A container for NAV-SOL data.
Definition at line 27 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
#include <xSens_MT4/xstypes/include/xsens/xsrawgpssol.h>
Public Attributes | |
uint32_t | m_itow |
Gps time of week (ms) More... | |
int32_t | m_frac |
Nanoseconds remainder of rounded ms above, range -500000 . More... | |
int16_t | m_week |
GPS week (GPS time) More... | |
uint8_t | m_gpsfix |
uint8_t | m_flags |
int32_t | m_ecef_x |
ECEF X position (cm) More... | |
int32_t | m_ecef_y |
ECEF Y position (cm) More... | |
int32_t | m_ecef_z |
ECEF Z position (cm) More... | |
uint32_t | m_pacc |
Position Accuracy Estimate (cm) More... | |
int32_t | m_ecef_vx |
ECEF X velocity (cm/s) More... | |
int32_t | m_ecef_vy |
ECEF Y velocity (cm/s) More... | |
int32_t | m_ecef_vz |
ECEF Z velocity (cm/s) More... | |
uint32_t | m_sacc |
Speed Accuracy Estimate (cm/s) More... | |
uint16_t | m_pdop |
Position DOP. More... | |
uint8_t | m_res1 |
Reserved. More... | |
uint8_t | m_numsv |
Number of SVs used in Nav Solution. More... | |
uint32_t | m_res2 |
Reserved. More... | |
int32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_ecef_vx |
ECEF X velocity (cm/s)
Definition at line 58 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
int32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_ecef_vy |
ECEF Y velocity (cm/s)
Definition at line 60 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
int32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_ecef_vz |
ECEF Z velocity (cm/s)
Definition at line 62 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
int32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_ecef_x |
ECEF X position (cm)
Definition at line 50 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
int32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_ecef_y |
ECEF Y position (cm)
Definition at line 52 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
int32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_ecef_z |
ECEF Z position (cm)
Definition at line 54 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint8_t XsRawGpsSol::m_flags |
0x01=GPSfixOK (i.e. within DOP & ACC Masks) 0x02=DiffSoln (is DGPS used) 0x04=WKNSET (is Week Number valid) 0x08=TOWSET (is Time of Week valid) 0x?0=reserved
Definition at line 43 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
int32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_frac |
Nanoseconds remainder of rounded ms above, range -500000 .
. 500000
Definition at line 32 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint8_t XsRawGpsSol::m_gpsfix |
GPSfix Type, range 0..4 0x00 = No Fix 0x01 = Dead Reckoning only 0x02 = 2D-Fix 0x03 = 3D-Fix 0x04 = GPS + dead reckoning combined 0x05..0xff: reserved
Definition at line 35 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_itow |
Gps time of week (ms)
Definition at line 30 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint8_t XsRawGpsSol::m_numsv |
Number of SVs used in Nav Solution.
Definition at line 70 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_pacc |
Position Accuracy Estimate (cm)
Definition at line 56 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint16_t XsRawGpsSol::m_pdop |
Position DOP.
Definition at line 66 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint8_t XsRawGpsSol::m_res1 |
Definition at line 68 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_res2 |
Definition at line 72 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
uint32_t XsRawGpsSol::m_sacc |
Speed Accuracy Estimate (cm/s)
Definition at line 64 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
int16_t XsRawGpsSol::m_week |
GPS week (GPS time)
Definition at line 34 of file xsrawgpssol.h.
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