GUI support: 2D plots (Matlab-like), 3D rendering viewports, etc.
Library mrpt-gui
This C++ library is part of MRPT and can be installed in Debian-based systems with:
sudo apt install libmrpt-gui-dev
Read also how to import MRPT into your CMake scripts.
This library provides these classes that represent GUI windows, each having a specific specialized purpose:
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow : Displays 2D bitmap images, and optionally sets of points over them, etc.
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D : A powerful 3D rendering window capable of displaying a mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene, or efficiently displaying 2D images using graphics card acceleration. It features mouse navigation, Alt+Enter fullscreen switching, multiple viewports, etc. See Tutorial: 3D scenes.
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowPlots : Displays one or more 2D vectorial graphs, in a manner very similar to MATLAB “plot” commands.
mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI : UI capable of complex controls, subwindows, menus, etc. powered by the nanogui library.
All these window classes inherits from mrpt::gui::CBaseGUIWindow, which provides a set of methods and variables common to all the classes. It allow moving/resizing the windows, polling for key strokes, etc. Note events-driven applications can be also implemented since it also implements the mrpt::system::CObservable pattern, emitting events as described in the description of mrpt::gui::CBaseGUIWindow.
All the classes in this library are in the namespace mrpt::gui
Library contents
// classes class mrpt::gui::CBaseGUIWindow; class mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow; class mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D; class mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3DLocker; class mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI; class mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowPlots; class mrpt::gui::CGlCanvasBase; class mrpt::gui::CGlCanvasBaseHeadless; class mrpt::gui::MRPT2NanoguiGLCanvas; class mrpt::gui::internal::NanoGUICanvasHeadless; class mrpt::gui::WxSubsystem; // global functions void mrpt::gui::registerAllClasses_mrpt_gui();
Global Functions
void mrpt::gui::registerAllClasses_mrpt_gui()
Forces manual RTTI registration of all serializable classes in this namespace.
Should never be required to be explicitly called by users, except if building MRPT as a static library.