MRPT  2.0.1
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mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::THarrisOptions Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Harris Options.

Definition at line 134 of file CFeatureExtraction.h.

#include <mrpt/vision/CFeatureExtraction.h>

Public Attributes

float threshold {0.005f}
 (default=0.005) for rejecting weak local maxima (with min_eig < threshold*max(eig_image)) More...
float sigma {3.0f}
 standard deviation for the gaussian smoothing function More...
int radius {3}
 size of the block of pixels used More...
float min_distance {5.0f}
 minimum distance between features More...
double k {0.04}

Member Data Documentation

◆ k

double mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::THarrisOptions::k {0.04}

Definition at line 145 of file CFeatureExtraction.h.

◆ min_distance

float mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::THarrisOptions::min_distance {5.0f}

minimum distance between features

Definition at line 144 of file CFeatureExtraction.h.

◆ radius

int mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::THarrisOptions::radius {3}

size of the block of pixels used

Definition at line 142 of file CFeatureExtraction.h.

◆ sigma

float mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::THarrisOptions::sigma {3.0f}

standard deviation for the gaussian smoothing function

Definition at line 140 of file CFeatureExtraction.h.

◆ threshold

float mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction::TOptions::THarrisOptions::threshold {0.005f}

(default=0.005) for rejecting weak local maxima (with min_eig < threshold*max(eig_image))

Definition at line 138 of file CFeatureExtraction.h.

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