
Communication utilities: serial ports, networking (TCP, DNS,…), pub/sub nodelets.

Library mrpt-comms

[New in MRPT 2.0.0]

This C++ library is part of MRPT and can be installed in Debian-based systems with:

sudo apt install libmrpt-comms-dev

Read also how to import MRPT into your CMake scripts.

Find below some examples of use.

Nodelets-like Pub/Sub mechanism

MRPT provides a Publisher/Subscriber (Pub/Sub) pattern implementation for intra-process (multiple threads) zero-copy super fast communication.

Thread creation and handling is the responsibility of the user.

The main concepts are:

  • A topic : the name of a shared variable. If you are familiar with ROS, you already know what a topic is. Topics are identified by unique strings, e.g. odometry, scan.

  • Directory: The central hub that holds all references to existing topics. Usually only one should exist per process, but there is no actual limitation.

  • Subscriber : An object that binds to a given topic and allows a user-given function to be called whenever new data is published to the topic.

  • Publish: The operation of publishing a new data piece to a named topic. It’s important to note that the call is blocking : all subscribers are executed from the thread invoking publish(). Users are encouraged to design subscribers such that their execution time are minimized, delegating heavy computation to other worker threads.

All these concepts are illustrated in the example below. Note that different subscribers are created: with a lambda, with a regular function, a std::bind(), etc.

See: comms_nodelets_example/NodeletsTest_impl.cpp

#include <mrpt/comms/nodelets.h>
#include <mrpt/math/TPose3D.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdio>  // printf()
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

// Test payload:
const mrpt::math::TPose3D p_tx(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6);

// Create the topic directory. Only once per process, and must be shared
// by all nodelets/threads.
auto dir = mrpt::comms::TopicDirectory::create();

void thread_publisher()
    using namespace mrpt::comms;
    using namespace std;

        printf("[publisher] Started\n");

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

        printf("[publisher] Finish\n");
    catch (const std::exception& e)
        cerr << e.what() << endl;
    catch (...)
        printf("[thread_publisher] Runtime error!\n");

void onNewMsg(const mrpt::math::TPose3D& p)
    std::cout << "sub2: rx TPose3D" << p.asString() << std::endl;

void onNewMsg2(int idx, const mrpt::math::TPose3D& p)
    std::cout << "onNewMsg2: idx=" << idx << " rx TPose3D" << p.asString()
              << std::endl;

void thread_subscriber()
    using namespace mrpt::comms;
    using namespace std;

        printf("[subscriber] Connecting\n");

        printf("[subscriber] Connected. Waiting for a message...\n");

        // Create a subscriber with a lambda:
        Subscriber::Ptr sub1 =
                    [](const mrpt::math::TPose3D& p_rx) -> void {
                        std::cout << "sub1: rx TPose3D" << p_rx.asString()
                                  << std::endl;
                        nodelets_test_passed_ok = (p_rx == p_tx);

        // Create a subscriber with a regular function via std::function:
        auto sub2 =
                    std::function<void(const mrpt::math::TPose3D&)>(&onNewMsg));

        // Create a subscriber with a regular function:
        auto sub3 = dir->getTopic("/robot/odom")

        // Create a subscriber with std::bind:
        using namespace std::placeholders;
        auto sub4 = dir->getTopic("/robot/odom")
                            [](auto&& arg1) { return onNewMsg2(123, arg1); });

        // wait for messages to arrive.
        // The nodelet is up and live until "sub" gets out of scope.

        printf("[subscriber] Finish\n");
    catch (const std::exception& e)
        cerr << e.what() << endl;
    catch (...)
        cerr << "[thread_subscriber] Runtime error!" << endl;

void NodeletsTest()
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;


HTTP request methods

mrpt::comms::net::http_get() is an easy way to GET an HTTP resource from any C++ program. You can also use mrpt::comms::net::http_request() to access APIs requiring the POST method.

See: comms_http_client/test.cpp

#include <mrpt/comms/net_utils.h>
#include <mrpt/core/exceptions.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace mrpt;
using namespace mrpt::comms;
using namespace mrpt::comms::net;

std::string url = "http://www.google.es/";

void Test_HTTP_get()
    std::string content;

    mrpt::comms::net::HttpRequestOptions httpOptions;
    mrpt::comms::net::HttpRequestOutput httpOut;

    std::cout << "Retrieving " << url << "..." << std::endl;

    http_errorcode ret = http_get(url, content, httpOptions, httpOut);

    if (ret != net::http_errorcode::Ok)
        std::cout << " Error: " << httpOut.errormsg << std::endl;

    string typ = httpOut.out_headers.count("Content-Type")
                     ? httpOut.out_headers.at("Content-Type")
                     : string("???");

    std::cout << "Ok: " << content.size() << " bytes of type: " << typ
              << std::endl;

Library contents

// namespaces

namespace mrpt::comms::net;

// enums

enum mrpt::comms::net::http_errorcode;

// structs

struct mrpt::comms::net::HttpRequestOptions;
struct mrpt::comms::net::HttpRequestOutput;
struct mrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice;

// classes

class mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket;
class mrpt::comms::CInterfaceFTDI;
class mrpt::comms::CSerialPort;
class mrpt::comms::CServerTCPSocket;
class mrpt::comms::Subscriber;

// global functions

http_errorcode mrpt::comms::net::http_get(
    const string& url,
    std::vector<uint8_t>& out_content,
    const HttpRequestOptions& options = HttpRequestOptions(),
    mrpt::optional_ref<HttpRequestOutput> output = std::nullopt

http_errorcode mrpt::comms::net::http_get(
    const string& url,
    string& out_content,
    const HttpRequestOptions& options = HttpRequestOptions(),
    mrpt::optional_ref<HttpRequestOutput> output = std::nullopt

http_errorcode mrpt::comms::net::http_request(
    const string& http_method,
    const string& http_send_content,
    const string& url,
    std::vector<uint8_t>& out_content,
    const HttpRequestOptions& options = HttpRequestOptions(),
    mrpt::optional_ref<HttpRequestOutput> output = std::nullopt

bool mrpt::comms::net::DNS_resolve_async(
    const std::string& server_name,
    std::string& out_ip,
    const unsigned int timeout_ms = 3000

std::string mrpt::comms::net::getLastSocketErrorStr();

bool mrpt::comms::net::Ping(
    const std::string& address,
    const int max_attempts,
    std::string* output_str = nullptr

Global Functions

http_errorcode mrpt::comms::net::http_get(
    const string& url,
    std::vector<uint8_t>& out_content,
    const HttpRequestOptions& options = HttpRequestOptions(),
    mrpt::optional_ref<HttpRequestOutput> output = std::nullopt

Perform an HTTP GET operation (version for retrieving the data as a std::vector<uint8_t>)



Must be a simple string of the form “http://<servername>/<relative-address>”.


The server port, if different from 80.


If provided, the given extra HTTP headers will be sent.


On exit will contain a description of the error or “Ok”.


The buffer with the retrieved data.


If provided, will hold the HTTP code, eg: 200, 404…


If provided, a copy of all the headers returned by the server will be saved here.



Send a basic HTTP authorization request with the given user & password.


The error or success code.

See also:


http_errorcode mrpt::comms::net::http_request(
    const string& http_method,
    const string& http_send_content,
    const string& url,
    std::vector<uint8_t>& out_content,
    const HttpRequestOptions& options = HttpRequestOptions(),
    mrpt::optional_ref<HttpRequestOutput> output = std::nullopt

Generic function for HTTP GET & POST methods.

See also:


bool mrpt::comms::net::DNS_resolve_async(
    const std::string& server_name,
    std::string& out_ip,
    const unsigned int timeout_ms = 3000

Resolve a server address by its name, returning its IP address as a string - This method has a timeout for the maximum time to wait for the DNS server.

For example: server_name=”www.google.com” -> out_ip=””


true on success, false on timeout or other error.

std::string mrpt::comms::net::getLastSocketErrorStr()

Returns a description of the last Sockets error.

bool mrpt::comms::net::Ping(
    const std::string& address,
    const int max_attempts,
    std::string* output_str = nullptr

Ping an IP address.

{ I am redirecting stderr to stdout, so that the overall process is simplified. Otherwise see: https://jineshkj.wordpress.com/2006/12/22/how-to-capture-stdin-stdout-and-stderr-of-child-program/}



Address to ping.


Number of attempts to try and ping.


String containing output information


True if responsive, false otherwise.