MRPT  2.0.4
mrpt::img::CCanvas Member List

This is the complete list of members for mrpt::img::CCanvas, including all inherited members.

drawCircle(int x, int y, int radius, const mrpt::img::TColor &color=mrpt::img::TColor(255, 255, 255), unsigned int width=1)mrpt::img::CCanvasvirtual
drawFeatures(const FEATURELIST &list, const TColor &color=TColor::red(), const bool showIDs=false, const bool showResponse=false, const bool showScale=false, const char marker='+')mrpt::img::CCanvasinline
drawFeaturesSimple(const FEATURELIST &list, const TColor &color=TColor::red(), const int cross_size=5)mrpt::img::CCanvasinline
drawImage(int x, int y, const mrpt::img::CImage &img)mrpt::img::CCanvasvirtual
drawImage(int x, int y, const mrpt::img::CImage &img, float rotation, float scale)mrpt::img::CCanvasvirtual
drawMark(int x0, int y0, const mrpt::img::TColor color, char type, int size=5, unsigned int width=1)mrpt::img::CCanvas
ellipseGaussian(const mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< double, 2, 2 > &cov2D, const double mean_x, const double mean_y, double confIntervalStds=2, const mrpt::img::TColor &color=mrpt::img::TColor(255, 255, 255), unsigned int width=1, int nEllipsePoints=20)mrpt::img::CCanvas
filledRectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const mrpt::img::TColor color)mrpt::img::CCanvasvirtual
getHeight() const =0mrpt::img::CCanvaspure virtual
getWidth() const =0mrpt::img::CCanvaspure virtual
line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const mrpt::img::TColor color, unsigned int width=1, TPenStyle penStyle=psSolid)mrpt::img::CCanvasvirtual
psDash enum valuemrpt::img::CCanvas
psDashDot enum valuemrpt::img::CCanvas
psDashDotDot enum valuemrpt::img::CCanvas
psDot enum valuemrpt::img::CCanvas
psSolid enum valuemrpt::img::CCanvas
rectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const mrpt::img::TColor color, unsigned int width=1)mrpt::img::CCanvas
selectTextFont(const std::string &fontName)mrpt::img::CCanvasvirtual
setPixel(int x, int y, size_t color)=0mrpt::img::CCanvaspure virtual
textOut(int x0, int y0, const std::string &str, const mrpt::img::TColor color)mrpt::img::CCanvasvirtual
TPenStyle enum namemrpt::img::CCanvas
triangle(int x0, int y0, int size, const mrpt::img::TColor color, bool inferior=true, unsigned int width=1)mrpt::img::CCanvas

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