94 * capture_imu = true // [bool] Capture IMU data from DUO3D device (if available)
95 * calibration_from_file = true // [bool] Use YML calibration files provided by calibration application supplied with DUO3D device
96 * intrinsic_filename = "" // [string] Intrinsic parameters file. This filename should contain a substring _RWWWxHHH_ with WWW being the image width and HHH the image height, as provided by the calibration application.
97 * extrinsic_filename = "" // [string] Extrinsic parameters file. This filename should contain a substring _RWWWxHHH_ with WWW being the image width and HHH the image height, as provided by the calibration application.
98 * rectify_map_filename = "" // [string] Rectification map file. This filename should contain a substring _RWWWxHHH_ with WWW being the image width and HHH the image height, as provided by the calibration application.
99 *
100 * \endcode
101 * \note All parameter names may have an optional prefix, set with the
102 *"prefix" parameter.
103 * For example, if prefix="LEFT_", the expected variable name
104 *"camera_index" in the config section will be "LEFT_camera_index", and so
140 * capture_imu = true // [bool] Capture IMU data from DUO3D device (if available)
141 * calibration_from_file = true // [bool] Use YML calibration files provided by calibration application supplied with DUO3D device
142 * intrinsic_filename = "" // [string] Intrinsic parameters file. This filename should contain a substring _RWWWxHHH_ with WWW being the image width and HHH the image height, as provided by the calibration application.
143 * extrinsic_filename = "" // [string] Extrinsic parameters file. This filename should contain a substring _RWWWxHHH_ with WWW being the image width and HHH the image height, as provided by the calibration application.
144 * rectify_map_filename = "" // [string] Rectification map file. This filename should contain a substring _RWWWxHHH_ with WWW being the image width and HHH the image height, as provided by the calibration application.
145 *
146 * pose_x=0.21 // camera 3D position in the robot (meters)