10 #ifndef mrpt_vision_chessboard_stereo_calib_H 11 #define mrpt_vision_chessboard_stereo_calib_H bool optimize_k1
Select which distortion parameters (of both left/right cameras) will be optimzed: k1...
double final_rmse
Final reprojection square Root Mean Square Error (in pixels).
std::vector< TImageStereoCalibData > TCalibrationStereoImageList
A list of images, used in checkerBoardStereoCalibration.
mrpt::utils::TStereoCamera cam_params
Recovered parameters of the stereo camera.
std::vector< bool > image_pair_was_used
true if a checkerboard was correctly detected in both left/right images.
unsigned int nImgsToProcess
void * callback_user_param
If using a callback function, you can use this to pass custom data to your callback.
Eigen::Array< double, 9, 1 > left_params_inv_variance
The inverse variance (information/precision) of each of the 9 left/right camera parameters [fx fy cx ...
size_t final_number_good_image_pairs
Number of image pairs in which valid checkerboards were correctly detected.
Data associated to each stereo image in the calibration process mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalib...
size_t maxIters
Maximum number of iterations of the optimizer (default=300)
unsigned int check_size_y
void clear()
Empty all the data.
size_t final_iters
Final number of optimization iterations executed.
TSteroCalibCallbackFunctor callback
If set to !=NULL, this function will be called within each Lev-Marq.
bool skipDrawDetectedImgs
double check_squares_length_X_meters
The size of each square in the checkerboard, in meters, in the "X" & Y" axes.
Structure to hold the parameters of a pinhole stereo camera model.
Data associated to each image in the calibration process mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration ...
Input parameters for mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration.
mrpt::aligned_containers< mrpt::poses::CPose3D >::vector_t left_cam_poses
Poses of the origin of coordinates of the pattern wrt the left camera (i.e.
Params of the optional callback provided by the user.
void(* TSteroCalibCallbackFunctor)(const TImageStereoCallbackData &d, void *user_data)
Prototype of optional user callback function.
unsigned int check_size_x
The number of squares in the checkerboard in the "X" & "Y" direction.
bool checkerBoardStereoCalibration(TCalibrationStereoImageList &images, const TStereoCalibParams ¶ms, TStereoCalibResults &out_results)
Optimize the calibration parameters of a stereo camera or a RGB+D (Kinect) camera.
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
double current_rmse
Current root-mean square reprojection error (in pixels)
unsigned int nImgsProcessed
Info for calibRound==-1.
A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).
mrpt::poses::CPose3D right2left_camera_pose
The pose of the left camera as seen from the right camera.
bool use_robust_kernel
Employ a Pseudo-Huber robustifier kernel (Default: false)
double check_squares_length_Y_meters
bool verbose
Show progress messages to std::cout console (default=true)
double robust_kernel_param
The parameter of the robust kernel, in pixels (only if use_robust_kernel=true) (Default=10) ...
Output results for mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration.
int calibRound
=-1:Processing images; =0: Initial calib without distortion, =1: Calib of all parameters ...
Eigen::Array< double, 9, 1 > right_params_inv_variance
GLenum const GLfloat * params
std::vector< TYPE1, Eigen::aligned_allocator< TYPE1 > > vector_t