MRPT  1.9.9
mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud Class Reference

Detailed Description

A cloud of points, all with the same color or each depending on its value along a particular coordinate axis.

This class is just an OpenGL representation of a point cloud. For operating with maps of points, see mrpt::maps::CPointsMap and derived classes.

To load from a points-map, CPointCloud::loadFromPointsMap().

This class uses smart optimizations while rendering to efficiently draw clouds of millions of points, as described in this page:

See also
opengl::CPlanarLaserScan, opengl::COpenGLScene, opengl::CPointCloudColoured, mrpt::maps::CPointsMap

Definition at line 43 of file CPointCloud.h.

#include <mrpt/opengl/CPointCloud.h>

Inheritance diagram for mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud:
Inheritance graph

Public Types


Public Member Functions

voidoperator new (size_t size)
voidoperator new[] (size_t size)
void operator delete (void *ptr) noexcept
void operator delete[] (void *ptr) noexcept
void operator delete (void *memory, void *ptr) noexcept
voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &) noexcept
void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &) noexcept
virtual void getBoundingBox (mrpt::math::TPoint3D &bb_min, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &bb_max) const override
 Evaluates the bounding box of this object (including possible children) in the coordinate frame of the object parent. More...
void render () const override
 Render. More...
void render_subset (const bool all, const std::vector< size_t > &idxs, const float render_area_sqpixels) const
 Render a subset of points (required by octree renderer) More...
 CPointCloud ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~CPointCloud ()
 Private, virtual destructor: only can be deleted from smart pointers. More...
virtual bool traceRay (const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &o, double &dist) const
 Simulation of ray-trace, given a pose. More...
virtual mxArraywriteToMatlab () const
 Introduces a pure virtual method responsible for writing to a mxArray Matlab object, typically a MATLAB struct whose contents are documented in each derived class. More...
size_t octree_get_node_count () const
 Return the number of octree nodes (all of them, including the empty ones) More...
size_t octree_get_visible_nodes () const
 Return the number of visible octree nodes in the last render event. More...
void octree_mark_as_outdated ()
 Called from the derived class (or the user) to indicate we have/want to rebuild the entire node tree (for example, after modifying the point cloud or any global octree parameter) More...
void octree_get_graphics_boundingboxes (mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects &gl_bb, const double lines_width=1, const mrpt::img::TColorf &lines_color=mrpt::img::TColorf(1, 1, 1), const bool draw_solid_boxes=false) const
 Returns a graphical representation of all the bounding boxes of the octree (leaf) nodes. More...
void octree_debug_dump_tree (std::ostream &o) const
 Used for debug only. More...
bool loadFromPlyFile (const std::string &filename, std::vector< std::string > *file_comments=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > *file_obj_info=nullptr)
 Loads from a PLY file. More...
std::string getLoadPLYErrorString () const
 Return a description of the error if loadFromPlyFile() returned false, or an empty string if the file was loaded without problems. More...
bool saveToPlyFile (const std::string &filename, bool save_in_binary=false, const std::vector< std::string > &file_comments=std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > &file_obj_info=std::vector< std::string >()) const
 Saves to a PLY file. More...
std::string getSavePLYErrorString () const
 Return a description of the error if loadFromPlyFile() returned false, or an empty string if the file was loaded without problems. More...
Read/Write of the list of points to render
size_t size () const
void resize (size_t N)
 Set the number of points (with contents undefined) More...
void reserve (size_t N)
 Like STL std::vector's reserve. More...
void setAllPoints (const std::vector< float > &x, const std::vector< float > &y, const std::vector< float > &z)
 Set the list of (X,Y,Z) point coordinates, all at once, from three vectors with their coordinates. More...
void setAllPointsFast (std::vector< float > &x, std::vector< float > &y, std::vector< float > &z)
 Set the list of (X,Y,Z) point coordinates, DESTROYING the contents of the input vectors (via swap) More...
const std::vector< float > & getArrayX () const
 Get a const reference to the internal array of X coordinates. More...
const std::vector< float > & getArrayY () const
 Get a const reference to the internal array of Y coordinates. More...
const std::vector< float > & getArrayZ () const
 Get a const reference to the internal array of Z coordinates. More...
void clear ()
 Empty the list of points. More...
void insertPoint (float x, float y, float z)
 Adds a new point to the cloud. More...
mrpt::math::TPoint3D operator[] (size_t i) const
 Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug). More...
mrpt::math::TPoint3D getPoint (size_t i) const
 Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug). More...
mrpt::math::TPoint3Df getPointf (size_t i) const
 Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug). More...
void setPoint (size_t i, const float x, const float y, const float z)
 Write an individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug). More...
void setPoint_fast (size_t i, const float x, const float y, const float z)
 Write an individual point (without checking validity of the index). More...
template<class POINTSMAP >
void loadFromPointsMap (const POINTSMAP *themap)
 Load the points from any other point map class supported by the adapter mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter. More...
template<class LISTOFPOINTS >
void loadFromPointsList (LISTOFPOINTS &pointsList)
 Load the points from a list of mrpt::math::TPoint3D. More...
size_t getActuallyRendered () const
 Get the number of elements actually rendered in the last render event. More...
Modify the appearance of the rendered points
void enableColorFromX (bool v=true)
void enableColorFromY (bool v=true)
void enableColorFromZ (bool v=true)
void setPointSize (float p)
 By default is 1.0. More...
float getPointSize () const
void enablePointSmooth (bool enable=true)
void disablePointSmooth ()
bool isPointSmoothEnabled () const
void setGradientColors (const mrpt::img::TColorf &colorMin, const mrpt::img::TColorf &colorMax)
 Sets the colors used as extremes when colorFromDepth is enabled. More...
Changes the appearance of the object to render
void setName (const std::string &n)
 Changes the name of the object. More...
const std::stringgetName () const
 Returns the name of the object. More...
bool isVisible () const
 Is the object visible? More...
void setVisibility (bool visible=true)
 Set object visibility (default=true) More...
void enableShowName (bool showName=true)
 Enables or disables showing the name of the object as a label when rendering. More...
bool isShowNameEnabled () const
CRenderizablesetPose (const mrpt::poses::CPose3D &o)
 Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::poses::CPose3D object (return a ref to this) More...
CRenderizablesetPose (const mrpt::poses::CPose2D &o)
 Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::poses::CPose3D object (return a ref to this) More...
CRenderizablesetPose (const mrpt::math::TPose3D &o)
 Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::math::TPose3D object (return a ref to this) More...
CRenderizablesetPose (const mrpt::math::TPose2D &o)
 Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::math::TPose3D object (return a ref to this) More...
CRenderizablesetPose (const mrpt::poses::CPoint3D &o)
 Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::poses::CPose3D object (return a ref to this) More...
CRenderizablesetPose (const mrpt::poses::CPoint2D &o)
 Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::poses::CPose3D object (return a ref to this) More...
mrpt::math::TPose3D getPose () const
 Returns the 3D pose of the object as TPose3D. More...
const mrpt::poses::CPose3DgetPoseRef () const
 Returns a const ref to the 3D pose of the object as mrpt::poses::CPose3D (which explicitly contains the 3x3 rotation matrix) More...
CRenderizablesetLocation (double x, double y, double z)
 Changes the location of the object, keeping untouched the orientation. More...
CRenderizablesetLocation (const mrpt::math::TPoint3D &p)
 Changes the location of the object, keeping untouched the orientation. More...
double getPoseX () const
 Translation relative to parent coordinate origin. More...
double getPoseY () const
 Translation relative to parent coordinate origin. More...
double getPoseZ () const
 Translation relative to parent coordinate origin. More...
double getPoseYaw () const
 Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in DEGREES. More...
double getPosePitch () const
 Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in DEGREES. More...
double getPoseRoll () const
 Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in DEGREES. More...
double getPoseYawRad () const
 Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in radians. More...
double getPosePitchRad () const
 Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in radians. More...
double getPoseRollRad () const
 Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in radians. More...
double getColorR () const
 Color components in the range [0,1]. More...
double getColorG () const
 Color components in the range [0,1]. More...
double getColorB () const
 Color components in the range [0,1]. More...
double getColorA () const
 Color components in the range [0,1]. More...
uint8_t getColorR_u8 () const
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
uint8_t getColorG_u8 () const
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
uint8_t getColorB_u8 () const
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
uint8_t getColorA_u8 () const
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
CRenderizablesetColorR (const double r)
 Color components in the range [0,1]. More...
CRenderizablesetColorG (const double g)
 Color components in the range [0,1]. More...
CRenderizablesetColorB (const double b)
 Color components in the range [0,1]. More...
CRenderizablesetColorA (const double a)
 Color components in the range [0,1]. More...
virtual CRenderizablesetColorR_u8 (const uint8_t r)
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
virtual CRenderizablesetColorG_u8 (const uint8_t g)
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
virtual CRenderizablesetColorB_u8 (const uint8_t b)
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
virtual CRenderizablesetColorA_u8 (const uint8_t a)
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
CRenderizablesetScale (float s)
 Scale to apply to the object, in all three axes (default=1) More...
CRenderizablesetScale (float sx, float sy, float sz)
 Scale to apply to the object in each axis (default=1) More...
float getScaleX () const
 Get the current scaling factor in one axis. More...
float getScaleY () const
 Get the current scaling factor in one axis. More...
float getScaleZ () const
 Get the current scaling factor in one axis. More...
mrpt::img::TColorf getColor () const
 Returns the object color property as a TColorf. More...
CRenderizablesetColor (const mrpt::img::TColorf &c)
 Changes the default object color. More...
CRenderizablesetColor (double R, double G, double B, double A=1)
 Set the color components of this object (R,G,B,Alpha, in the range 0-1) More...
const mrpt::img::TColorgetColor_u8 () const
 Returns the object color property as a TColor. More...
virtual CRenderizablesetColor_u8 (const mrpt::img::TColor &c)
CRenderizablesetColor_u8 (uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B, uint8_t A=255)
 Set the color components of this object (R,G,B,Alpha, in the range 0-255) More...
RTTI classes and functions for polymorphic hierarchies
mrpt::rtti::CObject::Ptr duplicateGetSmartPtr () const
 Returns a copy of the object, indepently of its class, as a smart pointer (the newly created object will exist as long as any copy of this smart pointer). More...

Static Public Member Functions

static voidoperator new (size_t size, void *ptr)
static void renderTextBitmap (const char *str, void *fontStyle)
 This method is safe for calling from within ::render() methods. More...
static void renderTextBitmap (int screen_x, int screen_y, const std::string &str, float color_r=1, float color_g=1, float color_b=1, mrpt::opengl::TOpenGLFont font=mrpt::opengl::MRPT_GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24)
 Render a text message in the current rendering context, creating a glViewport in the way (do not call within ::render() methods) More...
static int textBitmapWidth (const std::string &str, mrpt::opengl::TOpenGLFont font=mrpt::opengl::MRPT_GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24)
 Return the exact width in pixels for a given string, as will be rendered by renderTextBitmap(). More...

Protected Types

enum  Axis { colNone = 0, colZ, colY, colX }

Protected Member Functions

void markAllPointsAsNew ()
 Do needed internal work if all points are new (octree rebuilt,...) More...
void writeToStreamRender (mrpt::serialization::CArchive &out) const
void readFromStreamRender (mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in)
CPointCloudoctree_derived ()
const CPointCloudoctree_derived () const
void octree_assure_uptodate () const
 Must be called at children class' render() previously to octree_render() More...
void octree_render (const mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::TRenderInfo &ri) const
 Render the entire octree recursively. More...
void octree_getBoundingBox (mrpt::math::TPoint3D &bb_min, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &bb_max) const
CSerializable virtual methods
uint8_t serializeGetVersion () const override
 Must return the current versioning number of the object. More...
void serializeTo (mrpt::serialization::CArchive &out) const override
 Pure virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract archive. More...
void serializeFrom (mrpt::serialization::CArchive &in, uint8_t serial_version) override
 Pure virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract archive. More...
PLY Import virtual methods to implement in base classes
virtual void PLY_import_set_vertex_count (const size_t N) override
 In a base class, reserve memory to prepare subsequent calls to PLY_import_set_vertex. More...
virtual void PLY_import_set_face_count (const size_t N) override
 In a base class, reserve memory to prepare subsequent calls to PLY_import_set_face. More...
virtual void PLY_import_set_vertex (const size_t idx, const mrpt::math::TPoint3Df &pt, const mrpt::img::TColorf *pt_color=nullptr) override
 In a base class, will be called after PLY_import_set_vertex_count() once for each loaded point. More...
PLY Export virtual methods to implement in base classes
size_t PLY_export_get_vertex_count () const override
 In a base class, return the number of vertices. More...
size_t PLY_export_get_face_count () const override
 In a base class, return the number of faces. More...
void PLY_export_get_vertex (const size_t idx, mrpt::math::TPoint3Df &pt, bool &pt_has_color, mrpt::img::TColorf &pt_color) const override
 In a base class, will be called after PLY_export_get_vertex_count() once for each exported point. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static void checkOpenGLError ()
 Checks glGetError and throws an exception if an error situation is found. More...
static unsigned int getNewTextureNumber ()
 Returns the lowest next free texture name (avoid using OpenGL's own function since we may call them from different threads and seem it's not cool). More...
static void releaseTextureName (unsigned int i)

Protected Attributes

enum mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::Axis m_colorFromDepth
std::vector< float > m_xs
std::vector< float > m_ys
std::vector< float > m_zs
float m_pointSize
 By default is 1.0. More...
bool m_pointSmooth
 Default: false. More...
volatile size_t m_last_rendered_count
volatile size_t m_last_rendered_count_ongoing
std::string m_name
bool m_show_name
mrpt::img::TColor m_color
 Color components in the range [0,255]. More...
mrpt::poses::CPose3D m_pose
 6D pose wrt the parent coordinate reference. More...
float m_scale_x
 Scale components to apply to the object (default=1) More...
float m_scale_y
float m_scale_z
bool m_visible
 Is the object visible? (default=true) More...

Private Member Functions

void internal_render_one_point (size_t i) const

Private Attributes

float m_min
 Buffer for min/max coords when m_colorFromDepth is true. More...
float m_max
float m_max_m_min
float m_max_m_min_inv
mrpt::img::TColorf m_col_slop
 Color linear function slope. More...
mrpt::img::TColorf m_col_slop_inv
bool m_minmax_valid
mrpt::img::TColorf m_colorFromDepth_min
 The colors used to interpolate when m_colorFromDepth is true. More...
mrpt::img::TColorf m_colorFromDepth_max

RTTI stuff

using Ptr = std::shared_ptr< CPointCloud >
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const CPointCloud >
using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< CPointCloud >
using ConstUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< const CPointCloud >
static mrpt::rtti::CLASSINIT _init_CPointCloud
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId runtimeClassId
static constexpr const char * className = "CPointCloud"
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId_GetBaseClass ()
static constexpr auto getClassName ()
static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassIdGetRuntimeClassIdStatic ()
static mrpt::rtti::CObjectCreateObject ()
template<typename... Args>
static Ptr Create (Args &&... args)
template<typename... Args>
static UniquePtr CreateUnique (Args &&... args)
virtual const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassIdGetRuntimeClass () const override
 Returns information about the class of an object in runtime. More...
virtual mrpt::rtti::CObjectclone () const override
 Returns a deep copy (clone) of the object, indepently of its class. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPtr

◆ ConstUniquePtr

using mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::ConstUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<const CPointCloud >

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ Ptr

A type for the associated smart pointer

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ UniquePtr

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 70 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ Axis


Definition at line 50 of file CPointCloud.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CPointCloud()

CPointCloud::CPointCloud ( )


Definition at line 52 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

◆ ~CPointCloud()

virtual mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::~CPointCloud ( )

Private, virtual destructor: only can be deleted from smart pointers.

Definition at line 294 of file CPointCloud.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _GetBaseClass()

static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::_GetBaseClass ( )

◆ checkOpenGLError()

◆ clear()

void CPointCloud::clear ( )

Empty the list of points.

Definition at line 301 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

Referenced by setAllPointsFast().

◆ clone()

virtual mrpt::rtti::CObject* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::clone ( ) const

Returns a deep copy (clone) of the object, indepently of its class.

Implements mrpt::rtti::CObject.

◆ Create()

template<typename... Args>
static Ptr mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::Create ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::getAs3DObject().

◆ CreateObject()

static mrpt::rtti::CObject* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::CreateObject ( )

◆ CreateUnique()

template<typename... Args>
static UniquePtr mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::CreateUnique ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ disablePointSmooth()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::disablePointSmooth ( )

Definition at line 274 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_pointSmooth.

◆ duplicateGetSmartPtr()

mrpt::rtti::CObject::Ptr CObject::duplicateGetSmartPtr ( ) const

Returns a copy of the object, indepently of its class, as a smart pointer (the newly created object will exist as long as any copy of this smart pointer).

Definition at line 168 of file CObject.h.

References mrpt::rtti::CObject::clone().

Referenced by mrpt::obs::CRawlog::addActions(), and mrpt::obs::CRawlog::addObservations().

◆ enableColorFromX()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::enableColorFromX ( bool  v = true)

Definition at line 254 of file CPointCloud.h.

References colNone, colX, and m_colorFromDepth.

◆ enableColorFromY()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::enableColorFromY ( bool  v = true)

Definition at line 258 of file CPointCloud.h.

References colNone, colY, and m_colorFromDepth.

◆ enableColorFromZ()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::enableColorFromZ ( bool  v = true)

Definition at line 262 of file CPointCloud.h.

References colNone, colZ, and m_colorFromDepth.

◆ enablePointSmooth()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::enablePointSmooth ( bool  enable = true)

Definition at line 270 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_pointSmooth.

◆ enableShowName()

void mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::enableShowName ( bool  showName = true)

Enables or disables showing the name of the object as a label when rendering.

Definition at line 83 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_show_name.

◆ getActuallyRendered()

size_t mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getActuallyRendered ( ) const

Get the number of elements actually rendered in the last render event.

Definition at line 249 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_last_rendered_count.

◆ getArrayX()

const std::vector<float>& mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getArrayX ( ) const

Get a const reference to the internal array of X coordinates.

Definition at line 161 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_xs.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud >::getPointXYZ().

◆ getArrayY()

const std::vector<float>& mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getArrayY ( ) const

Get a const reference to the internal array of Y coordinates.

Definition at line 163 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_ys.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud >::getPointXYZ().

◆ getArrayZ()

const std::vector<float>& mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getArrayZ ( ) const

Get a const reference to the internal array of Z coordinates.

Definition at line 165 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_zs.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud >::getPointXYZ().

◆ getBoundingBox()

virtual void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getBoundingBox ( mrpt::math::TPoint3D bb_min,
mrpt::math::TPoint3D bb_max 
) const

Evaluates the bounding box of this object (including possible children) in the coordinate frame of the object parent.

Implements mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable.

Definition at line 105 of file CPointCloud.h.

References mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_getBoundingBox().

◆ getClassName()

static constexpr auto mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getClassName ( )

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ getColor()

mrpt::img::TColorf mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColor ( ) const

Returns the object color property as a TColorf.

Definition at line 232 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COctoMap::getAsOctoMapVoxels(), and mrpt::maps::CColouredOctoMap::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

◆ getColor_u8()

const mrpt::img::TColor& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColor_u8 ( ) const

Returns the object color property as a TColor.

Definition at line 252 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color.

◆ getColorA()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColorA ( ) const

Color components in the range [0,1].

Definition at line 155 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::img::TColor::A, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ getColorA_u8()

uint8_t mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColorA_u8 ( ) const

Color components in the range [0,255].

Definition at line 163 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::img::TColor::A, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color.

◆ getColorB()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColorB ( ) const

Color components in the range [0,1].

Definition at line 153 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::img::TColor::B, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ getColorB_u8()

uint8_t mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColorB_u8 ( ) const

Color components in the range [0,255].

Definition at line 161 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::img::TColor::B, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color.

◆ getColorG()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColorG ( ) const

Color components in the range [0,1].

Definition at line 151 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::img::TColor::G, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ getColorG_u8()

uint8_t mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColorG_u8 ( ) const

Color components in the range [0,255].

Definition at line 159 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::img::TColor::G, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color.

◆ getColorR()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColorR ( ) const

Color components in the range [0,1].

Definition at line 149 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color, and mrpt::img::TColor::R.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ getColorR_u8()

uint8_t mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getColorR_u8 ( ) const

Color components in the range [0,255].

Definition at line 157 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color, and mrpt::img::TColor::R.

◆ getLoadPLYErrorString()

std::string mrpt::opengl::PLY_Importer::getLoadPLYErrorString ( ) const

Return a description of the error if loadFromPlyFile() returned false, or an empty string if the file was loaded without problems.

Definition at line 44 of file PLY_import_export.h.

References mrpt::opengl::PLY_Importer::m_ply_import_last_error.

◆ getName()

const std::string& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getName ( ) const

Returns the name of the object.

Definition at line 68 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_name.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ getNewTextureNumber()

unsigned int CRenderizable::getNewTextureNumber ( )

Returns the lowest next free texture name (avoid using OpenGL's own function since we may call them from different threads and seem it's not cool).

Returns the lowest, free texture name.

Definition at line 71 of file CRenderizable.cpp.


◆ getPoint()

mrpt::math::TPoint3D mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getPoint ( size_t  i) const

Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug).

Definition at line 184 of file CPointCloud.h.

References ASSERT_BELOW_, m_xs, m_ys, m_zs, and size().

◆ getPointf()

mrpt::math::TPoint3Df mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getPointf ( size_t  i) const

Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug).

Definition at line 194 of file CPointCloud.h.

References ASSERT_BELOW_, m_xs, m_ys, m_zs, and size().

◆ getPointSize()

float mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::getPointSize ( ) const

Definition at line 269 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_pointSize.

◆ getPose()

mrpt::math::TPose3D CRenderizable::getPose ( ) const

Returns the 3D pose of the object as TPose3D.

Definition at line 343 of file CRenderizable.cpp.

References mrpt::poses::CPose3D::asTPose(), and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose.

◆ getPosePitch()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPosePitch ( ) const

Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in DEGREES.

Definition at line 139 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, mrpt::poses::CPose3D::pitch(), and mrpt::RAD2DEG().

◆ getPosePitchRad()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPosePitchRad ( ) const

Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in radians.

Definition at line 145 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, and mrpt::poses::CPose3D::pitch().

◆ getPoseRef()

const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseRef ( ) const

Returns a const ref to the 3D pose of the object as mrpt::poses::CPose3D (which explicitly contains the 3x3 rotation matrix)

Definition at line 109 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ getPoseRoll()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseRoll ( ) const

Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in DEGREES.

Definition at line 141 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, mrpt::RAD2DEG(), and mrpt::poses::CPose3D::roll().

◆ getPoseRollRad()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseRollRad ( ) const

Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in radians.

Definition at line 147 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, and mrpt::poses::CPose3D::roll().

◆ getPoseX()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseX ( ) const

Translation relative to parent coordinate origin.

Definition at line 131 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, and mrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< DERIVEDCLASS >::x().

◆ getPoseY()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseY ( ) const

Translation relative to parent coordinate origin.

Definition at line 133 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, and mrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< DERIVEDCLASS >::y().

◆ getPoseYaw()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseYaw ( ) const

Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in DEGREES.

Definition at line 137 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, mrpt::RAD2DEG(), and mrpt::poses::CPose3D::yaw().

◆ getPoseYawRad()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseYawRad ( ) const

Rotation relative to parent coordinate origin, in radians.

Definition at line 143 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, and mrpt::poses::CPose3D::yaw().

◆ getPoseZ()

double mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseZ ( ) const

Translation relative to parent coordinate origin.

Definition at line 135 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose.

◆ GetRuntimeClass()

virtual const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::GetRuntimeClass ( ) const

Returns information about the class of an object in runtime.

Reimplemented from mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable.

◆ GetRuntimeClassIdStatic()

static const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId& mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::GetRuntimeClassIdStatic ( )

◆ getSavePLYErrorString()

std::string mrpt::opengl::PLY_Exporter::getSavePLYErrorString ( ) const

Return a description of the error if loadFromPlyFile() returned false, or an empty string if the file was loaded without problems.

Definition at line 104 of file PLY_import_export.h.

References mrpt::opengl::PLY_Exporter::m_ply_export_last_error.

◆ getScaleX()

float mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getScaleX ( ) const

Get the current scaling factor in one axis.

Definition at line 226 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_x.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ getScaleY()

float mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getScaleY ( ) const

Get the current scaling factor in one axis.

Definition at line 228 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_y.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ getScaleZ()

float mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getScaleZ ( ) const

Get the current scaling factor in one axis.

Definition at line 230 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_z.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ insertPoint()

void CPointCloud::insertPoint ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Adds a new point to the cloud.

Definition at line 312 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

◆ internal_render_one_point()

void CPointCloud::internal_render_one_point ( size_t  i) const

Definition at line 159 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

References glColor4f(), glVertex3f(), min, and MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM.

◆ isPointSmoothEnabled()

bool mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::isPointSmoothEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 275 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_pointSmooth.

◆ isShowNameEnabled()

bool mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::isShowNameEnabled ( ) const

◆ isVisible()

bool mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::isVisible ( ) const

Is the object visible?

See also

Definition at line 69 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_visible.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderSetOfObjects().

◆ loadFromPlyFile()

bool PLY_Importer::loadFromPlyFile ( const std::string filename,
std::vector< std::string > *  file_comments = nullptr,
std::vector< std::string > *  file_obj_info = nullptr 

Loads from a PLY file.

[in]filenameThe filename to open. It can be either in binary or text format.
[out]file_commentsIf provided (!=nullptr) the list of comment strings stored in the file will be returned.
[out]file_obj_infoIf provided (!=nullptr) the list of "object info" strings stored in the file will be returned.
false on any error in the file format or reading it. To obtain more details on the error you can call getLoadPLYErrorString()

Definition at line 1857 of file PLY_import_export.cpp.

References TVertex::b, TVertex::g, TVertex::intensity, ply_close(), ply_get_comments(), ply_get_element(), ply_get_element_description(), ply_get_obj_info(), ply_get_property(), ply_open_for_reading(), TVertex::r, VAL_NOT_SET, vert_props, TVertex::x, TVertex::y, and TVertex::z.

◆ loadFromPointsList()

template<class LISTOFPOINTS >
void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::loadFromPointsList ( LISTOFPOINTS &  pointsList)

Load the points from a list of mrpt::math::TPoint3D.

Definition at line 226 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_xs, m_ys, m_zs, markAllPointsAsNew(), MRPT_END, and MRPT_START.

◆ loadFromPointsMap()

template<class POINTSMAP >
void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::loadFromPointsMap ( const POINTSMAP *  themap)

Load the points from any other point map class supported by the adapter mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter.

Definition at line 366 of file CPointCloud.h.

References ASSERT_.

◆ markAllPointsAsNew()

void CPointCloud::markAllPointsAsNew ( )

Do needed internal work if all points are new (octree rebuilt,...)

Definition at line 355 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

Referenced by loadFromPointsList(), resize(), setAllPoints(), setAllPointsFast(), and setPoint_fast().

◆ octree_assure_uptodate()

void mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_assure_uptodate ( ) const

Must be called at children class' render() previously to octree_render()

Definition at line 85 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ octree_debug_dump_tree()

void mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_debug_dump_tree ( std::ostream &  o) const

Used for debug only.

Definition at line 759 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ octree_derived() [1/2]

CPointCloud & mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_derived ( )

Definition at line 77 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ octree_derived() [2/2]

const CPointCloud & mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_derived ( ) const

Definition at line 78 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ octree_get_graphics_boundingboxes()

void mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_get_graphics_boundingboxes ( mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects gl_bb,
const double  lines_width = 1,
const mrpt::img::TColorf lines_color = mrpt::img::TColorf(1, 1, 1),
const bool  draw_solid_boxes = false 
) const

Returns a graphical representation of all the bounding boxes of the octree (leaf) nodes.

[in]draw_solid_boxesIf false, will draw solid boxes of color lines_color. Otherwise, wireframe boxes will be drawn.

Definition at line 735 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ octree_get_node_count()

size_t mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_get_node_count ( ) const

Return the number of octree nodes (all of them, including the empty ones)

See also

Definition at line 719 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ octree_get_visible_nodes()

size_t mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_get_visible_nodes ( ) const

Return the number of visible octree nodes in the last render event.

Definition at line 721 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ octree_getBoundingBox()

void mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_getBoundingBox ( mrpt::math::TPoint3D bb_min,
mrpt::math::TPoint3D bb_max 
) const

Definition at line 119 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

Referenced by getBoundingBox().

◆ octree_mark_as_outdated()

void mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_mark_as_outdated ( )

Called from the derived class (or the user) to indicate we have/want to rebuild the entire node tree (for example, after modifying the point cloud or any global octree parameter)

Definition at line 725 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ octree_render()

void mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud >::octree_render ( const mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::TRenderInfo ri) const

Render the entire octree recursively.

Should be called from children's render() method.

Definition at line 94 of file COctreePointRenderer.h.

◆ operator delete() [1/3]

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator delete ( void ptr,
const std::nothrow_t &   

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ operator delete() [2/3]

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator delete ( void ptr)

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ operator delete() [3/3]

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator delete ( void memory,
void ptr 

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ operator delete[]()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator delete[] ( void ptr)

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ operator new() [1/3]

void* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator new ( size_t  size,
const std::nothrow_t &   

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ operator new() [2/3]

void* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator new ( size_t  size)

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ operator new() [3/3]

static void* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator new ( size_t  size,
void ptr 

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ operator new[]()

void* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator new[] ( size_t  size)

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ operator[]()

mrpt::math::TPoint3D mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::operator[] ( size_t  i) const

Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug).

Definition at line 174 of file CPointCloud.h.

References ASSERT_BELOW_, m_xs, m_ys, m_zs, and size().

◆ PLY_export_get_face_count()

size_t mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::PLY_export_get_face_count ( ) const

In a base class, return the number of faces.

Implements mrpt::opengl::PLY_Exporter.

Definition at line 96 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ PLY_export_get_vertex()

void CPointCloud::PLY_export_get_vertex ( const size_t  idx,
mrpt::math::TPoint3Df pt,
bool &  pt_has_color,
mrpt::img::TColorf pt_color 
) const

In a base class, will be called after PLY_export_get_vertex_count() once for each exported point.

pt_colorWill be nullptr if the loaded file does not provide color info.

Implements mrpt::opengl::PLY_Exporter.

Definition at line 388 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

References MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM, mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::x, mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::y, and mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::z.

◆ PLY_export_get_vertex_count()

size_t CPointCloud::PLY_export_get_vertex_count ( ) const

In a base class, return the number of vertices.

Implements mrpt::opengl::PLY_Exporter.

Definition at line 382 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

◆ PLY_import_set_face_count()

virtual void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::PLY_import_set_face_count ( const size_t  N)

In a base class, reserve memory to prepare subsequent calls to PLY_import_set_face.

Implements mrpt::opengl::PLY_Importer.

Definition at line 78 of file CPointCloud.h.


◆ PLY_import_set_vertex()

void CPointCloud::PLY_import_set_vertex ( const size_t  idx,
const mrpt::math::TPoint3Df pt,
const mrpt::img::TColorf pt_color = nullptr 

In a base class, will be called after PLY_import_set_vertex_count() once for each loaded point.

pt_colorWill be nullptr if the loaded file does not provide color info.

Implements mrpt::opengl::PLY_Importer.

Definition at line 373 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

References MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM, mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::x, mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::y, and mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::z.

◆ PLY_import_set_vertex_count()

void CPointCloud::PLY_import_set_vertex_count ( const size_t  N)

In a base class, reserve memory to prepare subsequent calls to PLY_import_set_vertex.

Implements mrpt::opengl::PLY_Importer.

Definition at line 363 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

◆ readFromStreamRender()

◆ releaseTextureName()

void CRenderizable::releaseTextureName ( unsigned int  i)

◆ render()

◆ render_subset()

void CPointCloud::render_subset ( const bool  all,
const std::vector< size_t > &  idxs,
const float  render_area_sqpixels 
) const

Render a subset of points (required by octree renderer)

Definition at line 185 of file CPointCloud.cpp.


◆ renderTextBitmap() [1/2]

void CRenderizable::renderTextBitmap ( const char *  str,
void fontStyle 

This method is safe for calling from within ::render() methods.

See also
renderTextBitmap, mrpt::opengl::gl_utils

Definition at line 367 of file CRenderizable.cpp.

References mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::renderTextBitmap().

◆ renderTextBitmap() [2/2]

void CRenderizable::renderTextBitmap ( int  screen_x,
int  screen_y,
const std::string str,
float  color_r = 1,
float  color_g = 1,
float  color_b = 1,
mrpt::opengl::TOpenGLFont  font = mrpt::opengl::MRPT_GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 

Render a text message in the current rendering context, creating a glViewport in the way (do not call within ::render() methods)

  • Coordinates (x,y) are 2D pixels, starting at bottom-left of the viewport. Negative numbers will wrap to the opposite side of the viewport (e.g. x=-10 means 10px fromt the right).
  • The text color is defined by (color_r,color_g,color_b), each float numbers in the range [0,1].
    See also
    renderTextBitmap, textBitmapWidth, mrpt::opengl::gl_utils

Definition at line 318 of file gl_utils.cpp.

References aux_mrptfont2glutfont(), GL_DEPTH_TEST, GL_MODELVIEW, GL_PROJECTION, GL_TRANSFORM_BIT, GL_VIEWPORT, GL_VIEWPORT_BIT, glColor3f(), glDisable(), glEnable(), glGetIntegerv(), glLoadIdentity(), glMatrixMode(), glPopAttrib(), glPopMatrix(), glPushAttrib(), glPushMatrix(), glRasterPos3f(), glViewport(), and MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM.

◆ reserve()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::reserve ( size_t  N)

Like STL std::vector's reserve.

Definition at line 127 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_xs, m_ys, and m_zs.

◆ resize()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::resize ( size_t  N)

Set the number of points (with contents undefined)

Definition at line 117 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_minmax_valid, m_xs, m_ys, m_zs, and markAllPointsAsNew().

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud >::resize().

◆ saveToPlyFile()

bool PLY_Exporter::saveToPlyFile ( const std::string filename,
bool  save_in_binary = false,
const std::vector< std::string > &  file_comments = std::vector<std::string>(),
const std::vector< std::string > &  file_obj_info = std::vector<std::string>() 
) const

Saves to a PLY file.

[in]filenameThe filename to be saved.
[in]file_commentsIf provided (!=nullptr) the list of comment strings stored in the file will be returned.
[in]file_obj_infoIf provided (!=nullptr) the list of "object info" strings stored in the file will be returned.
false on any error writing the file. To obtain more details on the error you can call getSavePLYErrorString()

Definition at line 1960 of file PLY_import_export.cpp.

References mrpt::img::TColorf::B, face_props, mrpt::img::TColorf::G, TVertex::intensity, PLY_ASCII, PLY_BINARY_BE, PLY_BINARY_LE, ply_close(), ply_describe_property(), ply_element_count(), ply_header_complete(), ply_open_for_writing(), ply_put_comment(), ply_put_element(), ply_put_element_setup(), ply_put_obj_info(), mrpt::img::TColorf::R, vert_props, mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::x, TVertex::x, mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::y, TVertex::y, mrpt::math::TPoint3Df::z, and TVertex::z.

◆ serializeFrom()

void CPointCloud::serializeFrom ( mrpt::serialization::CArchive in,
uint8_t  serial_version 

Pure virtual method for reading (deserializing) from an abstract archive.

Users don't call this method directly. Instead, use stream >> object;.

inThe input binary stream where the object data must read from.
versionThe version of the object stored in the stream: use this version number in your code to know how to read the incoming data.
std::exceptionOn any I/O error

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 238 of file CPointCloud.cpp.


◆ serializeGetVersion()

uint8_t CPointCloud::serializeGetVersion ( ) const

Must return the current versioning number of the object.

Start in zero for new classes, and increments each time there is a change in the stored format.

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 217 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

◆ serializeTo()

void CPointCloud::serializeTo ( mrpt::serialization::CArchive out) const

Pure virtual method for writing (serializing) to an abstract archive.

Users don't call this method directly. Instead, use stream << object;.

std::exceptionOn any I/O error

Implements mrpt::serialization::CSerializable.

Definition at line 218 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

◆ setAllPoints()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::setAllPoints ( const std::vector< float > &  x,
const std::vector< float > &  y,
const std::vector< float > &  z 

Set the list of (X,Y,Z) point coordinates, all at once, from three vectors with their coordinates.

Definition at line 136 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_minmax_valid, m_xs, m_ys, m_zs, and markAllPointsAsNew().

◆ setAllPointsFast()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::setAllPointsFast ( std::vector< float > &  x,
std::vector< float > &  y,
std::vector< float > &  z 

Set the list of (X,Y,Z) point coordinates, DESTROYING the contents of the input vectors (via swap)

Definition at line 149 of file CPointCloud.h.

References clear(), m_minmax_valid, m_ys, m_zs, and markAllPointsAsNew().

◆ setColor() [1/2]

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColor ( const mrpt::img::TColorf c)

Changes the default object color.

a ref to this

Definition at line 237 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColor_u8().

Referenced by mrpt::hwdrivers::CSkeletonTracker::processPreview().

◆ setColor() [2/2]

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColor ( double  R,
double  G,
double  B,
double  A = 1 

Set the color components of this object (R,G,B,Alpha, in the range 0-1)

a ref to this

Definition at line 246 of file CRenderizable.h.

References G, R, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColor_u8().

◆ setColor_u8() [1/2]

◆ setColor_u8() [2/2]

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColor_u8 ( uint8_t  R,
uint8_t  G,
uint8_t  B,
uint8_t  A = 255 

Set the color components of this object (R,G,B,Alpha, in the range 0-255)

a ref to this

Definition at line 258 of file CRenderizable.h.

References G, R, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColor_u8().

◆ setColorA()

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorA ( const double  a)

Color components in the range [0,1].

a ref to this

Definition at line 180 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorA_u8().

◆ setColorA_u8()

virtual CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorA_u8 ( const uint8_t  a)

◆ setColorB()

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorB ( const double  b)

Color components in the range [0,1].

a ref to this

Definition at line 175 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorB_u8().

◆ setColorB_u8()

virtual CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorB_u8 ( const uint8_t  b)

◆ setColorG()

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorG ( const double  g)

Color components in the range [0,1].

a ref to this

Definition at line 170 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorG_u8().

◆ setColorG_u8()

virtual CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorG_u8 ( const uint8_t  g)

◆ setColorR()

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorR ( const double  r)

Color components in the range [0,1].

a ref to this

Definition at line 165 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorR_u8().

◆ setColorR_u8()

virtual CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColorR_u8 ( const uint8_t  r)

◆ setGradientColors()

void CPointCloud::setGradientColors ( const mrpt::img::TColorf colorMin,
const mrpt::img::TColorf colorMax 

Sets the colors used as extremes when colorFromDepth is enabled.

Definition at line 347 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

◆ setLocation() [1/2]

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setLocation ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Changes the location of the object, keeping untouched the orientation.

a ref to this

Definition at line 112 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, mrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< DERIVEDCLASS >::x(), and mrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< DERIVEDCLASS >::y().

◆ setLocation() [2/2]

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setLocation ( const mrpt::math::TPoint3D p)

Changes the location of the object, keeping untouched the orientation.

a ref to this

Definition at line 122 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose, mrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< DERIVEDCLASS >::x(), and mrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< DERIVEDCLASS >::y().

◆ setName()

void mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setName ( const std::string n)

Changes the name of the object.

Definition at line 66 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_name.

◆ setPoint()

void CPointCloud::setPoint ( size_t  i,
const float  x,
const float  y,
const float  z 

Write an individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug).

Definition at line 327 of file CPointCloud.cpp.

References ASSERT_BELOW_.

◆ setPoint_fast()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::setPoint_fast ( size_t  i,
const float  x,
const float  y,
const float  z 

Write an individual point (without checking validity of the index).

Definition at line 207 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_minmax_valid, m_xs, m_ys, m_zs, and markAllPointsAsNew().

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud >::setPointXYZ().

◆ setPointSize()

void mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::setPointSize ( float  p)

By default is 1.0.

Definition at line 268 of file CPointCloud.h.

References m_pointSize.

◆ setPose() [1/6]

CRenderizable & CRenderizable::setPose ( const mrpt::poses::CPose3D o)

Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::poses::CPose3D object (return a ref to this)

Definition at line 309 of file CRenderizable.cpp.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose.

Referenced by mrpt::hwdrivers::CSkeletonTracker::processPreview().

◆ setPose() [2/6]

CRenderizable & CRenderizable::setPose ( const mrpt::poses::CPose2D o)

Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::poses::CPose3D object (return a ref to this)

Definition at line 314 of file CRenderizable.cpp.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose.

◆ setPose() [3/6]

CRenderizable & CRenderizable::setPose ( const mrpt::math::TPose3D o)

Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::math::TPose3D object (return a ref to this)

Definition at line 319 of file CRenderizable.cpp.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose.

◆ setPose() [4/6]

CRenderizable & CRenderizable::setPose ( const mrpt::math::TPose2D o)

Set the 3D pose from a mrpt::math::TPose3D object (return a ref to this)

Definition at line 324 of file CRenderizable.cpp.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose.

◆ setPose() [5/6]

CRenderizable & CRenderizable::setPose ( const mrpt::poses::CPoint3D o)

◆ setPose() [6/6]

CRenderizable & CRenderizable::setPose ( const mrpt::poses::CPoint2D o)

◆ setScale() [1/2]

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setScale ( float  s)

Scale to apply to the object, in all three axes (default=1)

a ref to this

Definition at line 211 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_x, mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_y, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_z.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::CText3D::CText3D().

◆ setScale() [2/2]

CRenderizable& mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setScale ( float  sx,
float  sy,
float  sz 

Scale to apply to the object in each axis (default=1)

a ref to this

Definition at line 218 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_x, mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_y, and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_z.

◆ setVisibility()

void mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setVisibility ( bool  visible = true)

Set object visibility (default=true)

See also

Definition at line 74 of file CRenderizable.h.

References mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_visible.

◆ size()

size_t mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::size ( ) const

◆ textBitmapWidth()

int CRenderizable::textBitmapWidth ( const std::string str,
mrpt::opengl::TOpenGLFont  font = mrpt::opengl::MRPT_GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 

Return the exact width in pixels for a given string, as will be rendered by renderTextBitmap().

See also
renderTextBitmap, mrpt::opengl::gl_utils

Definition at line 376 of file CRenderizable.cpp.

References mrpt::opengl::gl_utils::textBitmapWidth().

◆ traceRay()

bool CRenderizable::traceRay ( const mrpt::poses::CPose3D o,
double &  dist 
) const

◆ writeToMatlab()

virtual mxArray* mrpt::serialization::CSerializable::writeToMatlab ( ) const

Introduces a pure virtual method responsible for writing to a mxArray Matlab object, typically a MATLAB struct whose contents are documented in each derived class.

A new mxArray (caller is responsible of memory freeing) or nullptr is class does not support conversion to MATLAB.

Definition at line 68 of file CSerializable.h.

◆ writeToStreamRender()

Member Data Documentation

◆ _init_CPointCloud

mrpt::rtti::CLASSINIT mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::_init_CPointCloud

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ className

constexpr const char* mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::className = "CPointCloud"

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_col_slop

mrpt::img::TColorf mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_col_slop

Color linear function slope.

Definition at line 299 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_col_slop_inv

mrpt::img::TColorf mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_col_slop_inv

Definition at line 299 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_color

mrpt::img::TColor mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_color

◆ m_colorFromDepth

enum mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::Axis mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_colorFromDepth

◆ m_colorFromDepth_max

mrpt::img::TColorf mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_colorFromDepth_max

Definition at line 303 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_colorFromDepth_min

mrpt::img::TColorf mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_colorFromDepth_min

The colors used to interpolate when m_colorFromDepth is true.

Definition at line 303 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_last_rendered_count

volatile size_t mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_last_rendered_count

Definition at line 63 of file CPointCloud.h.

Referenced by getActuallyRendered().

◆ m_last_rendered_count_ongoing

volatile size_t mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_last_rendered_count_ongoing

Definition at line 63 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_max

float mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_max

Definition at line 297 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_max_m_min

float mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_max_m_min

Definition at line 297 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_max_m_min_inv

float mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_max_m_min_inv

Definition at line 297 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_min

float mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_min

Buffer for min/max coords when m_colorFromDepth is true.

Definition at line 297 of file CPointCloud.h.

◆ m_minmax_valid

bool mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_minmax_valid

Definition at line 300 of file CPointCloud.h.

Referenced by resize(), setAllPoints(), setAllPointsFast(), and setPoint_fast().

◆ m_name

◆ m_pointSize

float mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_pointSize

By default is 1.0.

Definition at line 59 of file CPointCloud.h.

Referenced by getPointSize(), and setPointSize().

◆ m_pointSmooth

bool mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_pointSmooth

Default: false.

Definition at line 61 of file CPointCloud.h.

Referenced by disablePointSmooth(), enablePointSmooth(), and isPointSmoothEnabled().

◆ m_pose

mrpt::poses::CPose3D mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_pose

6D pose wrt the parent coordinate reference.

This class automatically holds the cached 3x3 rotation matrix for quick load into opengl stack.

Definition at line 55 of file CRenderizable.h.

Referenced by mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CBox::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CSimpleLine::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CTexturedPlane::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXY::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CText3D::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXZ::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CFrustum::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CPlanarLaserScan::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CSetOfLines::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CVectorField2D::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CVectorField3D::getBoundingBox(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPose(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPosePitch(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPosePitchRad(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseRef(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseRoll(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseRollRad(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseX(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseY(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseYaw(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseYawRad(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getPoseZ(), mrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron::getSetOfPolygonsAbsolute(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::readFromStreamRender(), mrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate< 3 >::render_dl(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setLocation(), mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setPose(), mrpt::opengl::CTexturedPlane::traceRay(), mrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron::traceRay(), and mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::writeToStreamRender().

◆ m_scale_x

float mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_scale_x

◆ m_scale_y

◆ m_scale_z

◆ m_show_name

◆ m_visible

bool mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::m_visible

◆ m_xs

std::vector<float> mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_xs

◆ m_ys

std::vector<float> mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_ys

◆ m_zs

std::vector<float> mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::m_zs

◆ runtimeClassId

const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::runtimeClassId

Definition at line 48 of file CPointCloud.h.

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