XSTYPES_DLL_API void XsMatrix3x3_destruct(XsMatrix3x3 *thisPtr)
size_t XsSize
XsSize must be unsigned number!
struct XsMatrix m_matrix
The underlying XsMatrix.
XsReal XSCCONST m_fixedData[9]
Fixed storage for the elements of the matrix.
XSTYPES_DLL_API void XsMatrix3x3_assign(XsMatrix3x3 *thisPtr, const XsReal *src, XsSize srcStride)
struct XsMatrix3x3 XsMatrix3x3
double XsReal
Defines the floating point type used by the Xsens libraries.
XSTYPES_DLL_API void XsMatrix3x3_construct(XsMatrix3x3 *thisPtr)
XSTYPES_DLL_API void XsMatrix3x3_copy(XsMatrix *copy, XsMatrix3x3 const *src)