Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.5.7
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1 /* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
10 #ifndef opengl_CPointCloudColoured_H
11 #define opengl_CPointCloudColoured_H
16 #include <mrpt/utils/adapters.h>
17 #include <mrpt/utils/color_maps.h>
19 namespace mrpt
20 {
21  namespace opengl
22  {
23  // This must be added to any CSerializable derived class:
25  /** A cloud of points, each one with an individual colour (R,G,B). The alpha component is shared by all the points and is stored in the base member m_color_A.
26  *
27  * To load from a points-map, CPointCloudColoured::loadFromPointsMap().
28  *
29  * This class uses smart optimizations while rendering to efficiently draw clouds of millions of points,
30  * as described in this page:
31  *
32  * \sa opengl::COpenGLScene, opengl::CPointCloud
33  *
34  * <div align="center">
35  * <table border="0" cellspan="4" cellspacing="4" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: solid;">
36  * <tr> <td> mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured </td> <td> \image html preview_CPointCloudColoured.png </td> </tr>
37  * </table>
38  * </div>
39  *
40  * \ingroup mrpt_opengl_grp
41  */
43  public CRenderizable,
45  public mrpt::utils::PLY_Importer,
46  public mrpt::utils::PLY_Exporter
47  {
50  public:
51  struct TPointColour
52  {
53  inline TPointColour() { }
54  inline TPointColour(float _x,float _y,float _z,float _R,float _G,float _B ) : x(_x),y(_y),z(_z),R(_R),G(_G),B(_B) { }
55  float x,y,z,R,G,B; // Float is precission enough for rendering
56  };
58  private:
59  typedef std::vector<TPointColour> TListPointColour;
64  inline iterator begin() { return m_points.begin(); }
65  inline const_iterator begin() const { return m_points.begin(); }
66  inline iterator end() { return m_points.end(); }
67  inline const_iterator end() const { return m_points.end(); }
70  float m_pointSize; //!< By default is 1.0
71  bool m_pointSmooth; //!< Default: false
72  mutable volatile size_t m_last_rendered_count, m_last_rendered_count_ongoing;
74  /** Constructor
75  */
77  m_points(),
78  m_pointSize(1),
79  m_pointSmooth(false),
80  m_last_rendered_count(0),
81  m_last_rendered_count_ongoing(0)
82  {
83  }
84  /** Private, virtual destructor: only can be deleted from smart pointers */
85  virtual ~CPointCloudColoured() { }
87  void markAllPointsAsNew(); //!< Do needed internal work if all points are new (octree rebuilt,...)
89  public:
91  /** Evaluates the bounding box of this object (including possible children) in the coordinate frame of the object parent. */
93  {
94  this->octree_getBoundingBox(bb_min, bb_max);
95  }
97  /** @name Read/Write of the list of points to render
98  @{ */
100  /** Inserts a new point into the point cloud. */
101  void push_back(float x,float y,float z, float R, float G, float B);
103  /** Set the number of points, with undefined contents */
104  inline void resize(size_t N) { m_points.resize(N); markAllPointsAsNew(); }
106  /** Like STL std::vector's reserve */
107  inline void reserve(size_t N) { m_points.reserve(N); }
109  /** Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug). */
110  inline const TPointColour &operator [](size_t i) const {
111 #ifdef _DEBUG
112  ASSERT_BELOW_(i,size())
113 #endif
114  return m_points[i];
115  }
117  /** Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug). */
118  inline const TPointColour &getPoint(size_t i) const {
119 #ifdef _DEBUG
120  ASSERT_BELOW_(i,size())
121 #endif
122  return m_points[i];
123  }
125  /** Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug). */
126  inline mrpt::math::TPoint3Df getPointf(size_t i) const {
127 #ifdef _DEBUG
128  ASSERT_BELOW_(i,size())
129 #endif
130  return mrpt::math::TPoint3Df(m_points[i].x,m_points[i].y,m_points[i].z);
131  }
133  /** Write an individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug). */
134  void setPoint(size_t i, const TPointColour &p );
136  /** Like \a setPoint() but does not check for index out of bounds */
137  inline void setPoint_fast(const size_t i, const TPointColour &p ) {
138  m_points[i] = p;
139  markAllPointsAsNew();
140  }
142  /** Like \a setPoint() but does not check for index out of bounds */
143  inline void setPoint_fast(const size_t i, const float x,const float y, const float z ) {
144  TPointColour &p = m_points[i];
145  p.x=x; p.y=y; p.z=z;
146  markAllPointsAsNew();
147  }
149  /** Like \c setPointColor but without checking for out-of-index erors */
150  inline void setPointColor_fast(size_t index,float R, float G, float B)
151  {
152  m_points[index].R=R;
153  m_points[index].G=G;
154  m_points[index].B=B;
155  }
156  /** Like \c getPointColor but without checking for out-of-index erors */
157  inline void getPointColor_fast( size_t index, float &R, float &G, float &B ) const
158  {
159  R = m_points[index].R;
160  G = m_points[index].G;
161  B = m_points[index].B;
162  }
164  inline size_t size() const { return m_points.size(); } //!< Return the number of points
166  inline void clear() { m_points.clear(); markAllPointsAsNew(); } //!< Erase all the points
168  /** Load the points from any other point map class supported by the adapter mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter. */
169  template <class POINTSMAP>
170  void loadFromPointsMap( const POINTSMAP *themap);
171  // Must be implemented at the end of the header.
173  /** Get the number of elements actually rendered in the last render event. */
174  size_t getActuallyRendered() const { return m_last_rendered_count; }
176  /** @} */
179  /** @name Modify the appearance of the rendered points
180  @{ */
182  inline void setPointSize(float pointSize) { m_pointSize = pointSize; }
183  inline float getPointSize() const { return m_pointSize; }
185  inline void enablePointSmooth(bool enable=true) { m_pointSmooth=enable; }
186  inline void disablePointSmooth() { m_pointSmooth=false; }
187  inline bool isPointSmoothEnabled() const { return m_pointSmooth; }
189  /** Regenerates the color of each point according the one coordinate (coord_index:0,1,2 for X,Y,Z) and the given color map. */
190  void recolorizeByCoordinate(const float coord_min, const float coord_max, const int coord_index = 2, const mrpt::utils::TColormap color_map = mrpt::utils::cmJET );
191  /** @} */
193  /** Render */
194  void render() const MRPT_OVERRIDE;
196  /** Render a subset of points (required by octree renderer) */
197  void render_subset(const bool all, const std::vector<size_t>& idxs, const float render_area_sqpixels ) const;
199  protected:
200  /** @name PLY Import virtual methods to implement in base classes
201  @{ */
202  /** In a base class, reserve memory to prepare subsequent calls to PLY_import_set_vertex */
203  virtual void PLY_import_set_vertex_count(const size_t N) MRPT_OVERRIDE;
204  /** In a base class, reserve memory to prepare subsequent calls to PLY_import_set_face */
205  virtual void PLY_import_set_face_count(const size_t N) MRPT_OVERRIDE {
207  }
208  /** In a base class, will be called after PLY_import_set_vertex_count() once for each loaded point.
209  * \param pt_color Will be NULL if the loaded file does not provide color info.
210  */
211  virtual void PLY_import_set_vertex(const size_t idx, const mrpt::math::TPoint3Df &pt, const mrpt::utils::TColorf *pt_color = NULL) MRPT_OVERRIDE;
212  /** @} */
214  /** @name PLY Export virtual methods to implement in base classes
215  @{ */
216  size_t PLY_export_get_vertex_count() const MRPT_OVERRIDE;
217  size_t PLY_export_get_face_count() const MRPT_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
218  void PLY_export_get_vertex(const size_t idx,mrpt::math::TPoint3Df &pt,bool &pt_has_color,mrpt::utils::TColorf &pt_color) const MRPT_OVERRIDE;
219  /** @} */
220  };
223  OPENGL_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::CStream& operator>>(mrpt::utils::CStream& in, CPointCloudColoured::TPointColour &o);
224  OPENGL_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::CStream& operator<<(mrpt::utils::CStream& out, const CPointCloudColoured::TPointColour &o);
226  } // end namespace
228  namespace utils
229  {
230  // Specialization must occur in the same namespace
231  MRPT_DECLARE_TTYPENAME_NAMESPACE(CPointCloudColoured::TPointColour, mrpt::opengl)
232  }
234  namespace utils
235  {
236  /** Specialization mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured> \ingroup mrpt_adapters_grp*/
237  template <>
239  {
240  private:
242  public:
243  typedef float coords_t; //!< The type of each point XYZ coordinates
244  static const int HAS_RGB = 1; //!< Has any color RGB info?
245  static const int HAS_RGBf = 1; //!< Has native RGB info (as floats)?
246  static const int HAS_RGBu8 = 0; //!< Has native RGB info (as uint8_t)?
248  /** Constructor (accept a const ref for convenience) */
249  inline PointCloudAdapter(const mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured &obj) : m_obj(*const_cast<mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured*>(&obj)) { }
250  /** Get number of points */
251  inline size_t size() const { return m_obj.size(); }
252  /** Set number of points (to uninitialized values) */
253  inline void resize(const size_t N) { m_obj.resize(N); }
255  /** Get XYZ coordinates of i'th point */
256  template <typename T>
257  inline void getPointXYZ(const size_t idx, T &x,T &y, T &z) const {
259  x=pc.x;
260  y=pc.y;
261  z=pc.z;
262  }
263  /** Set XYZ coordinates of i'th point */
264  inline void setPointXYZ(const size_t idx, const coords_t x,const coords_t y, const coords_t z) {
265  m_obj.setPoint_fast(idx, x,y,z);
266  }
268  inline void setInvalidPoint(const size_t idx)
269  {
270  THROW_EXCEPTION("mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured needs to be dense");
271  }
273  /** Get XYZ_RGBf coordinates of i'th point */
274  template <typename T>
275  inline void getPointXYZ_RGBf(const size_t idx, T &x,T &y, T &z, float &r,float &g,float &b) const {
277  x=pc.x; y=pc.y; z=pc.z;
278  r=pc.R; g=pc.G; b=pc.B;
279  }
280  /** Set XYZ_RGBf coordinates of i'th point */
281  inline void setPointXYZ_RGBf(const size_t idx, const coords_t x,const coords_t y, const coords_t z, const float r,const float g,const float b) {
283  }
285  /** Get XYZ_RGBu8 coordinates of i'th point */
286  template <typename T>
287  inline void getPointXYZ_RGBu8(const size_t idx, T &x,T &y, T &z, uint8_t &r,uint8_t &g,uint8_t &b) const {
289  x=pc.x; y=pc.y; z=pc.z;
290  r=pc.R*255; g=pc.G*255; b=pc.B*255;
291  }
292  /** Set XYZ_RGBu8 coordinates of i'th point */
293  inline void setPointXYZ_RGBu8(const size_t idx, const coords_t x,const coords_t y, const coords_t z, const uint8_t r,const uint8_t g,const uint8_t b) {
294  m_obj.setPoint_fast(idx, mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::TPointColour(x,y,z,r/255.f,g/255.f,b/255.f) );
295  }
297  /** Get RGBf color of i'th point */
298  inline void getPointRGBf(const size_t idx, float &r,float &g,float &b) const { m_obj.getPointColor_fast(idx,r,g,b); }
299  /** Set XYZ_RGBf coordinates of i'th point */
300  inline void setPointRGBf(const size_t idx, const float r,const float g,const float b) { m_obj.setPointColor_fast(idx,r,g,b); }
302  /** Get RGBu8 color of i'th point */
303  inline void getPointRGBu8(const size_t idx, uint8_t &r,uint8_t &g,uint8_t &b) const {
304  float R,G,B;
305  m_obj.getPointColor_fast(idx,R,G,B);
306  r=R*255; g=G*255; b=B*255;
307  }
308  /** Set RGBu8 coordinates of i'th point */
309  inline void setPointRGBu8(const size_t idx,const uint8_t r,const uint8_t g,const uint8_t b) {
310  m_obj.setPointColor_fast(idx,r/255.f,g/255.f,b/255.f);
311  }
313  }; // end of PointCloudAdapter<mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured>
314  }
315  namespace opengl
316  {
317  // After declaring the adapter we can here implement this method:
318  template <class POINTSMAP>
319  void CPointCloudColoured::loadFromPointsMap( const POINTSMAP *themap)
320  {
322  const mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapter<POINTSMAP> pc_src(*themap);
323  const size_t N=pc_src.size();
324  pc_dst.resize(N);
325  for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++)
326  {
327  float x,y,z,r,g,b;
328  pc_src.getPointXYZ_RGBf(i,x,y,z,r,g,b);
329  pc_dst.setPointXYZ_RGBf(i,x,y,z,r,g,b);
330  }
331  }
332  }
333 } // End of namespace
335 #endif
Definition: TTypeName.h:64
PointCloudAdapter(const mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured &obj)
Constructor (accept a const ref for convenience)
GLdouble GLdouble z
Definition: glext.h:3734
OPENGL_IMPEXP mrpt::utils::CStream & operator<<(mrpt::utils::CStream &out, const mrpt::opengl::CLight &o)
Definition: CLight.cpp:132
void clear()
Erase all the points.
size_t getActuallyRendered() const
Get the number of elements actually rendered in the last render event.
C++11 "override" for virtuals:
void getPointXYZ_RGBf(const size_t idx, T &x, T &y, T &z, float &r, float &g, float &b) const
Get XYZ_RGBf coordinates of i&#39;th point.
Different colormaps for use in mrpt::utils::colormap()
Definition: color_maps.h:30
::mrpt::utils::CStream & operator>>(mrpt::utils::CStream &in, CAngularObservationMeshPtr &pObj)
size_t size() const
Return the number of points.
#define THROW_EXCEPTION(msg)
A cloud of points, each one with an individual colour (R,G,B).
#define ASSERT_BELOW_(__A, __B)
Scalar * iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:23
void getPointColor_fast(size_t index, float &R, float &G, float &B) const
Like getPointColor but without checking for out-of-index erors.
The base class of 3D objects that can be directly rendered through OpenGL.
Definition: CRenderizable.h:44
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void push_back(Scalar val)
Insert an element at the end of the container (for 1D vectors/arrays)
void setPointXYZ_RGBf(const size_t idx, const coords_t x, const coords_t y, const coords_t z, const float r, const float g, const float b)
Set XYZ_RGBf coordinates of i&#39;th point.
STL namespace.
const Scalar * const_iterator
Definition: eigen_plugins.h:24
GLsizei GLsizei GLuint * obj
Definition: glext.h:3902
void getPointXYZ_RGBu8(const size_t idx, T &x, T &y, T &z, uint8_t &r, uint8_t &g, uint8_t &b) const
Get XYZ_RGBu8 coordinates of i&#39;th point.
void resize(const size_t N)
Set number of points (to uninitialized values)
void setPointRGBu8(const size_t idx, const uint8_t r, const uint8_t g, const uint8_t b)
Set RGBu8 coordinates of i&#39;th point.
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: rptypes.h:43
void loadFromPointsMap(const POINTSMAP *themap)
Load the points from any other point map class supported by the adapter mrpt::utils::PointCloudAdapte...
Template class that implements the data structure and algorithms for Octree-based efficient rendering...
This base class is used to provide a unified interface to files,memory buffers,..Please see the deriv...
Definition: CStream.h:38
TPointColour(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _R, float _G, float _B)
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, before the class declarati...
Lightweight 3D point (float version).
Can be used to avoid "not used parameters" warnings from the compiler.
virtual void getBoundingBox(mrpt::math::TPoint3D &bb_min, mrpt::math::TPoint3D &bb_max) const MRPT_OVERRIDE
Evaluates the bounding box of this object (including possible children) in the coordinate frame of th...
GLuint index
Definition: glext.h:3891
VALUE & operator[](const KEY &key)
Write/read via [i] operator, that creates an element if it didn&#39;t exist already.
Definition: ts_hash_map.h:123
GLubyte g
Definition: glext.h:5575
GLubyte GLubyte b
Definition: glext.h:5575
TListPointColour::iterator iterator
An adapter to different kinds of point cloud object.
void setPointRGBf(const size_t idx, const float r, const float g, const float b)
Set XYZ_RGBf coordinates of i&#39;th point.
void setPointXYZ_RGBu8(const size_t idx, const coords_t x, const coords_t y, const coords_t z, const uint8_t r, const uint8_t g, const uint8_t b)
Set XYZ_RGBu8 coordinates of i&#39;th point.
void setPointXYZ(const size_t idx, const coords_t x, const coords_t y, const coords_t z)
Set XYZ coordinates of i&#39;th point.
void enablePointSmooth(bool enable=true)
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
#define DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(class_name)
This declaration must be inserted in all CSerializable classes definition, within the class declarati...
std::vector< TPointColour > TListPointColour
mrpt::math::TPoint3Df getPointf(size_t i) const
Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug).
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: glext.h:3618
void setPointColor_fast(size_t index, float R, float G, float B)
Like setPointColor but without checking for out-of-index erors.
TListPointColour::const_iterator const_iterator
const float R
GLuint in
Definition: glext.h:6301
The namespace for 3D scene representation and rendering.
void getPointXYZ(const size_t idx, T &x, T &y, T &z) const
Get XYZ coordinates of i&#39;th point.
A RGB color - floats in the range [0,1].
Definition: TColor.h:80
GLenum GLint GLint y
Definition: glext.h:3516
const TPointColour & getPoint(size_t i) const
Read access to each individual point (checks for "i" in the valid range only in Debug).
void setPoint_fast(const size_t i, const TPointColour &p)
Like setPoint() but does not check for index out of bounds.
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:3779
An adapter to different kinds of point cloud object.
Definition: adapters.h:38
GLenum GLint x
Definition: glext.h:3516
void setPoint_fast(const size_t i, const float x, const float y, const float z)
Like setPoint() but does not check for index out of bounds.
Lightweight 3D point.
float m_pointSize
By default is 1.0.
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: glext.h:5587
void getPointRGBf(const size_t idx, float &r, float &g, float &b) const
Get RGBf color of i&#39;th point.
void resize(size_t N)
Set the number of points, with undefined contents.
void reserve(size_t N)
Like STL std::vector&#39;s reserve.
void getPointRGBu8(const size_t idx, uint8_t &r, uint8_t &g, uint8_t &b) const
Get RGBu8 color of i&#39;th point.
virtual ~CPointCloudColoured()
Private, virtual destructor: only can be deleted from smart pointers.

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