class mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGaussian
Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose
This class implements that PDF using a mono-modal Gaussian distribution. See mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF for more details.
Uncertainty of pose composition operations (
Read also: “A tutorial on SE(3) transformation parameterizations and on-manifold optimization”, in [5]
See also:
CPose3D, CPose3DPDF, CPose3DPDFParticles
#include <mrpt/poses/CPose3DPDFGaussian.h> class CPose3DPDFGaussian: public mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF, public mrpt::Stringifyable { public: // fields CPose3D mean; mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble66 cov; // construction CPose3DPDFGaussian(); CPose3DPDFGaussian(const CPose3D& init_Mean); CPose3DPDFGaussian(TConstructorFlags_Poses constructor_dummy_param); CPose3DPDFGaussian(const CPose3D& init_Mean, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble66& init_Cov); CPose3DPDFGaussian(const CPosePDFGaussian& o); CPose3DPDFGaussian(const CPose3DQuatPDFGaussian& o); // methods const CPose3D& getPoseMean() const; CPose3D& getPoseMean(); void getMean(CPose3D& mean_pose) const; virtual std::tuple<cov_mat_t, type_value> getCovarianceAndMean() const; virtual std::string asString() const; virtual void copyFrom(const CPose3DPDF& o); void copyFrom(const CPosePDF& o); void copyFrom(const CPose3DQuatPDFGaussian& o); virtual bool saveToTextFile(const std::string& file) const; virtual void changeCoordinatesReference(const CPose3D& newReferenceBase); void drawSingleSample(CPose3D& outPart) const; virtual void drawManySamples(size_t N, std::vector<mrpt::math::CVectorDouble>& outSamples) const; virtual void bayesianFusion(const CPose3DPDF& p1, const CPose3DPDF& p2); virtual void inverse(CPose3DPDF& o) const; CPose3DPDFGaussian operator - () const; void operator += (const CPose3D& Ap); void operator += (const CPose3DPDFGaussian& Ap); void operator -= (const CPose3DPDFGaussian& Ap); double evaluatePDF(const CPose3D& x) const; double evaluateNormalizedPDF(const CPose3D& x) const; double mahalanobisDistanceTo(const CPose3DPDFGaussian& theOther); void getCovSubmatrix2D(mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble& out_cov) const; };
Inherited Members
public: // typedefs typedef CProbabilityDensityFunction<TDATA, STATE_LEN> self_t; // methods virtual void copyFrom(const CPose3DPDF& o) = 0; virtual void changeCoordinatesReference(const CPose3D& newReferenceBase) = 0; virtual void bayesianFusion(const CPose3DPDF& p1, const CPose3DPDF& p2) = 0; virtual void inverse(CPose3DPDF& o) const = 0;
CPose3D mean
The mean value.
mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble66 cov
The 6x6 covariance matrix.
Default constructor.
CPose3DPDFGaussian(const CPose3D& init_Mean)
CPose3DPDFGaussian(TConstructorFlags_Poses constructor_dummy_param)
Uninitialized constructor: leave all fields uninitialized - Call with UNINITIALIZED_POSE as argument.
CPose3DPDFGaussian(const CPose3D& init_Mean, const mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble66& init_Cov)
CPose3DPDFGaussian(const CPosePDFGaussian& o)
Constructor from a Gaussian 2D pose PDF (sets to 0 the missing variables z,pitch, and roll).
CPose3DPDFGaussian(const CPose3DQuatPDFGaussian& o)
Constructor from a 6D pose PDF described as a Quaternion.
void getMean(CPose3D& mean_pose) const
Returns an estimate of the pose, (the mean, or mathematical expectation of the PDF).
See also:
virtual std::tuple<cov_mat_t, type_value> getCovarianceAndMean() const
Returns an estimate of the pose covariance matrix (6x6 cov matrix) and the mean, both at once.
See also:
virtual std::string asString() const
Returns a human-friendly textual description of the object.
For classes with a large/complex internal state, only a summary should be returned instead of the exhaustive enumeration of all data members.
virtual void copyFrom(const CPose3DPDF& o)
Copy operator, translating if necessary (for example, between particles and gaussian representations)
void copyFrom(const CPosePDF& o)
Copy operator, translating if necessary (for example, between particles and gaussian representations)
void copyFrom(const CPose3DQuatPDFGaussian& o)
Copy from a 6D pose PDF described as a Quaternion.
virtual bool saveToTextFile(const std::string& file) const
Save the PDF to a text file, containing the 3D pose in the first line, then the covariance matrix in next 3 lines.
virtual void changeCoordinatesReference(const CPose3D& newReferenceBase)
this = p (+) this.
This can be used to convert a PDF from local coordinates to global, providing the point (newReferenceBase) from which “to project” the current pdf. Result PDF substituted the currently stored one in the object.
void drawSingleSample(CPose3D& outPart) const
Draws a single sample from the distribution.
virtual void drawManySamples(size_t N, std::vector<mrpt::math::CVectorDouble>& outSamples) const
Draws a number of samples from the distribution, and saves as a list of 1x6 vectors, where each row contains a (x,y,phi) datum.
virtual void bayesianFusion(const CPose3DPDF& p1, const CPose3DPDF& p2)
Bayesian fusion of two points gauss.
distributions, then save the result in this object. The process is as follows:
(x1,S1): Mean and variance of the p1 distribution.
(x2,S2): Mean and variance of the p2 distribution.
(x,S): Mean and variance of the resulting distribution.
virtual void inverse(CPose3DPDF& o) const
Returns a new PDF such as: NEW_PDF = (0,0,0) - THIS_PDF.
CPose3DPDFGaussian operator - () const
Unary - operator, returns the PDF of the inverse pose.
void operator += (const CPose3D& Ap)
Makes: thisPDF = thisPDF + Ap, where “+” is pose composition (both the mean, and the covariance matrix are updated).
void operator += (const CPose3DPDFGaussian& Ap)
Makes: thisPDF = thisPDF + Ap, where “+” is pose composition (both the mean, and the covariance matrix are updated).
void operator -= (const CPose3DPDFGaussian& Ap)
Makes: thisPDF = thisPDF - Ap, where “-” is pose inverse composition (both the mean, and the covariance matrix are updated).
double evaluatePDF(const CPose3D& x) const
Evaluates the PDF at a given point.
double evaluateNormalizedPDF(const CPose3D& x) const
Evaluates the ratio PDF(x) / PDF(MEAN), that is, the normalized PDF in the range [0,1].
double mahalanobisDistanceTo(const CPose3DPDFGaussian& theOther)
Computes the Mahalanobis distance between the centers of two Gaussians.
The variables with a variance exactly equal to 0 are not taken into account in the process, but “infinity” is returned if the corresponding elements are not exactly equal.
void getCovSubmatrix2D(mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble& out_cov) const
Returns a 3x3 matrix with submatrix of the covariance for the variables (x,y,yaw) only.