▶C CRangeScanEdgeRegistrationDecider | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CLoopCloserERD< GRAPH_T > | Edge Registration Decider scheme specialized in Loop Closing |
CA | |
Cmrpt::math::detail::AccessorIterator< A, T > | Template class for matrix accessor's iterators |
CAggregatorFunctor | |
▶Cstd::allocator< T > | STL class |
Cmrpt::aligned_allocator_cpp11< T, AligmentBytes > | Aligned allocator that is compatible with C++11 |
Cmrpt::typemeta::internal::append< T > | |
▶Cmrpt::typemeta::internal::append< make_sequence< I - 1 > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::internal::make_sequence_< I > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::internal::append< sequence< I... > > | |
▶Cstd::array< T > | STL class |
Cmrpt::math::matrix_size_t | Auxiliary class used in CMatrixDynamic:size(), CMatrixDynamic::resize(), CMatrixFixed::size(), CMatrixFixed::resize(), to mimic the behavior of STL-containers |
Cnanoflann::array_or_vector_selector< DIM, T > | Used to declare fixed-size arrays when DIM>0, dynamically-allocated vectors when DIM=-1 |
Cnanoflann::array_or_vector_selector< DIM, Interval > | |
Cnanoflann::array_or_vector_selector<-1, T > | Dynamic size version |
Cmrpt::typemeta::array_string< N > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< EDGE, gst > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< CPose2D, gst > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< CPose3D, gst > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< CPose3DPDFGaussianInf, gst > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::AuxErrorEval< CPosePDFGaussianInf, gst > | |
CAuxWindowsTicTac | |
CBar1 | |
CBar2 | |
▶Cmrpt::apps::BaseAppDataSource | Virtual interface for offline datasets (rawlog) or live sensors |
▶Cmrpt::apps::DataSourceRawlog | Implementation of BaseAppDataSource for reading from a rawlog file |
Cmrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Rawlog | Instance of ICP_SLAM_App_Base to run mapping from an offline dataset file |
Cmrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Rawlog | MonteCarlo (Particle filter) localization wrapper class, reading from a rawlog dataset |
Cmrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Rawlog | Instance of RBPF_SLAM_App_Base to run mapping from an offline dataset file |
▶Cmrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Base | ICP-SLAM virtual base class for application wrappers |
Cmrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Live | Instance of ICP_SLAM_App_Base to run mapping from a live LIDAR sensor |
Cmrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Rawlog | Instance of ICP_SLAM_App_Base to run mapping from an offline dataset file |
▶Cmrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Base | MonteCarlo (Particle filter) localization wrapper class for CLI or custom applications: virtual base class, which can be used as base for custom user robotic applications |
Cmrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Rawlog | MonteCarlo (Particle filter) localization wrapper class, reading from a rawlog dataset |
▶Cmrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base | RBPF-SLAM virtual base class for application wrappers |
Cmrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Rawlog | Instance of RBPF_SLAM_App_Base to run mapping from an offline dataset file |
▶Cmrpt::apps::BaseAppInitializableCLI | Virtual interface for applications that initialize from CLI parameters |
Cmrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Base | ICP-SLAM virtual base class for application wrappers |
Cmrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Base | MonteCarlo (Particle filter) localization wrapper class for CLI or custom applications: virtual base class, which can be used as base for custom user robotic applications |
Cmrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base | RBPF-SLAM virtual base class for application wrappers |
Cmrpt::typemeta::internal::bimap< KEY, VALUE > | |
Cmrpt::containers::bimap< KEY, VALUE > | A bidirectional version of std::map, declared as bimap<KEY,VALUE> and which actually contains two std::map's, one for keys and another for values |
Cmrpt::containers::bimap< mrpt::maps::CLandmark::TLandmarkID, unsigned int > | |
▶CCAboutBoxBase | |
CCAboutBox | |
CCAboutBoxQt | |
Cmrpt::gui::CGlCanvasBase::CamaraParams | |
CCAngularObservationMesh_fnctr | |
▶Cmrpt::serialization::CArchive | Virtual base class for "archives": classes abstracting I/O streams |
Cmrpt::serialization::CArchiveStreamBase< STREAM > | CArchive for mrpt::io::CStream classes (use as template argument) |
Cmrpt::serialization::CArchiveStreamBase< const std::vector< uint8_t > > | Read-only version of the wrapper |
Cmrpt::serialization::CArchiveStreamBase< std::iostream > | Specialization for std::iostream |
Cmrpt::serialization::CArchiveStreamBase< std::istream > | Specialization for std::istream |
Cmrpt::serialization::CArchiveStreamBase< std::ostream > | Specialization for std::ostream |
Cmrpt::serialization::CArchiveStreamBase< std::vector< uint8_t > > | Specialization for std::vector, suitable for read/write, using the vector<uint8_t> as the underlaying stream container |
Cnanoflann::CArray< T, N > | A STL container (as wrapper) for arrays of constant size defined at compile time (class imported from the MRPT project) This code is an adapted version from Boost, modifed for its integration within MRPT (JLBC, Dec/2009) (Renamed array -> CArray to avoid possible potential conflicts) |
Cmrpt::graphs::CAStarAlgorithm< T > | This class is intended to efficiently solve graph-search problems using heuristics to determine the best path |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::CAStarAlgorithm< CCoinDistribution > | |
CCAStarExample | To use the template, a class must be derived from CAStarAlgorithm<Solution class>=""> |
Cmrpt::math::CAtan2LookUpTable | A look-up-table (LUT) of atan values for any (x,y) value in a square/rectangular grid of predefined resolution |
Cmrpt::math::CAtan2LookUpTableMultiRes | Like CAtan2LookUpTable but with a multiresolution grid for increasingly better accuracy in points nearer to the origin |
Cmrpt::system::CAuxPSAPI_Loader | This is an auxiliary class for mrpt::system::getMemoryUsage() under Windows |
Cmrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::CAuxWxSubsystemShutdowner | An auxiliary global object used just to launch a final request to the wxSubsystem for shutdown: |
Cmrpt::math::CBinaryRelation< T, U, UIsObject > | This class models a binary relation through the elements of any given set |
▶Cmrpt::img::CCanvas | This virtual class defines the interface of any object accepting drawing primitives on it |
Cmrpt::img::CEnhancedMetaFile | This class represents a Windows Enhanced Meta File (EMF) for generating and saving graphics |
Cmrpt::img::CImage | A class for storing images as grayscale or RGB bitmaps |
Cmrpt::rtti::CClassRegistry | A singleton with the central registry for CSerializable run-time classes: users do not use this class in any direct way |
CCCoinDistribution | This is a example of problem resolution using the CAStarAlgorithm template |
▶Cmrpt::config::CConfigFileBase | This class allows loading and storing values and vectors of different types from a configuration text, which can be implemented as a ".ini" file, a memory-stored string, etc.. |
Cmrpt::config::CConfigFile | This class allows loading and storing values and vectors of different types from ".ini" files easily |
Cmrpt::config::CConfigFileMemory | This class implements a config file-like interface over a memory-stored string list |
Cmrpt::config::CConfigFilePrefixer | A wrapper for other CConfigFileBase-based objects that prefixes a given token to every key and/or section |
Cmrpt::math::CConstMatrixColumnAccessor< MAT > | A vector-like wrapper for a const Matrix for accessing the elements of a given column with a [] operator |
Cmrpt::math::CConstMatrixColumnAccessorExtended< MAT > | A vector-like wrapper for a const Matrix for accessing the elements of a given column with a [] operator, with offset and custom spacing |
Cmrpt::math::CConstMatrixRowAccessor< MAT > | A vector-like wrapper for a const Matrix for accessing the elements of a given row with a [] operator |
Cmrpt::math::CConstMatrixRowAccessorExtended< MAT > | A vector-like wrapper for a const Matrix for accessing the elements of a given row with a [] operator, with offset and custom spacing |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Generic::CDevice | |
Cmrpt::vision::CDifodo | This abstract class implements a method called "Difodo" to perform Visual odometry with range cameras |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDijkstra< TYPE_GRAPH, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION > | The Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest path between a given source node in a (weighted) directed graph and all other nodes in the form of a tree |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedGraph< TYPE_EDGES, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS > | A directed graph with the argument of the template specifying the type of the annotations in the edges |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedGraph< CPOSE, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS > | |
Cmrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS > | A directed graph of pose constraints, with edges being the relative poses between pairs of nodes identified by their numeric IDs (of type mrpt::graphs::TNodeID) |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedTree< TYPE_EDGES > | A special kind of graph in the form of a tree with directed edges and optional edge annotations of templatized type "TYPE_EDGES" |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedTree< EDGE_TYPE > | |
Cmrpt::nav::TMoveTree< NODE_TYPE_DATA, EDGE_TYPE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION > | This class contains motions and motions tree structures for the hybrid navigation algorithm |
Cmrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorer | This class allows the enumeration of the files/directories that exist into a given path |
Cmrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3DLocker | Auxiliary class for safely claiming the 3DScene of a mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D |
Cmrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI_Params | Additional parameters to change the window behavior and OpenGL context |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CDUO3DCamera | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a DUO3D Stereo Camera |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< T > | A 2D grid of dynamic size which stores any kind of data at each cell |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< T, coord_t > | A 3D rectangular grid of dynamic size which stores any kind of data at each voxel |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< OccGridCellTraits::cellType > | |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TCELL > | |
▶Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D< TRandomFieldVoxel > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D | CRandomFieldGridMap3D represents a 3D regular grid where each voxel is associated one real-valued property which is to be estimated by this class |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< double > | |
▶Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< int8_t > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2D | A 2D grid map representing the reflectivity of the environment (for example, measured with an IR proximity sensor) |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< mrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CollisionGridBased::TCellForLambdaFunction > | |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< std::vector< int32_t > > | |
▶Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< TCollisionCell > | |
Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CollisionGridBased::CCollisionGrid | An internal class for storing the collision grid |
▶Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< THeightGridmapCell > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D | Digital Elevation Model (DEM), a mesh or grid representation of a surface which keeps the estimated height for each (x,y) location |
▶Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< TRandomFieldCell > | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D | CRandomFieldGridMap2D represents a 2D grid map where each cell is associated one real-valued property which is estimated by this map, either as a simple value or as a probility distribution (for each cell) |
Cmrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D | CGasConcentrationGridMap2D represents a PDF of gas concentrations over a 2D area |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_MRF | CHeightGridMap2D_MRF represents digital-elevation-model over a 2D area, with uncertainty, based on a Markov-Random-Field (MRF) estimator |
Cmrpt::maps::CWirelessPowerGridMap2D | CWirelessPowerGridMap2D represents a PDF of wifi concentrations over a 2D area |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< uint16_t > | |
Cmrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid< uint8_t > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::CEdgeCounter | Generic class for tracking the total number of edges for different tpes of edges and for storing visualization-related information for each type |
Cmrpt::opengl::CFBORender | A class for rendering 3D scenes off-screen directly into an image using OpenGL extensions (glext) |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction | The central class from which images can be analyzed in search of different kinds of interest points and descriptors computed for them |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureLines | This class wraps different line detectors and descriptors from OpenCV |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CFFMPEG_InputStream | A generic class which process a video file or other kind of input stream (http, rtsp) and allows the extraction of images frame by frame |
Cmrpt::system::CFileSystemWatcher | This class subscribes to notifications of file system changes, thus it can be used to efficiently stay informed about changes in a directory tree |
▶Cmrpt::vision::CGenericFeatureTracker | A virtual interface for all feature trackers, implementing the part of feature tracking that is common to any specific tracker implementation |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureTracker_KL | Track a set of features from old_img -> new_img using sparse optimal flow (classic KL method) |
Cmrpt::system::CGenericMemoryPool< DATA_PARAMS, POOLABLE_DATA > | A generic system for versatile memory pooling |
▶Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor | A generic interface for a wide-variety of sensors designed to be used in the application RawLogGrabber |
▶Cmrpt::hwdrivers::C2DRangeFinderAbstract | This is the base, abstract class for "software drivers" interfaces to 2D scanners (laser range finders) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG | This software driver implements the protocol SCIP-2.0 for interfacing HOKUYO URG/UTM/UXM/UST laser scanners (USB or Ethernet) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CLMS100Eth | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a SICK LMS100 laser scanners through an ethernet controller |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CRoboPeakLidar | Interfaces a Robo Peak LIDAR laser scanner |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CSickLaserSerial | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a SICK LMS 2XX laser scanners through a standard RS232 serial port (or a USB2SERIAL converter) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CSickLaserUSB | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a SICK LMS2XX laser scanners through a custom USB RS-422 interface board |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CSICKTim561Eth | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CBoardENoses | A class for interfacing an e-Noses via a FTDI USB link |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CBoardSonars | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a Ultrasonic range finder SRF10 through a custom USB board |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CCameraSensor | The central class for camera grabbers in MRPT, implementing the "generic
sensor" interface |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CCANBusReader | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a SICK LMS 2XX laser scanners through a standard RS232 serial port (or a USB2SERIAL converter) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CEnoseModular | A class for interfacing an e-NoseModular via a FTDI USB link |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CGillAnemometer | This class implements a driver for the Gill Windsonic Option 1 Anemometer The sensor is accessed via a standard serial port |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CGPS_NTRIP | A combination of GPS receiver + NTRIP receiver capable of submitting GGA frames to enable RTCM 3.0 |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CGPSInterface | A class capable of reading GPS/GNSS/GNSS+IMU receiver data, from a serial port or from any input stream, and parsing the ASCII/binary stream into indivual messages stored in mrpt::obs::CObservationGPS objects |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CGyroKVHDSP3000 | A class for interfacing KVH DSP 3000 gyroscope with an assynchronous serial communication (product SN : 02-1222-01) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CIbeoLuxETH | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a Ibeo Lux laser scanners through an ethernet controller |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImpinjRFID | This class implements an interface to an Impinj RFID reader |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUIntersense | A class for interfacing Intersense Inertial Measuring Units (IMUs) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens | A class for interfacing XSens 3rd generation Inertial Measuring Units (IMUs), the "XSens MTi" model |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens_MT4 | A class for interfacing XSens 4th generation Inertial Measuring Units (IMUs): MTi 10-series, MTi 100-series |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CKinect | A class for grabing "range images", intensity images (either RGB or IR) and other information from an Xbox Kinect sensor |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ | An interface to read from data acquisition boards compatible with National Instruments "DAQmx Base" or "DAQmx" |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPEmitter | This "virtual driver" encapsulates a NTRIP client (see CNTRIPClient) but adds the functionality of dumping the received datastream to a given serial port |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2_RGBD360 | A class for grabing RGBD images from several OpenNI2 sensors |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Sensor | A class for grabing "range images", intensity images (either RGB or IR) and other information from an OpenNI2 sensor |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CPhidgetInterfaceKitProximitySensors | : An interface for the phidget Interface kit board (1018) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CRaePID | This class implements a driver for the RAE Systems gas PhotoIonization Detector (PID) (Tested on a MiniRAE Lite) The sensor is accessed via a standard (or USB) serial port |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CSkeletonTracker | A class for grabbing mrpt::obs::CObservationSkeleton from a PrimeSense camera |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CSwissRanger3DCamera | A class for grabing "range images" from a MESA imaging SwissRanger 3D cameras (SR-2, SR-3000, SR-4k) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CVelodyneScanner | A C++ interface to Velodyne laser scanners (HDL-64, HDL-32, VLP-16), working on Linux and Windows |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CWirelessPower | This class implements a wireless power probe |
▶Cmrpt::gui::CGlCanvasBase | This base class implements a working with opengl::Camera and a OpenGL canvas, and it's used in gui::CWxGLCanvasBase and gui::CQtGlCanvasBase |
▶Cmrpt::gui::CGlCanvasBaseHeadless | A headless dummy implementation of CGlCanvasBase: can be used to keep track of user UI mouse events and update the camera parameters, with actual rendering being delegated to someone else |
Cmrpt::gui::internal::NanoGUICanvasHeadless | Specialization of CGlCanvasBaseHeadless for nanogui events |
Cmrpt::graphs::CGraphPartitioner< GRAPH_MATRIX, num_t > | Finds the min-normalized-cut of a weighted undirected graph |
CCGraphSlamHandler< GRAPH_T > | Manage variables and methods related to applications executing graphSLAM using the mrpt-graphslam API |
Cmrpt::opengl::internal::Font::Char | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_Base | Virtual base class for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) maps |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D | Digital Elevation Model (DEM), a mesh or grid representation of a surface which keeps the estimated height for each (x,y) location |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_MRF | CHeightGridMap2D_MRF represents digital-elevation-model over a 2D area, with uncertainty, based on a Markov-Random-Field (MRF) estimator |
Cmrpt::math::CHistogram | This class provides an easy way of computing histograms for unidimensional real valued variables |
Cmrpt::math::CSparseMatrix::CholeskyDecomp | Auxiliary class to hold the results of a Cholesky factorization of a sparse matrix |
Cmrpt::containers::ci_less | A case-insensitive comparator class for use within STL containers, etc |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_dc1394 | A class for grabing images from a IEEE1394 (Firewire) camera using the libdc1394-2 library |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2 | A wrapper for Point Gray Research (PGR) FlyCapture2 API for capturing images from Firewire, USB3 or GigaE cameras and stereo cameras |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_OpenCV | A class for grabing images from a "OpenCV"-compatible camera, or from an AVI video file |
Cmrpt::vision::CImagePyramid | Holds and builds a pyramid of images: starting with an image at full resolution (octave=1), it builds a number of half-resolution images: octave=2 at 1/2 , octave=3 at 1/2^2, octave=N at 1/2^(N-1) |
Cmrpt::containers::circular_buffer< T > | A circular buffer of fixed size (defined at construction-time), implemented with a std::vector as the underlying storage |
Cmrpt::containers::circular_buffer< uint8_t > | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CJoystick | Access to joysticks and gamepads (read buttons and position), and request number of joysticks in the system |
Cmrpt::rtti::CLASS_ID_impl< T > | |
Cmrpt::rtti::CLASS_ID_impl< std::monostate > | |
Cmrpt::nav::ClearanceDiagram | Clearance information for one particular PTG and one set of obstacles |
Cmrpt::rtti::CListOfClasses | A list (actually based on a std::set) of MRPT classes, capable of keeping any class registered by the mechanism of CObject classes |
▶Cmrpt::config::CLoadableOptions | This is a virtual base class for sets of options than can be loaded from and/or saved to configuration plain-text files |
Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter::TParticleFilterOptions | The configuration of a particle filter |
Cmrpt::bayes::TKF_options | Generic options for the Kalman Filter algorithm in itself |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CFixedIntervalsNRD< GRAPH_T >::TParams | Parameters structure for managing the relevant to the decider variables in a compact manner |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CICPCriteriaERD< GRAPH_T >::TParams | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CICPCriteriaNRD< GRAPH_T >::TParams | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CIncrementalNodeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T >::TParams | Parameters structure for managing the relevant to the decider variables in a compact manner |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CLoopCloserERD< GRAPH_T >::TLaserParams | Struct for storing together the parameters needed for ICP matching, laser scans visualization etc |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CLoopCloserERD< GRAPH_T >::TLoopClosureParams | Struct for storing together the loop-closing related parameters |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CRangeScanOps< GRAPH_T >::TParams | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::optimizers::CLevMarqGSO< GRAPH_T >::GraphVisualizationParams | Struct for holding the graph visualization-related variables in a compact form |
Cmrpt::graphslam::optimizers::CLevMarqGSO< GRAPH_T >::OptimizationParams | Struct for holding the optimization-related variables in a compact form |
Cmrpt::graphslam::TSlidingWindow | Class to monitor the evolution of a statistical quantity |
Cmrpt::graphslam::TUncertaintyPath< GRAPH_T > | Holds the data of an information path |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TOptions | A variety of options and configuration params (private, use loadOptions) |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetector_FabMap::TOptions | Options for a TLC-detector of type FabMap, used from CHMTSLAM |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetector_GridMatching::TOptions | Options for a TLC-detector of type gridmap-matching, used from CHMTSLAM |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TMyntEyeCameraParameters | Open parameters for CMyntEyeCamera |
Cmrpt::maps::CBeaconMap::TInsertionOptions | This struct contains data for choosing the method by which new beacons are inserted in the map |
Cmrpt::maps::CBeaconMap::TLikelihoodOptions | With this struct options are provided to the likelihood computations |
Cmrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TColourOptions | The definition of parameters for generating colors from laser scans |
Cmrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D::TInsertionOptions | Parameters related with inserting observations into the map: |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D::TInsertionOptions | Parameters related with inserting observations into the map |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_MRF::TInsertionOptions | Parameters related with inserting observations into the map |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TInsertionOptions | With this struct options are provided to the observation insertion process |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TLikelihoodOptions | With this struct options are provided to the likelihood computations |
Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMapPDF::TPredictionParams | The struct for passing extra simulation parameters to the prediction/update stage when running a particle filter |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TInsertionOptions | With this struct options are provided to the observation insertion process |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TLikelihoodOptions | With this struct options are provided to the observation likelihood computation process |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::TInsertionOptions | With this struct options are provided to the observation insertion process |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::TLikelihoodOptions | With this struct options are provided to the observation likelihood computation process |
Cmrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t >::TInsertionOptions | With this struct options are provided to the observation insertion process |
Cmrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t >::TLikelihoodOptions | Observations in the map |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointCloudFilterByDistance::TOptions | |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TInsertionOptions | With this struct options are provided to the observation insertion process |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TLikelihoodOptions | Options used when evaluating "computeObservationLikelihood" in the derived classes |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TRenderOptions | Rendering options, used in getAs3DObject() |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::TInsertionOptions | Parameters common to any derived class |
Cmrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2D::TInsertionOptions | Parameters related with inserting observations into the map |
Cmrpt::maps::CWirelessPowerGridMap2D::TInsertionOptions | Parameters related with inserting observations into the map: |
Cmrpt::maps::TMapGenericParams | Common params to all maps derived from mrpt::maps::CMetricMap |
▶Cmrpt::maps::TMetricMapInitializer | Virtual base for specifying the kind and parameters of one map (normally, to be inserted into mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap) See mrpt::maps::TSetOfMetricMapInitializers::loadFromConfigFile() as an easy way of initialize this object, or construct with the factory methods <metric_map_class>::MapDefinition() and TMetricMapInitializer::factory() |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CBeaconMap::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CBeaconMap::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CColouredOctoMap::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CColouredOctoMap::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_MRF::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_MRF::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::COctoMap::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::COctoMap::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZI::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZI::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2D::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2D::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CWeightedPointsMap::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CWeightedPointsMap::TMapDefinition | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CWirelessPowerGridMap2D::TMapDefinitionBase | |
Cmrpt::maps::CWirelessPowerGridMap2D::TMapDefinition | |
Cmrpt::maps::TSetOfMetricMapInitializers | A set of TMetricMapInitializer structures, passed to the constructor CMultiMetricMap::CMultiMetricMap See the comments for TSetOfMetricMapInitializers::loadFromConfigFile, and "CMultiMetricMap::setListOfMaps" for effectively creating the list of desired maps |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TAbstractNavigatorParams | |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive::TAbstractPTGNavigatorParams | |
Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicFullEval::TOptions | Algorithm options |
Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicND::TOptions | Algorithm options |
Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicVFF::TOptions | Algorithm options |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase::TParamsBase | Common params for all children |
Cmrpt::nav::CMultiObjMotionOpt_Scalarization::TParams | |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator | This is the base class for any user-defined PTG |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_RobotShape_Circular | Base class for all PTGs using a 2D circular robot shape model |
Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_Holo_Blend | A PTG for circular-shaped robots with holonomic kinematics |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_RobotShape_Polygonal | Base class for all PTGs using a 2D polygonal robot shape model |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CollisionGridBased | Base class for all PTGs suitable to non-holonomic, differentially-driven (or Ackermann) vehicles based on numerical integration of the trajectories and collision look-up-table |
Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_alpha | The "a(symptotic)-alpha PTG", as named in PTG papers |
Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_C | A PTG for circular paths ("C" type PTG in papers) |
Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CC | A PTG for optimal paths of type "C|C" , as named in PTG papers |
Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CCS | A PTG for optimal paths of type "C|C,S" (as named in PTG papers) |
Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CS | A PTG for optimal paths of type "CS", as named in PTG papers |
Cmrpt::nav::CReactiveNavigationSystem::TReactiveNavigatorParams | |
Cmrpt::nav::CWaypointsNavigator::TWaypointsNavigatorParams | |
Cmrpt::slam::CGridMapAligner::TConfigParams | The ICP algorithm configuration data |
Cmrpt::slam::CICP::TConfigParams | The ICP algorithm configuration data |
Cmrpt::slam::CIncrementalMapPartitioner::TOptions | Configuration parameters |
Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderICP::TConfigParams | Algorithm configuration params |
Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderRBPF::TConstructionOptions | Options for building a CMetricMapBuilderRBPF object, passed to the constructor |
Cmrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D::TOptions | The options for the algorithm |
Cmrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM::TOptions | The options for the algorithm |
Cmrpt::slam::TKLDParams | Option set for KLD algorithm |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions | The set of parameters for all the detectors & descriptor algorithms |
Cmrpt::vision::TMatchingOptions | A structure containing options for the matching |
Cmrpt::vision::TMultiResDescMatchOptions | Struct containing the options when matching multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptors |
Cmrpt::vision::TMultiResDescOptions | Struct containing the options when computing the multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptors |
Cmrpt::vision::TStereoSystemParams | Parameters associated to a stereo system |
Cmrpt::Clock | Clock that is compatible with MRPT TTimeStamp representation |
▶Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAMAlgorithmBase | Virtual base for local SLAM methods, used in mrpt::slam::CHMTSLAM |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAM_RBPF_2DLASER | Implements a 2D local SLAM method based on a RBPF over an occupancy grid map |
Cmrpt::img::CMappedImage | This class encapsulates a MRPT Image and allows the sampling of individual pixels with sub-pixel accuracy and with a change of coordinates (eg, meters) |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixColumnAccessor< MAT > | A vector-like wrapper for a Matrix for accessing the elements of a given column with a [] operator |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixColumnAccessorExtended< MAT > | A vector-like wrapper for a Matrix for accessing the elements of a given column with a [] operator, with offset and custom spacing |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixRowAccessor< MAT > | A vector-like wrapper for a Matrix for accessing the elements of a given row with a [] operator |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixRowAccessorExtended< MAT > | A vector-like wrapper for a Matrix for accessing the elements of a given row with a [] operator, with offset and custom spacing |
Cmrpt::serialization::CMessage | A class that contain generic messages, that can be sent and received from a "CClientTCPSocket" object |
Cmrpt::math::CMonteCarlo< T, NUM, OTHER > | Montecarlo simulation for experiments in 1D |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGasSensors::CMOSmodel | Declares a class within "CObservationGasSensors" that represents a set of gas concentration readings from the modelation of a MOS gas sensor readings |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CMyntEyeCamera | Wrapper on MYNT-EYE-D cameras |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPClient | A client for NTRIP (HTTP) sources of differential GPS corrections from internet servers, or Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) internet radio |
▶Cmrpt::rtti::CObject | Virtual base to provide a compiler-independent RTTI system |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase | Virtual base class for multi-objective motion choosers, as used for reactive navigation engines |
Cmrpt::nav::CMultiObjMotionOpt_Scalarization | Implementation of multi-objective motion chooser using scalarization: a user-given formula is used to collapse all the scores into a single scalar score |
▶Cmrpt::serialization::CSerializable | The virtual base class which provides a unified interface for all persistent objects in MRPT |
▶Cmrpt::detectors::CDetectableObject | Base class that contains common atributes and functions of detectable objects |
▶Cmrpt::detectors::CDetectable2D | |
Cmrpt::detectors::CDetectable3D | |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHierarchicalMHMap | The most high level class for storing hybrid, multi-hypothesis maps in a graph-based model |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc | A class for representing an arc between two nodes in a hierarchical, multi-hypothesis map |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapNode | A class for representing a node in a hierarchical, multi-hypothesis map |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM | An implementation of Hybrid Metric Topological SLAM (HMT-SLAM) |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLocalMetricHypothesis | This class is used in HMT-SLAM to represent each of the Local Metric Hypotheses (LMHs) |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAMParticleData | Auxiliary class used in mrpt::slam::CLocalMetricHypothesis for HMT-SLAM; this class keeps the data relative to each local metric particle ("a robot
metric path hypothesis" and its associated metric map) |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CMHPropertiesValuesList | An arbitrary list of "annotations", or named attributes, each being an instance of any CSerializable object (Multi-hypotheses version) |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CPropertiesValuesList | An arbitrary list of "annotations", or named attributes, each being an instance of any CSerializable object |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CRobotPosesGraph | Auxiliary class used in mrpt::slam::CLocalMetricHypothesis for HMT-SLAM; this class stores a set of robot poses and its sensory frames and pose PDF, for being stored in a HMT-map as a serializable object in annotation NODE_ANNOTATION_POSES_GRAPH |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::THypothesisIDSet | A set of hypothesis IDs, used for arcs and nodes in multi-hypothesis hybrid maps |
Cmrpt::img::CImage | A class for storing images as grayscale or RGB bitmaps |
Cmrpt::img::TCamera | Parameters for the Brown-Conrady camera lens distortion model |
Cmrpt::img::TStereoCamera | Structure to hold the parameters of a pinhole stereo camera model |
Cmrpt::kinematics::CKinematicChain | A open-loop kinematic chain model, suitable to robotic manipulators |
▶Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd | Virtual base for velocity commands of different kinematic models of planar mobile robot |
Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd_DiffDriven | Kinematic model for Ackermann-like or differential-driven vehicles |
Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd_Holo | Kinematic model for |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmark | The class for storing "landmarks" (visual or laser-scan-extracted features,...) |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CMetricMap | Declares a virtual base class for all metric maps storage classes |
▶Cmrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octomap::ColorOcTree, octomap::ColorOcTreeNode > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CColouredOctoMap | A three-dimensional probabilistic occupancy grid, implemented as an octo-tree with the "octomap" C++ library |
▶Cmrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octomap::OcTree, octomap::OcTreeNode > | |
Cmrpt::maps::COctoMap | A three-dimensional probabilistic occupancy grid, implemented as an octo-tree with the "octomap" C++ library |
Cmrpt::maps::CBeaconMap | A class for storing a map of 3D probabilistic beacons, using a Montecarlo, Gaussian, or Sum of Gaussians (SOG) representation (for range-only SLAM) |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D | Digital Elevation Model (DEM), a mesh or grid representation of a surface which keeps the estimated height for each (x,y) location |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap | A class for storing a map of 3D probabilistic landmarks |
Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap | This class stores any customizable set of metric maps |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D | A class for storing an occupancy grid map |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D | A 3D occupancy grid map with a regular, even distribution of voxels |
Cmrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t > | A three-dimensional probabilistic occupancy grid, implemented as an octo-tree with the "octomap" C++ library |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap | A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans or other sensors |
Cmrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap | A map of 2D/3D points with individual colours (RGB) |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZI | A map of 3D points with reflectance/intensity (float) |
Cmrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap | A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans |
Cmrpt::maps::CWeightedPointsMap | A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D | CRandomFieldGridMap2D represents a 2D grid map where each cell is associated one real-valued property which is estimated by this map, either as a simple value or as a probility distribution (for each cell) |
Cmrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2D | A 2D grid map representing the reflectivity of the environment (for example, measured with an IR proximity sensor) |
Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMapPDF | Declares a class that represents a Rao-Blackwellized set of particles for solving the SLAM problem (This class is the base of RBPF-SLAM applications) |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D | CRandomFieldGridMap3D represents a 3D regular grid where each voxel is associated one real-valued property which is to be estimated by this class |
Cmrpt::maps::CRBPFParticleData | Auxiliary class used in mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMapPDF |
Cmrpt::maps::CSimpleMap | This class stores a sequence of <Probabilistic Pose,SensoryFrame> pairs, thus a "metric map" can be totally determined with this information |
Cmrpt::maps::TMapGenericParams | Common params to all maps derived from mrpt::maps::CMetricMap |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixB | This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixBool" |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixD | This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixDynamic<double>" |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixF | This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixFloat" |
Cmrpt::math::CPolygon | A wrapper of a TPolygon2D class, implementing CSerializable |
Cmrpt::math::CSplineInterpolator1D | A (persistent) sequence of (x,y) coordinates, allowing queries of intermediate points through spline interpolation, where possible |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod | A base class for holonomic reactive navigation methods |
Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicFullEval | Full evaluation of all possible directions within the discrete set of input directions |
Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicND | An implementation of the holonomic reactive navigation method "Nearness-Diagram" |
Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicVFF | A holonomic reactive navigation method, based on Virtual Force Fields (VFF) |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicLogFileRecord | A base class for log records for different holonomic navigation methods |
Cmrpt::nav::CLogFileRecord_FullEval | A class for storing extra information about the execution of CHolonomicFullEval navigation |
Cmrpt::nav::CLogFileRecord_ND | A class for storing extra information about the execution of CHolonomicND navigation |
Cmrpt::nav::CLogFileRecord_VFF | A class for storing extra information about the execution of CHolonomicVFF navigation |
Cmrpt::nav::CLogFileRecord | A class for storing, saving and loading a reactive navigation log record for the CReactiveNavigationSystem class |
Cmrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator | This is the base class for any user-defined PTG |
▶Cmrpt::obs::CAction | Declares a class for storing a robot action |
Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D | Represents a probabilistic 2D movement of the robot mobile base |
Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement3D | Represents a probabilistic 3D (6D) movement |
Cmrpt::obs::CActionCollection | Declares a class for storing a collection of robot actions |
▶Cmrpt::obs::CObservation | Declares a class that represents any robot's observation |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan | A "CObservation"-derived class that represents a 2D range scan measurement (typically from a laser scanner) |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan | A range or depth 3D scan measurement, as from a time-of-flight range camera or a structured-light depth RGBD sensor |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservation6DFeatures | An observation of one or more "features" or "objects", possibly identified with a unique ID, whose relative SE(3) pose is observed with respect to the sensor |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationBatteryState | This represents a measurement of the batteries on the robot |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationBeaconRanges | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that represents one (or more) range measurements to labeled beacons |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationBearingRange | This observation represents a number of range-bearing value pairs, each one for a detected landmark, which optionally can have identification IDs |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationCANBusJ1939 | This class stores a message from a CAN BUS with the protocol J1939 |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationComment | This "observation" is actually a placeholder for a text block with comments or additional parameters attached to a given rawlog file |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGasSensors | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that represents a set of readings from gas sensors |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGPS | This class stores messages from GNSS or GNSS+IMU devices, from consumer-grade inexpensive GPS receivers to Novatel/Topcon/.. |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationImage | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules an image from a camera, whose relative pose to robot is also stored |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationIMU | This class stores measurements from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) (attitude estimation, raw gyroscope and accelerometer values), altimeters or magnetometers |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationOdometry | An observation of the current (cumulative) odometry for a wheeled robot |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationPointCloud | An observation from any sensor that can be summarized as a pointcloud |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRange | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules a single range measurement, and associated parameters |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRawDAQ | Store raw data from a Data Acquisition (DAQ) device, such that input or output analog and digital channels, counters from encoders, etc |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationReflectivity | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules a single short-range reflectivity measurement |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRFID | This represents one or more RFID tags observed by a receiver |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRGBD360 | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules an omnidirectional RGBD measurement from a set of RGBD sensors |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRobotPose | An observation providing an alternative robot pose from an external source |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRotatingScan | A CObservation -derived class for raw range data from a 2D or 3D rotating scanner |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationSkeleton | This class stores a skeleton as tracked by OPENNI2 & NITE2 libraries from PrimeSense sensors |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages | Observation class for either a pair of left+right or left+disparity images from a stereo camera |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImagesFeatures | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules a pair of cameras and a set of matched image features extracted from them |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan | A CObservation -derived class for RAW DATA (and optionally, point cloud) of scans from 3D Velodyne LIDAR scanners |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVisualLandmarks | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that stores a Landmarks Map as seen from a stereo camera at a given instant of time |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationWindSensor | Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that represents the wind measurements taken on the robot by an anemometer |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationWirelessPower | This represents a measurement of the wireless strength perceived by the robot |
Cmrpt::obs::CRawlog | This class stores a rawlog (robotic datasets) in one of two possible formats: |
Cmrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame | Declares a class for storing a "sensory frame", a set of "observations" taken by the robot approximately at the same time as one "snapshot" of the environment |
Cmrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene | This class allows the user to create, load, save, and render 3D scenes using OpenGL primitives |
Cmrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport | A viewport within a COpenGLScene, containing a set of OpenGL objects to render |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CRenderizable | The base class of 3D objects that can be directly rendered through OpenGL |
Cmrpt::opengl::CCamera | A camera: if added to a scene, the viewpoint defined by this camera will be used instead of the camera parameters set in COpenGLViewport::m_camera |
Cmrpt::opengl::CEllipsoidInverseDepth3D | An especial "ellipsoid" in 3D computed as the uncertainty iso-surfaces of a (inv_range,yaw,pitch) variable |
Cmrpt::opengl::CEllipsoidRangeBearing2D | An especial "ellipsoid" in 2D computed as the uncertainty iso-surfaces of a (range,bearing) variable |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderPoints | Renderizable generic renderer for objects using the points shader |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel | This class can load & render 3D models in a number of different formats (requires the library assimp) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CMesh3D | A 3D mesh composed of Triangles and/or Quads |
Cmrpt::opengl::CMeshFast | A planar (XY) grid where each cell has an associated height and, optionally, a texture map |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels | A flexible renderer of voxels, typically from a 3D octo map (see mrpt::maps::COctoMap) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPlanarLaserScan | This object renders a 2D laser scan by means of three elements: the points, the line along end-points and the 2D scanned surface |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPointCloud | A cloud of points, all with the same color or each depending on its value along a particular coordinate axis |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured | A cloud of points, each one with an individual colour (R,G,B) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CSetOfLines | A set of independent lines (or segments), one line with its own start and end positions (X,Y,Z) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CVectorField2D | A 2D vector field representation, consisting of points and arrows drawn on a plane (invisible grid) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CVectorField3D | A 3D vector field representation, consisting of points and arrows drawn at any spatial position |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderText | Renderizable generic renderer for objects using the "text shader" |
Cmrpt::opengl::CText | A 2D text (bitmap rendering): it always "faces the observer" despite it's at some 3D location |
Cmrpt::opengl::CText3D | A 3D text (rendered with OpenGL primitives), with selectable font face and drawing style |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles | Renderizable generic renderer for objects using the triangles-with-a-texture shader |
Cmrpt::opengl::CMesh | A planar (XY) grid where each cell has an associated height and, optionally, a texture map |
Cmrpt::opengl::CSetOfTexturedTriangles | A set of textured triangles |
Cmrpt::opengl::CTexturedPlane | A 2D plane in the XY plane with a texture image |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderTriangles | Renderizable generic renderer for objects using the triangles shader |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::CEllipsoid2D | A 2D ellipse on the XY plane, centered at the origin of this object pose |
Cmrpt::opengl::CEllipsoidInverseDepth2D | An especial "ellipsoid" in 3D computed as the uncertainty iso-surfaces of a (inv_range,yaw) variable |
Cmrpt::opengl::CEllipsoidRangeBearing2D | An especial "ellipsoid" in 2D computed as the uncertainty iso-surfaces of a (range,bearing) variable |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::CEllipsoid3D | A 3D ellipsoid, centered at zero with respect to this object pose |
Cmrpt::opengl::CEllipsoidInverseDepth3D | An especial "ellipsoid" in 3D computed as the uncertainty iso-surfaces of a (inv_range,yaw,pitch) variable |
Cmrpt::opengl::CSphere | A solid or wire-frame sphere |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh | A mesh built from a set of 2D laser scan observations |
Cmrpt::opengl::CArrow | A 3D arrow |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel | This class can load & render 3D models in a number of different formats (requires the library assimp) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CBox | A solid or wireframe box in 3D, defined by 6 rectangular faces parallel to the planes X, Y and Z (note that the object can be translated and rotated afterwards as any other CRenderizable object using the "object pose" in the base class) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CColorBar | A colorbar indicator |
Cmrpt::opengl::CCylinder | A cylinder or cone whose base lies in the XY plane |
Cmrpt::opengl::CDisk | A planar disk in the XY plane |
Cmrpt::opengl::CFrustum | A solid or wireframe frustum in 3D (a rectangular truncated pyramid), with arbitrary (possibly assymetric) field-of-view angles |
Cmrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate< DIM > | A class that generalizes the concept of an ellipsoid to arbitrary parameterizations of uncertainty shapes in either 2D or 3D |
Cmrpt::opengl::CMesh3D | A 3D mesh composed of Triangles and/or Quads |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels | A flexible renderer of voxels, typically from a 3D octo map (see mrpt::maps::COctoMap) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPlanarLaserScan | This object renders a 2D laser scan by means of three elements: the points, the line along end-points and the 2D scanned surface |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron | This class represents arbitrary polyhedra |
Cmrpt::opengl::CSetOfTriangles | A set of colored triangles, able to draw any solid, arbitrarily complex object without textures |
Cmrpt::opengl::CVectorField2D | A 2D vector field representation, consisting of points and arrows drawn on a plane (invisible grid) |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderWireFrame | Renderizable generic renderer for objects using the wireframe shader |
Cmrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh | A mesh built from a set of 2D laser scan observations |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel | This class can load & render 3D models in a number of different formats (requires the library assimp) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAxis | Draw a 3D world axis, with coordinate marks at some regular interval |
Cmrpt::opengl::CBox | A solid or wireframe box in 3D, defined by 6 rectangular faces parallel to the planes X, Y and Z (note that the object can be translated and rotated afterwards as any other CRenderizable object using the "object pose" in the base class) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CColorBar | A colorbar indicator |
Cmrpt::opengl::CFrustum | A solid or wireframe frustum in 3D (a rectangular truncated pyramid), with arbitrary (possibly assymetric) field-of-view angles |
Cmrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate< DIM > | A class that generalizes the concept of an ellipsoid to arbitrary parameterizations of uncertainty shapes in either 2D or 3D |
Cmrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXY | A grid of lines over the XY plane |
Cmrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXZ | A grid of lines over the XZ plane |
Cmrpt::opengl::CMesh | A planar (XY) grid where each cell has an associated height and, optionally, a texture map |
Cmrpt::opengl::CMesh3D | A 3D mesh composed of Triangles and/or Quads |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels | A flexible renderer of voxels, typically from a 3D octo map (see mrpt::maps::COctoMap) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPlanarLaserScan | This object renders a 2D laser scan by means of three elements: the points, the line along end-points and the 2D scanned surface |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron | This class represents arbitrary polyhedra |
Cmrpt::opengl::CSetOfLines | A set of independent lines (or segments), one line with its own start and end positions (X,Y,Z) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CSimpleLine | A line segment |
Cmrpt::opengl::CVectorField2D | A 2D vector field representation, consisting of points and arrows drawn on a plane (invisible grid) |
Cmrpt::opengl::CVectorField3D | A 3D vector field representation, consisting of points and arrows drawn at any spatial position |
Cmrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects | A set of object, which are referenced to the coordinates framework established in this object |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoint2D | A class used to store a 2D point |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoint2DPDF | Declares a class that represents a Probability Distribution function (PDF) of a 2D point (x,y) |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoint2DPDFGaussian | A gaussian distribution for 2D points |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoint3D | A class used to store a 3D point |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDF | Declares a class that represents a Probability Distribution function (PDF) of a 3D point (x,y,z) |
Cmrpt::maps::CBeacon | The class for storing individual "beacon landmarks" under a variety of 3D position PDF distributions |
Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDFGaussian | A gaussian distribution for 3D points |
Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDFParticles | A probability distribution of a 2D/3D point, represented as a set of random samples (particles) |
Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDFSOG | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D point |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose2D | A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose2DInterpolator | This class stores a time-stamped trajectory in SE(2) (mrpt::math::TPose2D poses) |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3D | A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D) |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DInterpolator | This class stores a time-stamped trajectory in SE(3) (CPose3D poses) |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) of a 3D pose (6D actually) |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGaussian | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGaussianInf | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose as a Gaussian described by its mean and its inverse covariance matrix |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGrid | Declares a class that represents a Probability Distribution function (PDF) of a SE(3) pose (x,y,z, yaw, pitch, roll), in the form of a 6-dimensional grid of "voxels" |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFParticles | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose |
Cmrpt::slam::CMonteCarloLocalization3D | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 3D pose (x,y,phi,yaw,pitch,roll), using a set of weighted samples |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFSOG | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D(6D) pose |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat | A class used to store a 3D pose as a translation (x,y,z) and a quaternion (qr,qx,qy,qz) |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DQuatPDF | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) of a 3D pose (6D actually), by means of a 7-vector with a translation [x y z] and a quaternion [qr qx qy qz] |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DQuatPDFGaussian | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose using a quaternion |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DQuatPDFGaussianInf | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose using a quaternion |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDF | Declares a class that represents a probability density function (pdf) of a 2D pose (x,y,phi) |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussian | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussianInf | A Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose as a Gaussian with a mean and the inverse of the covariance |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFGrid | Declares a class that represents a Probability Distribution function (PDF) of a 2D pose (x,y,phi) |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFParticles | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 2D pose (x,y,phi), using a set of weighted samples |
Cmrpt::slam::CMonteCarloLocalization2D | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 2D pose (x,y,phi), using a set of weighted samples |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFSOG | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoses2DSequence | This class stores a sequence of relative, incremental 2D poses |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoses3DSequence | This class stores a sequence of relative, incremental 3D poses |
Cmrpt::slam::CIncrementalMapPartitioner | Finds partitions in metric maps based on N-cut graph partition theory |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeature | A generic 2D feature from an image, extracted with CFeatureExtraction Each feature may have one or more descriptors (see descriptors), in addition to an image patch |
CMyNS::Foo | |
▶CMyNS::BarBase | |
CMyNS::Bar | |
CMyNS::Foo | |
CMyNS::MyDerived1 | |
CMyNS::MyDerived2 | |
▶Cmrpt::detectors::CObjectDetection | |
Cmrpt::detectors::CCascadeClassifierDetection | |
Cmrpt::detectors::CFaceDetection | Specific class for face detection |
▶Cmrpt::system::CObservable | Inherit from this class for those objects capable of being observed by a CObserver class |
▶Cmrpt::gui::CBaseGUIWindow | The base class for GUI window classes based on wxWidgets |
Cmrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow | This class creates a window as a graphical user interface (GUI) for displaying images to the user |
Cmrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D | A graphical user interface (GUI) for efficiently rendering 3D scenes in real-time |
Cmrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowPlots | Create a GUI window and display plots with MATLAB-like interfaces and commands |
Cmrpt::maps::CMetricMap | Declares a virtual base class for all metric maps storage classes |
Cmrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport | A viewport within a COpenGLScene, containing a set of OpenGL objects to render |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScanWithUncertainty | A 2D range scan plus an uncertainty model for each range |
CCObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolData | |
CCObservation3DRangeScan_Points_MemPoolParams | |
CCObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolData | |
CCObservation3DRangeScan_Ranges_MemPoolParams | |
▶Cmrpt::system::CObserver | Inherit from this class to get notified about events from any CObservable object after subscribing to it |
Cmrpt::graphslam::CWindowObserver | Monitor events in the visualization window |
Cmrpt::slam::COccupancyGridMapFeatureExtractor | A class for detecting features from occupancy grid maps |
CMyObserver | |
CMyObserver | |
CTMyExtraRenderingStuff | |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< Derived > | Template class that implements the data structure and algorithms for Octree-based efficient rendering |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloud > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPointCloud | A cloud of points, all with the same color or each depending on its value along a particular coordinate axis |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< CPointCloudColoured > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured | A cloud of points, each one with an individual colour (R,G,B) |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::ConnectivityDescriptor | Base class for user-supplied objects capable of describing cells connectivity, used to build prior factors of the MRF graph |
CMyConnectivityVisitor | |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::ConnectivityDescriptor | Base class for user-supplied objects capable of describing voxels connectivity, used to build prior factors of the MRF graph |
Cmrpt::obs::CRawlog::const_iterator | A normal iterator, plus the extra method "getType" to determine the type of each entry in the sequence |
▶Cconstraint_no_pdf_t | |
Cmrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS >::global_pose_t | The type of each global pose in nodes: an extension of the constraint_no_pdf_t pose with any optional user-defined data |
Cmrpt::containers::ContainerReadOnlyProxyAccessor< STLCONTAINER > | A generic proxy accessor template that only allows read-only access to the original binded STL container object |
Cmrpt::math::ContainerType< CONTAINER > | ContainerType<T>::element_t exposes the value of any STL or Eigen container |
Cmrpt::math::ContainerType< Eigen::EigenBase< Derived > > | Specialization for Eigen containers |
Cmrpt::math::ContainerType< mrpt::math::MatrixVectorBase< Scalar, Derived > > | Specialization for MRPT containers |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_GGA::content_t | |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_GLL::content_t | |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_RMC::content_t | |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_VTG::content_t | |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_GSA::content_t | |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_ZDA::content_t | |
Cmrpt::opengl::COpenGLBuffer | A wrapper for an OpenGL buffer object |
Cmrpt::opengl::COpenGLVertexArrayObject | A wrapper for an OpenGL vertex array object (VAO) |
▶Cmrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Generic | An abstract class for accessing OpenNI2 compatible sensors |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2_RGBD360 | A class for grabing RGBD images from several OpenNI2 sensors |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Sensor | A class for grabing "range images", intensity images (either RGB or IR) and other information from an OpenNI2 sensor |
▶Cmrpt::copiable_NULL_ptr_basic< T > | A wrapper class for pointers that, if copied with the "=" operator, should be set to nullptr in the copy |
Cmrpt::copiable_NULL_ptr< T > | A wrapper class for pointers that, if copied with the "=" operator, should be set to nullptr in the new copy |
Cmrpt::containers::internal::CopyCloner< T > | |
Cmrpt::rtti::internal::CopyCtor< is_copy_ctrtible > | |
Cmrpt::rtti::internal::CopyCtor< false > | |
Cmrpt::rtti::internal::CopyCtor< true > | |
Cmrpt::containers::internal::CopyStatic< T > | |
▶Cmrpt::system::COutputLogger | Versatile class for consistent logging and management of output messages |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CKalmanFilterCapable< 3, 2, 2, 3 > | |
Cmrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D | An implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, and a 2D (+heading) robot pose, and 2D landmarks |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CKalmanFilterCapable< 4, 2, 0, 1 > | |
CCRangeBearing | |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CKalmanFilterCapable< 7, 3, 3, 7 > | |
Cmrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM | An implementation of EKF-based SLAM with range-bearing sensors, odometry, a full 6D robot pose, and 3D landmarks |
▶Cmrpt::graphslam::CRegistrationDeciderOrOptimizer< GRAPH_t > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CEdgeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_t > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CNodeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_t > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::optimizers::CGraphSlamOptimizer< GRAPH_t > | Interface for implementing graphSLAM optimizer classes |
Cmrpt::apps::CGridMapAlignerApp | Grid-matching application wrapper class |
Cmrpt::apps::DataSourceRawlog | Implementation of BaseAppDataSource for reading from a rawlog file |
Cmrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Base | ICP-SLAM virtual base class for application wrappers |
Cmrpt::apps::KFSLAMApp | EKF-SLAM application wrapper class |
Cmrpt::apps::MonteCarloLocalization_Base | MonteCarlo (Particle filter) localization wrapper class for CLI or custom applications: virtual base class, which can be used as base for custom user robotic applications |
Cmrpt::apps::RawlogGrabberApp | RawlogGrabber application wrapper class |
Cmrpt::apps::RBPF_SLAM_App_Base | RBPF-SLAM virtual base class for application wrappers |
Cmrpt::bayes::CKalmanFilterCapable< VEH_SIZE, OBS_SIZE, FEAT_SIZE, ACT_SIZE, KFTYPE > | Virtual base for Kalman Filter (EKF,IEKF,UKF) implementations |
Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter | This class acts as a common interface to the different interfaces (see CParticleFilter::TParticleFilterAlgorithm) any bayes::CParticleFilterCapable class can implement: it is the invoker of particle filter algorithms |
Cmrpt::comms::CServerTCPSocket | A TCP socket that can be wait for client connections to enter |
Cmrpt::detectors::CDetectorDoorCrossing | |
Cmrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph | Sparse solver for GMRF (Gaussian Markov Random Fields) graphical models |
Cmrpt::graphslam::CGraphSlamEngine< GRAPH_T > | Main file for the GraphSlamEngine |
▶Cmrpt::graphslam::CRegistrationDeciderOrOptimizer< GRAPH_T > | Interface for implementing node/edge registration deciders or optimizer classes |
▶Cmrpt::graphslam::optimizers::CGraphSlamOptimizer< GRAPH_T > | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::optimizers::CEmptyGSO< GRAPH_T > | Empty Edge Registration Decider |
Cmrpt::graphslam::optimizers::CLevMarqGSO< GRAPH_T > | Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear graph slam optimization scheme |
▶Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CEdgeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > | Interface for implementing edge registration classes |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CEmptyERD< GRAPH_T > | Empty Edge Registration Decider |
▶Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CRangeScanEdgeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > | Edge Registration Decider Interface from which RangeScanner-based ERDs can inherit from |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CICPCriteriaERD< GRAPH_T > | ICP-based Edge Registration |
▶Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CNodeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > | Interface for implementing node registration classes |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CEmptyNRD< GRAPH_T > | Empty Node Registration Decider |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CFixedIntervalsNRD< GRAPH_T > | Fixed Intervals Odometry-based Node Registration |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CICPCriteriaNRD< GRAPH_T > | ICP-based Fixed Intervals Node Registration |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CIncrementalNodeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > | Incremental Node registration decider |
Cmrpt::graphslam::CWindowManager | Class acts as a container for storing pointers to mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D, mrpt::graphslam::CWindowObserver instances |
▶Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHierarchicalMapMHPartition | Represents a set of nodes and arcs, posibly only a part of the whole hierarchical, multi-hypothesis map |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHierarchicalMHMap | The most high level class for storing hybrid, multi-hypothesis maps in a graph-based model |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM | An implementation of Hybrid Metric Topological SLAM (HMT-SLAM) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::C2DRangeFinderAbstract | This is the base, abstract class for "software drivers" interfaces to 2D scanners (laser range finders) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CCameraSensor | The central class for camera grabbers in MRPT, implementing the "generic
sensor" interface |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CCANBusReader | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a SICK LMS 2XX laser scanners through a standard RS232 serial port (or a USB2SERIAL converter) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CGPSInterface | A class capable of reading GPS/GNSS/GNSS+IMU receiver data, from a serial port or from any input stream, and parsing the ASCII/binary stream into indivual messages stored in mrpt::obs::CObservationGPS objects |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ | An interface to read from data acquisition boards compatible with National Instruments "DAQmx Base" or "DAQmx" |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CPhidgetInterfaceKitProximitySensors | : An interface for the phidget Interface kit board (1018) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CRoboticHeadInterface | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a Robotic Head Board through a custom USB RS-422 interface board |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CTuMicos | This class implements initialization and communication methods to control a Tilt Unit model DT-80, working in radians |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D | CRandomFieldGridMap2D represents a 2D grid map where each cell is associated one real-valued property which is estimated by this map, either as a simple value or as a probility distribution (for each cell) |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D | CRandomFieldGridMap3D represents a 3D regular grid where each voxel is associated one real-valued property which is to be estimated by this class |
Cmrpt::math::CLevenbergMarquardtTempl< VECTORTYPE, USERPARAM > | An implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for least-square minimization |
Cmrpt::math::RANSAC_Template< NUMTYPE > | A generic RANSAC implementation with models as matrices |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator | This is the base class for any reactive/planned navigation system |
Cmrpt::nav::CNavigatorManualSequence | "Fake navigator" for tests: it just sends out a pre-programmed sequence of commands to the robot |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CWaypointsNavigator | This class extends CAbstractNavigator with the capability of following a list of waypoints |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive | Base class for reactive navigator systems based on TP-Space, with an arbitrary holonomic reactive method running on it and any number of PTGs for transforming the navigation space |
Cmrpt::nav::CReactiveNavigationSystem | See base class CAbstractPTGBasedReactive for a description and instructions of use |
Cmrpt::nav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D | See base class CAbstractPTGBasedReactive for a description and instructions of use |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CRobot2NavInterface | The pure virtual interface between a real or simulated robot and any CAbstractNavigator -derived class |
Cmrpt::nav::CRobot2NavInterfaceForSimulator_DiffDriven | CRobot2NavInterface implemented for a simulator object based on mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_DiffDriven Only senseObstacles() remains virtual for the user to implement it |
Cmrpt::nav::CRobot2NavInterfaceForSimulator_Holo | CRobot2NavInterface implemented for a simulator object based on mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_Holo |
Cmrpt::slam::CIncrementalMapPartitioner | Finds partitions in metric maps based on N-cut graph partition theory |
▶Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilder | This virtual class is the base for SLAM implementations |
Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderICP | A class for very simple 2D SLAM based on ICP |
Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderRBPF | This class implements a Rao-Blackwelized Particle Filter (RBPF) approach to map building (SLAM) |
▶Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapsAlignmentAlgorithm | A base class for any algorithm able of maps alignment |
Cmrpt::slam::CGridMapAligner | A class for aligning two multi-metric maps (with an occupancy grid maps and a points map, at least) based on features extraction and matching |
Cmrpt::slam::CICP | Several implementations of ICP (Iterative closest point) algorithms for aligning two point maps or a point map wrt a grid map |
Cmrpt::slam::PF_implementation< PARTICLE_TYPE, MYSELF, STORAGE > | A set of common data shared by PF implementations for both SLAM and localization |
▶Cmrpt::system::CTimeLogger | A versatile "profiler" that logs the time spent within each pair of calls to enter(X)-leave(X), among other stats |
CMyGlobalProfiler | |
▶Cmrpt::slam::PF_implementation< CRBPFParticleData, CMultiMetricMapPDF, mrpt::bayes::particle_storage_mode::POINTER > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMapPDF | Declares a class that represents a Rao-Blackwellized set of particles for solving the SLAM problem (This class is the base of RBPF-SLAM applications) |
▶Cmrpt::slam::PF_implementation< mrpt::math::TPose2D, CMonteCarloLocalization2D, mrpt::poses::CPosePDFParticles::PARTICLE_STORAGE > | |
Cmrpt::slam::CMonteCarloLocalization2D | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 2D pose (x,y,phi), using a set of weighted samples |
▶Cmrpt::slam::PF_implementation< mrpt::math::TPose3D, CMonteCarloLocalization3D, mrpt::bayes::particle_storage_mode::VALUE > | |
Cmrpt::slam::CMonteCarloLocalization3D | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 3D pose (x,y,phi,yaw,pitch,roll), using a set of weighted samples |
Cmrpt::system::COutputLoggerStreamWrapper | For use in MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_STREAM(), etc |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterCapable | This virtual class defines the interface that any particles based PDF class must implement in order to be executed by a mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterDataImpl< CLocalMetricHypothesis, mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CLSLAMParticleData >::CParticleList > | |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLocalMetricHypothesis | This class is used in HMT-SLAM to represent each of the Local Metric Hypotheses (LMHs) |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterDataImpl< CMultiMetricMapPDF, mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CRBPFParticleData >::CParticleList > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMapPDF | Declares a class that represents a Rao-Blackwellized set of particles for solving the SLAM problem (This class is the base of RBPF-SLAM applications) |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterDataImpl< CPointPDFParticles, mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< mrpt::math::TPoint3Df >::CParticleList > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDFParticles | A probability distribution of a 2D/3D point, represented as a set of random samples (particles) |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterDataImpl< CPose3DPDFParticles, mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< mrpt::math::TPose3D, mrpt::bayes::particle_storage_mode::VALUE >::CParticleList > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFParticles | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterDataImpl< CPosePDFParticles, mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< mrpt::math::TPose2D, mrpt::bayes::particle_storage_mode::VALUE >::CParticleList > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFParticles | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 2D pose (x,y,phi), using a set of weighted samples |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterDataImpl< CRangeBearingParticleFilter, mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CParticleVehicleData >::CParticleList > | |
CCRangeBearingParticleFilter | |
Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterDataImpl< Derived, particle_list_t > | A curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) approach to providing the basic functionality of any CParticleFilterData<> class |
Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< T, STORAGE > | This template class declares the array of particles and its internal data, managing some memory-related issues and providing an easy implementation of virtual methods required for implementing a CParticleFilterCapable |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CLSLAMParticleData > | |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLocalMetricHypothesis | This class is used in HMT-SLAM to represent each of the Local Metric Hypotheses (LMHs) |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CParticleVehicleData > | |
CCRangeBearingParticleFilter | |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< CRBPFParticleData > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMapPDF | Declares a class that represents a Rao-Blackwellized set of particles for solving the SLAM problem (This class is the base of RBPF-SLAM applications) |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< mrpt::math::TPoint3Df > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDFParticles | A probability distribution of a 2D/3D point, represented as a set of random samples (particles) |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< mrpt::math::TPose2D, mrpt::bayes::particle_storage_mode::VALUE > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFParticles | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) over a 2D pose (x,y,phi), using a set of weighted samples |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterData< mrpt::math::TPose3D, mrpt::bayes::particle_storage_mode::VALUE > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFParticles | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 3D pose |
CCParticleVehicleData | |
Cmrpt::io::CPipe | A pipe, portable across different OS |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::CPnP | This class is used for Pose estimation from a known landmark using a monocular camera |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CPointCloudFilterBase | Virtual base class for all point-cloud filtering algorithm |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointCloudFilterByDistance | Implementation of pointcloud filtering based on requisities for minimum neigbouring points in both, the current timestamp and a previous one |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose2DGridTemplate< T > | This is a template class for storing a 3D (2D+heading) grid containing any kind of data |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPose2DGridTemplate< double > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFGrid | Declares a class that represents a Probability Distribution function (PDF) of a 2D pose (x,y,phi) |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DGridTemplate< T > | This is a template class for storing a 6-dimensional grid, with components corresponding to Euler angle parameterization of SE(3) poses |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DGridTemplate< double > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGrid | Declares a class that represents a Probability Distribution function (PDF) of a SE(3) pose (x,y,z, yaw, pitch, roll), in the form of a 6-dimensional grid of "voxels" |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoseInterpolatorBase< DIM > | Base class for SE(2)/SE(3) interpolators |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoseInterpolatorBase< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose2DInterpolator | This class stores a time-stamped trajectory in SE(2) (mrpt::math::TPose2D poses) |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoseInterpolatorBase< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DInterpolator | This class stores a time-stamped trajectory in SE(3) (CPose3D poses) |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoseRandomSampler | An efficient generator of random samples drawn from a given 2D (CPosePDF) or 3D (CPose3DPDF) pose probability density function (pdf) |
Cmrpt::math::CProbabilityDensityFunction< TDATA, STATE_LEN > | A generic template for probability density distributions (PDFs) |
▶Cmrpt::math::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPoint2D, 2 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoint2DPDF | Declares a class that represents a Probability Distribution function (PDF) of a 2D point (x,y) |
▶Cmrpt::math::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPoint3D, 3 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDF | Declares a class that represents a Probability Distribution function (PDF) of a 3D point (x,y,z) |
▶Cmrpt::math::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPose2D, 3 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDF | Declares a class that represents a probability density function (pdf) of a 2D pose (x,y,phi) |
▶Cmrpt::math::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPose3D, 6 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDF | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) of a 3D pose (6D actually) |
▶Cmrpt::math::CProbabilityDensityFunction< CPose3DQuat, 7 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DQuatPDF | Declares a class that represents a Probability Density Function (PDF) of a 3D pose (6D actually), by means of a 7-vector with a translation [x y z] and a quaternion [qr qx qy qz] |
Cmrpt::bayes::CProbabilityParticle< T, STORAGE > | A template class for holding a the data and the weight of a particle |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CProbabilityParticleBase | |
Cmrpt::bayes::CProbabilityParticle< T, particle_storage_mode::POINTER > | |
Cmrpt::bayes::CProbabilityParticle< T, particle_storage_mode::VALUE > | |
▶Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CPtuBase | This class implements initialization and communication methods to control a generic Pan and Tilt Unit, working in radians |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CPtuDPerception | This class implements initialization and communication methods to control a Pan and Tilt Unit model PTU-46-17.5, working in radians |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CTuMicos | This class implements initialization and communication methods to control a Tilt Unit model DT-80, working in radians |
Cmrpt::cpu::internal::CPU_analyzer | Auxiliary class |
Cmrpt::random::CRandomGenerator | A thred-safe pseudo random number generator, based on an internal MT19937 randomness generator |
▶Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CRangeScanOps< GRAPH_T > | Class for keeping together all the RangeScanner-related functions |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CICPCriteriaNRD< GRAPH_T > | ICP-based Fixed Intervals Node Registration |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CRangeScanEdgeRegistrationDecider< GRAPH_T > | Edge Registration Decider Interface from which RangeScanner-based ERDs can inherit from |
Cmrpt::system::CRateTimer | A class for calling sleep() in a loop, such that the amount of sleep time will be computed to make the loop run at the desired rate (in Hz) |
Cmrpt::bayes::CRejectionSamplingCapable< TStateSpace, STORAGE > | A base class for implementing rejection sampling in a generic state space |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CRejectionSamplingCapable< CPose2D > | |
CCMyRejectionSampling | |
▶Cmrpt::bayes::CRejectionSamplingCapable< mrpt::poses::CPose2D > | |
Cmrpt::slam::CRejectionSamplingRangeOnlyLocalization | An implementation of rejection sampling for generating 2D robot pose from range-only measurements within a landmarks (beacons) map |
CCRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles_MemPoolData | |
Cmrpt::poses::CRobot2DPoseEstimator | A simple filter to estimate and extrapolate the robot 2D (x,y,phi) pose from asynchronous odometry and localization/SLAM data |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CRovio | A class to interface a Rovio robot (manufactured by WowWee) |
Cmrpt::expr::CRuntimeCompiledExpression | A wrapper of exprtk runtime expression compiler: it takes a string representing an expression (from a simple mathematical formula to a complete program), compiles it and evaluates its result as many times as required |
Cmrpt::serialization::CSchemeArchiveBase | Virtual base class for "schematic archives" (JSON, XML,...) |
▶Cmrpt::serialization::CSchemeArchiveBase_impl | Pure virtual class carrying the implementation of CSchemeArchiveBase as per the PIMPL idiom |
Cmrpt::serialization::CSchemeArchive< SCHEME_CAPABLE > | Base template class for schema-capable "archives", e.g |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER > | Simple INI file reader |
Cmrpt::obs::CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScans | A smart look-up-table (LUT) of sin/cos values for 2D laser scans |
Cmrpt::math::CSparseMatrix | A sparse matrix structure, wrapping T |
▶Cmrpt::math::CSparseMatrixTemplate< T > | A sparse matrix container (with cells of any type), with iterators |
Cmrpt::math::CSparseSymmetricalMatrix< T > | A sparse matrix container for square symmetrical content around the main diagonal |
Cmrpt::math::CMonteCarlo< T, NUM, OTHER >::CStatisticalAnalyzer | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CStereoGrabber_Bumblebee_libdc1394 | Grabs from a "Bumblebee" or "Bumblebee2" stereo camera using raw access to the libdc1394 library |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CStereoGrabber_SVS | A class for grabing stereo images from a STOC camera of Videre Design NOTE: |
Cmrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap | Use this class to rectify stereo images if the same distortion maps are reused over and over again |
▶Cmrpt::io::CStream | This base class is used to provide a unified interface to files,memory buffers,..Please see the derived classes |
Cmrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket | A TCP socket that can be connected to a TCP server, implementing MRPT's CStream interface for passing objects as well as generic read/write methods |
▶Cmrpt::comms::CInterfaceFTDI | A definition of a CStream actually representing a USB connection to a FTDI chip |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CBoardSonars | This "software driver" implements the communication protocol for interfacing a Ultrasonic range finder SRF10 through a custom USB board |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CServoeNeck | A USB-interface for a custom "robotic neck" designed at MAPIR lab |
Cmrpt::comms::CSerialPort | A communications serial port built as an implementation of a utils::CStream |
Cmrpt::io::CFileGZInputStream | Transparently opens a compressed "gz" file and reads uncompressed data from it |
Cmrpt::io::CFileGZOutputStream | Saves data to a file and transparently compress the data using the given compression level |
Cmrpt::io::CFileInputStream | This CStream derived class allow using a file as a read-only, binary stream |
Cmrpt::io::CFileOutputStream | This CStream derived class allow using a file as a write-only, binary stream |
Cmrpt::io::CFileStream | This CStream derived class allow using a file as a read/write binary stream, creating it if the file didn't exist |
Cmrpt::io::CMemoryStream | This CStream derived class allow using a memory buffer as a CStream |
▶Cmrpt::io::CPipeBaseEndPoint | Common interface of read & write pipe end-points |
Cmrpt::io::CPipeReadEndPoint | The read end-point in a pipe created with mrpt::synch::CPipe |
Cmrpt::io::CPipeWriteEndPoint | The write end-point in a pipe created with mrpt::synch::CPipe |
Cmrpt::io::CTextFileLinesParser | A class for parsing text files, returning each non-empty and non-comment line, along its line number |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::CTextMessageCapable | Keeps a list of text messages which can be rendered to OpenGL contexts by graphic classes |
Cmrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport | A viewport within a COpenGLScene, containing a set of OpenGL objects to render |
Cmrpt::containers::CThreadSafeQueue< T > | A thread-safe template queue for object passing between threads; for a template argument of T, the objects being passed in the queue are "T*" |
Cmrpt::containers::CThreadSafeQueue< mrpt::serialization::CMessage > | |
Cmrpt::system::CTicTac | A high-performance stopwatch, with typical resolution of nanoseconds |
Cmrpt::system::CTimeLoggerEntry | A safe way to call enter() and leave() of a mrpt::system::CTimeLogger upon construction and destruction of this auxiliary object, making sure that leave() will be called upon exceptions, etc |
Cmrpt::system::CTimeLoggerSaveAtDtor | A helper class to save CSV stats upon self destruction, for example, at the end of a program run |
▶Cmrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetectorBase | The virtual base class for Topological Loop-closure Detectors; used in HMT-SLAM |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetector_FabMap | |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetector_GridMatching | |
Cmrpt::vision::CUndistortMap | Use this class to undistort monocular images if the same distortion map is used over and over again |
CCvCBCorner | |
CCvCBQuad | |
CCvContourEx | |
▶Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimulVirtualBase | This class can be used to simulate the kinematics and dynamics of a differential driven planar mobile robot, including odometry errors and dynamics limitations |
Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_DiffDriven | Simulates the kinematics of a differential-driven planar mobile robot/vehicle, including odometry errors and dynamics limitations |
Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_Holo | Kinematic simulator of a holonomic 2D robot capable of moving in any direction, with "blended" velocity profiles |
Cmrpt::vision::CVideoFileWriter | An output stream which takes a sequence of images and writes a video file in any of a given of compatible formats |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::detail::CVisualizer< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS > | Base class for C*Visualizer classes |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::CMRVisualizer< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS > | Wrapper class that provides visualization of a network of poses that have been registered by many graphSLAM agents/robots |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::detail::CVisualizer< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, TMRSlamNodeAnnotations, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS > | |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::CMRVisualizer< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, TMRSlamNodeAnnotations, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS > | |
CEigen::CwiseBinaryOp< BinaryOp, LhsType, RhsType > | |
Cmrpt::containers::deepcopy_poly_ptr< T > | Wrapper to a std::shared_ptr<>, adding deep-copy semantics to copy ctor and copy operator, suitable for polymorphic classes with a clone() method |
Cmrpt::containers::deepcopy_poly_ptr< mrpt::maps::CMetricMap::Ptr > | |
Cmrpt::containers::deepcopy_poly_ptr< std::shared_ptr > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::DefaultShaderID | |
▶Cstd::deque< T > | STL class |
Cmrpt::vision::CMatchedFeatureList | A list of features |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_ai_t | Analog inputs |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_ao_t | Analog outputs |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_ci_ang_encoder_t | Counter: uses an angular encoder to measure angular position |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_ci_count_edges_t | Counter: period of a digital signal |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_ci_lin_encoder_t | Counter: uses a linear encoder to measure linear position |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_ci_period_t | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_ci_pulse_width_t | Counter: measure the width of a digital pulse |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_co_pulses_t | Output counter: digital pulses output |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_di_t | Digital inputs (di) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription::desc_do_t | Digital outs (do) |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::dls | |
Cmrpt::containers::internal::dynamic_grid_txt_saver | |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedGraph< TYPE_EDGES, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS >::edge_t | The type of each global pose in nodes: an extension of the TYPE_EDGES pose with any optional user-defined data |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::edge_annotations_empty | An empty structure |
CEdgeAdders< GRAPH, EDGES_ARE_PDF > | Generic struct template Auxiliary class to add a new edge to the graph |
CEdgeAdders< GRAPH, false > | Specific templates based on the above EdgeAdders template Non-PDF version: |
CEdgeAdders< GRAPH, true > | |
CEigen::EigenBase< Derived > | |
Cmrpt::enable_if_t<(sizeof(T) > 0)> > | |
▶Cenable_shared_from_this | |
Cmrpt::comms::Topic | |
Cmrpt::comms::TopicDirectory | The central directory of existing topics for pub/sub |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::Entry | Key entry |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::epnp | |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::Euclidean< N > | Traits for Euclidean R^N space |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::EuclideanBase< N > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::Lie::EuclideanBase< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::Euclidean< 2 > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::Lie::EuclideanBase< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::Euclidean< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicFullEval::EvalOutput | |
CExampleDemoGraphSLAM< my_graph_t > | |
▶Cstd::exception | STL class |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::NotConnectedGraph | Custom exception class that passes information in case an unconnected graph is passed to a Dijkstra instance |
▶Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
Cmrpt::graphs::HypothesisNotFoundException | |
Cmrpt::img::CExceptionExternalImageNotFound | Used in mrpt::img::CImage |
Cmrpt::math::CExceptionNotDefPos | Used in mrpt::math::CSparseMatrix |
Cmrpt::serialization::CExceptionEOF | Used in mrpt::serialization::CArchive |
Cmrpt::typemeta::detail::explode< rem, digits > | |
▶Cmrpt::typemeta::detail::explode< num > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::num_to_string< num > | Constexpr string representation of a number |
Cexprtk::expression< T > | |
Cexprtk::expression< double > | |
Cmrpt::expr::CRuntimeCompiledExpression::ExprVerbose | |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph::FactorBase | |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph::BinaryFactorVirtualBase | Simple, scalar (1-dim) constraint (edge) for a GMRF |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TPriorFactorGMRF | |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::TPriorFactorGMRF | |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph::UnaryFactorVirtualBase | Simple, scalar (1-dim) constraint (edge) for a GMRF |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TObservationGMRF | |
Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D::TObservationGMRF | |
Cmrpt::math::FAddPoint< T, N > | Auxiliary functor class to compute polygon's center |
CFAddUntracedLines | |
▶Cfalse_type | |
Cmrpt::is_shared_ptr< T > | This is useful for checking ::Ptr types |
CFCreatePolygon | |
CFCreatePolygonFromFace< T > | |
CFit3DPlane | |
Cmrpt::opengl::internal::Font | |
CFontData | |
Cmrpt::opengl::internal::FontData | |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointCloudFilterByDistance::FrameInfo | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::FrameTransformerInterface< DIM > | Virtual base class for interfaces to a ROS tf2-like service capable of "publishing" and "looking-up" relative poses between two "coordinate frames" |
Cmrpt::poses::FrameTransformer< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::FrameTransformer< DIM > | See docs in FrameTransformerInterface |
CFSetColor | |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh::FTrace1D< T > | Internal functor class to trace a ray |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh::FTrace2D< T > | Internal functor class to trace a set of rays |
▶Cfunction | |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::Entry::KeyOrder | Strict less ordering by name of key only |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::Entry::LoadOrder | Strict less ordering by order, and then name of key |
Cmrpt::vision::KeypointResponseSorter< FEATURE_LIST > | A helper struct to sort keypoints by their response: It can be used with these types: |
CFUnprojectPolygon2D | |
Cmrpt::random::Generator_MT19937 | Portable MT19937 random generator, C++11 UniformRandomBitGenerator compliant |
Cmrpt::containers::internal::generic_copier_ptr< T, Copier > | |
Cmrpt::containers::internal::generic_copier_ptr< T > | |
▶CGLCanvas | |
Cmrpt::gui::MRPT2NanoguiGLCanvas | An extension of nanogui::GLCanvas to render MRPT OpenGL scenes |
▶Cmrpt::obs::gnss::gnss_message | Pure virtual base for all message types |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_GGA | NMEA datum: GGA |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_GLL | NMEA datum: GLL |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_GSA | NMEA datum: GSA |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_RMC | NMEA datum: RMC |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_VTG | NMEA datum: VTG |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NMEA_ZDA | NMEA datum: ZDA |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NV_OEM6_GENERIC_FRAME | Novatel generic frame (to store frames without a parser at the present time) |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NV_OEM6_GENERIC_SHORT_FRAME | Novatel generic short-header frame (to store frames without a parser at the present time) |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NV_OEM6_RANGECMP | Novatel frame: NV_OEM6_RANGECMP |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NV_OEM6_VERSION | Novatel frame: NV_OEM6_VERSION |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_TOPCON_PZS | GPS datum for TopCon's mmGPS devices: PZS |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_TOPCON_SATS | TopCon mmGPS devices: SATS, a generic structure for statistics about tracked satelites and their positions |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::gnss_message_ptr | A smart pointer to a GNSS message |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::graph_ops< graph_t > | Helper struct with static template functions |
Cmrpt::graphslam::graphslam_traits< GRAPH_T > | Auxiliary traits template for use among graph-slam problems to make life easier with these complicated, long data type names |
▶CGraphSlamLevMarqTest< my_graph_t > | |
CGraphTester< my_graph_t > | |
Cstd::hash< LUT_info > | |
Cmrpt::ignored_copy_ptr< T > | A wrapper class for pointers whose copy operations from other objects of the same type are ignored, that is, doing "a=b;" has no effect neiter on "a" or "b" |
Cmrpt::ignored_copy_ptr< mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase > | |
Cmrpt::config::CConfigFile::Impl | |
Cmrpt::config::CConfigFileMemory::Impl | |
Cmrpt::expr::CRuntimeCompiledExpression::Impl | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CFFMPEG_InputStream::Impl | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_OpenCV::Impl | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CMyntEyeCamera::Impl | |
Cmrpt::img::CImage::Impl | |
Cmrpt::io::CFileGZInputStream::Impl | |
Cmrpt::io::CFileGZOutputStream::Impl | |
Cmrpt::maps::mrpt::maps::COctoMapBase::Impl< OCTREE, OCTREE_NODE > | |
Cnanoflann::IndexDist_Sorter | Operator "<" for std::sort() |
CEigen::InnerStride< Value > | |
Cmrpt::int_select_by_bytecount< num_bytes > | Usage: int_select_by_bytecount<N>::type var; allows defining var as a signed integer with, at least, N bytes |
Cmrpt::int_select_by_bytecount< 1 > | |
Cmrpt::int_select_by_bytecount< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::int_select_by_bytecount< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::int_select_by_bytecount< 4 > | |
Cmrpt::int_select_by_bytecount< 8 > | |
Cnanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor< Distance, DatasetAdaptor, DIM, IndexType >::Interval | |
Cmrpt::rtti::IS_CLASS_impl< T > | |
Cmrpt::is_defined< T, Enable > | Checks if type is defined (fails for forward declarations) |
Cmrpt::obs::CRawlog::iterator | A normal iterator, plus the extra method "getType" to determine the type of each entry in the sequence |
▶Citerator | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat::const_iterator | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat::iterator | |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< VAL, small_size, alignment >::iteratorImpl< TYPE, POINTER, REFERENCE > | |
Cmrpt::vision::JacData< FrameDof, PointDof, ObsDim > | |
Cjpeg_common_struct | |
Cjpeg_component_info | |
Cjpeg_compress_struct | |
Cjpeg_decompress_struct | |
Cjpeg_destination_mgr | |
Cjpeg_error_mgr | |
Cjpeg_marker_struct | |
Cjpeg_memory_mgr | |
Cjpeg_progress_mgr | |
Cjpeg_scan_info | |
Cjpeg_source_mgr | |
Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t > | A generic adaptor class for providing Nearest Neighbor (NN) lookup via the nanoflann library |
▶Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< CFeatureList > | |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureList | A list of visual features, to be used as output by detectors, as input/output by trackers, etc |
▶Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< CFeatureListKDTree< FEAT > > | |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureListKDTree< FEAT > | Helper class: KD-tree search class for vector<KeyPoint>: Call mark_as_outdated() to force rebuilding the kd-tree after modifying the linked feature list |
▶Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< CPointsMap > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap | A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans or other sensors |
Cnanoflann::KDTreeEigenMatrixAdaptor< MatrixType, DIM, Distance > | An L2-metric KD-tree adaptor for working with data directly stored in an Eigen Matrix, without duplicating the data storage |
Cnanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor< Distance, DatasetAdaptor, DIM, IndexType > | Kd-tree index |
Cnanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams | Parameters (see README.md) |
Ckfslam_traits< IMPL > | |
Ckfslam_traits< CRangeBearingKFSLAM > | |
Ckfslam_traits< CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D > | |
CKmTree | |
Cnanoflann::KNNResultSet< DistanceType, IndexType, CountType > | |
Cnanoflann::L1_Adaptor< T, DataSource, _DistanceType > | Manhattan distance functor (generic version, optimized for high-dimensionality data sets) |
Cnanoflann::L2_Adaptor< T, DataSource, _DistanceType > | Squared Euclidean distance functor (generic version, optimized for high-dimensionality data sets) |
Cnanoflann::L2_Simple_Adaptor< T, DataSource, _DistanceType > | Squared Euclidean (L2) distance functor (suitable for low-dimensionality datasets, like 2D or 3D point clouds) Corresponding distance traits: nanoflann::metric_L2_Simple |
Cmrpt::maps::LAS_HeaderInfo | Extra information gathered from the LAS file header |
Cmrpt::maps::LAS_LoadParams | Optional settings for loadLASFile() |
Cmrpt::maps::LAS_WriteParams | Optional settings for saveLASFile() |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::laser_return_t | |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::lhm | |
▶Cstd::list< T > | STL class |
Cmrpt::containers::list_searchable< CHMHMapNode::TNodeID > | |
▶Cmrpt::containers::list_searchable< std::shared_ptr< mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc > > | |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::TArcList | A class for storing a sequence of arcs (a path) |
Cmrpt::containers::list_searchable< T > | This class implements a STL container with features of both, a std::set and a std::list |
Cmrpt::vision::lm_stat_t | |
Cmrpt::maps::detail::loadFromRangeImpl< Derived > | |
Cmrpt::LockHelper< T > | Auxiliary helper structure for mrpt::lockHelper() |
▶Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< TCELL > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMap2D< TCELL > | A generic provider of log-odds grid-map maintainance functions |
Cmrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMap3D< TCELL > | A generic provider of log-odds grid-map maintainance functions |
Cmrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMapLUT< TCELL > | One static instance of this struct should exist in any class implementing CLogOddsGridMap2D to hold the Look-up-tables (LUTs) for log-odss Bayesian update |
▶Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< cell_t > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMapLUT< cell_t > | |
Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< int16_t > | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< int8_t > | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMap2D< int8_t > | |
Cmrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2D | A 2D grid map representing the reflectivity of the environment (for example, measured with an IR proximity sensor) |
▶Cmrpt::maps::detail::logoddscell_traits< OccGridCellTraits::cellType > | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMap2D< OccGridCellTraits::cellType > | |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D | A class for storing an occupancy grid map |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CLogOddsGridMap3D< OccGridCellTraits::cellType > | |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D | A 3D occupancy grid map with a regular, even distribution of voxels |
Cmrpt::math::LowPassFilter_IIR1 | 1-order low-pass IIR filter |
Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D::lt_operator | Less-than ordering of bins for usage in STL containers |
Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPathBin2D::lt_operator | Less-than ordering of bins for usage in STL containers |
Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D::lt_operator | Less-than ordering of bins for usage in STL containers |
CLUT_info | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::internal::make_sequence_< 0 > | |
▶Cstd::map< K, T > | STL class |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CRobotPosesGraph | Auxiliary class used in mrpt::slam::CLocalMetricHypothesis for HMT-SLAM; this class stores a set of robot poses and its sensory frames and pose PDF, for being stored in a HMT-map as a serializable object in annotation NODE_ANNOTATION_POSES_GRAPH |
CEigen::Map< PlainObjectType, MapOptions, StrideType > | |
Cmrpt::containers::map_as_vector< KEY, VALUE, VECTOR_T > | A STL-like container which looks and behaves (almost exactly) like a std::map<> but is implemented as a linear std::vector<> indexed by KEY |
Cmrpt::containers::map_as_vector< size_t, size_t > | |
Cmrpt::slam::map_keyframe_t | Map keyframe, comprising raw observations and they as a metric map |
Cmrpt::containers::map_traits_map_as_vector | Traits for using a mrpt::containers::map_as_vector<> (dense, fastest representation) |
Cmrpt::containers::map_traits_stdmap | Traits for using a std::map<> (sparse representation) |
CMapAuxPFCleanup | |
CMapCanComputeLikelihood | |
CMapExecutor | |
Cmrpt::ros1bridge::MapHdl | Methods to convert between ROS msgs and MRPT objects for map datatypes |
CMapIsEmpty | |
CMatchingVertex | |
Cmrpt::math::detail::MatOrVecResizer< R, C > | |
Cmrpt::math::detail::MatOrVecResizer< 1, 1 > | |
Cmrpt::math::detail::MatOrVecResizer< 1, C > | |
Cmrpt::math::detail::MatOrVecResizer< R, 1 > | |
CEigen::Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols > | |
CEigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > | |
CEigen::Matrix< double, 4, 30 > | |
CEigen::Matrix< NUM, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > | |
CEigen::Matrix< Scalar, NROWS, NCOLS > | |
CEigen::MatrixBase< Derived > | |
Cmrpt::math::MatrixBlockSparseCols< Scalar, NROWS, NCOLS, INFO, HAS_REMAP, INDEX_REMAP_MAP_IMPL > | A templated column-indexed efficient storage of block-sparse Jacobian or Hessian matrices, together with other arbitrary information |
▶Cmrpt::math::MatrixVectorBase< Scalar, Derived > | Base CRTP class for all MRPT vectors and matrices |
Cmrpt::math::CVectorDynamic< double > | |
Cmrpt::math::CVectorDynamic< KFTYPE > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::MatrixBase< Scalar, Derived > | Base CRTP class for all MRPT matrices |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< bitmask_t > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< double > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixD | This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixDynamic<double>" |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< KFTYPE > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< kftype > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< mrpt::math::TPoint3D_data< double > > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< NUMTYPE > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< uint16_t > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< 9 > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< double, 3, 3 > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< double, constraint_t::state_length, constraint_t::state_length > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< double, DIM, 1 > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< double, DIM, DIM > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< double, ObsDim, FrameDof > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< double, ObsDim, PointDof > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< float, 4, 4 > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< float, 6, 6 > | |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< MAT_LEN > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::MatrixVectorBase< T, CMatrixDynamic< T > > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::MatrixBase< T, CMatrixDynamic< T > > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< T > | This template class provides the basic functionality for a general 2D any-size, resizable container of numerical or non-numerical elements |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixB | This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixBool" |
Cmrpt::math::CMatrixF | This class is a "CSerializable" wrapper for "CMatrixFloat" |
▶Cmrpt::math::MatrixVectorBase< T, CMatrixFixed< T, ROWS, COLS > > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::MatrixBase< T, CMatrixFixed< T, ROWS, COLS > > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< T, ROWS, COLS > | A compile-time fixed-size numeric matrix container |
Cmrpt::math::CQuaternion< T > | A quaternion, which can represent a 3D rotation as pair , with a real part "r" and a 3D vector , or alternatively, q = r + ix + jy + kz |
▶Cmrpt::math::MatrixVectorBase< T, CVectorDynamic< T > > | |
Cmrpt::math::CVectorDynamic< T > | Template for column vectors of dynamic size, compatible with Eigen |
Cmrpt::math::detail::MatrixWrapper< U, B > | This template is a trick to switch the type of a variable using a boolean variable in the template |
Cmrpt::math::detail::MatrixWrapper< U, false > | |
Cmrpt::math::detail::MatrixWrapper< U, true > | |
Cmrpt::math::detail::MatrixWrapper< U, UIsObject > | |
CMD5 | |
Cnanoflann::metric_L1 | Metaprogramming helper traits class for the L1 (Manhattan) metric |
Cnanoflann::metric_L2 | Metaprogramming helper traits class for the L2 (Euclidean) metric |
Cnanoflann::metric_L2_Simple | Metaprogramming helper traits class for the L2_simple (Euclidean) metric |
Cmrpt::math::ModelSearch | Model search implementations: RANSAC and genetic algorithm |
CMonotonicToRealtimeEpoch | |
Cmrpt_destination_mgr | |
▶Cmrpt::system::mrptEvent | The basic event type for the observer-observable pattern in MRPT |
Cmrpt::gui::mrptEvent3DWindowGrabImageFile | An event sent by a CDisplayWindow3D window when an image is saved after enabling this feature with CDisplayWindow3D::grabImagesStart() |
Cmrpt::gui::mrptEventMouseDown | An event sent by a window upon a mouse click, giving the (x,y) pixel coordinates |
Cmrpt::gui::mrptEventMouseMove | An event sent by a window when the mouse is moved over it |
Cmrpt::gui::mrptEventWindowChar | An event sent by a window upon a char pressed by the user |
Cmrpt::gui::mrptEventWindowClosed | An event sent by a window upon when it's about to be closed, either manually by the user or programmatically |
Cmrpt::gui::mrptEventWindowResize | An event sent by a window upon resize |
Cmrpt::maps::mrptEventMetricMapClear | Event emitted by a metric up upon call of clear() |
Cmrpt::maps::mrptEventMetricMapInsert | Event emitted by a metric up upon a succesful call to insertObservation() |
Cmrpt::opengl::mrptEventGLPostRender | An event sent by an mrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport after calling the scene OpenGL drawing primitives and before doing a glSwapBuffers |
Cmrpt::opengl::mrptEventGLPreRender | An event sent by an mrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport just after clearing the viewport and setting the GL_PROJECTION matrix, and before calling the scene OpenGL drawing primitives |
Cmrpt::system::mrptEventOnDestroy | An event sent by any CObservable object (automatically) just before being destroyed and telling its observers to unsubscribe |
Cmrpt::containers::MT_buffer | This class is a bulk sequence of bytes with MultiThread (MT)-safe read and write operations |
Cmy_source_mgr | |
CMyNS::MyBarClass | |
CMyNS::MyBarClass2 | |
CMyFooClass | [example typename] |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod::NavInput | Input parameters for CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod::navigate() |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod::NavOutput | Output for CAbstractHolonomicReactiveMethod::navigate() |
Cmrpt::containers::ci_less::nocase_compare | |
CKmTree::Node | |
Cnanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor< Distance, DatasetAdaptor, DIM, IndexType >::Node | |
Cmrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses< CPOSE, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION, NODE_ANNOTATIONS, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS >::global_pose_t | The type of each global pose in nodes: an extension of the constraint_no_pdf_t pose with any optional user-defined data |
▶Cmrpt::non_copiable_ptr_basic< T > | A wrapper class for pointers that can NOT be copied with "=" operator, raising an exception at runtime if a copy is attempted |
Cmrpt::non_copiable_ptr< T > | A wrapper class for pointers that can NOT be copied with "=" operator, raising an exception at runtime if a copy is attempted |
Cmrpt::non_copiable_ptr_basic< void > | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPClient::NTRIPArgs | The arguments for connecting to a NTRIP stream, used in CNTRIPClient::open |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_header_t | Novatel OEM6 regular header structure |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::nv_oem6_short_header_t | Novatel OEM6 short header structure |
Cmrpt::serialization::metaprogramming::ObjectReadFromStream | An object for reading objects from a stream, intended for being used in STL algorithms |
Cmrpt::serialization::metaprogramming::ObjectReadFromStreamToPtrs< ptr_t > | |
Cmrpt::serialization::metaprogramming::ObjectWriteToStream | An object for writing objects to a stream, intended for being used in STL algorithms |
Cmrpt::graphslam::graphslam_traits< GRAPH_T >::observation_info_t | Auxiliary struct used in graph-slam implementation: It holds the relevant information for each of the constraints being taking into account |
Cmrpt::maps::OccGridCellTraits | The type of the map cells |
▶Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::OutputWriter | Interface definition for the OutputWriter object to pass to Save() in order to output the INI file data |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::FileWriter | OutputWriter class to write the INI data to a file |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::StreamWriter | OutputWriter class to write the INI data to an ostream |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::StringWriter | OutputWriter class to write the INI data to a string |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::p3p | |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::MRPT_IniFileParser::ParseContext | |
Cmrpt::obs::VelodyneCalibration::PerLaserCalib | |
Cpf2gauss_t< PDF > | |
Cpf2gauss_t< CMonteCarloLocalization3D > | |
Cpf2gauss_t< mrpt::slam::CMonteCarloLocalization2D > | |
CPIThreadParam | |
Cmrpt::nav::PlannerSimple2D | Searches for collision-free path in 2D occupancy grids for holonomic circular robots |
▶Cmrpt::nav::PlannerTPS_VirtualBase | Virtual base class for TP-Space-based path planners |
Cmrpt::nav::PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS | TP Space-based RRT path planning for SE(2) (planar) robots |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::PLY_Exporter | A virtual base class that implements the capability of exporting 3D point clouds and faces to a file in the Stanford PLY format |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap | A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans or other sensors |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPointCloud | A cloud of points, all with the same color or each depending on its value along a particular coordinate axis |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured | A cloud of points, each one with an individual colour (R,G,B) |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::PLY_Importer | A virtual base class that implements the capability of importing 3D point clouds and faces from a file in the Stanford PLY format |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap | A cloud of points in 2D or 3D, which can be built from a sequence of laser scans or other sensors |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPointCloud | A cloud of points, all with the same color or each depending on its value along a particular coordinate axis |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured | A cloud of points, each one with an individual colour (R,G,B) |
CPlyElement | |
CPlyFile | |
CPlyProperty | |
Cmrpt::opengl::internal::Point | |
Cmrpt::mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< POINTCLOUD > | An adapter to different kinds of point cloud object |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< POINTCLOUD > | An adapter to different kinds of point cloud object |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap> mrpt_adapters_grp |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::maps::CPointsMap > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::maps::CPointsMap> |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZI > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZI> mrpt_adapters_grp |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap> |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::maps::CWeightedPointsMap > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::maps::CWeightedPointsMap> mrpt_adapters_grp |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<CObservation3DRangeScan> |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud> |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured> mrpt_adapters_grp |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> > for an XYZ point cloud (without RGB) |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> > for an XYZ point cloud with RGB |
Cmrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter< pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBA > > | Specialization mrpt::opengl::PointCloudAdapter<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> > for an XYZ point cloud with RGB |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::PointCloudStorageWrapper | Derive from this class to generate pointclouds into custom containers |
Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< Derived > | |
Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< CColouredPointsMap > | |
Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< CPointsMapXYZI > | |
Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< CSimplePointsMap > | |
Cmrpt::maps::detail::pointmap_traits< CWeightedPointsMap > | |
Cnanoflann::PooledAllocator | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::detail::pose_point_impl< DERIVEDCLASS, IS3D > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< CPoint2D, DIM > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoint< CPoint2D, 2 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoint2D | A class used to store a 2D point |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< CPoint3D, DIM > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoint< CPoint3D, 3 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoint3D | A class used to store a 3D point |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< CPose2D, DIM > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPose< CPose2D, 3 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose2D | A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< CPose3D, DIM > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPose< CPose3D, 6 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3D | A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D) |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< CPose3DQuat, DIM > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPose< CPose3DQuat, 7 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat | A class used to store a 3D pose as a translation (x,y,z) and a quaternion (qr,qx,qy,qz) |
Cmrpt::poses::detail::pose_point_impl< DERIVEDCLASS, 0 > | |
Cmrpt::poses::detail::pose_point_impl< DERIVEDCLASS, 1 > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::detail::pose_point_impl< DERIVEDCLASS, mrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< DERIVEDCLASS >::is_3D_val > | |
▶Cmrpt::poses::CPoseOrPoint< DERIVEDCLASS, DIM > | The base template class for 2D & 3D points and poses |
Cmrpt::poses::CPoint< DERIVEDCLASS, DIM > | A base class for representing a point in 2D or 3D |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose< DERIVEDCLASS, DIM > | A base class for representing a pose in 2D or 3D |
Cmrpt::nav::PoseDistanceMetric< node_t > | Generic base for metrics |
Cmrpt::nav::PoseDistanceMetric< TNodeSE2 > | Pose metric for SE(2) |
Cmrpt::nav::PoseDistanceMetric< TNodeSE2_TP > | Pose metric for SE(2) limited to a given PTG manifold |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::posit | |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::ppnp | |
CEigen::Product< _Lhs, _Rhs, Option > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::Program | A resource handling helper for OpenGL Shader "programs" |
▶Cmrpt::math::internal::ProvideStaticResize< Derived > | Provided for STL and matrices/vectors compatibility |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint2D_< double > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< double > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< float > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::internal::ProvideStaticResize< TPoint2D_< T > > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint2D_< T > | Base template for TPoint2D and TPoint2Df |
▶Cmrpt::math::internal::ProvideStaticResize< TPoint3D_< T > > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< T > | Base template for TPoint3D and TPoint3Df |
▶Cmrpt::math::internal::ProvideStaticResize< TPose2D > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPose2D | Lightweight 2D pose |
▶Cmrpt::math::internal::ProvideStaticResize< TPose3D > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPose3D | Lightweight 3D pose (three spatial coordinates, plus three angular coordinates) |
▶Cmrpt::math::internal::ProvideStaticResize< TPose3DQuat > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPose3DQuat | Lightweight 3D pose (three spatial coordinates, plus a quaternion ) |
▶Cmrpt::math::internal::ProvideStaticResize< TTwist2D > | |
Cmrpt::math::TTwist2D | 2D twist: 2D velocity vector (vx,vy) + planar angular velocity (omega) |
▶Cmrpt::math::internal::ProvideStaticResize< TTwist3D > | |
Cmrpt::math::TTwist3D | 3D twist: 3D velocity vector (vx,vy,vz) + angular velocity (wx,wy,wz) |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive::PTGTarget | |
Cmrpt::ptr_cast< CAST_TO > | Converts a polymorphic smart pointer Base::Ptr to Derived::Ptr, in a way compatible with MRPT >=1.5.4 and MRPT 2.x series |
▶CQDialog | |
CCAboutBoxQt | |
Cmrpt::rtti::queue_register_functions_t | |
Cnanoflann::RadiusResultSet< DistanceType, IndexType > | A result-set class used when performing a radius based search |
Cmrpt::opengl::COpenGLVertexArrayObject::RAII_Impl | |
Cmrpt::opengl::COpenGLBuffer::RAII_Impl | |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::raw_block_t | Raw Velodyne data block |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh::TDoubleRange::rd | Union type with the actual data |
Cmrpt::aligned_allocator_cpp11< T, AligmentBytes >::rebind< U > | |
Cmrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::RenderContext | Context for calls to render() |
CRenderElements | |
Cmrpt::opengl::RenderQueueElement | Each element in the queue to be rendered for each keyframe |
Cmrpt::math::detail::ReverseAccessorIterator< A, T > | Template class for matrix accessor's iterators |
CrgbRecord | |
Cmrpt::math::RobustKernel< KERNEL_TYPE, T > | |
Cmrpt::math::RobustKernel< rkLeastSquares, T > | No robust kernel, use standard least squares: rho(r) = r^2 |
Cmrpt::math::RobustKernel< rkPseudoHuber, T > | Pseudo-huber robust kernel: rho(r) = 2 * delta^2 * ( -1+sqrt( 1+ r^2/delta^2 ) ) |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::rpnp | |
Cmrpt::nav::RRTAlgorithmParams | |
Cmrpt::nav::RRTEndCriteria | |
▶CruntimeClassId | |
CCObject | |
▶Cmrpt::safe_ptr_basic< T > | A wrapper class for pointers that can be safely copied with "=" operator without problems |
Cmrpt::safe_ptr< T > | A wrapper class for pointers that can be safely copied with "=" operator without problems |
▶Cmrpt::safe_ptr_basic< mrpt::hmtslam::CHierarchicalMHMap > | |
Cmrpt::safe_ptr< mrpt::hmtslam::CHierarchicalMHMap > | |
▶Cmrpt::safe_ptr_basic< mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM > | |
Cmrpt::safe_ptr< mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM > | |
▶Cmrpt::safe_ptr_basic< mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene > | |
Cmrpt::safe_ptr< mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene > | |
▶CScreen | |
Cmrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI | A window with powerful GUI capabilities, via the nanogui library |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::SE< n > | Traits for SE(n), rigid-body transformations in R^n space |
Cmrpt::tfest::internal::se2_l2_impl_return_t< T > | |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::SE< 2 > | Traits for SE(2), rigid-body transformations in R^2 space |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::SE< 3 > | Traits for SE(3), rigid-body transformations in R^3 space |
Cmrpt::poses::SE_average< DOF > | Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SE(2) or SE(3) poses |
Cmrpt::poses::SE_average< 2 > | Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SE(2) poses |
Cmrpt::poses::SE_average< 3 > | Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SE(3) poses |
Cnanoflann::SearchParams | Search options for KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor::findNeighbors() |
CSegmentVector | |
CEigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver< _MatrixType > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::internal::sequence< I > | |
▶Cstd::set< K > | STL class |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::THypothesisIDSet | A set of hypothesis IDs, used for arcs and nodes in multi-hypothesis hybrid maps |
Cmrpt::opengl::Shader | A resource handling helper for OpenGL "Shader" compiled code fragment |
Cstd::shared_ptr< T > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CDisplayWindow > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CDisplayWindow3D > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CHMHMapNode > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CHolonomicLogFileRecord > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CMetricMap > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CObservation > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< ConnectivityDescriptor > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CPointCloudFilterBase > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CPointsMap > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CPose3DPDF > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CPosePDF > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CSerializable > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CvCBCorner > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CvCBQuad > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< CVehicleVelCmd > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::comms::CSerialPort > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::img ::CImage > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::io::CStream > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::maps ::CLandmarksMap > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::maps ::CMultiMetricMap > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::maps ::COccupancyGridMap2D > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::maps ::COctoMap > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::maps ::CSimplePointsMap > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::obs ::CActionCollection > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::obs ::CObservation2DRangeScan > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::obs ::CObservation3DRangeScan > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::obs ::CObservationImage > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::obs ::CObservationIMU > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::obs ::CObservationVelodyneScan > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::obs ::CSensoryFrame > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl ::COpenGLScene > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl ::CSetOfLines > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl ::CText > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl ::CTexturedPlane > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::TImplAssimp > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl::COpenGLBuffer::RAII_Impl > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl::COpenGLVertexArrayObject::RAII_Impl > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::opengl::CText > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< mrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderRBPF > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< std::istream > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< std::mutex > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< T2ListsOfSegments > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< TCommonRegion > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< TPixelLabelInfoBase > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< TPoint2D > | |
Cstd::shared_ptr< TSegment2D > | |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::SI_ConvertA< SI_CHAR > | Null conversion class for MBCS/UTF-8 to char (or equivalent) |
▶Cmrpt::config::simpleini::SI_ConvertA< char > | |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::MRPT_IniFileParser | MRPT custom INI file parser to allow minimal file preprocessing: |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::Converter | Characterset conversion utility class to convert strings to the same format as is used for the storage |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::SI_GenericCase< SI_CHAR > | Generic case-sensitive less than comparison |
Cmrpt::config::simpleini::SI_GenericNoCase< SI_CHAR > | Generic ASCII case-insensitive less than comparison |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::SO< n > | Traits for SO(n), rotations in R^n space |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::SO< 2 > | Traits for SO(2), rotations in R^2 space |
Cmrpt::poses::Lie::SO< 3 > | Traits for SO(3), rotations in R^3 space |
Cmrpt::poses::SO_average< DOF > | Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SO(2) or SO(3) orientations |
Cmrpt::poses::SO_average< 2 > | Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SO(2) orientations |
Cmrpt::poses::SO_average< 3 > | Computes weighted and un-weighted averages of SO(3) orientations |
Csort_pred | |
▶Cstreambuf | |
CCMyRedirector | This auxiliary class redirects the output sent to a streambuf to a wxTextCtrl object |
Cmrpt::system::CConsoleRedirector | By creating an object of this class, all the output to std::cout (and std::cerr) will be redirected to a text file, and optionally also shown on the console |
CEigen::Stride< Outter, Inner > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::string_literal< N > | |
Cmrpt::comms::Subscriber | Nodelet-like Pub/Sub communications (in #include <mrpt/comms/nodelets.h>) |
Cmrpt::obs::T2DScanProperties | Auxiliary struct that holds all the relevant geometry information about a 2D scan |
CT2ListsOfSegments | |
Cmrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams | Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::unprojectInto() |
Cmrpt::obs::T3DPointsTo2DScanParams | Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::convertTo2DScan() |
Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< POSEORPOINT > | |
Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPoint2D > | |
Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPoint3D > | |
Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPose2D > | |
Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPose3D > | |
Cmrpt::poses::detail::T3DTypeHelper< CPose3DQuat > | |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TAKAZEOptions | AKAZEOptions Options |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TargetInfo | Individual target info in CAbstractNavigator::TNavigationParamsBase and derived classes |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TaskDescription | Each of the tasks to create in CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::initialize() |
Cmrpt::slam::TAuxDataRecursiveJCBB | |
CTAuxLoadFunctor | |
CTAuxRangeMeasInfo | Auxiliary for optimal sampling in RO-SLAM |
Cmrpt::math::detail::TAuxResizer< MAT, TypeSizeAtCompileTime > | Internal resize which compiles to nothing on fixed-size matrices |
Cmrpt::math::detail::TAuxResizer< MAT, -1 > | |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TBCDOptions | BCD Options |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromTBI::TBI_info | |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TBLDOptions | BLDOptions Descriptor Options |
Cmrpt::system::CTimeLogger::TCallData | Data of all the calls: |
Cmrpt::system::TCallStackBackTrace | See: getCallStackBackTrace() |
Cmrpt::system::TCallStackEntry | Used in getCallStackBackTrace() |
Cmrpt::system::CTimeLogger::TCallStats | Data of each call section: # of calls, minimum, maximum, average and overall execution time (in seconds) |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_dc1394::TCameraInfo | Used in enumerateCameras |
Cmrpt::nav::TCandidateMovementPTG | Stores a candidate movement in TP-Space-based navigation |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureCVOptions | Options used when creating an OpenCV capture object Some options apply to IEEE1394 cameras only |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_bumblebee | Options used when creating a bumblebee camera capture object |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_dc1394 | Options used when creating an dc1394 capture object All but the frame size, framerate, and color_coding can be changed dynamically by CImageGrabber_dc1394::changeCaptureOptions |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_DUO3D | Options used when creating a camera capture object of type CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2 |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_FlyCapture2 | Options used when creating a camera capture object of type CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2 |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TCaptureOptions_SVS | Options used when creating a STOC Videre Design camera capture object |
Cmrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CollisionGridBased::TCellForLambdaFunction | Specifies the min/max values for "k" and "n", respectively |
Cmrpt::img::TColor | A RGB color - 8bit |
Cmrpt::img::TColorf | An RGBA color - floats in the range [0,1] |
Cmrpt::img::TColorManager | Manage R, G, B color triads and ask class instance of the next unique RGB combination |
CTCommonRegion | |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NV_OEM6_VERSION::TComponentVersion | |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::Message_NV_OEM6_RANGECMP::TCompressedRangeLog | |
Cmrpt::topography::TCoords | A coordinate that is stored as a simple "decimal" angle in degrees, but can be retrieved/set in the form of DEGREES + arc-MINUTES + arc-SECONDS |
Cmrpt::nav::TCPoint | Trajectory points in C-Space for non-holonomic robots |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TCriticalPointsList | The structure used to store the set of Voronoi diagram critical points |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TCustomSequenceLandmarks | The list of landmarks: the wrapper class is just for maintaining the KD-Tree representation |
Cmrpt::slam::TDataAssociationResults | The results from mrpt::slam::data_association |
Cmrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM::TDataAssocInfo | Information for data-association: |
Cmrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D::TDataAssocInfo | Information for data-association: |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGasSensors::CMOSmodel::TdataMap | The content of each m_lastObservations in the estimation when using the option : MOS_MODEl (useMOSmodel =1) |
Cmrpt::slam::CRejectionSamplingRangeOnlyLocalization::TDataPerBeacon | Data for each beacon observation with a correspondence with the map |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatum10Params | Parameters for a topographic transfomation |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatum1DTransf | Parameters for a topographic transfomation |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatum7Params | Parameters for a topographic transfomation |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatum7Params_TOPCON | |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatumHelmert2D | Parameters for a topographic transfomation |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatumHelmert2D_TOPCON | |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatumHelmert3D | Parameters for a topographic transfomation |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatumHelmert3D_TOPCON | Parameters for a topographic transfomation |
Cmrpt::topography::TDatumTransfInterpolation | Parameters for a topographic transfomation |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeature::TDescriptors | All the possible descriptors this feature may have |
Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderICP::TDist | Traveled distances from last map update / ICP-based localization |
CTDistance | |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDijkstra< TYPE_GRAPH, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION >::TDistance | Auxiliary struct for topological distances from root node |
Cmrpt::detectors::CDetectorDoorCrossing::TDoorCrossingOutParams | A structure used as output in this method |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAngularObservationMesh::TDoubleRange | Range specification type, with several uses |
CTDUOParams | |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedTree< TYPE_EDGES >::TEdgeInfo | |
Cmrpt::topography::TEllipsoid | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CRovio::TEncoders | |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TEntropyInfo | Used for returning entropy related information |
Cmrpt::math::MatrixBlockSparseCols< Scalar, NROWS, NCOLS, INFO, HAS_REMAP, INDEX_REMAP_MAP_IMPL >::TEntry | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TEnumType< ENUMTYPE > | A helper class that can convert an enum value into its textual representation, and viceversa |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TEnumTypeFiller< ENUMTYPE > | Only specializations of this class are defined for each enum type of interest |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TErrorReason | |
▶CTest | |
CGraphTester< my_graph_t > | |
CICPTests | |
CPose3DPDFGaussTests | |
CPose3DQuatPDFGaussTests | |
CPose3DQuatTests | |
CPose3DTests | |
CPosePDFGaussTests | |
CQuaternionTests | |
CSE_traits_tests< POSE_TYPE > | |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScanWithUncertainty::TEvalParams | |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointCloudFilterBase::TExtraFilterParams | |
Cmrpt::vision::CGenericFeatureTracker::TExtraOutputInfo | |
Cmrpt::poses::FrameTransformer< DIM >::TF_TreeEdge | |
CTFace | |
Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterCapable::TFastDrawAuxVars | Auxiliary vectors, see CParticleFilterCapable::prepareFastDrawSample for more information |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TFASTOptions | FAST Options |
Cmrpt::vision::TFeatureObservation | One feature observation entry, used within sequences with TSequenceFeatureObservations |
Cmrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorer::TFileInfo | This represents the information about each file |
Cmrpt::system::CFileSystemWatcher::TFileSystemChange | Each of the changes detected by utils::CFileSystemWatcher |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::TFontParams | A description of a bitmapped or vectorized text font |
▶Cmrpt::opengl::T2DTextData | An auxiliary struct for holding a list of text messages in some mrpt::opengl & mrpt::gui classes The font can be either a bitmapped or a vectorized font |
Cmrpt::opengl::CTextMessageCapable::DataPerText | |
CTForce | |
Cmrpt::io::internal::TFreeFnDataForZMQ | |
Cmrpt::comms::TFTDIDevice | A list of FTDI devices and their descriptors |
CTFunctorLaserSimulData | |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TFuseOptions | With this struct options are provided to the fusion process |
CTGap | |
Cmrpt::nav::CHolonomicND::TGap | The structure used to store a detected gap in obstacles |
Cmrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D::TGaussianCell | |
Cmrpt::poses::CPointPDFSOG::TGaussianMode | The struct for each mode: |
Cmrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFSOG::TGaussianMode | The struct for each mode: |
Cmrpt::poses::CPosePDFSOG::TGaussianMode | The struct for each mode: |
Cmrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D::TGaussianWindTable | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CLoopCloserERD< GRAPH_T >::TGenerateHypotsPoolAdParams | Struct for passing additional parameters to the generateHypotsPool call |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TGeneratePointCloudParameters | |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TGeneratePointCloudSE3Results | Results for generatePointCloudAlongSE3Trajectory() |
Cmrpt::topography::TGeodeticCoords | A set of geodetic coordinates: latitude, longitude and height, defined over a given geoid (typically, WGS84) |
Cmrpt::graphslam::deciders::CLoopCloserERD< GRAPH_T >::TGetICPEdgeAdParams | Struct for passing additional parameters to the getICPEdge call |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TLikelihoodOptions::TGPSOrigin | This struct store de GPS longitude, latitude (in degrees ) and altitude (in meters) for the first GPS observation compose with de sensor position on the robot |
Cmrpt::graphs::TGraphvizExportParams | Used in mrpt::graphs export functions to .dot files |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels::TGridCube | The info of each grid block |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::THarrisOptions | Harris Options |
Cmrpt::maps::THeightGridmapCell | The contents of each cell in a CHeightGridMap2D map |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLocalMetricHypothesis::ThreadLocks | |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::THypothesis< GRAPH_T > | An edge hypothesis between two nodeIDs |
Cmrpt::vision::TImageCalibData | Data associated to each image in the calibration process mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration (All the information can be left empty and will be filled up in the calibration method) |
Cmrpt::vision::TImageROI | A structure for defining a ROI within an image |
Cmrpt::vision::TImageStereoCalibData | Data associated to each stereo image in the calibration process mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration (All the information can be left empty and will be filled up in the calibration method) |
Cmrpt::vision::TImageStereoCallbackData | Params of the optional callback provided by the user |
Cmrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::TImplAssimp | A container for automatic deletion of assimp scene when the last reference of the smart_ptr's is destroyed |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive::TInfoPerPTG | |
Cmrpt::nav::CLogFileRecord::TInfoPerPTG | The structure used to store all relevant information about each transformation into TP-Space |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ::TInfoPerTask | |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels::TInfoPerVoxelSet | |
▶Cmrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::TInsertionOptionsCommon | Parameters common to any derived class |
Cmrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D::TInsertionOptions | Parameters related with inserting observations into the map: |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_MRF::TInsertionOptions | Parameters related with inserting observations into the map |
▶CTInsertionOptionsCommon | |
Cmrpt::maps::CWirelessPowerGridMap2D::TInsertionOptions | Parameters related with inserting observations into the map: |
Cmrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap::TInsertionResults | This struct stores extra results from invoking insertObservation |
CTInterpQuery | |
Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >::TKDTreeDataHolder< _DIM > | Internal structure with the KD-tree representation (mainly used to avoid copying pointers with the = operator) |
Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >::TKDTreeDataHolder< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >::TKDTreeDataHolder< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::math::KDTreeCapable< Derived, num_t, metric_t >::TKDTreeSearchParams | |
Cmrpt::vision::TKeyPoint_templ< PIXEL_COORD_TYPE > | Simple structure for image key points |
Cmrpt::vision::TKeyPoint_templ< mrpt::img::TPixelCoordf > | |
Cmrpt::vision::TKeyPointList_templ< FEATURE > | A list of image features using the structure TKeyPoint for each feature Users normally will use directly: TKeyPointList, TKeyPointfList |
Cmrpt::vision::TKeyPointList_templ< TKeyPoint > | |
Cmrpt::vision::TKeyPointTraits< FEATURE > | |
Cmrpt::vision::TKeyPointTraits< TKeyPoint > | |
Cmrpt::vision::TKeyPointTraits< TKeyPointf > | |
Cmrpt::kinematics::TKinematicLink | An individual kinematic chain element (one link) which builds up a CKinematicChain |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TKLTOptions | KLT Options |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TLaserRange2DInsertContext | Helper struct used for internal_loadFromRangeScan2D_prepareOneRange() |
Cmrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TLaserRange3DInsertContext | Helper struct used for internal_loadFromRangeScan3D_prepareOneRange() |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TLaserSimulUncertaintyParams | Input params for laserScanSimulatorWithUncertainty() |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TLaserSimulUncertaintyResult | Output params for laserScanSimulatorWithUncertainty() |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TLATCHOptions | LATCHOptions Descriptor |
Cmrpt::obs::detail::TLevMarData | |
Cmrpt::opengl::TLightParameters | Lighting parameters, mostly for triangle shaders |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TLikelihoodOutput | Some members of this struct will contain intermediate or output data after calling "computeObservationLikelihood" for some likelihood functions |
Cmrpt::math::TLine2D | 2D line without bounds, represented by its equation |
Cmrpt::math::TLine3D | 3D line, represented by a base point and a director vector |
Cmrpt::opengl::CTextMessageCapable::TListTextMessages | |
CTLocalPoint | Local stucture used in the next method (must be here for usage within STL stuff) |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TLogPolarImagesOptions | LogPolarImagesOptions Options |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TLSDOptions | LSDOptions Options |
CTMass | |
Cmrpt::maps::TMatchingExtraResults | Additional results from the determination of matchings between point clouds, etc., apart from the pairings themselves |
Cmrpt::tfest::TMatchingPair | A structure for holding correspondences between two sets of points or points-like entities in 2D or 3D |
Cmrpt::maps::TMatchingParams | Parameters for the determination of matchings between point clouds, etc |
Cmrpt::maps::TMatchingRatioParams | Parameters for CMetricMap::compute3DMatchingRatio() |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservation6DFeatures::TMeasurement | Each one of the measurements |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationBeaconRanges::TMeasurement | Each one of the measurements |
Cmrpt::detectors::CFaceDetection::TMeasurement | |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRange::TMeasurement | |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationBearingRange::TMeasurement | Each one of the measurements: |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromAA | Message definition: |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMfromTBI | Message definition: |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM::TMessageLSLAMtoTBI | Message definition: |
▶Cmrpt::slam::TMetricMapAlignmentResult | Used as base class for other result structures of each particular algorithm in CMetricMapsAlignmentAlgorithm derived classes |
Cmrpt::slam::CGridMapAligner::TReturnInfo | The ICP algorithm return information |
Cmrpt::slam::CICP::TReturnInfo | The ICP algorithm return information |
Cmrpt::maps::internal::TMetricMapTypesRegistry | Class factory & registry for map classes |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CVelodyneScanner::TModelProperties | Hard-wired properties of LIDARs depending on the model |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CVelodyneScanner::TModelPropertiesFactory | Access to default sets of parameters for Velodyne LIDARs |
Cmrpt::slam::TMonteCarloLocalizationParams | The struct for passing extra simulation parameters to the prediction stage when running a particle filter |
Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement3D::TMotionModelOptions | The parameter to be passed to "computeFromOdometry" |
Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D::TMotionModelOptions | The parameter to be passed to "computeFromOdometry" |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPClient::TMountPoint | A descriptor of one stream in an NTRIP Caster - See CNTRIPClient::retrieveListOfMountpoints |
Cmrpt::nav::TMoveEdgeSE2_TP | An edge for the move tree used for planning in SE2 and TP-space |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TMRSlamEdgeAnnotations | Struct to be used as the EDGE_ANNOTATIONS template argument in CNetworkOfPoses class instances for use in multiple-robot SLAM applications |
Cmrpt::system::COutputLogger::TMsg | Struct responsible of holding information relevant to the message (in std::string form) issued by the user |
Cmrpt::vision::TMultiResMatchingOutput | Struct containing the output after matching multi-resolution SIFT-like descriptors |
Cmrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::TNavDynamicState | Dynamic state that may affect the PTG path parameterization |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TNavigationParamsBase | Base for all high-level navigation commands |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TNavigationParams | The struct for configuring navigation requests |
▶Cmrpt::nav::CWaypointsNavigator::TNavigationParamsWaypoints | The struct for configuring navigation requests to CWaypointsNavigator and derived classes |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive::TNavigationParamsPTG | The struct for configuring navigation requests to CAbstractPTGBasedReactive and derived classes |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< Derived >::TNode | The structure for each octree spatial node |
▶Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TNodeAnnotations | Abstract class from which NodeAnnotations related classes can be implemented |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TMRSlamNodeAnnotations | Struct to be used as the NODE_ANNOTATIONS template argument in CNetworkOfPoses class instances for use in multiple-robot SLAM applications |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TNodeAnnotationsEmpty | Struct to be used as the NODE_ANNOTATIONS template argument in CNetworkOfPoses class instances for use in multiple-robot SLAM applications |
Cmrpt::graphslam::detail::TNodeProps< GRAPH_T > | |
Cmrpt::nav::TNodeSE2 | |
Cmrpt::nav::TNodeSE2_TP | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::detail::to_chars< digits > | |
▶Cmrpt::typemeta::detail::to_chars< digits... > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::detail::explode< 0, digits... > | |
Cmrpt::math::TObject2D | Standard type for storing any lightweight 2D type |
Cmrpt::math::TObject2D::tobject2d_data_t | Union type storing pointers to every allowed type |
Cmrpt::math::TObject3D | Standard object for storing any 3D lightweight object |
Cmrpt::math::TObject3D::tobject3d_data_t | Union containing pointer to actual data |
CTObs | |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationGasSensors::TObservationENose | The structure for each e-nose |
CTOldCellTypeInVersion1 | |
Cmrpt::detectors::CCascadeClassifierDetection::TOptions | |
Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilder::TOptions | Options for the algorithm |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CRovio::TOptions | |
Cmrpt::detectors::CDetectorDoorCrossing::TOptions | In this structure parameters can be changed to customize the behaviour of this algorithm |
Cmrpt::detectors::CFaceDetection::TOptions | |
Cmrpt::poses::CRobot2DPoseEstimator::TOptions | |
Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement3D::TMotionModelOptions::TOptions_6DOFModel | |
Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D::TMotionModelOptions::TOptions_GaussianModel | Options for the gaussian model, which generates a CPosePDFGaussian object in poseChange using a closed-form linear Gaussian model |
Cmrpt::obs::CActionRobotMovement2D::TMotionModelOptions::TOptions_ThrunModel | Options for the Thrun's model, which generates a CPosePDFParticles object in poseChange using a MonteCarlo simulation |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TORBOptions | ORB Options |
Cmrpt::slam::CGridMapAligner::TReturnInfo::TPairPlusDistance | |
Cmrpt::system::TParameters< T > | For usage when passing a dynamic number of (numeric) arguments to a function, by name |
Cmrpt::system::TParameters< double > | |
CSE_traits_tests< POSE_TYPE >::TParams | |
CPose3DTests::TParams_func_jacob_Aexpe_D | |
CSE_traits_tests< POSE_TYPE >::TParamsMat< MAT_LEN > | |
CTParsersRegistry | |
Cmrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter::TParticleFilterStats | Statistics for being returned from the "execute" method |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAM_RBPF_2DLASER::TPathBin | Auxiliary structure |
Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPathBin2D | Auxiliary structure |
Cmrpt::topography::TPathFromRTKInfo | Used to return optional information from mrpt::topography::path_from_rtk_gps |
Cmrpt::img::TPixelCoord | A pair (x,y) of pixel coordinates (integer resolution) |
Cmrpt::img::TPixelCoordf | A pair (x,y) of pixel coordinates (subpixel resolution) |
▶Cmrpt::obs::TPixelLabelInfoBase | Virtual interface to all pixel-label semantic information structs |
Cmrpt::obs::TPixelLabelInfo< BYTES_REQUIRED_ > | Pixel-wise semantic label struct |
Cmrpt::math::TPlane | 3D Plane, represented by its equation |
Cmrpt::nav::TPlannerInputTempl< node_pose_t, world_limits_t > | |
▶Cmrpt::nav::TPlannerInputTempl< node_pose_t, node_pose_t > | |
Cmrpt::nav::PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS::TPlannerInput | |
Cmrpt::nav::TPlannerResultTempl< tree_t > | |
▶Cmrpt::nav::TPlannerResultTempl< TMoveTreeSE2_TP > | |
Cmrpt::nav::PlannerRRT_SE2_TPS::TPlannerResult | |
▶Cmrpt::math::TPoint2D_data< T > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint2D_< T > | Base template for TPoint2D and TPoint2Df |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint2D_< double > | |
▶Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_data< T > | Trivially copiable underlying data for TPoint3D 1-byte memory packed, no padding] |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< T > | Base template for TPoint3D and TPoint3Df |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< double > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< float > | |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TPointCloud | See point_cloud and scan_packets |
Cmrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_Base::TPointInsertParams | Extra params for insertIndividualPoint() |
Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZfIu8 | XYZ point (float) + Intensity(u8) |
Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZfRGBAu8 | XYZ point (float) + RGBA(u8) |
Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZfRGBu8 | XYZ point (float) + RGB(u8) |
Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZIu8 | XYZ point (double) + Intensity(u8) |
Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZRGBAf | XYZ point (float) + RGBA(float) [1-byte memory packed, no padding] |
Cmrpt::math::TPointXYZRGBu8 | XYZ point (double) + RGB(u8) |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TPolarImagesOptions | PolarImagesOptions options |
Cmrpt::math::TPolygonWithPlane | Slightly heavyweight type to speed-up calculations with polygons in 3D |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronEdge | Struct used to store a polyhedron edge |
Cmrpt::opengl::CPolyhedron::TPolyhedronFace | Struct used to store a polyhedron face |
Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin2D | Auxiliary structure used in KLD-sampling in particle filters |
Cmrpt::slam::detail::TPoseBin3D | Auxiliary structure used in KLD-sampling in particle filters |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::TPoseInfo | Information kept for each robot pose used in CRobotPosesGraph |
▶Cmrpt::math::TPoseOrPoint | Base type of all TPoseXX and TPointXX classes in mrpt::math |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint2D_< T > | Base template for TPoint2D and TPoint2Df |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< T > | Base template for TPoint3D and TPoint3Df |
Cmrpt::math::TPose2D | Lightweight 2D pose |
Cmrpt::math::TPose3D | Lightweight 3D pose (three spatial coordinates, plus three angular coordinates) |
Cmrpt::math::TPose3DQuat | Lightweight 3D pose (three spatial coordinates, plus a quaternion ) |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint2D_< double > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< double > | |
Cmrpt::math::TPoint3D_< float > | |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TPosePDFHelper< POSE_PDF > | |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TPosePDFHelper< CPose2D > | |
Cmrpt::graphs::detail::TPosePDFHelper< CPose3D > | |
Cmrpt::tfest::TPotentialMatch | For each individual-compatibility (IC) test, the indices of the candidate match between elements in both reference frames |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDijkstra< TYPE_GRAPH, MAPS_IMPLEMENTATION >::TPrevious | Auxiliary struct for backward paths |
CTPrevious | |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::TPropertyValueIDTriplet | Internal triplet for each property in utils::CMHPropertiesValuesList |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CPropertiesValuesList::TPropertyValuePair | |
Cmrpt::nav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D::TPTGmultilevel | A set of PTGs of the same type, one per "height level" |
Cnanoflann::metric_L2::traits< T, DataSource > | |
Cnanoflann::metric_L2_Simple::traits< T, DataSource > | |
Cnanoflann::metric_L1::traits< T, DataSource > | |
Cmrpt::maps::TRandomFieldCell | The contents of each cell in a CRandomFieldGridMap2D map |
Cmrpt::maps::TRandomFieldVoxel | The contents of each voxel in a CRandomFieldGridMap3D map |
Cmrpt::obs::TRangeImageFilter | Mainly for internal use within CObservation3DRangeScan::unprojectInto() |
Cmrpt::obs::TRangeImageFilterParams | Used in CObservation3DRangeScan::unprojectInto() |
▶Cmrpt::graphslam::apps::TRegistrationDeciderOrOptimizerProps | Properties struct for both the Registration Decider and Optimizer classes |
Cmrpt::graphslam::apps::TOptimizerProps | Properties struct for the Optimizer classes |
Cmrpt::graphslam::apps::TRegistrationDeciderProps | Properties struct for the Registration Decider classes |
Cmrpt::vision::TRelativeFeaturePos | One relative feature observation entry, used with some relative bundle-adjustment functions |
Cmrpt::maps::COctoMapBase< octree_t, octree_node_t >::TRenderingOptions | Options for the conversion of a mrpt::maps::COctoMap into a mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D::TRenderingOptions | Options for the conversion of a mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap3D into a mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels |
Cmrpt::opengl::TRenderMatrices | Rendering state related to the projection and model-view matrices |
Cmrpt::nav::PlannerTPS_VirtualBase::TRenderPlannedPathOptions | Options for renderMoveTree() |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer< Derived >::TRenderQueueElement | |
Cmrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TRequestToWxMainThread | The data structure for each inter-thread request: |
Cmrpt::vision::TResidJacobElement | Data associated to each observation in the Lev-Marq |
Cmrpt::nav::CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase::TResultInfo | |
Cmrpt::math::CLevenbergMarquardtTempl< VECTORTYPE, USERPARAM >::TResultInfo | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::TResultInfoSpaLevMarq | Output information for mrpt::graphslam::optimize_graph_spa_levmarq() |
Cmrpt::gui::detail::TReturnAskUserOpenCamera | |
Cmrpt::graphslam::CGraphSlamEngine< GRAPH_T >::TRGBDInfoFileParams | Struct responsible for keeping the parameters of the .info file in RGBD related datasets |
Cmrpt::hmtslam::CLocalMetricHypothesis::TRobotPosesPartitioning | Used by AA thread |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator::TRobotPoseVel | |
Cmrpt::nav::TRobotShape | A 3D robot shape stored as a "sliced" stack of 2D polygons, used for CReactiveNavigationSystem3D Depending on each PTG, only the 2D polygon or the circular radius will be taken into account |
Cmrpt::vision::TROI | A structure for storing a 3D ROI |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CRovio::TRovioState | |
▶Ctrue_type | |
Cmrpt::is_shared_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cmrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId | A structure that holds runtime class type information |
Cmrpt::containers::ts_map_entry< KEY, VALUE > | |
Cmrpt::tfest::TSE2RobustParams | Parameters for se2_l2_robust() |
Cmrpt::tfest::TSE2RobustResult | Output placeholder for se2_l2_robust() |
Cmrpt::tfest::TSE3RobustParams | Parameters for se3_l2_robust() |
Cmrpt::tfest::TSE3RobustResult | Output placeholder for se3_l2_robust() |
Cmrpt::math::TSegment2D | 2D segment, consisting of two points |
Cmrpt::math::TSegment3D | 3D segment, consisting of two points |
CTSegmentWithLine | |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::TSensorClassId | A structure for runtime ID class type information in the context of hwdrivers::CGenericSensor |
Cmrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG::TSensorInfo | Used in CHokuyoURG::displayVersionInfo |
Cmrpt::nav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive::TSentVelCmd | |
Cmrpt::vision::detail::TSIFTDesc2KDTree_Adaptor< distance_t, element_t > | |
Cmrpt::vision::detail::TSIFTDesc2KDTree_Adaptor< distance_t > | |
Cmrpt::vision::TSIFTDescriptorsKDTreeIndex< distance_t, metric_t > | A kd-tree builder for sets of features with SIFT descriptors |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TSIFTOptions | SIFT Options |
Cmrpt::obs::CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScans::TSinCosValues | A pair of vectors with the cos and sin values |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationSkeleton::TSkeletonJoint | A generic joint for the skeleton observation |
Cmrpt::math::ModelSearch::TSpecies< TModelFit > | |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TSpinImagesOptions | SpinImages Options |
Cmrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderRBPF::TStats | This structure will hold stats after each execution of processActionObservation |
Cmrpt::vision::TStereoCalibParams | Input parameters for mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration |
Cmrpt::vision::TStereoCalibResults | Output results for mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration |
Cmrpt::obs::TStereoImageFeatures | |
Cmrpt::vision::detail::TSURFDesc2KDTree_Adaptor< distance_t, element_t > | |
Cmrpt::vision::detail::TSURFDesc2KDTree_Adaptor< distance_t > | |
Cmrpt::vision::TSURFDescriptorsKDTreeIndex< distance_t, metric_t > | A kd-tree builder for sets of features with SURF descriptors |
Cmrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::TSURFOptions | SURF Options |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationRFID::TTagReading | Each of the individual readings of a RFID tag |
CTTempIntersection | |
Cmrpt::detectors::CFaceDetection::TTestsOptions | |
CTThreadParam | |
Cmrpt::apps::ICP_SLAM_App_Live::TThreadParams | |
Cmrpt::system::TTimeParts | The parts of a date/time (it's like the standard 'tm' but with fractions of seconds) |
Cmrpt::opengl::TTriangle | A triangle (float coordinates) with RGBA colors (u8) and UV (texture coordinates) for each vertex |
Cmrpt::opengl::CMesh::TTriangleVertexIndices | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< T > | A template to obtain the type of its argument as a string at compile time |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CMatrixDynamic< T > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CMatrixFixed< T, N, M > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CVectorDynamic< T > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CVectorFixed< T, N > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CVectorFixedDouble< N > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< mrpt::math::CVectorFixedFloat< N > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< std::chrono::time_point< T > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cmrpt::typemeta::TTypeName< std::shared_ptr< T > > | Specialization for shared_ptr<T> |
Cmrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::TUpdateCellsInfoChangeOnly | An internal structure for storing data related to counting the new information apported by some observation |
Cmrpt::graphslam::apps::TUserOptionsChecker< GRAPH_t > | Class containing the declarations of supplementary methods that can be used in application-related code |
Cmrpt::graphslam::apps::TUserOptionsChecker< GRAPH_T > | |
Cmrpt::nav::CNavigatorManualSequence::TVelCmd | |
Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd::TVelCmdParams | Parameters that may be used by cmdVel_limits() in any derived classes |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TVelodynePositionPacket | Payload of one POSITION packet |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::TVelodyneRawPacket | One unit of data from the scanner (the payload of one UDP DATA packet) |
Cmrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_Holo::TVelRampCmd | |
CTVertex | |
Cmrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels::TVoxel | The info of each of the voxels |
▶Cmrpt::nav::TWaypoint | A single waypoint within TWaypointSequence |
Cmrpt::nav::TWaypointStatus | A waypoint with an execution status |
Cmrpt::nav::TWaypointSequence | The struct for requesting navigation requests for a sequence of waypoints |
Cmrpt::nav::TWaypointsRenderingParams | Used in getAsOpenglVisualization() |
Cmrpt::nav::TWaypointStatusSequence | The struct for querying the status of waypoints navigation |
Cmrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::TWxMainThreadData | |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedGraph< TYPE_EDGES, EDGE_ANNOTATIONS >::edge_t | The type of each global pose in nodes: an extension of the TYPE_EDGES pose with any optional user-defined data |
Cmrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount< num_bytes > | Usage: uint_select_by_bytecount<N>::type var; allows defining var as a unsigned integer with, at least, N bytes |
Cmrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount< 1 > | |
Cmrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount< 2 > | |
Cmrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount< 3 > | |
Cmrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount< 4 > | |
Cmrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount< 8 > | |
Cmrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::unproject_LUT_t | Look-up-table struct for unprojectInto() |
Cmrpt::containers::UnspecializedBool | |
Cmrpt::vision::pnp::upnp | |
Cmrpt::obs::gnss::UTC_time | UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time-stamp structure for GPS messages |
▶Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
▶Cmrpt::math::TPolygon2D | 2D polygon, inheriting from std::vector<TPoint2D> |
Cmrpt::math::CPolygon | A wrapper of a TPolygon2D class, implementing CSerializable |
Cmrpt::math::TPolygon3D | 3D polygon, inheriting from std::vector<TPoint3D> |
Cmrpt::tfest::TMatchingPairList | A list of TMatchingPair |
Cmrpt::vision::TSequenceFeatureObservations | A complete sequence of observations of features from different camera frames (poses) |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< VAL, small_size, alignment > | Container that transparently and dynamically switches between a std::array and std::vector |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< bitmask_t, small_size, MRPT_MAX_STATIC_ALIGN_BYTES > | |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< double, small_size, MRPT_MAX_STATIC_ALIGN_BYTES > | |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< KFTYPE, small_size, MRPT_MAX_STATIC_ALIGN_BYTES > | |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< kftype, small_size, MRPT_MAX_STATIC_ALIGN_BYTES > | |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< mrpt::math::TPoint3D_data< double >, small_size, MRPT_MAX_STATIC_ALIGN_BYTES > | |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< NUMTYPE, small_size, MRPT_MAX_STATIC_ALIGN_BYTES > | |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< T, small_size, MRPT_MAX_STATIC_ALIGN_BYTES > | |
Cmrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization< uint16_t, small_size, MRPT_MAX_STATIC_ALIGN_BYTES > | |
CEigen::VectorBlock< VectorType, Size > | |
Cmrpt::obs::VelodyneCalibration | Velodyne calibration data, for usage in mrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan |
Cmrpt::opengl::TTriangle::Vertex | |
Cmrpt::graphs::CDirectedTree< TYPE_EDGES >::Visitor | Virtual base class for user-defined visitors |
Cmrpt::system::WorkerThreadsPool | A simple thread pool |
▶CwxApp | |
CCDisplayWindow_WXAPP | |
▶CwxDialog | |
CCAboutBox | |
CCDialogAskUserForCamera | |
▶CwxFrame | |
Cmrpt::gui::C3DWindowDialog | |
Cmrpt::gui::CWindowDialog | The wx dialog for gui::CDisplayWindow |
Cmrpt::gui::CWindowDialogPlots | The wx dialog for gui::CDisplayWindowPlots |
Cmrpt::gui::WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame | The main frame of the wxWidgets application |
▶CwxPanel | |
Cmrpt::gui::CPanelCameraSelection | A panel to select the camera input from all the formats supported by MRPT |
Cmrpt::gui::CWindowDialog::wxMRPTImageControl | A custom control to display the bitmap and avoid flicker |
Cmrpt::gui::wxMRPTImageControl | A custom control to display the bitmap and avoid flicker |
Cmrpt::gui::WxSubsystem | This class implements the GUI thread required for the wxWidgets-based GUI |
CXPMColorMapData | |