MRPT  1.9.9

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Library mrpt-hmtslam

This library includes an implementation of the HMT-SLAM framework. See the list of classes in mrpt::hmtslam, and the application hmt-slam-gui.

NOTE: For new designs, it is recommended to try the [srba] library instead.


class  mrpt::hmtslam::CHierarchicalMapMHPartition
 Represents a set of nodes and arcs, posibly only a part of the whole hierarchical, multi-hypothesis map. More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CHierarchicalMHMap
 The most high level class for storing hybrid, multi-hypothesis maps in a graph-based model. More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc
 A class for representing an arc between two nodes in a hierarchical, multi-hypothesis map. More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapNode
 A class for representing a node in a hierarchical, multi-hypothesis map. More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CHMTSLAM
 An implementation of Hybrid Metric Topological SLAM (HMT-SLAM). More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CLSLAMParticleData
 Auxiliary class used in mrpt::slam::CLocalMetricHypothesis for HMT-SLAM; this class keeps the data relative to each local metric particle ("a robot metric path hypothesis" and its associated metric map). More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CRobotPosesGraph
 Auxiliary class used in mrpt::slam::CLocalMetricHypothesis for HMT-SLAM; this class stores a set of robot poses and its sensory frames and pose PDF, for being stored in a HMT-map as a serializable object in annotation NODE_ANNOTATION_POSES_GRAPH. More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetector_FabMap
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetector_GridMatching
class  mrpt::hmtslam::CTopLCDetectorBase
 The virtual base class for Topological Loop-closure Detectors; used in HMT-SLAM. More...
class  mrpt::hmtslam::THypothesisIDSet
 A set of hypothesis IDs, used for arcs and nodes in multi-hypothesis hybrid maps. More...


 Classes related to the implementation of Hybrid Metric Topological (HMT) SLAM.

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