Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) provides developers with portable and well-tested applications and libraries covering data structures and algorithms employed in common robotics research areas.
It is open source, released under the 3-clause BSD license.
Get it
Download MRPT: for installing for Linux or Windows.
Compiling: to build from sources.
Where to start
C++ API reference: MRPT modules.
Dozens of examples: C++ examples.
GitHub repository:
Ask questions at the mail list or at stackoverflow using the tag mrpt.
Example configuration files for MRPT applications can be found at: MRPT/share/mrpt/config_files.
Some sample datasets are stored in: MRPT/share/mrpt/datasets. A more complete dataset repository is available online.
Contributing your bug fixes, new features, etc.
You may also want to see
The ChangeLog for this version.
Performance benchmarks: Extensive performance tests are automated by means of the application mrpt-performance, which was moved (2018) to its own Git repository. The results on different platforms, as well as a comparison between different compilers and platforms are published in
MRPT is used in the MOLA modular SLAM framework.