10 #define MRPT_NO_WARN_BIG_HDR 16 #include <gtest/gtest.h> 25 TEST(SerializeTestOpenGL, WriteReadToMem)
33 #if MRPT_HAS_OPENCV // These classes need CImage serialization 76 catch (
const std::exception& e)
78 GTEST_FAIL() <<
"Exception during serialization test for class '" 79 << cl->className <<
"':\n" A 2D text (bitmap rendering): it always "faces the observer" despite it's at some 3D location...
A solid or wireframe box in 3D, defined by 6 rectangular faces parallel to the planes X...
A grid of lines over the XY plane.
A set of object, which are referenced to the coordinates framework established in this object...
A cloud of points, each one with an individual colour (R,G,B).
A structure that holds runtime class type information.
An especial "ellipsoid" in 3D computed as the uncertainty iso-surfaces of a (inv_range,yaw,pitch) variable.
An especial "ellipsoid" in 3D computed as the uncertainty iso-surfaces of a (inv_range,yaw) variable.
A 2D plane in the XY plane with a texture image.
A grid of lines over the XZ plane.
A viewport within a COpenGLScene, containing a set of OpenGL objects to render.
This class represents arbitrary polyhedra.
CArchiveStreamBase< STREAM > archiveFrom(STREAM &s)
Helper function to create a templatized wrapper CArchive object for a: MRPT's CStream, std::istream, std::ostream, std::stringstream.
A flexible renderer of voxels, typically from a 3D octo map (see mrpt::maps::COctoMap).
#define CLASS_ID(T)
Access to runtime class ID for a defined class name.
This CStream derived class allow using a memory buffer as a CStream.
A planar disk in the XY plane.
A cylinder or cone whose base lies in the XY plane.
uint64_t Seek(int64_t Offset, CStream::TSeekOrigin Origin=sFromBeginning) override
Introduces a pure virtual method for moving to a specified position in the streamed resource...
A 3D ellipsoid, centered at zero with respect to this object pose.
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
A solid or wire-frame sphere.
TEST(SerializeTestOpenGL, WriteReadToMem)
Draw a 3D world axis, with coordinate marks at some regular interval.
A 3D text (rendered with OpenGL primitives), with selectable font face and drawing style...
The namespace for 3D scene representation and rendering.
This class allows the user to create, load, save, and render 3D scenes using OpenGL primitives...
A solid or wireframe frustum in 3D (a rectangular truncated pyramid), with arbitrary (possibly assyme...
static CAST_TO::Ptr from(const CAST_FROM_PTR &ptr)
const mrpt::rtti::TRuntimeClassId * lstClasses[]
A set of colored triangles, able to draw any solid, arbitrarily complex object without textures...
A planar (XY) grid where each cell has an associated height and, optionally, a texture map...
A camera: if added to a scene, the viewpoint defined by this camera will be used instead of the camer...
A set of independent lines (or segments), one line with its own start and end positions (X...
An especial "ellipsoid" in 2D computed as the uncertainty iso-surfaces of a (range,bearing) variable.
A cloud of points, all with the same color or each depending on its value along a particular coordina...