MRPT  2.0.1
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mrpt::math::RobustKernel< rkLeastSquares, T > Struct Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
struct mrpt::math::RobustKernel< rkLeastSquares, T >

No robust kernel, use standard least squares: rho(r) = r^2.

Definition at line 37 of file robust_kernels.h.

#include <mrpt/math/robust_kernels.h>

Public Member Functions

eval (const T r2, T &out_1st_deriv, T &out_2nd_deriv)
 Evaluates the kernel function for the squared error r2 and returns robustified squared error and derivatives of sqrt(2*rho(r)) at this point. More...

Public Attributes

param_sq = 1
 The kernel parameter (the "threshold") squared [Not used in this class, provided for consistency with the other classes]. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ eval()

template<typename T >
T mrpt::math::RobustKernel< rkLeastSquares, T >::eval ( const T  r2,
T &  out_1st_deriv,
T &  out_2nd_deriv 

Evaluates the kernel function for the squared error r2 and returns robustified squared error and derivatives of sqrt(2*rho(r)) at this point.

Definition at line 46 of file robust_kernels.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ param_sq

template<typename T >
T mrpt::math::RobustKernel< rkLeastSquares, T >::param_sq = 1

The kernel parameter (the "threshold") squared [Not used in this class, provided for consistency with the other classes].

Definition at line 41 of file robust_kernels.h.

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