void load(const mrpt::utils::CConfigFileBase &c, const std::string &s)
Loads waypoints to a config file section.
uint64_t TTimeStamp
A system independent time type, it holds the the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1...
bool allow_skip
[Default=true] Whether it is allowed to the navigator to proceed to a more advanced waypoint in the s...
std::string getAsText() const
Gets navigation params as a human-readable format.
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp timestamp_reach
Timestamp of when this waypoint was reached.
double outter_radius_non_skippable
A set of object, which are referenced to the coordinates framework established in this object...
bool isValid() const
Check whether all the minimum mandatory fields have been filled by the user.
Ctor with default values.
void save(mrpt::utils::CConfigFileBase &c, const std::string &s) const
Saves waypoints to a config file section.
std::string getAsText() const
get in human-readable format
used in getAsOpenglVisualization()
void getAsOpenglVisualization(mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects &obj, const mrpt::nav::TWaypointsRenderingParams ¶ms=mrpt::nav::TWaypointsRenderingParams()) const
Renders the sequence of waypoints (previous contents of obj are cleared)
std::vector< TWaypoint > waypoints
A single waypoint within TWaypointSequence.
The struct for requesting navigation requests for a sequence of waypoints.
mrpt::utils::TColor color_reached
GLsizei GLsizei GLuint * obj
double inner_radius_reached
This class allows loading and storing values and vectors of different types from a configuration text...
bool reached
Whether this waypoint has been reached already (to within the allowed distance as per user specificat...
double outter_radius_reached
mrpt::math::TPose2D last_robot_pose
Robot pose at last time step (has INVALID_NUM fields upon initialization)
Ctor with default values.
The struct for querying the status of waypoints navigation.
mrpt::utils::TColor color_regular
A waypoint with an execution status.
bool final_goal_reached
Whether the final waypoint has been reached successfuly.
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
void getAsOpenglVisualization(mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects &obj, const mrpt::nav::TWaypointsRenderingParams ¶ms=mrpt::nav::TWaypointsRenderingParams()) const
Renders the sequence of waypoints (previous contents of obj are cleared)
TWaypointStatus & operator=(const TWaypoint &wp)
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
Ctor with default values.
mrpt::math::TPoint2D target
[Must be set by the user] Coordinates of desired target location (world/global coordinates).
std::string getAsText() const
Gets navigation params as a human-readable format.
double target_heading
[Default=any heading] Optionally, set to the desired orientation [radians] of the robot at this waypo...
double allowed_distance
[Must be set by the user] How close should the robot get to this waypoint for it to be considered rea...
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp timestamp_nav_started
Timestamp of user navigation command.
bool skipped
If reached==true this boolean tells whether the waypoint was physically reached (false) or marked as ...
std::string getAsText() const
Gets navigation params as a human-readable format.
std::vector< TWaypointStatus > waypoints
Waypoints parameters and status (reached, skipped, etc.)
static const int INVALID_NUM
The default value of fields (used to detect non-set values)
int waypoint_index_current_goal
Index in waypoints of the waypoint the navigator is currently trying to reach.
GLenum const GLfloat * params
int counter_seen_reachable
(Initialized to 0 automatically) How many times this waypoint has been seen as "reachable" before it ...
double inner_radius_non_skippable
std::string target_frame_id
(Default="map") Frame ID in which target is given.
mrpt::utils::TColor color_current_goal