struct mrpt::nav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive::TAbstractPTGNavigatorParams


#include <mrpt/nav/reactive/CAbstractPTGBasedReactive.h>

struct TAbstractPTGNavigatorParams: public mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions
    // fields

    std::string holonomic_method;
    std::string motion_decider_method;
    std::string ptg_cache_files_directory;
    double ref_distance {4.0};
    double speedfilter_tau {0.0};
    double secure_distance_start {0.05};
    double secure_distance_end {0.20};
    bool use_delays_model {false};
    double max_distance_predicted_actual_path {0.15};
    double min_normalized_free_space_for_ptg_continuation {0.2};
    mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::TVelCmdParams robot_absolute_speed_limits;
    bool enable_obstacle_filtering {true};
    bool evaluate_clearance {false};
    double max_dist_for_timebased_path_prediction {2.0};

    // construction


    // methods

    virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section);
    virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const;

Inherited Members

    // methods

    virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section) = 0;
    void loadFromConfigFileName(const std::string& config_file, const std::string& section);
    virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const;
    void saveToConfigFileName(const std::string& config_file, const std::string& section) const;
    void dumpToConsole() const;
    virtual void dumpToTextStream(std::ostream& out) const;


std::string holonomic_method

C++ class name of the holonomic navigation method to run in the transformed TP-Space.

std::string motion_decider_method

C++ class name of the motion chooser.

std::string ptg_cache_files_directory

(Default: “.”)

double ref_distance {4.0}

Maximum distance up to obstacles will be considered (D_{max} in papers).

double speedfilter_tau {0.0}

Time constant (in seconds) for the low-pass filter applied to kinematic velocity commands (default=0: no filtering)

double secure_distance_start {0.05}

In normalized distances, the start and end of a ramp function that scales the velocity output from the holonomic navigator:

 velocity scale
  |           _____________
  |          /
1 |         /
  |        /
0 +-------+---|----------------> normalized distance
double max_distance_predicted_actual_path {0.15}

Max distance [meters] to discard current PTG and issue a new vel cmd (default= 0.05)

double min_normalized_free_space_for_ptg_continuation {0.2}

Min normalized dist [0,1] after current pose in a PTG continuation to allow it.

mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::TVelCmdParams robot_absolute_speed_limits

Params related to speed limits.

bool evaluate_clearance {false}

Default: false.

double max_dist_for_timebased_path_prediction {2.0}

Max dist [meters] to use time-based path prediction for NOP evaluation.


virtual void loadFromConfigFile(const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& source, const std::string& section)

This method load the options from a “.ini”-like file or memory-stored string list.

Only those parameters found in the given “section” and having the same name that the variable are loaded. Those not found in the file will stay with their previous values (usually the default values loaded at initialization). An example of an “.ini” file:

resolution    = 0.10   // blah blah...
modeSelection = 1      // 0=blah, 1=blah,...

See also:

loadFromConfigFileName, saveToConfigFile

virtual void saveToConfigFile(mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& target, const std::string& section) const

This method saves the options to a “.ini”-like file or memory-stored string list.

See also:

loadFromConfigFile, saveToConfigFileName