles triangles
396  <p align="center"><img src="Triakisicosahedron.gif"></p>
397  * \sa CreateTruncatedDodecahedron
398  */
399  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTriakisIcosahedron(double radius);
401  /**
402  * Creates a pentakis dodecahedron, dual to the truncated icosahedron. This
403  body consists of 60 isosceles triangles (see
405  <p align="center"><img src="Pentakisdodecahedron.gif"></p>
406  * \sa CreateTruncatedIcosahedron
407  */
408  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreatePentakisDodecahedron(double radius);
410  /**
411  * Creates a deltoidal hexecontahedron, dual to the rhombicosidodecahedron.
412  This body consists of 60 kites (see
414  <p align="center"><img src="Deltoidalhexecontahedron.gif"></p>
415  * \sa CreateRhombicosidodecahedron
416  */
417  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateDeltoidalHexecontahedron(double radius);
418  /** @}
419  */
421  /** @name Customizable polyhedra
422  @{
423  */
424  /**
425  * Creates a cubic prism, given the coordinates of two opposite vertices.
426  * Each edge will be parallel to one of the coordinate axes, although the
427  * orientation may change by assigning a pose to the object.
428  * \sa CreateCubicPrism(const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &,const
429  * mrpt::math::TPoint3D
430  * &),CreateParallelepiped,CreateCustomPrism,CreateRegularPrism,CreateArchimedeanRegularPrism
431  */
433  double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double z1, double z2);
434  /**
435  * Creates a cubic prism, given two opposite vertices.
436  * \sa
437  * CreateCubicPrism(double,double,double,double,double,double),CreateParallelepiped,CreateCustomPrism,CreateRegularPrism,CreateArchimedeanRegularPrism
438  */
440  const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& p1, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& p2);
441  /**
442  * Creates a custom pyramid, using a set of 2D vertices which will lie on
443  * the XY plane.
444  * \sa
445  * CreateDoublePyramid,CreateFrustum,CreateBifrustum,CreateRegularPyramid
446  */
448  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D>& baseVertices, double height);
449  /**
450  * Creates a double pyramid, using a set of 2D vertices which will lie on
451  * the XY plane. The second height is used with the downwards pointing
452  * pyramid, so that it will effectively point downwards if it's positive.
453  * \sa CreatePyramid,CreateBifrustum,CreateRegularDoublePyramid
454  */
456  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D>& baseVertices, double height1,
457  double height2);
458  /**
459  * Creates a truncated pyramid, using a set of vertices which will lie on
460  * the XY plane.
461  * Do not try to use with a ratio equal to zero; use CreatePyramid instead.
462  * When using a ratio of 1, it will create a Prism.
463  * \sa CreatePyramid,CreateBifrustum
464  */
466  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D>& baseVertices, double height,
467  double ratio);
468  /**
469  * This is a synonym for CreateTruncatedPyramid.
470  * \sa CreateTruncatedPyramid
471  */
473  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D>& baseVertices, double height,
474  double ratio);
475  /**
476  * Creates a custom prism with vertical edges, given any base which will
477  * lie on the XY plane.
478  * \sa
479  * CreateCubicPrism,CreateCustomAntiprism,CreateRegularPrism,CreateArchimedeanRegularPrism
480  */
482  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D>& baseVertices, double height);
483  /**
484  * Creates a custom antiprism, using two custom bases. For better results,
485  * the top base should be slightly rotated with respect to the bottom one.
486  * \sa
487  * CreateCustomPrism,CreateRegularAntiprism,CreateArchimedeanRegularAntiprism
488  */
490  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D>& bottomBase,
491  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D>& topBase, double height);
492  /**
493  * Creates a parallelepiped, given a base point and three vectors
494  * represented as points.
495  * \sa CreateCubicPrism
496  */
498  const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& base, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& v1,
499  const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& v2, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D& v3);
500  /**
501  * Creates a bifrustum, or double truncated pyramid, given a base which
502  * will lie on the XY plane.
503  * \sa CreateFrustum,CreateDoublePyramid
504  */
506  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D>& baseVertices, double height1,
507  double ratio1, double height2, double ratio2);
508  /**
509  * Creates a trapezohedron, consisting of 2*N kites, where N is the number
510  * of edges in the base. The base radius controls the polyhedron height,
511  * whilst the distance between bases affects the height.
512  * When the number of edges equals 3, the polyhedron is actually a
513  * parallelepiped, and it can even be a cube.
514  */
516  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double basesDistance);
517  /**
518  * Creates an antiprism whose base is a regular polygon. The upper base is
519  * rotated \f$\frac\pi N\f$ with respect to the lower one, where N is the
520  * number of vertices in the base, and thus the lateral triangles are
521  * isosceles.
522  * \sa CreateCustomAntiprism,CreateArchimedeanRegularAntiprism
523  */
525  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height);
526  /**
527  * Creates a regular prism whose base is a regular polygon and whose edges
528  * are either parallel or perpendicular to the XY plane.
529  * \sa CreateCubicPrism,CreateCustomPrism,CreateArchimedeanRegularAntiprism
530  */
532  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height);
533  /**
534  * Creates a regular pyramid whose base is a regular polygon.
535  * \sa CreatePyramid
536  */
538  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height);
539  /**
540  * Creates a regular double pyramid whose base is a regular polygon.
541  * \sa CreateDoublePyramid
542  */
544  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height1,
545  double height2);
546  /**
547  * Creates a regular prism whose lateral area is comprised of squares, and
548  * so each face of its is a regular polygon. Due to vertex transitivity, the
549  * resulting object is always archimedean.
550  * \sa CreateRegularPrism,CreateCustomPrism
551  */
553  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius);
554  /**
555  * Creates a regular antiprism whose lateral polygons are equilateral
556  * triangles, and so each face of its is a regular polygon. Due to vertex
557  * transitivity, the resulting object is always archimedean.
558  * \sa CreateRegularAntiprism,CreateCustomAntiprism
559  */
561  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius);
562  /**
563  * Creates a regular truncated pyramid whose base is a regular polygon.
564  * \sa CreateTruncatedPyramid
565  */
567  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height, double ratio);
568  /**
569  * This is a synonym for CreateRegularTruncatedPyramid.
570  * \sa CreateRegularTruncatedPyramid
571  */
573  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height, double ratio);
574  /**
575  * Creates a bifrustum (double truncated pyramid) whose base is a regular
576  * polygon lying in the XY plane.
577  * \sa CreateBifrustum
578  */
580  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height1, double ratio1,
581  double height2, double ratio2);
582  /**
583  * Creates a cupola.
584  * \throw std::logic_error if the number of edges is odd or less than four.
585  */
587  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double edgeLength);
588  /**
589  * Creates a trapezohedron whose dual is exactly an archimedean antiprism.
590  * Creates a cube if numBaseEdges is equal to 3.
591  * \todo Actually resulting height is significantly higher than that passed
592  * to the algorithm.
593  * \sa CreateTrapezohedron,CreateArchimedeanRegularAntiprism,getDual
594  */
596  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double height);
597  /**
598  * Creates a double pyramid whose dual is exactly an archimedean prism.
599  * Creates an octahedron if numBaseEdges is equal to 4.
600  * \todo Actually resulting height is significantly higher than that passed
601  * to the algorithm.
602  * \sa CreateDoublePyramid,CreateArchimedeanRegularPrism,getDual
603  */
605  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double height);
606  /**
607  * Creates a series of concatenated solids (most of which are prismatoids)
608  whose base is a regular polygon with a given number of edges. Every face
609  of the resulting body will be a regular polygon, so it is a Johnson solid;
610  in special cases, it may be archimedean or even platonic.
611  * The shape of the body is defined by the string argument, which can
612  include one or more of the following:
613  <center><table>
614  <tr><td><b>String</b></td><td><b>Body</b></td><td><b>Restrictions</b></td></tr>
615  <tr><td>P+</td><td>Upward pointing pyramid</td><td>Must be the last
616  object, vertex number cannot surpass 5</td></tr>
617  <tr><td>P-</td><td>Downward pointing pyramid</td><td>Must be the first
618  object, vertex number cannot surpass 5</td></tr>
619  <tr><td>C+</td><td>Upward pointing cupola</td><td>Must be the last object,
620  vertex number must be an even number in the range 4-10.</td></tr>
621  <tr><td>C-</td><td>Downward pointing cupola</td><td>Must be the first
622  object, vertex number must be an even number in the range 4-10.</td></tr>
623  <tr><td>GC+</td><td>Upward pointing cupola, rotated</td><td>Must be the
624  last object, vertex number must be an even number in the range
625  4-10.</td></tr>
626  <tr><td>GC-</td><td>Downward pointing cupola, rotated</td><td>Must be the
627  first object, vertex number must be an even number in the range
628  4-10.</td></tr>
629  <tr><td>PR</td><td>Archimedean prism</td><td>Cannot abut other
630  prism</td></tr>
631  <tr><td>A</td><td>Archimedean antiprism</td><td>None</td></tr>
632  <tr><td>R+</td><td>Upward pointing rotunda</td><td>Must be the last
633  object, vertex number must be exactly 10</td></tr>
634  <tr><td>R-</td><td>Downward pointing rotunda</td><td>Must be the first
635  object, vertex number must be exactly 10</td></tr>
636  <tr><td>GR+</td><td>Upward pointing rotunda, rotated</td><td>Must be the
637  last object, vertex number must be exactly 10</td></tr>
638  <tr><td>GR-</td><td>Downward pointing rotunda</td><td>Must be the first
639  object, vertex number must be exactly 10</td></tr>
640  </table></center>
641  * Some examples of bodies are:
642  <center><table>
643  <tr><td><b>String</b></td><td><b>Vertices</b></td><td><b>Resulting
644  body</b></td></tr>
645  <tr><td>P+</td><td align="center">3</td><td>Tetrahedron</td></tr>
646  <tr><td>PR</td><td align="center">4</td><td>Hexahedron</td></tr>
647  <tr><td>P-P+</td><td align="center">4</td><td>Octahedron</td></tr>
648  <tr><td>A</td><td align="center">3</td><td>Octahedron</td></tr>
649  <tr><td>C+PRC-</td><td
650  align="center">8</td><td>Rhombicuboctahedron</td></tr>
651  <tr><td>P-AP+</td><td align="center">5</td><td>Icosahedron</td></tr>
652  <tr><td>R-R+</td><td align="center">10</td><td>Icosidodecahedron</td></tr>
653  </table></center>
654  */
656  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, const std::string& components,
657  size_t shifts = 0);
658  /** @}
659  */
661  bool traceRay(const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& o, double& dist) const override;
663  /**
664  * Gets a list with the polyhedron's vertices.
665  */
666  inline void getVertices(std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vertices) const
667  {
668  vertices = m_Vertices;
669  }
670  /**
671  * Gets a list with the polyhedron's edges.
672  */
673  inline void getEdges(std::vector<TPolyhedronEdge>& edges) const
674  {
675  edges = m_Edges;
676  }
677  /**
678  * Gets a list with the polyhedron's faces.
679  */
680  inline void getFaces(std::vector<TPolyhedronFace>& faces) const
681  {
682  faces = m_Faces;
683  }
684  /**
685  * Gets the amount of vertices.
686  */
687  inline uint32_t getNumberOfVertices() const { return m_Vertices.size(); }
688  /**
689  * Gets the amount of edges.
690  */
691  inline uint32_t getNumberOfEdges() const { return m_Edges.size(); }
692  /**
693  * Gets the amount of faces.
694  */
695  inline uint32_t getNumberOfFaces() const { return m_Faces.size(); }
696  /**
697  * Gets a vector with each edge's length.
698  */
699  void getEdgesLength(std::vector<double>& lengths) const;
700  /**
701  * Gets a vector with each face's area. Won't work properly if the polygons
702  * are not convex.
703  */
704  void getFacesArea(std::vector<double>& areas) const;
705  /**
706  * Gets the polyhedron volume. Won't work properly if the polyhedron is not
707  * convex.
708  */
709  double getVolume() const;
710  /**
711  * Returns whether the polyhedron will be rendered as a wireframe object.
712  */
713  inline bool isWireframe() const { return m_Wireframe; }
714  /**
715  * Sets whether the polyhedron will be rendered as a wireframe object.
716  */
717  inline void setWireframe(bool enabled = true)
718  {
719  m_Wireframe = enabled;
721  }
722  /**
723  * Gets the polyhedron as a set of polygons.
724  * \sa mrpt::math::TPolygon3D
725  */
726  void getSetOfPolygons(std::vector<math::TPolygon3D>& vec) const;
727  /**
728  * Gets the polyhedron as a set of polygons, with the pose transformation
729  * already applied.
730  * \sa mrpt::math::TPolygon3D,mrpt::poses::CPose3D
731  */
732  void getSetOfPolygonsAbsolute(std::vector<math::TPolygon3D>& vec) const;
733  /** Gets the intersection of two polyhedra, either as a set or as a matrix
734  * of intersections. Each intersection is represented by a TObject3D.
735  * \sa mrpt::math::TObject3D
736  */
737  template <class T>
738  inline static size_t getIntersection(
739  const CPolyhedron::Ptr& p1, const CPolyhedron::Ptr& p2, T& container);
740  /**
741  * Returns true if the polygon is a completely closed object.
742  */
743  inline bool isClosed() const
744  {
745  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Vertices.size(); i++)
746  if (edgesInVertex(i) != facesInVertex(i)) return false;
747  return true;
748  }
749  /**
750  * Recomputes polygons, if necessary, so that each one is convex.
751  */
752  void makeConvexPolygons();
753  /**
754  * Gets the center of the polyhedron.
755  */
756  void getCenter(mrpt::math::TPoint3D& center) const;
757  /**
758  * Creates a random polyhedron from the static methods.
759  */
760  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRandomPolyhedron(double radius);
762  /** @name Polyhedron special operations.
763  @{
764  */
765  /**
766  * Given a polyhedron, creates its dual.
767  * \sa truncate,cantellate,augment
768  * \throw std::logic_error Can't get the dual to this polyhedron.
769  */
770  CPolyhedron::Ptr getDual() const;
771  /**
772  * Truncates a polyhedron to a given factor.
773  * \sa getDual,cantellate,augment
774  * \throw std::logic_error Polyhedron truncation results in skew polygons
775  * and thus it's impossible to perform.
776  */
777  CPolyhedron::Ptr truncate(double factor) const;
778  /**
779  * Cantellates a polyhedron to a given factor.
780  * \sa getDual,truncate,augment
781  */
782  CPolyhedron::Ptr cantellate(double factor) const;
783  /**
784  * Augments a polyhedron to a given height. This operation is roughly dual
785  * to the truncation: given a body P, the operation dtdP and aP yield
786  * resembling results.
787  * \sa getDual,truncate,cantellate
788  */
789  CPolyhedron::Ptr augment(double height) const;
790  /**
791  * Augments a polyhedron to a given height. This method only affects to
792  * faces with certain number of vertices.
793  * \sa augment(double) const
794  */
795  CPolyhedron::Ptr augment(double height, size_t numVertices) const;
796  /**
797  * Augments a polyhedron, so that the resulting triangles are equilateral.
798  * If the argument is true, triangles are "cut" from the polyhedron, instead
799  * of being added.
800  * \throw std::logic_error a non-regular face has been found.
801  * \sa augment(double) const
802  */
803  CPolyhedron::Ptr augment(bool direction = false) const;
804  /**
805  * Augments a polyhedron, so that the resulting triangles are equilateral;
806  * affects only faces with certain number of faces. If the second argument
807  * is true, triangles are "cut" from the polyhedron.
808  * \throw std::logic_error a non-regular face has been found.
809  * \sa augment(double) const
810  */
811  CPolyhedron::Ptr augment(size_t numVertices, bool direction = false) const;
812  /**
813  * Rotates a polyhedron around the Z axis a given amount of radians. In
814  *some cases, this operation may be necessary to view the symmetry between
815  *related objects.
816  * \sa scale
817  */
818  CPolyhedron::Ptr rotate(double angle) const;
819  /**
820  * Scales a polyhedron to a given factor.
821  * \throw std::logic_error factor is not a strictly positive number.
822  * \sa rotate
823  */
824  CPolyhedron::Ptr scale(double factor) const;
825  /** @}
826  */
827  /**
828  * Updates the mutable list of polygons used in rendering and ray tracing.
829  */
830  void updatePolygons() const;
832  private:
833  /**
834  * Generates a list of 2D vertices constituting a regular polygon.
835  */
836  static std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D> generateBase(
837  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius);
838  /**
839  * Generates a list of 2D vertices constituting a regular polygon, with an
840  * angle shift which makes it suitable for antiprisms.
841  */
842  static std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint2D> generateShiftedBase(
843  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius);
844  /**
845  * Generates a list of 3D vertices constituting a regular polygon,
846  * appending it to an existing vector.
847  */
848  static void generateBase(
849  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height,
850  std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vec);
851  /**
852  * Generates a list of 3D vertices constituting a regular polygon
853  * conveniently shifted, appending it to an existing vector.
854  */
855  static void generateShiftedBase(
856  uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height, double shift,
857  std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vec);
858  /**
859  * Calculates the normal vector to a face.
860  */
861  bool setNormal(TPolyhedronFace& f, bool doCheck = true);
862  /**
863  * Adds, to the existing list of edges, each edge in a given face.
864  */
865  void addEdges(const TPolyhedronFace& e);
866  /**
867  * Checks whether a set of faces is suitable for a set of vertices.
868  */
869  static bool checkConsistence(
870  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vertices,
871  const std::vector<TPolyhedronFace>& faces);
872  /**
873  * Returns how many edges converge in a given vertex.
874  */
875  size_t edgesInVertex(size_t vertex) const;
876  /**
877  * Returns how many faces converge in a given vertex.
878  */
879  size_t facesInVertex(size_t vertex) const;
881  public:
882  /**
883  * Basic empty constructor.
884  */
885  inline CPolyhedron() : m_Vertices(), m_Edges(), m_Faces() {}
886  /**
887  * Basic constructor with a list of vertices and another of faces, checking
888  * for correctness.
889  */
890  inline CPolyhedron(
891  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vertices,
892  const std::vector<TPolyhedronFace>& faces, bool doCheck = true)
893  : m_Vertices(vertices),
894  m_Edges(),
895  m_Faces(faces),
896  m_Wireframe(false),
897  polygonsUpToDate(false)
898  {
899  InitFromVertAndFaces(vertices, faces, doCheck);
900  }
901  inline void InitFromVertAndFaces(
902  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vertices,
903  const std::vector<TPolyhedronFace>& faces, bool doCheck = true)
904  {
905  if (doCheck && !checkConsistence(vertices, faces))
906  throw std::logic_error("Face list accesses a vertex out of range");
907  for (auto& mFace : m_Faces)
908  {
909  if (!setNormal(mFace, doCheck))
910  throw std::logic_error("Bad face specification");
911  addEdges(mFace);
912  }
913  }
915  CPolyhedron(const std::vector<math::TPolygon3D>& polys);
917  CPolyhedron(
918  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vertices,
919  const std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>>& faces);
921  /** Creates a polyhedron without checking its correctness. */
923  const std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D>& vertices,
924  const std::vector<TPolyhedronFace>& faces);
925  /** Creates an empty Polyhedron. */
926  static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateEmpty();
927  /** Destructor. */
928  ~CPolyhedron() override = default;
929 };
931 // Implemented after the definition of Smart::Ptrs in the _POST() macro above.
932 template <class T>
934  const CPolyhedron::Ptr& p1, const CPolyhedron::Ptr& p2, T& container)
935 {
936  std::vector<mrpt::math::TPolygon3D> polys1, polys2;
937  p1->getSetOfPolygonsAbsolute(polys1);
938  p2->getSetOfPolygonsAbsolute(polys2);
939  return mrpt::math::intersect(polys1, polys2, container);
940 }
942 /**
943  * Reads a polyhedron edge from a binary stream.
944  */
947 /**
948  * Writes a polyhedron edge to a binary stream.
949  */
952 /**
953  * Reads a polyhedron face from a binary stream.
954  */
957 /**
958  * Writes a polyhedron face to a binary stream.
959  */
962 } // namespace opengl
963 namespace typemeta
964 {
965 // Specialization must occur in the same namespace
966 MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_NAMESPACE(CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronEdge, mrpt::opengl)
967 MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_NAMESPACE(CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace, mrpt::opengl)
968 } // namespace typemeta
969 } // namespace mrpt
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateEmpty()
Creates an empty Polyhedron.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRhombicuboctahedron(double radius, bool type=true)
Creates a rhombicuboctahedron, with 18 squares and 8 triangles (see, calculated as an elongated square bicupola.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateBifrustum(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > &baseVertices, double height1, double ratio1, double height2, double ratio2)
Creates a bifrustum, or double truncated pyramid, given a base which will lie on the XY plane...
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTrapezohedron(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double basesDistance)
Creates a trapezohedron, consisting of 2*N kites, where N is the number of edges in the base...
Declares a typename to be "namespace::type".
Definition: TTypeName.h:119
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRhombicTriacontahedron(double radius)
Creates a rhombic triacontahedron, dual to the icosidodecahedron.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateIcosidodecahedron(double radius, bool type=true)
Creates an icosidodecahedron, with 12 pentagons and 20 triangles (see
void addEdges(const TPolyhedronFace &e)
Adds, to the existing list of edges, each edge in a given face.
~CPolyhedron() override=default
void render(const RenderContext &rc) const override
Implements the rendering of 3D objects in each class derived from CRenderizable.
size_t facesInVertex(size_t vertex) const
Returns how many faces converge in a given vertex.
virtual shader_list_t requiredShaders() const override
Returns the ID of the OpenGL shader program required to render this class.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:59
mrpt::serialization::CArchive & operator>>(mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in, CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronEdge &o)
Reads a polyhedron edge from a binary stream.
uint32_t getNumberOfVertices() const
Gets the amount of vertices.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:682
Default constructor.
size_t edgesInVertex(size_t vertex) const
Returns how many edges converge in a given vertex.
double getVolume() const
Gets the polyhedron volume.
static std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > generateShiftedBase(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius)
Generates a list of 2D vertices constituting a regular polygon, with an angle shift which makes it su...
void freeOpenGLResources() override
Free opengl buffers.
void onUpdateBuffers_Triangles() override
Must be implemented in derived classes to update the geometric entities to be drawn in "m_*_buffer" f...
void InitFromVertAndFaces(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &vertices, const std::vector< TPolyhedronFace > &faces, bool doCheck=true)
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:895
void notifyChange() const
Call to enable calling renderUpdateBuffers() before the next render() rendering iteration.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateCuboctahedron(double radius)
Creates a cuboctahedron, consisting of six square faces and eight triangular ones (see http://en...
void makeConvexPolygons()
Recomputes polygons, if necessary, so that each one is convex.
void getFaces(std::vector< TPolyhedronFace > &faces) const
Gets a list with the polyhedron&#39;s faces.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:675
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTriakisIcosahedron(double radius)
Creates a triakis icosahedron, dual to the truncated dodecahedron.
COpenGLScene::Ptr & operator<<(COpenGLScene::Ptr &s, const CRenderizable::Ptr &r)
Inserts an openGL object into a scene.
Definition: COpenGLScene.h:252
CPolyhedron::Ptr getDual() const
Given a polyhedron, creates its dual.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateCatalanDoublePyramid(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double height)
Creates a double pyramid whose dual is exactly an archimedean prism.
bool m_Wireframe
This flag determines whether the polyhedron will be displayed as a solid object or as a set of edges...
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:140
mrpt::math::TVector3D normal
Normal vector.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:110
CPolyhedron::Ptr rotate(double angle) const
Rotates a polyhedron around the Z axis a given amount of radians.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTetrakisHexahedron(double radius)
Creates a tetrakis hexahedron, dual to the truncated octahedron.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateIcosahedron(double radius)
Creates a regular icosahedron (see
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRegularPrism(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height)
Creates a regular prism whose base is a regular polygon and whose edges are either parallel or perpen...
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateArchimedeanRegularAntiprism(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius)
Creates a regular antiprism whose lateral polygons are equilateral triangles, and so each face of its...
Renderizable generic renderer for objects using the triangles shader.
std::vector< TPolyhedronFace > m_Faces
List of polyhedron&#39;s faces.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:135
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateCubicPrism(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double z1, double z2)
Creates a cubic prism, given the coordinates of two opposite vertices.
std::vector< TPolyhedronEdge > m_Edges
List of polyhedron&#39;s edges.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:131
std::vector< shader_id_t > shader_list_t
A list of shader IDs.
Definition: Shader.h:26
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateCupola(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double edgeLength)
Creates a cupola.
This class represents arbitrary polyhedra.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:44
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTriakisTetrahedron(double radius)
Creates a triakis tetrahedron, dual to the truncated tetrahedron.
Context for calls to render()
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateJohnsonSolidWithConstantBase(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, const std::string &components, size_t shifts=0)
Creates a series of concatenated solids (most of which are prismatoids) whose base is a regular polyg...
CPolyhedron::Ptr cantellate(double factor) const
Cantellates a polyhedron to a given factor.
bool traceRay(const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &o, double &dist) const override
Simulation of ray-trace, given a pose.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTetrahedron(double radius)
Creates a regular tetrahedron (see
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateCatalanTrapezohedron(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double height)
Creates a trapezohedron whose dual is exactly an archimedean antiprism.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedPyramid(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > &baseVertices, double height, double ratio)
Creates a truncated pyramid, using a set of vertices which will lie on the XY plane.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedDodecahedron(double radius)
Creates a truncated dodecahedron, consisting of 12 dodecagons and 20 triangles (see http://en...
std::vector< uint32_t > vertices
Vector of indices to the vertex list.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:108
std::vector< mrpt::math::TPolygonWithPlane > tempPolygons
Mutable list of actual polygons, maintained for speed.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:144
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRandomPolyhedron(double radius)
Creates a random polyhedron from the static methods.
uint32_t getNumberOfEdges() const
Gets the amount of edges.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:686
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateFrustum(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > &baseVertices, double height, double ratio)
This is a synonym for CreateTruncatedPyramid.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRhombicosidodecahedron(double radius)
Creates a rhombicosidodecahedron, consisting of 30 squares, 12 pentagons and 20 triangles (see http:/...
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreatePentagonalRotunda(double radius)
Creates a pentagonal rotunda (half an icosidodecahedron), consisting of six pentagons, ten triangles and a decagon (see
Struct used to store a polyhedron face.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:105
void getSetOfPolygons(std::vector< math::TPolygon3D > &vec) const
Gets the polyhedron as a set of polygons.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedOctahedron(double radius)
Creates a truncated octahedron, with eight hexagons and eight squares (see
static constexpr shader_id_t WIREFRAME
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreatePyramid(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > &baseVertices, double height)
Creates a custom pyramid, using a set of 2D vertices which will lie on the XY plane.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRegularPyramid(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height)
Creates a regular pyramid whose base is a regular polygon.
void getCenter(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &vertices, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &p) const
Given a set of vertices, get this face&#39;s center.
double area(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &vertices) const
Given a set of vertices, computes the area of this face.
Basic empty constructor.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:879
bool isWireframe() const
Returns whether the polyhedron will be rendered as a wireframe object.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:708
Struct used to store a polyhedron edge.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:72
bool operator==(const TPolyhedronEdge &e) const
Comparison agains another edge.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:85
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTriakisOctahedron(double radius)
Creates a triakis octahedron, dual to the truncated hexahedron.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateOctahedron(double radius)
Creates a regular octahedron (see
void setWireframe(bool enabled=true)
Sets whether the polyhedron will be rendered as a wireframe object.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:712
static std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > generateBase(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius)
Generates a list of 2D vertices constituting a regular polygon.
Fast default constructor.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:112
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateParallelepiped(const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &base, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &v1, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &v2, const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &v3)
Creates a parallelepiped, given a base point and three vectors represented as points.
void getBoundingBox(mrpt::math::TPoint3D &bb_min, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &bb_max) const override
Evaluates the bounding box of this object (including possible children) in the coordinate frame of th...
void onUpdateBuffers_Wireframe() override
Must be implemented in derived classes to update the geometric entities to be drawn in "m_*_buffer" f...
CPolyhedron::Ptr scale(double factor) const
Scales a polyhedron to a given factor.
static constexpr shader_id_t TRIANGLES
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateCustomAntiprism(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > &bottomBase, const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > &topBase, double height)
Creates a custom antiprism, using two custom bases.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedTetrahedron(double radius)
Creates a truncated tetrahedron, consisting of four triangular faces and for hexagonal ones (see http...
void freeOpenGLResources() override
Free opengl buffers.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:53
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRegularAntiprism(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height)
Creates an antiprism whose base is a regular polygon.
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
std::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl ::CPolyhedron > Ptr
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:47
bool polygonsUpToDate
Whether the set of actual polygons is up to date or not.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:148
bool setNormal(TPolyhedronFace &f, bool doCheck=true)
Calculates the normal vector to a face.
Virtual base class for "archives": classes abstracting I/O streams.
Definition: CArchive.h:54
void updatePolygons() const
Updates the mutable list of polygons used in rendering and ray tracing.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRhombicDodecahedron(double radius)
Creates a rhombic dodecahedron, dual to the cuboctahedron.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRegularDoublePyramid(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height1, double height2)
Creates a regular double pyramid whose base is a regular polygon.
uint32_t getNumberOfFaces() const
Gets the amount of faces.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:690
A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).
Definition: CPose3D.h:85
mrpt::vision::TStereoCalibResults out
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRegularBifrustum(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height1, double ratio1, double height2, double ratio2)
Creates a bifrustum (double truncated pyramid) whose base is a regular polygon lying in the XY plane...
static size_t getIntersection(const CPolyhedron::Ptr &p1, const CPolyhedron::Ptr &p2, T &container)
Gets the intersection of two polyhedra, either as a set or as a matrix of intersections.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:933
double length(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &vs) const
Given a set of vertices, computes the length of the vertex.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateNoCheck(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &vertices, const std::vector< TPolyhedronFace > &faces)
Creates a polyhedron without checking its correctness.
Renderizable generic renderer for objects using the wireframe shader.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedIcosahedron(double radius)
Creates a truncated icosahedron, consisting of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateDodecahedron(double radius)
Creates a regular dodecahedron (see
The namespace for 3D scene representation and rendering.
Definition: CGlCanvasBase.h:13
bool isClosed() const
Returns true if the polygon is a completely closed object.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:738
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRegularTruncatedPyramid(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height, double ratio)
Creates a regular truncated pyramid whose base is a regular polygon.
const auto bb_max
CPolyhedron::Ptr truncate(double factor) const
Truncates a polyhedron to a given factor.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateArchimedeanRegularPrism(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius)
Creates a regular prism whose lateral area is comprised of squares, and so each face of its is a regu...
void renderUpdateBuffers() const override
Called whenever m_outdatedBuffers is true: used to re-generate OpenGL vertex buffers, etc.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateDeltoidalHexecontahedron(double radius)
Creates a deltoidal hexecontahedron, dual to the rhombicosidodecahedron.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateHexahedron(double radius)
Creates a regular cube, also called hexahedron (see
#define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(class_name, NS)
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, within the class declarati...
void getEdgesLength(std::vector< double > &lengths) const
Gets a vector with each edge&#39;s length.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateRegularFrustum(uint32_t numBaseEdges, double baseRadius, double height, double ratio)
This is a synonym for CreateRegularTruncatedPyramid.
const auto bb_min
static bool checkConsistence(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &vertices, const std::vector< TPolyhedronFace > &faces)
Checks whether a set of faces is suitable for a set of vertices.
void getCenter(mrpt::math::TPoint3D &center) const
Gets the center of the polyhedron.
void getFacesArea(std::vector< double > &areas) const
Gets a vector with each face&#39;s area.
std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > m_Vertices
List of vertices presents in the polyhedron.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:127
void freeOpenGLResources() override
Free opengl buffers.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreatePentakisDodecahedron(double radius)
Creates a pentakis dodecahedron, dual to the truncated icosahedron.
void getVertices(std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint3D > &vertices) const
Gets a list with the polyhedron&#39;s vertices.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:661
void getEdges(std::vector< TPolyhedronEdge > &edges) const
Gets a list with the polyhedron&#39;s edges.
Definition: CPolyhedron.h:668
bool intersect(const TSegment3D &s1, const TSegment3D &s2, TObject3D &obj)
Gets the intersection between two 3D segments.
Definition: geometry.cpp:617
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateDeltoidalIcositetrahedron(double radius)
Creates a deltoidal icositetrahedron, dual to the rhombicuboctahedron.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateCustomPrism(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > &baseVertices, double height)
Creates a custom prism with vertical edges, given any base which will lie on the XY plane...
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateDoublePyramid(const std::vector< mrpt::math::TPoint2D > &baseVertices, double height1, double height2)
Creates a double pyramid, using a set of 2D vertices which will lie on the XY plane.
CPolyhedron::Ptr augment(double height) const
Augments a polyhedron to a given height.
static CPolyhedron::Ptr CreateTruncatedHexahedron(double radius)
Creates a truncated hexahedron, with six octogonal faces and eight triangular ones (see http://en...
void getSetOfPolygonsAbsolute(std::vector< math::TPolygon3D > &vec) const
Gets the polyhedron as a set of polygons, with the pose transformation already applied.

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