10 #define XSGPSPVTDATA_H 18 #define XSGPSPVTDATA_INITIALIZER \ 20 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255 \ uint32_t m_vacc
Vertical accuracy estimate, expected error standard deviation in mm.
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool empty() const
unsigned __int16 uint16_t
int32_t m_vele
Velocity towards east in cm/s.
uint8_t m_pressureAge
The age of the pressure measurement in packets.
void clear()
Clear the contents of this container.
int32_t m_latitude
Latitude in 1e-7 degrees.
XSTYPES_DLL_API void XsGpsPvtData_destruct(struct XsGpsPvtData *thisPtr)
uint32_t m_sacc
Speed accuracy estimate, expected error standard deviation in cm/s.
uint8_t m_gpsAge
The age of the GPS measurement in packets.
uint32_t m_itow
Integer time of week in ms.
XSTYPES_DLL_API int XsGpsPvtData_empty(const struct XsGpsPvtData *thisPtr)
int32_t m_veln
Velocity towards north in cm/s.
uint16_t m_pressure
The pressure measurement in units of 2 Pascal, only valid if m_pressureAge is not 255...
int32_t m_height
Height in mm.
int32_t m_longitude
Longitude in 1e-7 degrees.
uint32_t m_hacc
Horizontal accuracy estimate, expected error standard deviation in mm.
int32_t m_veld
Velocity towards down in cm/s.
unsigned __int32 uint32_t
Data from the GPS unit of a legacy MTi-G.