Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.5.7
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
13 #include <mrpt/utils/utils_defs.h>
14 #include <mrpt/system/threads.h>
15 #include <mrpt/config.h>
16 #include <mrpt/synch/CSemaphore.h>
19 #include <mrpt/utils/types_math.h>
20 #include <mrpt/gui/gui_frwds.h>
22 #include <mrpt/gui/link_pragmas.h>
24 #include <queue>
25 #include <map>
29 #include <wx/sizer.h>
30 #include <wx/statbmp.h>
31 #include <wx/menu.h>
32 #include <wx/toolbar.h>
33 #include <wx/frame.h>
34 #include <wx/timer.h>
35 #include <wx/statusbr.h>
36 #include <wx/msgdlg.h>
37 #include <wx/artprov.h>
38 #include <wx/bitmap.h>
39 #include <wx/intl.h>
40 #include <wx/image.h>
41 #include <wx/string.h>
42 #include <wx/msgdlg.h>
43 #include <wx/filedlg.h>
44 #include <wx/progdlg.h>
45 #include <wx/imaglist.h>
46 #include <wx/busyinfo.h>
47 #include <wx/log.h>
48 #include <wx/textdlg.h>
49 #include <wx/dirdlg.h>
50 #include <wx/colordlg.h>
51 #include <wx/dcmemory.h>
52 #include <wx/app.h>
53 #include <wx/pen.h>
55 // The wxMathPlot library
56 #include <mrpt/otherlibs/mathplot/mathplot.h>
58 #if 0
59 // The wxFreeChart library
60 #include <wx/chartpanel.h>
61 #include <wx/bars/barplot.h>
63 #include <wx/axis/numberaxis.h>
64 #include <wx/axis/categoryaxis.h>
65 #include <wx/axis/dateaxis.h>
67 #include <wx/xy/xyhistorenderer.h>
68 #include <wx/xy/xydataset.h>
69 #include <wx/xy/xylinerenderer.h>
70 #include <wx/xy/xyplot.h>
71 #include <wx/xy/xysimpledataset.h>
73 #include <wx/xyz/xyzdataset.h>
74 #include <wx/xyz/bubbleplot.h>
76 #include <wx/category/categorydataset.h>
77 #include <wx/category/categorysimpledataset.h>
78 #endif
80 #endif
81 #include <mrpt/gui/gui_frwds.h>
83 namespace mrpt
84 {
85  namespace gui
86  {
87  /** This class implements the GUI thread required for the wxWidgets-based GUI.
88  * This system is employed internally by gui::CDisplayWindow and gui::CDisplayWindow3D, and must be not used in any way directly by the MRPT user.
89  *
90  * The system works by creating a invisible wxFrame that process timer events where it checks a queue of requests sent from the main MRPT thread. The
91  * requests include the creation, deletion,... of windows (2D/3D). In that way, just one thread is required for all the GUI windows, and the wxWidgets
92  * is initialized and clean-up correctly.
93  *
94  * This header should be included just from the implementation files of CDisplayWindow and CDisplayWindow3D, since it uses wxWidgets classes.
95  *
96  * \sa gui::CDisplayWindow, gui::CDisplayWindow3D
97  * \ingroup mrpt_gui_grp
98  */
100  {
103  public:
105  /** This method must be called in the destructor of the user class FROM THE MAIN THREAD, in order to wait for the shutdown of the wx thread if this was the last open window.
106  */
107  static void waitWxShutdownsIfNoWindows();
109  /** Will be set to true at runtime if it's not detected a running wxApp instance.
110  * For console apps, we'll create a new thread and run wxEntry from there.
111  * For GUI apps (MRPT-based Windows are a part of a user wxWidget apps), we must leave the control of
112  * message dispatching to the current main loop, so we cannot create a different threads, making things a little different (hence this variable).
113  */
114  static volatile bool isConsoleApp;
116  /** An auxiliary global object used just to launch a final request to the wxSubsystem for shutdown:
117  */
119  {
120  public:
123  };
128  /** The main frame of the wxWidgets application
129  */
130  class CWXMainFrame: public wxFrame
131  {
134  public:
135  CWXMainFrame(wxWindow* parent,wxWindowID id = -1);
136  virtual ~CWXMainFrame();
138  /** Atomically increments the number of windows created with the main frame as parent.
139  * \return The updated number of windows.
140  */
141  static int notifyWindowCreation();
143  /** Atomically decrements the number of windows created with the main frame as parent.
144  * \return The updated number of windows (0 if the calling was the last one).
145  */
146  static int notifyWindowDestruction();
148  static volatile CWXMainFrame* oneInstance;
151  private:
154  static int m_windowCount;
156  wxTimer *m_theTimer;
158  void OnTimerProcessRequests(wxTimerEvent& event);
162  }; // end class CWXMainFrame
165  {
167  mrpt::system::TThreadHandle m_wxMainThreadId; //!< The thread ID of wxMainThread, or 0 if it is not running.
168  mrpt::synch::CSemaphore m_semWxMainThreadReady; //!< This is signaled when wxMainThread is ready.
169  mrpt::synch::CCriticalSection m_csWxMainThreadId; //!< The critical section for accessing "m_wxMainThreadId"
170  };
172  static TWxMainThreadData& GetWxMainThreadInstance();
175  /** This will be the "MAIN" of wxWidgets: It starts an application object and does not end until all the windows are closed.
176  * Only one instance of this thread can be running at a given instant, no matter how many windows are open.
177  */
178  static void wxMainThread();
180  /** The data structure for each inter-thread request:
181  */
183  {
185  source2D ( NULL ),
186  source3D ( NULL ),
187  sourcePlots ( NULL ),
188  sourceCameraSelectDialog(false),
189  voidPtr (NULL),
190  voidPtr2 (NULL),
191  x (400),
192  y (400),
193  boolVal (false)
194  { }
196  /** Only one of source* can be non-NULL, indicating the class that generated the request. */
199  /** Only one of source* can be non-NULL, indicating the class that generated the request. */
202  /** Only one of source* can be non-NULL, indicating the class that generated the request. */
205  /** Only one of source* can be non-NULL, indicating the class that generated the request. */
208  /** Parameters, depending on OPCODE.
209  */
212  /** Parameters, depending on OPCODE.
213  */
214  void *voidPtr, *voidPtr2;
215  int x,y;
216  bool boolVal;
220  /** Valid codes are:
221  * For CDisplayWindow:
222  * - 200: Create a new 2D window, with caption "str" and initial size "x" & "y", and save the "wxFrame*" in the "void**" passed in voidPtr.
223  * - 201: Updates the image shown in the window, from a "wxImage*" passed in voidPtr2. The wxImage object will be freed with delete after that. voidPtr must be a "wxFrame*", a "CWindowDialog*" actually.
224  * - 202: Set position to x,y
225  * - 203: Change size to x,y
226  * - 204: Change title to "str"
227  * - 299: Delete the window associated with this source object.
228  *
229  * For CDisplayWindow3D:
230  * - 300: Create a new 3D window, with caption "str" and initial size "x" & "y", and save the "wxFrame*" in the "void**" passed in voidPtr.
231  * - 302: Set position to x,y
232  * - 303: Change size to x,y
233  * - 304: Change title to "str"
234  * - 350: Force refresh
235  * - 360: Add a 2D text message: vector_x: [0]:x, [1]:y, [2,3,4]:R G B, "x": enum of desired font. "y": unique index, "str": String.
236  * - 361: Clear all 2D text messages.
237  * - 362: Add a 2D text message (vectorized fonts)
238  * - 370: Change min/max range: min=vector_x[0], max=vector_x[1]
239  * - 399: Delete the window associated with this source object.
240  *
241  * For CDisplayWindowPlots:
242  * - 400: Create a new Plots window, with caption "str" and initial size "x" & "y",and save the "wxFrame*" in the "void**" passed in voidPtr.
243  * - 402: Set position to x,y
244  * - 403: Change size to x,y
245  * - 404: Change title to "str"
246  * - 499: Delete the window associated with this source object.
247  * - 410: Depending on "boolVal", enable/disable the mouse-zoom & pan
248  * - 411: Depending on "boolVal", enable/disable the aspect ratio fix
249  * - 412: Zoom over a rectangle vectorx[0-1] & vectory[0-1]
250  * - 413: Axis fit, with aspect ratio fix to boolVal.
251  * - 414: Clear all plot objects.
252  * - 420: Add/update a 2D line/points plot: x/y data= vector_x/vector_y, format string=str, plot name =plotName.
253  * - 421: Add/update a 2D ellipse: format string=str, plot name =plotName, vector_x[0,1]:X/Y center, vector_x[2]:quantiles, vector_y[0,1,2]: Covariance matrix entries 00,11,01, boolVal=showName?
254  * - 422: Add/update a bitmap: plot name =plotName, vector_x[0,1]:X/Y corner, vector_x[2,3]: X/Y widths, voidPtr2: pointer to a newly created wxImage with the bitmap.
255  * - 440: Insert submenu in the popup menu. plotName=menu label, x=user-defined ID.
256  * - 700: Shows a camera-pick-dialog and wait for user selection. "voidPtr" must point to a CSemaphore, which will be signaled twice (1st upon construction, 2nd upon dialog close); voidPtr2 must point to a "mrpt::gui::CPanelCameraSelection*" which will be filled with the selection (the panel must be deleted by the caller)
257  *
258  */
259  int OPCODE;
261  };
263  /** Thread-safe method to return the next pending request, or NULL if there is none (After usage, FREE the memory!)
264  */
265  static TRequestToWxMainThread * popPendingWxRequest();
267  /** Thread-safe method to insert a new pending request (The memory must be dinamically allocated with "new T[1]", will be freed by receiver.)
268  */
269  static void pushPendingWxRequest( TRequestToWxMainThread *data );
271  /** Thread-safe method to create one single instance of the main wxWidgets thread: it will create the thread only if it is not running yet.
272  */
273  static bool createOneInstanceMainThread();
276  static wxBitmap getMRPTDefaultIcon();
277  private:
278  /** Do not access directly to this, use the thread-safe functions
279  */
280  static std::queue<TRequestToWxMainThread*> *listPendingWxRequests;
282  #endif
283  }; // End of class def.
288  /** The wx dialog for gui::CDisplayWindow
289  */
290  class CWindowDialog: public wxFrame
291  {
292  public:
293  /** A custom control to display the bitmap and avoid flicker
294  */
295  class wxMRPTImageControl : public wxPanel
296  {
297  protected:
298  wxBitmap *m_img;
302  public:
303  wxMRPTImageControl( wxWindow *parent,wxWindowID winID,int x, int y, int width, int height);
304  virtual ~wxMRPTImageControl();
307  //mrpt::synch::CCriticalSection m_mouse_cs;
309  void AssignImage(wxBitmap *img); //!< Assigns this image. This object has the ownship of the image and will delete it when appropriate.
310  void GetBitmap(wxBitmap &bmp);
312  void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &ev);
313  void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& ev);
314  void OnMouseClick(wxMouseEvent& ev);
315  void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& ev);
317  void OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent &ev) { /* Do nothing */ }
318  };
322  public:
323  CWindowDialog( CDisplayWindow *win2D, WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame* parent,wxWindowID id = -1, const std::string &caption = std::string("[MRPT-CDisplayWindow]"), wxSize initialSize = wxDefaultSize );
324  virtual ~CWindowDialog();
329  //wxStaticBitmap *m_image;
332  static const long ID_IMAGE_BITMAP;
334  private:
336  void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event);
337  void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event);
338  void OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
339  void OnMenuSave(wxCommandEvent& event);
340  void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
341  void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event);
342  void OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event);
343  void OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event);
344  void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event);
347  }; // end class CWindowDialog
349  class C3DWindowDialog: public wxFrame
350  {
353  public:
355  C3DWindowDialog(CDisplayWindow3D *win3D, WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame* parent,wxWindowID id = -1, const std::string &caption = std::string("[MRPT-CDisplayWindow3D]"), wxSize initialSize = wxDefaultSize );
356  virtual ~C3DWindowDialog();
361  CMyGLCanvas_DisplayWindow3D *m_canvas;
363  void clearTextMessages();
364  void addTextMessage(
365  const double x_frac,
366  const double y_frac,
367  const std::string &text,
369  const size_t unique_index,
370  const mrpt::opengl::TOpenGLFont font
371  );
372  void addTextMessage(
373  const double x_frac,
374  const double y_frac,
375  const std::string &text,
377  const std::string &font_name,
378  const double font_size,
379  const mrpt::opengl::TOpenGLFontStyle font_style,
380  const size_t unique_index,
381  const double font_spacing,
382  const double font_kerning,
383  const bool has_shadow,
384  const mrpt::utils::TColorf &shadow_color
385  );
387  private:
389  void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event);
390  void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event);
391  void OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
392  void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
393  void OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event);
395  static const long ID_MENUITEM1;
396  static const long ID_MENUITEM2;
399  };
401  /** The wx dialog for gui::CDisplayWindowPlots
402  */
403  class CWindowDialogPlots: public wxFrame
404  {
405  public:
406  CWindowDialogPlots( CDisplayWindowPlots *winPlots, WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame* parent,wxWindowID id = -1, const std::string &caption = std::string("[MRPT-CDisplayWindowPlots]"), wxSize initialSize = wxDefaultSize );
407  virtual ~CWindowDialogPlots();
412  mpWindow *m_plot;
413  // wxChartPanel *m_chartPanel;
414  static const long ID_PLOT;
415  static const long ID_MENU_PRINT;
416  bool m_firstSubmenu; //!< to know whether to insert a separator the first time.
417  std::map<long,long> m_ID2ID; //!< wxIDs to user IDs for submenus.
418  mrpt::math::TPoint2D m_curCursorPos; //!< In graph coords
419  wxPoint m_last_mouse_point; //!< In pixels
421  void OnMenuSelected(wxCommandEvent& ev);
422  void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event);
425  /** Redirected from CDisplayWindowPlots::plot
426  */
427  void plot(
430  const std::string &lineFormat,
431  const std::string &plotName);
433  /** Redirected from CDisplayWindowPlots::plotEllipse
434  */
435  void plotEllipse(
438  const std::string &lineFormat,
439  const std::string &plotName,
440  bool showName = false);
442  /** Redirected from CDisplayWindowPlots::image
443  */
444  void image(
445  void *theWxImage,
446  const float &x0,
447  const float &y0,
448  const float &w,
449  const float &h,
450  const std::string &plotName);
452  private:
454  void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event);
455  void OnMenuPrint(wxCommandEvent& event);
456  void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event);
457  void OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
458  void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
459  void OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event);
460  void OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event);
463  }; // end class CWindowDialog
465  #ifndef _U
466  #ifdef wxUSE_UNICODE
467  #define _U(x) wxString((x),wxConvUTF8)
468  #define _UU(x,y) wxString((x),y)
469  #else
470  #define _U(x) (x)
471  #define _UU(x,y) (x)
472  #endif
473  #endif
475  #endif
477  } // End of namespace
478 } // End of namespace
480 #endif
An auxiliary global object used just to launch a final request to the wxSubsystem for shutdown: ...
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:118
void OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent &event)
This class provides simple critical sections functionality.
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D * source3D
Only one of source* can be non-NULL, indicating the class that generated the request.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:200
void OnMenuSave(wxCommandEvent &event)
friend class gui::CMyGLCanvas_DisplayWindow3D
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:351
void OnResize(wxSizeEvent &event)
The data structure for each inter-thread request:
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:182
Create a GUI window and display plots with MATLAB-like interfaces and commands.
void AssignImage(wxBitmap *img)
Assigns this image. This object has the ownship of the image and will delete it when appropriate...
void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent &event)
Column vector, like Eigen::MatrixX*, but automatically initialized to zeros since construction...
Definition: eigen_frwds.h:35
The wx dialog for gui::CDisplayWindowPlots.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:403
mrpt::synch::CSemaphore m_semWxMainThreadReady
This is signaled when wxMainThread is ready.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:168
void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxPoint m_last_mouse_point
In pixels.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:419
CDisplayWindow3D * m_win3D
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:358
static volatile CWXMainFrame * oneInstance
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:148
C3DWindowDialog(CDisplayWindow3D *win3D, WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame *parent, wxWindowID id=-1, const std::string &caption=std::string("[MRPT-CDisplayWindow3D]"), wxSize initialSize=wxDefaultSize)
wxMRPTImageControl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winID, int x, int y, int width, int height)
void OnResize(wxSizeEvent &event)
WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame * m_mainFrame
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:410
Valid codes are: For CDisplayWindow:
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:259
GLenum GLsizei width
Definition: glext.h:3513
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition: glext.h:3962
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent &event)
static std::queue< TRequestToWxMainThread * > * listPendingWxRequests
Do not access directly to this, use the thread-safe functions.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:280
static const long ID_MENUITEM1
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:395
CWindowDialogPlots(CDisplayWindowPlots *winPlots, WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame *parent, wxWindowID id=-1, const std::string &caption=std::string("[MRPT-CDisplayWindowPlots]"), wxSize initialSize=wxDefaultSize)
wxMRPTImageControl * m_image
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:330
CDisplayWindowPlots * m_winPlots
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:409
static const long ID_PLOT
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:414
void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event)
GLuint color
Definition: glext.h:7093
void OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuSelected(wxCommandEvent &ev)
A custom control to display the bitmap and avoid flicker.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:295
mrpt::math::TPoint2D m_curCursorPos
In graph coords.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:418
Existing fonts for 2D texts in mrpt::opengl methods.
Definition: opengl_fonts.h:26
static synch::CCriticalSection * cs_listPendingWxRequests
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:281
void addTextMessage(const double x_frac, const double y_frac, const std::string &text, const mrpt::utils::TColorf &color, const size_t unique_index, const mrpt::opengl::TOpenGLFont font)
GLint GLvoid * img
Definition: glext.h:3645
Different style for vectorized font rendering.
Definition: opengl_fonts.h:37
This class creates a window as a graphical user interface (GUI) for displaying images to the user...
void plot(const mrpt::math::CVectorFloat &x, const mrpt::math::CVectorFloat &y, const std::string &lineFormat, const std::string &plotName)
Redirected from CDisplayWindowPlots::plot.
The main frame of the wxWidgets application.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:130
CDisplayWindow * m_win2D
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:326
The wx dialog for gui::CDisplayWindow.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:290
bool sourceCameraSelectDialog
Only one of source* can be non-NULL, indicating the class that generated the request.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:206
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event)
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
Definition: glext.h:3919
void image(void *theWxImage, const float &x0, const float &y0, const float &w, const float &h, const std::string &plotName)
Redirected from CDisplayWindowPlots::image.
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event)
static void waitWxShutdownsIfNoWindows()
This method must be called in the destructor of the user class FROM THE MAIN THREAD, in order to wait for the shutdown of the wx thread if this was the last open window.
static const long ID_MENU_PRINT
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:415
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame * m_mainFrame
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:327
void OnResize(wxSizeEvent &event)
This class implements the GUI thread required for the wxWidgets-based GUI.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:99
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)
void OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent &event)
void plotEllipse(const mrpt::math::CVectorFloat &x, const mrpt::math::CVectorFloat &y, const std::string &lineFormat, const std::string &plotName, bool showName=false)
Redirected from CDisplayWindowPlots::plotEllipse.
A MRPT thread handle.
Definition: threads.h:28
static const long ID_IMAGE_BITMAP
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:332
void OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent &event)
CWindowDialog(CDisplayWindow *win2D, WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame *parent, wxWindowID id=-1, const std::string &caption=std::string("[MRPT-CDisplayWindow]"), wxSize initialSize=wxDefaultSize)
A RGB color - floats in the range [0,1].
Definition: TColor.h:80
static CAuxWxSubsystemShutdowner global_wxsubsystem_shutdown
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:125
mrpt::synch::CCriticalSection m_img_cs
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:299
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowPlots * sourcePlots
Only one of source* can be non-NULL, indicating the class that generated the request.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:203
GLenum GLint GLint y
Definition: glext.h:3516
mrpt::synch::CCriticalSection m_csWxMainThreadId
The critical section for accessing "m_wxMainThreadId".
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:169
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)
std::map< long, long > m_ID2ID
wxIDs to user IDs for submenus.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:417
void OnMenuPrint(wxCommandEvent &event)
static synch::CCriticalSection cs_windowCount
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:153
static volatile bool isConsoleApp
Will be set to true at runtime if it&#39;s not detected a running wxApp instance.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:114
GLenum GLint x
Definition: glext.h:3516
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow * source2D
Only one of source* can be non-NULL, indicating the class that generated the request.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:197
void OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent &event)
GLenum GLsizei GLsizei height
Definition: glext.h:3523
std::string str
Parameters, depending on OPCODE.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:210
WxSubsystem::CWXMainFrame * m_mainFrame
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:359
Lightweight 2D point.
GLsizei GLsizei GLenum GLenum const GLvoid * data
Definition: glext.h:3520
mrpt::system::TThreadHandle m_wxMainThreadId
The thread ID of wxMainThread, or 0 if it is not running.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:167
static const long ID_MENUITEM2
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:396
A semaphore for inter-thread synchronization.
Definition: CSemaphore.h:31
CMyGLCanvas_DisplayWindow3D * m_canvas
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:361
A graphical user interface (GUI) for efficiently rendering 3D scenes in real-time.
bool m_firstSubmenu
to know whether to insert a separator the first time.
Definition: WxSubsystem.h:416

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