Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.9.9
CmtDeviceMode Member List

This is the complete list of members for CmtDeviceMode, including all inherited members.

CmtDeviceMode(const CmtOutputMode mode=CMT_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_MODE, const CmtOutputSettings settings=CMT_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_SETTINGS, const uint16_t frequency=CMT_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY)CmtDeviceModeinline
getPeriodAndSkipFactor(uint16_t &period, uint16_t &skip) constCmtDeviceMode
getRealSampleFrequency(void) constCmtDeviceMode
operator==(const CmtDeviceMode &dev) constCmtDeviceMode
setPeriodAndSkipFactor(uint16_t period, uint16_t skip)CmtDeviceMode

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