10 #ifndef _CMT2_H_2006_04_13 11 #define _CMT2_H_2006_04_13 13 #ifndef _CMT_MONOLITHIC 173 bool acceptErrorMessage);
252 #endif // _CMT2_H_2006_04_13
unsigned __int16 uint16_t
Mid-level serial communication class.
XsensResultValue open(const char *filename, const bool readOnly=false)
Open a file and read the header.
CmtCallbackFunction m_onMessageReceived
The message received function.
XsensResultValue getPortNr(uint8_t &port) const
Retrieve the port that the object is connected to.
XsensResultValue setCallbackFunction(CmtCallbackSelector tp, int32_t instance, CmtCallbackFunction func, void *param)
Set the callback function for when a message has been received or sent.
XsensResultValue getLastResult(void) const
Return the error code of the last operation.
The default baud rate of the Cmt1s serial communication.
CmtCallbackFunction m_onMessageSent
The message sent function.
XsensResultValue getName(char *filename) const
Retrieve the filename that was last successfully opened.
uint32_t m_toEnd
The timestamp at which to end an operation.
Timeout in ms for level 2.
Cmt1s m_cmt1s
The CMT level 1 object that this class operates on.
XsensResultValue getPortName(char *portname) const
int32_t m_onMessageReceivedInstance
Custom, user supplied parameter for the OnMessageReceived callback function, passed as the first argu...
The mid-level file communication class.
void * m_onMessageSentParam
Custom, user supplied parameter for the OnMessageSent callback function, passed as the last argument...
int32_t m_onMessageSentInstance
Custom, user supplied parameter for the OnMessageSent callback function, passed as the first argument...
XsensResultValue close(void)
Close the file.
Cmt1s * getCmt1s(void)
Return a reference to the embedded Cmt1s object.
Xsens return values.
XsensResultValue closeAndDelete(void)
Close the file and delete it.
XsensResultValue(__cdecl * CmtCallbackFunction)(int32_t, CmtCallbackSelector, void *, void *)
CmtFilePos getReadPosition(void)
Get the current read position.
Default constructor, initialize all members to their default values.
XsensResultValue open(const char *portName, const uint32_t baudRate=CMT_DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE)
Open a communication channel to the given serial port name.
XsensResultValue waitForMessage(Message *rcv, const uint8_t msgId, uint32_t timeoutOverride, bool acceptErrorMessage)
Wait for a message to arrive.
uint16_t m_readBufferCount
The number of valid bytes in the readBuffer.
uint8_t m_readBuffer[CMT_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE]
Buffer for reading data until a valid message is read.
void * m_onMessageReceivedParam
Custom, user supplied parameter for the OnMessageReceived callback function, passed as the last argum...
int32_t findValidMessage(const uint8_t *buffer, const uint16_t bufferLength)
Find a valid message in the given buffer.
CmtFilePos getFileSize(void)
Get the current file size.
XsensResultValue setReadPosition(CmtFilePos pos)
Set the read position to the given position.
The low-level serial communication class.
XsensResultValue close(void)
Close the serial communication port.
Cmt1f * getCmt1f(void)
Get a reference to the embedded Cmt1f object.
XsensResultValue getLastResult(void) const
Return the error code of the last operation.
XsensResultValue setTimeout(const uint32_t ms=CMT2_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
Set the default timeout value to use in blocking operations.
bool isOpen(void) const
Return whether the communication port is open or not.
Destructor, de-initialize, free memory allocated for buffers, etc.
uint32_t getBaudrate(void)
Return the baudrate that is currently being used by the port.
XsensResultValue writeMessage(Message *msg)
Send a message over the COM port.
XsensResultValue m_lastResult
The last result of an operation.
XsensResultValue create(const char *filename)
Create a new file with level 2 header.
bool isOpen(void) const
Return whether the communication port is open or not.
The low-level file communication class.
XsensResultValue readMessage(Message *msg, const uint8_t msgId=0)
Read the next message from the file, when msgId is non-zero, the first matching message will be retur...
bool isOpen(void) const
Return whether the file is open or not.
The namespace of all Xsens software since 2006.
Default constructor.
Cmt1f m_cmt1f
The Cmt1f object that is used for the low-level operations.
uint32_t getTimeout(void) const
Return the current timeout value in ms.
The default size of the serial read buffer in bytes.
XsensResultValue writeMessage(const Message *msg)
Write a message to the end of the file.
unsigned __int32 uint32_t
uint32_t m_baudrate
The baudrate that was last set to be used by the port.
uint32_t m_timeout
Timeout in ms for blocking operations.
bool m_readOnly
When set to true, the file is read-only and attempts to write to it will fail.
Class for storing a single message.
XsensResultValue readMessage(Message *rcv)
Read a message from the COM port.
XsensResultValue m_lastResult
The last result of an operation.
uint32_t getBaudrate(void) const
Return the baudrate that is currently being used by the port.