Application: rawlog-edit


rawlog-edit - Command-line robotic datasets (rawlogs) manipulation tool


rawlog-edit  [--undistort] [--rename-externals] [--stereo-rectify
           <SENSOR_LABEL,0.5>] [--camera-params <SENSOR_LABEL
           ,file.ini>] [--sensors-pose <file.ini>]
           [--generate-3d-pointclouds] [--cut] [--export-2d-scans-txt]
           [--export-rawdaq-txt] [--recalc-odometry]
           [--export-anemometer-txt] [--export-enose-txt]
           [--export-odometry-txt] [--export-imu-txt]
           [--export-gps-all] [--export-gps-txt]
           [--export-gps-gas-kml] [--export-gps-kml] [--keep-label
           <label[,label...]>] [--remove-label <label[,label...]>]
           [--list-range-bearing] [--remap-timestamps <a;b>]
           [--list-timestamps] [--list-poses] [--list-images] [--info]
           [--de-externalize] [--externalize] [-q] [-w] [--odo-D <D>]
           [--odo-KR <KR>] [--odo-KL <KL>] [--to-time <T1>]
           [--from-time <T0>] [--to-index <N1>] [--from-index <N0>]
           [--text-file-output <out.txt>] [--rectify-centers-coincide]
           [--image-size <COLSxROWS>] [--txt-externals]
           [--image-format <jpg,png,pgm,...>] [--out-dir <.>] [-p
           <dataset.rawlog>] [-o <dataset_out.rawlog>] -i
           <dataset.rawlog> [--] [--version] [-h]


Quick overview of a dataset file:

rawlog-edit --info -i in.rawlog

Cut the entries [1000,2000] into another rawlog file:

rawlog-edit --cut --from-index 1000 --to-index 2000 -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

Cut the entries from the beginning up to timestamp 1281619819:

rawlog-edit --cut --to-time 1281619819 -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

Generate a Google Earth KML file with the GPS data in a dataset:

rawlog-edit --export-gps-kml -i in.rawlog

Remove all observations named “REAR_LASER”:

rawlog-edit --remove-label REAR_LASER -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

Remove all observations not named “REAR_LASER”:

rawlog-edit --keep-label REAR_LASER -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog

Convert all images to external storage mode:

rawlog-edit --externalize -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog
rawlog-edit --externalize --image-format jpg -i in.rawlog -o out.rawlog


rawlog-edit is a command-line application to inspect and manipulate robotic dataset files in the “rawlog” standardized format.

These are the supported arguments and operations:

  Op: Undistort all images in the rawlog.

  Op: Renames all the external storage file names within the rawlog (it
  doesn't change the external files, which may even not exist).

--stereo-rectify <SENSOR_LABEL,0.5>
  Op: creates a new set of external images for all
  CObservationStereoImages with the given SENSOR_LABEL, using the camera
  parameters stored in the observations (which must be a valid
  calibration) and with the given alpha value. Alpha can be -1 for auto,
  or otherwise be in the range [0,1] (see OpenCV's docs for

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Optional: --image-format to set image format (default=jpg),

  --image-size to resize output images (example: --image-size 640x480)

--camera-params <SENSOR_LABEL,file.ini>
  Op: change the camera parameters of all CObservationImage's with the
  given SENSOR_LABEL, with new params loaded from the given file,
  section '[CAMERA_PARAMS]' for monocular cameras, or

  Requires: -o (or --output)

--sensors-pose <file.ini>
  Op: batch change the poses of sensors from a rawlog-grabber-like
  configuration file that specifies the pose of sensors by their
  sensorLabel names.

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Op: (re)generate the 3D pointclouds within CObservation3DRangeScan
  objects that have range data.

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Op: Cut a part of the input rawlog.

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Requires: At least one of --from-index, --from-time, --to-index,
  --to-time. Use only one of the --from-* and --to-* at once.

  If only a --from-* is given, the rawlog will be saved up to its end.
  If only a --to-* is given, the rawlog will be saved from its

  Op: Export 2D scans to TXT files.

  Generates two .txt files for each different sensor label of 2D scan
  observations, one with the timestamps and the other with range

  The generated .txt files will be saved in the same path than the input
  rawlog, with the same filename + each sensorLabel.

  Op: Export raw DAQ readings to TXT files.

  Generates one .txt file for each different sensor label + DAQ task.
  The generated .txt files will be saved in the same path than the input

  Op: Recomputes odometry increments from new encoder-to-odometry

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Requires: --odo-KL, --odo-KR and --odo-D.

  Op: Export anemometer readigns to TXT files.

  Generates one .txt file for each different sensor label of an
  anemometer observation in the dataset. The generated .txt files will
  be saved in the same path than the input rawlog, with the same
  filename + each sensorLabel.

  Op: Export e-nose readigns to TXT files.

  Generates one .txt file for each different sensor label of an e-nose
  observation in the dataset. The generated .txt files will be saved in
  the same path than the input rawlog, with the same filename + each

  Op: Export absolute odometry readings to TXT files.

  Generates one .txt file for each different sensor label of an odometry
  observation in the dataset. The generated .txt files will be saved in
  the same path than the input rawlog, with the same filename + each

  Op: Export IMU readings to TXT files.

  Generates one .txt file for each different sensor label of an IMU
  observation in the dataset. The generated .txt files will be saved in
  the same path than the input rawlog, with the same filename + each

  Op: Generic export all kinds of GPS/GNSS messages to separate TXT

  Generates one .txt file for each different sensor label and for each
  message type in the dataset, with a first header line describing each

  Op: Export GPS GPGGA messages to TXT files.

  Generates one .txt file for each different sensor label of GPS
  observations in the dataset. The generated .txt files will be saved in
  the same path than the input rawlog, with the same filename + each

  Op: Export GPS paths to Google Earth KML files coloured by the gas

  Generates one .kml file with different sections for each different
  sensor label of GPS observations in the dataset. The generated .kml
  files will be saved in the same path than the input rawlog, with the
  same filename + each sensorLabel.

  Op: Export GPS paths to Google Earth KML files.

  Generates one .kml file with different sections for each different
  sensor label of GPS observations in the dataset. The generated .kml
  files will be saved in the same path than the input rawlog, with the
  same filename + each sensorLabel.

--keep-label <label[,label...]>
  Op: Remove all observations not matching the given sensor
  label(s).Several labels can be provided separated by commas.

  Requires: -o (or --output)

--remove-label <label[,label...]>
  Op: Remove all observation matching the given sensor label(s).Several
  labels can be provided separated by commas.

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Op: dump a list of all landmark observations of type

  Optionally the output text file can be changed with

--remap-timestamps <a;b>
  Op: Change all timestamps t replacing it with the linear map
  'a*t+b'.The parameters 'a' and 'b' must be given separated with a

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Op: generates a list with all the observations' timestamp, sensor
  label and C++ class name.

  Optionally the output text file can be changed with

  Op: dump a list of all the poses of the observations in the

  Optionally the output text file can be changed with

  Op: dump a list of all external image files in the dataset.

  Optionally the output text file can be changed with

  Op: parse input file and dump information and statistics.

  Op: the opposite that --externalize: generates a monolitic rawlog file
  with all external files integrated in one.

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Op: convert to external storage.

  Requires: -o (or --output)

  Optional: --image-format, --txt-externals

-q,  --quiet
  Terse output

-w,  --overwrite
  Force overwrite target file without prompting.

--odo-D <D>
  Distance between left-right wheels (meters), used in

--odo-KR <KR>
  Constant from encoder ticks to meters (right wheel), used in

--odo-KL <KL>
  Constant from encoder ticks to meters (left wheel), used in

--to-time <T1>
  End time for --cut, as UNIX timestamp, optionally with fractions of

--from-time <T0>
  Starting time for --cut, as UNIX timestamp, optionally with fractions
  of seconds.

--to-index <N1>
  End index for --cut

--from-index <N0>
  Starting index for --cut

--text-file-output <out.txt>
  Output for a text file

  In stereo rectification, force that both image centers after coincide
  after rectifying.

--image-size <COLSxROWS>
  Resize output images

  When externalizing CObservation3DRangeScan objects, switched from
  binary files (default) to plain text.

--image-format <jpg,png,pgm,...>
  External image format

--out-dir <.>
  Output directory (used by some commands only)

-p <>,  --plugins <>
  Single or comma-separated list of .so/.dll plugins to load for
  additional user-supplied classes

-o <dataset_out.rawlog>,  --output <dataset_out.rawlog>
  Output dataset (*.rawlog)

-i <dataset.rawlog>,  --input <dataset.rawlog>
  (required)  Input dataset (required) (*.rawlog)

--,  --ignore_rest
  Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

  Displays version information and exits.

-h,  --help
  Displays usage information and exits.