18 #include <mrpt/otherlibs/do_opencv_includes.h> CImage makeShallowCopy() const
Returns a shallow copy of the original image.
Declares a class derived from "CObservation" that encapsules an image from a camera, whose relative pose to robot is also stored.
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp now()
A shortcut for system::getCurrentTime.
std::vector< CDetectableObject::Ptr > vector_detectable_object
mrpt::img::CImage image
The image captured by the camera, that is, the main piece of information of this observation.
mrpt::system::TTimeStamp timestamp
The associated UTC time-stamp.
virtual void detectObjects_Impl(const mrpt::obs::CObservation &obs, vector_detectable_object &detected)=0
void detectObjects(const mrpt::obs::CObservation::Ptr obs, vector_detectable_object &detected)
A class for storing images as grayscale or RGB bitmaps.