Funtions in #include <mrpt/core/bits_math.h>

// global functions

template <typename T>
T mrpt::abs_diff(const T a, const T b);

template <typename num_t, typename return_t = num_t>
return_t mrpt::square(const num_t x);

template <class T>
T mrpt::hypot_fast(const T x, const T y);

constexpr double mrpt::DEG2RAD(const double x);
constexpr float mrpt::DEG2RAD(const float x);
constexpr double mrpt::DEG2RAD(const int x);
constexpr double mrpt::RAD2DEG(const double x);
constexpr float mrpt::RAD2DEG(const float x);
constexpr long double mrpt::DEG2RAD(const long double x);
constexpr long double mrpt::RAD2DEG(const long double x);

template <typename T>
int mrpt::sign(T x);

template <typename T>
int mrpt::signWithZero(T x);

template <typename T>
T mrpt::lowestPositive(const T a, const T b);

template <typename T>
const T mrpt::min3(
    const T& A,
    const T& B,
    const T& C

template <typename T>
const T mrpt::max3(
    const T& A,
    const T& B,
    const T& C

template <typename T>
int mrpt::fix(T x);

template <typename T, typename K>
void mrpt::keep_min(T& var, const K test_val);

template <typename T, typename K>
void mrpt::keep_max(T& var, const K test_val);

template <typename T>
void mrpt::saturate(T& var, const T sat_min, const T sat_max);

template <typename T>
T mrpt::saturate_val(const T& value, const T sat_min, const T sat_max);

template <class T>
T mrpt::round2up(T val);

float mrpt::d2f(const double d);
uint8_t mrpt::f2u8(const float f);
float mrpt::u8tof(const uint8_t v);

// macros

#define DEG2RAD
#define M_2PIl
#define M_PI
#define M_PIl
#define RAD2DEG

Global Functions

template <typename T>
T mrpt::abs_diff(const T a, const T b)

Efficient and portable evaluation of the absolute difference of two unsigned integer values; but also works for signed and floating point types.

template <typename num_t, typename return_t = num_t>
return_t mrpt::square(const num_t x)

Inline function for the square of a number.

template <class T>
T mrpt::hypot_fast(const T x, const T y)

Faster version of std::hypot(), to use when overflow is not an issue and we prefer fast code.

constexpr double mrpt::DEG2RAD(const double x)

Degrees to radians

constexpr float mrpt::DEG2RAD(const float x)

Degrees to radians.

constexpr double mrpt::DEG2RAD(const int x)

Degrees to radians.

constexpr double mrpt::RAD2DEG(const double x)

Radians to degrees.

constexpr float mrpt::RAD2DEG(const float x)

Radians to degrees.

constexpr long double mrpt::DEG2RAD(const long double x)

Degrees to radians.

constexpr long double mrpt::RAD2DEG(const long double x)

Radians to degrees.

template <typename T>
int mrpt::sign(T x)

Returns the sign of X as “1” or “-1”.

template <typename T>
int mrpt::signWithZero(T x)

Returns the sign of X as “0”, “1” or “-1”.

template <typename T>
T mrpt::lowestPositive(const T a, const T b)

Returns the smallest positive number among a and b.

template <typename T>
int mrpt::fix(T x)

Rounds toward zero

template <typename T, typename K>
void mrpt::keep_min(T& var, const K test_val)

If the second argument is below the first one, set the first argument to this lower value.

template <typename T, typename K>
void mrpt::keep_max(T& var, const K test_val)

If the second argument is above the first one, set the first argument to this higher value.

template <typename T>
void mrpt::saturate(
    T& var,
    const T sat_min,
    const T sat_max

Saturate the value of var (the variable gets modified) so it does not get out of [min,max].

template <typename T>
T mrpt::saturate_val(
    const T& value,
    const T sat_min,
    const T sat_max

Like saturate() but it returns the value instead of modifying the variable.

template <class T>
T mrpt::round2up(T val)

Round up to the nearest power of two of a given number.

float mrpt::d2f(const double d)

shortcut for static_cast<float>(double)

uint8_t mrpt::f2u8(const float f)

converts a float [0,1] into an uint8_t [0,255] (without checking for out of bounds)

See also:


float mrpt::u8tof(const uint8_t v)

converts a uint8_t [0,255] into a float [0,1]

See also:
