MRPT  1.9.9
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2020, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See: |
8  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
9 #pragma once
16 {
17 /**\brief Edge Registration Decider Interface from which RangeScanner-based
18  * ERDs can inherit from.
19  *
20  * Holds common vars for the underlying classesand provides methods for
21  * accessing and modifying them.
22  *
23  * \note Since the decider inherits from the CRangeScanOps
24  * class, it parses the configuration parameters of the latter as well from the
25  * "ICP" section. Refer to the CRangeScanOps documentation for
26  * its list of configuration parameters
27  */
28 template <class GRAPH_T>
30  : public virtual CEdgeRegistrationDecider<GRAPH_T>,
31  public CRangeScanOps<GRAPH_T>
32 {
33  public:
34  using parent_t =
36  /**\brief Typedef for accessing methods of the
37  * RangeScanRegistrationDecider_t parent class.
38  */
40  using nodes_to_scans2D_t = std::map<
44  ~CRangeScanEdgeRegistrationDecider() override = default;
46  protected:
47  void loadParams(const std::string& source_fname) override;
48  void printParams() const override;
49  /**\brief Map for keeping track of the observation recorded at each graph
50  * position
51  */
53  /**\brief Keep track of the total number of registered nodes since the last
54  * time class method was called
55  */
57 };
58 } // namespace mrpt::graphslam::deciders
Interface for implementing edge registration classes.
void loadParams(const std::string &source_fname) override
Load the necessary for the decider/optimizer configuration parameters.
size_t m_last_total_num_nodes
Keep track of the total number of registered nodes since the last time class method was called...
Edge Registration Decider Interface from which RangeScanner-based ERDs can inherit from...
void printParams() const override
Print the problem parameters - relevant to the decider/optimizer to the screen in a unified/compact w...
Class for keeping together all the RangeScanner-related functions.
Definition: CRangeScanOps.h:71
uint64_t TNodeID
A generic numeric type for unique IDs of nodes or entities.
Definition: TNodeID.h:16
nodes_to_scans2D_t m_nodes_to_laser_scans2D
Map for keeping track of the observation recorded at each graph position.
std::map< mrpt::graphs::TNodeID, mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan::Ptr > nodes_to_scans2D_t

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