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1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
10 // Note: Matrices unit tests have been split in different files since
11 // building them with eigen3 eats a lot of RAM and may be a problem while
12 // compiling in small systems.
15 #include <mrpt/math/ops_matrices.h>
16 #include <mrpt/math/utils.h>
17 #include <mrpt/math/geometry.h>
20 #include <mrpt/random.h>
21 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
23 using namespace mrpt;
24 using namespace mrpt::utils;
25 using namespace mrpt::math;
26 using namespace mrpt::random;
27 using namespace mrpt::utils::metaprogramming;
28 using namespace std;
32 TEST(Matrices, inv_4x4_fix)
33 {
34  const double dat_A[] = {
35  -0.710681653571291, 0.734469323344333, -0.656414638791893,
36  0.818771495864303, 1.044946492154568, 1.163592359608108,
37  -1.069421407670914, 0.307916381104872, 0.185595851677470,
38  0.116899590868673, 0.507691343481809, -3.217842384231890,
39  -0.214383515646621, -0.161495561253269, 1.303923696836841,
40  0.261535721431038};
42  CMatrixDouble44 C = A.inv();
43  const double dat_AInv[] = {
44  -0.741952742824035, 0.493481687552705, -0.134764164880760,
45  0.083693424291000, 0.638324207063440, 0.519344439204238,
46  0.264483337145361, 0.644307267615193, -0.037800456163779,
47  0.131794126194075, 0.070338431705792, 0.828591793299072,
48  -0.025568212209135, 0.068123300450057, -0.297834184749986,
49  0.158964059763645};
50  CMatrixDouble44 AInv(dat_AInv);
52  (AInv - C).array().abs().sum() > 1e-4, "Error in inv, 4x4 fix")
53 }
55 TEST(Matrices, inv_6x6_fix)
56 {
57  const double dat_A[] = {
58  363.769989013671875, 0.000000000000000, 316.429992675781250,
59  0.000000000000000, 87.266998291015625, 0.000000000000000,
60  101.540000915527344, 0.000000000000000, 478.709991455078125,
61  0.000000000000000, 504.540008544921875, 0.000000000000000,
62  1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000,
63  0.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
64  0.000000000000000, 363.769989013671875, 0.000000000000000,
65  316.429992675781250, 0.000000000000000, 87.266998291015625,
66  0.000000000000000, 101.540000915527344, 0.000000000000000,
67  478.709991455078125, 0.000000000000000, 504.540008544921875,
68  0.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
69  1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000};
72  A.inv(C);
73  const double dat_AInv[] = {
74  -0.000303131460181, -0.002689371550382, 1.383348917627708,
75  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
76  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
77  -0.000303131460181, -0.002689371550382, 1.383348917627708,
78  0.004729457992255, 0.003244936115630, -2.049925698035195,
79  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
80  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
81  0.004729457992255, 0.003244936115630, -2.049925698035195,
82  -0.004426326532074, -0.000555564565248, 1.666576780407488,
83  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
84  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
85  -0.004426326532074, -0.000555564565248, 1.666576780407488};
86  CMatrixDouble66 AInv(dat_AInv);
88  std::isnan(C(0, 0)) || !std::isfinite(C(0, 0)) ||
89  (AInv - C).array().abs().sum() > 1e-4,
90  "Error in inv, 6x6 fix")
91 }
93 TEST(Matrices, inv_6x6_dyn)
94 {
95  const double dat_A[] = {
96  363.769989013671875, 0.000000000000000, 316.429992675781250,
97  0.000000000000000, 87.266998291015625, 0.000000000000000,
98  101.540000915527344, 0.000000000000000, 478.709991455078125,
99  0.000000000000000, 504.540008544921875, 0.000000000000000,
100  1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000,
101  0.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
102  0.000000000000000, 363.769989013671875, 0.000000000000000,
103  316.429992675781250, 0.000000000000000, 87.266998291015625,
104  0.000000000000000, 101.540000915527344, 0.000000000000000,
105  478.709991455078125, 0.000000000000000, 504.540008544921875,
106  0.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
107  1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000};
108  CMatrixDouble A(6, 6, dat_A);
109  CMatrixDouble C = A.inv();
110  const double dat_AInv[] = {
111  -0.000303131460181, -0.002689371550382, 1.383348917627708,
112  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
113  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
114  -0.000303131460181, -0.002689371550382, 1.383348917627708,
115  0.004729457992255, 0.003244936115630, -2.049925698035195,
116  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
117  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
118  0.004729457992255, 0.003244936115630, -2.049925698035195,
119  -0.004426326532074, -0.000555564565248, 1.666576780407488,
120  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
121  0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
122  -0.004426326532074, -0.000555564565248, 1.666576780407488};
123  CMatrixDouble AInv(6, 6, dat_AInv);
125  std::isnan(C(0, 0)) || !std::isfinite(C(0, 0)) ||
126  (AInv - C).array().abs().sum() > 1e-4,
127  "Error in inv, 6x6 dyn")
128 }
130 TEST(Matrices, transpose)
131 {
132  const double dat_A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
133  const double dat_At[] = {1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6};
134  const CMatrixDouble A(2, 3, dat_A);
135  const CMatrixDouble At(3, 2, dat_At);
137  EXPECT_EQ(A.t(), At);
138  EXPECT_EQ(~A, At);
139  EXPECT_EQ(A.t().t(), A);
140 }
143 {
144  {
145  const double dat_A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
146  const CMatrixDouble A(2, 3, dat_A);
147  const std::vector<double> v{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
151  R.multiply_A_skew3(A, v);
152  EXPECT_EQ(R, (A * S).eval());
153  }
154  {
155  const double dat_A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
156  const double dat_v[] = {1, 2, 3};
158  const CArrayDouble<3> v(dat_v);
163  R.multiply_A_skew3(A, v);
164  EXPECT_TRUE(R == A * S);
165  }
166 }
169 {
170  {
171  const double dat_A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
172  const CMatrixDouble A(3, 2, dat_A);
173  const std::vector<double> v{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
177  R.multiply_skew3_A(v, A);
178  EXPECT_TRUE(R == S * A);
179  }
180  {
181  const double dat_A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
182  const double dat_v[] = {1, 2, 3};
184  const CArrayDouble<3> v(dat_v);
189  R.multiply_skew3_A(v, A);
190  EXPECT_TRUE(R == S * A);
191  }
192 }
195 {
196  const char* mat1 = "[1 2 3;-3 -6 -5]";
197  const double vals1[] = {1, 2, 3, -3, -6, -5};
199  const char* mat2 =
200  " [ -8.2 9.232 ; -2e+2 +6 ; 1.000 7 ] "; // With tabs and
201  // spaces...
202  const double vals2[] = {-8.2, 9.232, -2e+2, +6, 1.000, 7};
204  const char* mat3 = "[9]";
205  const char* mat4 =
206  "[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]"; // An invalid matrix
207  const char* mat5 = "[ ]"; // Empty
208  const char* mat6 = "[ -405.200 42.232 ; 1219.600 -98.696 ]"; // M1 * M2
210  const char* mat13 = "[9 8 7]";
211  const char* mat31 = "[9; 8; 7]";
213  CMatrixDouble M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6;
215  if (!M1.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat1) ||
216  (CMatrixFixedNumeric<double, 2, 3>(vals1) - M1).array().abs().sum() >
217  1e-4)
218  GTEST_FAIL() << mat1;
220  {
222  if (!M1b.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat1) ||
223  (CMatrixFixedNumeric<double, 2, 3>(vals1) - M1b)
224  .array()
225  .abs()
226  .sum() > 1e-4)
227  GTEST_FAIL() << mat1;
228  }
230  if (!M2.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat2) || M2.cols() != 2 || M2.rows() != 3 ||
231  (CMatrixFixedNumeric<double, 3, 2>(vals2) - M2).array().abs().sum() >
232  1e-4)
233  GTEST_FAIL() << mat2;
235  {
237  if (!M2b.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat2) ||
238  (CMatrixFixedNumeric<double, 3, 2>(vals2) - M2b)
239  .array()
240  .abs()
241  .sum() > 1e-4)
242  GTEST_FAIL() << mat2;
243  }
245  if (!M3.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat3)) GTEST_FAIL() << mat3;
247  {
248  CVectorDouble m;
249  if (!m.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat3) || m.size() != 1)
250  GTEST_FAIL() << "CVectorDouble:" << mat3;
251  }
252  {
253  CArrayDouble<1> m;
254  if (!m.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat3))
255  GTEST_FAIL() << "CArrayDouble<1>:" << mat3;
256  }
258  {
259  CVectorDouble m;
260  if (!m.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat31) || m.size() != 3)
261  GTEST_FAIL() << "CVectorDouble:" << mat31;
262  }
263  {
264  CArrayDouble<3> m;
265  if (!m.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat31))
266  GTEST_FAIL() << "CArrayDouble<3>:" << mat31;
267  }
269  {
270  Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 3> m;
271  if (!m.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat13))
272  GTEST_FAIL() << "Matrix<double,1,3>:" << mat13;
273  }
274  {
275  Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, Eigen::Dynamic> m;
276  if (!m.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat13) || m.size() != 3)
277  GTEST_FAIL() << "Matrix<double,1,Dynamic>:" << mat13;
278  }
280  // This one MUST BE detected as WRONG:
281  if (M4.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat4, nullptr /*dont dump errors to cerr*/))
282  GTEST_FAIL() << mat4;
284  if (!M5.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat5) || size(M5, 1) != 0 ||
285  size(M5, 2) != 0)
286  GTEST_FAIL() << mat5;
288  if (!M6.fromMatlabStringFormat(mat6)) GTEST_FAIL() << mat6;
290  // Check correct values loaded:
291  CMatrixDouble RES = M1 * M2;
293  EXPECT_NEAR(0, (M6 - M1 * M2).array().square().sum(), 1e-3);
294 }
A namespace of pseudo-random numbers genrators of diferent distributions.
Classes for serialization, sockets, ini-file manipulation, streams, list of properties-values, timewatch, extensions to STL.
const double dat_A[]
void skew_symmetric3(const VECTOR &v, MATRIX &M)
Computes the 3x3 skew symmetric matrix from a 3-vector or 3-array: .
Definition: geometry.h:853
TEST(Matrices, inv_4x4_fix)
void multiply_skew3_A(const SKEW_3VECTOR &v, const MAT_A &A)
Column vector, like Eigen::MatrixX*, but automatically initialized to zeros since construction...
Definition: eigen_frwds.h:42
This file implements miscelaneous matrix and matrix/vector operations, and internal functions in mrpt...
STL namespace.
T square(const T x)
Inline function for the square of a number.
Definition: bits.h:55
void multiply_A_skew3(const MAT_A &A, const SKEW_3VECTOR &v)
A numeric matrix of compile-time fixed size.
This base provides a set of functions for maths stuff.
Definition: CArrayNumeric.h:19
CMatrixTemplateNumeric< double > CMatrixDouble
Declares a matrix of double numbers (non serializable).
CONTAINER::Scalar sum(const CONTAINER &v)
Computes the sum of all the elements.
A set of utility objects for metaprogramming with STL algorithms.
bool fromMatlabStringFormat(const std::string &s, std::ostream *dump_errors_here=nullptr)
Read a matrix from a string in Matlab-like format, for example "[1 0 2; 0 4 -1]" The string must star...
GLsizei GLboolean transpose
Definition: glext.h:4133
const GLdouble * v
Definition: glext.h:3678
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
const float R
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:3923

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