18 Message_TOPCON_PZS::Message_TOPCON_PZS()
31 hasCartesianPosVel(false),
43 stats_GPS_sats_used(0),
44 stats_GLONASS_sats_used(0)
50 out.
"\n[TopCon PZS datum]\n");
52 " Longitude: %.09f deg Latitude: %.09f deg Height: %.03f m (%.03f m " 81 "GPS sats used: %i GLONASS sats used: %i RTK Fix progress:%i%%\n",
112 out.
"\n[TopCon SATS datum]\n");
114 " USI ELEV AZIM (%u entries) \n",
115 static_cast<unsigned int>(
118 for (
size_t i = 0; i <
USIs.size(); i++)
120 " %03i %02i %03i\n", (
USIs[i], (
ELs[i], (
double angle_transmitter
Vertical angle of N-beam.
uint8_t stats_rtk_fix_progress
[0,100] %, only in modes other than RTK FIXED.
double height_meters
ellipsoidal height from N-beam [m] perhaps weighted with regular gps
float PSigma
position SEP [m]
mrpt::vector_byte USIs
The list of USI (Universal Sat ID) for the detected sats (See GRIL Manual, pag 4-31).
mrpt::math::CMatrixFloat44 vel_covariance
Only if hasPosCov is true.
void internal_readFromStream(mrpt::utils::CStream &in) override
Save to binary stream.
double latitude_degrees
The measured latitude, in degrees (North:+ , South:-)
uint8_t nId
ID of the transmitter [1-4], 0 if none.
bool hasCartesianPosVel
system error indicator
This base class is used to provide a unified interface to files,memory buffers,..Please see the deriv...
void dumpToStream(mrpt::utils::CStream &out) const override
Dumps the contents of the observation in a human-readable form to a given output stream.
void internal_readFromStream(mrpt::utils::CStream &in) override
Save to binary stream.
mrpt::math::CMatrixFloat44 pos_covariance
Only if hasPosCov is true.
uint8_t stats_GPS_sats_used
uint8_t stats_GLONASS_sats_used
uint8_t RXBattery
battery level on receiver
GNSS (GPS) data structures, mainly for use within mrpt::obs::CObservationGPS.
mrpt::vector_signed_byte ELs
Elevation (in degrees, 0-90) for each satellite in USIs.
double cartesian_x
Only if hasCartesianPosVel is true.
mrpt::vector_signed_word AZs
Azimuth (in degrees, 0-360) for each satellite in USIs.
void internal_writeToStream(mrpt::utils::CStream &out) const override
Save to binary stream.
void dumpToStream(mrpt::utils::CStream &out) const override
Dumps the contents of the observation in a human-readable form to a given output stream.
Pure virtual base for all message types.
This file implements matrix/vector text and binary serialization.
uint8_t Fix
1: GPS, 2: mmGPS
uint8_t TXBattery
battery level on transmitter
double cartesian_vx
Only if hasCartesianPosVel is true.
double RTK_height_meters
ellipsoidal height [m] without N-beam correction
void internal_writeToStream(mrpt::utils::CStream &out) const override
Save to binary stream.
virtual int printf(const char *fmt,...) MRPT_printf_format_check(2
Writes a string to the stream in a textual form.
double longitude_degrees
The measured longitude, in degrees (East:+ , West:-)