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mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
class mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >

A 3D rectangular grid of dynamic size which stores any kind of data at each voxel.

Template Parameters
TThe type of each voxel in the grid.

Definition at line 26 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

#include <mrpt/containers/CDynamicGrid3D.h>

Inheritance diagram for mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >:

Public Types

using grid_data_t = std::vector< T >
using iterator = typename grid_data_t::iterator
using const_iterator = typename grid_data_t::const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 CDynamicGrid3D (coord_t x_min=-1.0, coord_t x_max=1.0, coord_t y_min=-1.0, coord_t y_max=+1.0, coord_t z_min=-1.0, coord_t z_max=1.0, coord_t resolution_xy=0.5, coord_t resolution_z=0.5)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void resize (coord_t new_x_min, coord_t new_x_max, coord_t new_y_min, coord_t new_y_max, coord_t new_z_min, coord_t new_z_max, const T &defaultValueNewCells, coord_t additionalMarginMeters=2)
 Changes the size of the grid, maintaining previous contents. More...
virtual void setSize (const coord_t x_min, const coord_t x_max, const coord_t y_min, const coord_t y_max, const coord_t z_min, const coord_t z_max, const coord_t resolution_xy, const coord_t resolution_z_=-1.0, const T *fill_value=nullptr)
 Changes the size of the grid, ERASING all previous contents. More...
virtual void clear ()
 Erase the contents of all the cells, setting them to their default values (default ctor). More...
void fill (const T &value)
 Fills all the cells with the same value. More...
bool isOutOfBounds (const int cx, const int cy, const int cz) const
size_t cellAbsIndexFromCXCYCZ (const int cx, const int cy, const int cz) const
 Gets the absolute index of a voxel in the linear container m_map[] from its cx,cy,cz indices, or -1 if out of map bounds (in any dimension). More...
T * cellByPos (coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t z)
 Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its coordinates, or nullptr if it is out of the map extensions. More...
const T * cellByPos (coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t z) const
T & cellRefByPos (coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t z)
 Like cellByPos() but returns a reference. More...
const T & cellRefByPos (coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t z) const
T * cellByIndex (unsigned int cx, unsigned int cy, unsigned int cz)
 Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its voxel indexes, or nullptr if it is out of the map extensions. More...
const T * cellByIndex (unsigned int cx, unsigned int cy, unsigned int cz) const
const T * cellByIndex (size_t cidx) const
 Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its absolute voxel index, or nullptr if it is out of range. More...
T * cellByIndex (size_t cidx)
size_t getSizeX () const
size_t getSizeY () const
size_t getSizeZ () const
size_t getVoxelCount () const
coord_t getXMin () const
coord_t getXMax () const
coord_t getYMin () const
coord_t getYMax () const
coord_t getZMin () const
coord_t getZMax () const
coord_t getResolutionXY () const
coord_t getResolutionZ () const
int x2idx (coord_t x) const
 Transform a coordinate values into voxel indexes. More...
int y2idx (coord_t y) const
int z2idx (coord_t z) const
coord_t idx2x (int cx) const
 Transform a voxel index into a coordinate value of the voxel central point. More...
coord_t idx2y (int cy) const
coord_t idx2z (int cz) const
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
template<class ARCHIVE >
void dyngridcommon_writeToStream (ARCHIVE &out) const
 Serialization of all parameters, except the contents of each voxel (responsability of the derived class) More...
template<class ARCHIVE >
void dyngridcommon_readFromStream (ARCHIVE &in)
 Serialization of all parameters, except the contents of each voxel (responsability of the derived class) More...

Static Public Attributes

static const size_t INVALID_VOXEL_IDX = size_t(-1)

Protected Member Functions

std::vector< T > & m_map_castaway_const () const
 Used only from logically const method that really need to modify the object. More...

Protected Attributes

grid_data_t m_map
 The cells. More...
coord_t m_x_min
coord_t m_x_max
coord_t m_y_min
coord_t m_y_max
coord_t m_z_min
coord_t m_z_max
coord_t m_resolution_xy
coord_t m_resolution_z
size_t m_size_x
size_t m_size_y
size_t m_size_z
size_t m_size_x_times_y

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
using mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::const_iterator = typename grid_data_t::const_iterator

Definition at line 31 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ grid_data_t

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
using mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::grid_data_t = std::vector<T>

Definition at line 29 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ iterator

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
using mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::iterator = typename grid_data_t::iterator

Definition at line 30 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CDynamicGrid3D()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::CDynamicGrid3D ( coord_t  x_min = -1.0,
coord_t  x_max = 1.0,
coord_t  y_min = -1.0,
coord_t  y_max = +1.0,
coord_t  z_min = -1.0,
coord_t  z_max = 1.0,
coord_t  resolution_xy = 0.5,
coord_t  resolution_z = 0.5 


Definition at line 34 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
iterator mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::begin ( )

Definition at line 352 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
const_iterator mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::begin ( ) const

Definition at line 354 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellAbsIndexFromCXCYCZ()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellAbsIndexFromCXCYCZ ( const int  cx,
const int  cy,
const int  cz 
) const

Gets the absolute index of a voxel in the linear container m_map[] from its cx,cy,cz indices, or -1 if out of map bounds (in any dimension).

See also
x2idx(), y2idx(), z2idx()

Definition at line 240 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL >::cellByIndex(), and mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL >::cellByPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cellByIndex() [1/4]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
T* mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellByIndex ( unsigned int  cx,
unsigned int  cy,
unsigned int  cz 

Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its voxel indexes, or nullptr if it is out of the map extensions.

Definition at line 285 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getCellFreeness(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeFrom(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeTo(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::setCellFreeness(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::updateCell(), mrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMap3D< OccGridCellTraits::cellType >::updateCell_fast_free(), and mrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMap3D< OccGridCellTraits::cellType >::updateCell_fast_occupied().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cellByIndex() [2/4]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
const T* mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellByIndex ( unsigned int  cx,
unsigned int  cy,
unsigned int  cz 
) const

Definition at line 291 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByIndex() [3/4]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
const T* mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellByIndex ( size_t  cidx) const

Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its absolute voxel index, or nullptr if it is out of range.

Definition at line 302 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByIndex() [4/4]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
T* mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellByIndex ( size_t  cidx)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 308 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellByPos() [1/2]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
T* mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellByPos ( coord_t  x,
coord_t  y,
coord_t  z 

Returns a pointer to the contents of a voxel given by its coordinates, or nullptr if it is out of the map extensions.

Definition at line 250 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL >::cellRefByPos(), and TEST().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cellByPos() [2/2]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
const T* mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellByPos ( coord_t  x,
coord_t  y,
coord_t  z 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 258 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellRefByPos() [1/2]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
T& mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellRefByPos ( coord_t  x,
coord_t  y,
coord_t  z 

Like cellByPos() but returns a reference.

std::out_of_rangeif out of grid limits.

Definition at line 268 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ cellRefByPos() [2/2]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
const T& mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::cellRefByPos ( coord_t  x,
coord_t  y,
coord_t  z 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 275 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ clear()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
virtual void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::clear ( )

Erase the contents of all the cells, setting them to their default values (default ctor).

Reimplemented in mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D.

Definition at line 215 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::clear().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dyngridcommon_readFromStream()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
template<class ARCHIVE >
void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::dyngridcommon_readFromStream ( ARCHIVE &  in)

Serialization of all parameters, except the contents of each voxel (responsability of the derived class)

Definition at line 382 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeFrom().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dyngridcommon_writeToStream()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
template<class ARCHIVE >
void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::dyngridcommon_writeToStream ( ARCHIVE &  out) const

Serialization of all parameters, except the contents of each voxel (responsability of the derived class)

Definition at line 371 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ end() [1/2]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
iterator mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::end ( )

Definition at line 353 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ end() [2/2]

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
const_iterator mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::end ( ) const

Definition at line 355 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ fill()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::fill ( const T &  value)

Fills all the cells with the same value.

Definition at line 223 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::fill().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getResolutionXY()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getResolutionXY ( ) const

Definition at line 324 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::internal_clear().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getResolutionZ()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getResolutionZ ( ) const

Definition at line 325 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSizeX()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getSizeX ( ) const

Definition at line 314 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeFrom(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSizeY()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getSizeY ( ) const

Definition at line 315 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeFrom(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSizeZ()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getSizeZ ( ) const

Definition at line 316 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeFrom(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::serializeTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getVoxelCount()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getVoxelCount ( ) const

Definition at line 317 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ getXMax()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getXMax ( ) const

Definition at line 319 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getXMin()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getXMin ( ) const

Definition at line 318 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getYMax()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getYMax ( ) const

Definition at line 321 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getYMin()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getYMin ( ) const

Definition at line 320 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getZMax()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getZMax ( ) const

Definition at line 323 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getZMin()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::getZMin ( ) const

Definition at line 322 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idx2x()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::idx2x ( int  cx) const

Transform a voxel index into a coordinate value of the voxel central point.

Definition at line 342 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idx2y()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::idx2y ( int  cy) const

Definition at line 346 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idx2z()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::idx2z ( int  cz) const

Definition at line 350 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getAsOctoMapVoxels().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isOutOfBounds()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
bool mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::isOutOfBounds ( const int  cx,
const int  cy,
const int  cz 
) const

Definition at line 230 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL >::cellAbsIndexFromCXCYCZ(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::insertRay(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::updateCell().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m_map_castaway_const()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
std::vector<T>& mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_map_castaway_const ( ) const

Used only from logically const method that really need to modify the object.

Definition at line 362 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

◆ resize()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
virtual void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::resize ( coord_t  new_x_min,
coord_t  new_x_max,
coord_t  new_y_min,
coord_t  new_y_max,
coord_t  new_z_min,
coord_t  new_z_max,
const T &  defaultValueNewCells,
coord_t  additionalMarginMeters = 2 

Changes the size of the grid, maintaining previous contents.

See also

Definition at line 48 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::resizeGrid().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSize()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
virtual void mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::setSize ( const coord_t  x_min,
const coord_t  x_max,
const coord_t  y_min,
const coord_t  y_max,
const coord_t  z_min,
const coord_t  z_max,
const coord_t  resolution_xy,
const coord_t  resolution_z_ = -1.0,
const T *  fill_value = nullptr 

Changes the size of the grid, ERASING all previous contents.

If fill_value is left as nullptr, the contents of cells may be undefined (some will remain with their old values, the new ones will have the default voxel value, but the location of old values may change wrt their old places). If fill_value is not nullptr, it is assured that all cells will have a copy of that value after resizing. If resolution_z<0, the same resolution will be used for all dimensions x,y,z as given in resolution_xy

See also
resize, fill

Definition at line 175 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL >::CDynamicGrid3D(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::setSize().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ x2idx()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
int mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::x2idx ( coord_t  x) const

Transform a coordinate values into voxel indexes.

Definition at line 327 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL >::cellByPos(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getFreenessByPos(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::insertRay(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::setFreenessByPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ y2idx()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
int mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::y2idx ( coord_t  y) const

Definition at line 331 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL >::cellByPos(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getFreenessByPos(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::insertRay(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::setFreenessByPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ z2idx()

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
int mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::z2idx ( coord_t  z) const

Definition at line 335 of file CDynamicGrid3D.h.

Referenced by mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL >::cellByPos(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::getFreenessByPos(), mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::insertRay(), and mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::setFreenessByPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation


template<class T, class coord_t = double>
const size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::INVALID_VOXEL_IDX = size_t(-1)

◆ m_map

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
grid_data_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_map

◆ m_resolution_xy

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_resolution_xy

◆ m_resolution_z

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_resolution_z

◆ m_size_x

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_size_x

◆ m_size_x_times_y

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_size_x_times_y

◆ m_size_y

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_size_y

◆ m_size_z

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
size_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_size_z

◆ m_x_max

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_x_max

◆ m_x_min

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_x_min

◆ m_y_max

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_y_max

◆ m_y_min

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_y_min

◆ m_z_max

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_z_max

◆ m_z_min

template<class T, class coord_t = double>
coord_t mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t >::m_z_min

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