struct mrpt::nav::RRTEndCriteria

#include <mrpt/nav/planners/PlannerRRT_common.h>

struct RRTEndCriteria

    double acceptedDistToTarget {0.1};
    double acceptedAngToTarget {mrpt::DEG2RAD(180.0)};
    double maxComputationTime {0.0};
    double minComputationTime {0.0};

    // construction



double acceptedDistToTarget {0.1}

Maximum distance from a pose to target to accept it as a valid solution (meters).

(Both acceptedDistToTarget & acceptedAngToTarget must be satisfied)

double acceptedAngToTarget {mrpt::DEG2RAD(180.0)}

Maximum angle from a pose to target to accept it as a valid solution (rad).

(Both acceptedDistToTarget & acceptedAngToTarget must be satisfied)

double maxComputationTime {0.0}

In seconds.

0 means no limit until a solution is found.

double minComputationTime {0.0}

In seconds.

0 means the first valid path will be returned. Otherwise, the algorithm will try to refine and find a better one.