9 #ifndef CCImageGrabber_dc1394 10 #define CCImageGrabber_dc1394 12 #include <mrpt/config.h> 180 bool verbose =
int gamma
Gamma, -1=default:Do not change.
std::list< TCameraInfo > TCameraInfoList
Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules an image from a camera, whose relative pose to robot is also stored.
Options used when creating an dc1394 capture object All but the frame size, framerate, and color_coding can be changed dynamically by CImageGrabber_dc1394::changeCaptureOptions.
virtual ~CImageGrabber_dc1394()
int sharpness
Sharpness, -1=default:Do not change.
unsigned __int16 uint16_t
uint64_t strobe_control_csr
static void enumerateCameras(TCameraInfoList &out_list)
Generates a list with the information on all the existing (Firewire) cameras in the system...
int gain
Gain, -1=default:Do not change.
bool deinterlace_stereo
For stereo cameras (eg PR Bumblebee)
bool isOpen() const
Check whether the camera has been open successfully.
Contains classes for various device interfaces.
int sharpness_mode
Sharpness mode, -1=default:Do not change.
bool getObservation(mrpt::obs::CObservationImage &out_observation)
Grab an image from the opened camera (for monocular cameras).
int brightness_mode
Brightness mode, -1=default:Do not change.
bool setSoftwareTriggerLevel(bool level)
Changes the boolean level associated to Software Trigger (ON/OFF) Can be used to control camera trigg...
uint64_t advanced_features_csr
TCaptureOptions_dc1394 m_options
uint32_t unit_sub_sw_version
uint32_t unit_dependent_directory
A class for grabing images from a IEEE1394 (Firewire) camera using the libdc1394-2 library...
Observation class for either a pair of left+right or left+disparity images from a stereo camera...
int white_balance
White balance, -1=default:Do not change.
int exposure
Exposure, -1=default:Do not change.
int exposure_mode
Exposure mode, -1=default:Do not change.
int frame_width
Capture resolution (Default: 640x480)
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
bool has_feature_error_status
void * m_dc1394_lib_context
Internal use:
grabber_dc1394_color_coding_t color_coding
bool changeCaptureOptions(const TCaptureOptions_dc1394 &options)
Changes the capture properties (brightness, gain, shutter, etc) The frame size, framerate, and color_coding fields in options are ignored since they can be only set at construction time.
grabber_dc1394_framerate_t framerate
unsigned __int64 uint64_t
int gain_mode
Gain mode, -1=default:Do not change.
Used in enumerateCameras.
int white_balance_mode
White balance mode, -1=default:Do not change.
int shutter
Shutter, -1=default:Do not change.
bool has_vmode_error_status
int brightness
Brightness, -1=default:Do not change.
uint32_t command_registers_base
int ring_buffer_size
Size of the libdc1394 ring buffer.
bool m_bInitialized
Set to false if we could not initialize the camera.
int gamma_mode
Gamma mode, -1=default:Do not change.
CImageGrabber_dc1394(uint64_t cameraGUID=0, uint16_t cameraUnit=0, const TCaptureOptions_dc1394 &options=TCaptureOptions_dc1394(), bool verbose=false)
Constructor: open an ieee1394 camera.
int mode7
-1: Normal mode, i>=0: use MODE7_i, then frame_width/height and color_coding are ignored.
int shutter_mode
Shutter mode, -1=default:Do not change.
unsigned __int32 uint32_t