class mrpt::hmtslam::CHMHMapArc

A class for representing an arc between two nodes in a hierarchical, multi-hypothesis map.

The arc itself will be considered only if some given hypothesisID matchs its own ID. Create objects by invoking the class factory “::Create”

See also:

CHierarchicalMHMap, CHMHMapNode

#include <mrpt/hmtslam/CHMHMapArc.h>

class CHMHMapArc: public mrpt::serialization::CSerializable

    THypothesisIDSet m_hypotheses;
    std::string m_arcType;
    CMHPropertiesValuesList m_annotations;

    // construction

    CHMHMapArc(const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID& from = 0, const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID& to = 0, const THypothesisIDSet& hyps = THypothesisIDSet(), CHierarchicalMHMap* parent = nullptr);
    CHMHMapArc(CHMHMapNode::Ptr& from, CHMHMapNode::Ptr& to, const THypothesisIDSet& hyps, CHierarchicalMHMap* parent);


    CHMHMapNode::TNodeID getNodeFrom() const;
    CHMHMapNode::TNodeID getNodeTo() const;


THypothesisIDSet m_hypotheses

The hypothesis IDs under which this arc exists.

std::string m_arcType

The type of the arc, the possibilities are:

  • “Membership”: for abstractions

  • “Navegability”

  • “RelativePose”

CMHPropertiesValuesList m_annotations

The annotations of the arc, see the general description of the class for possible properties and values.


    const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID& from = 0,
    const CHMHMapNode::TNodeID& to = 0,
    const THypothesisIDSet& hyps = THypothesisIDSet(),
    CHierarchicalMHMap* parent = nullptr

Private constructor (see ::Create class factory)

CHMHMapArc(CHMHMapNode::Ptr& from, CHMHMapNode::Ptr& to, const THypothesisIDSet& hyps, CHierarchicalMHMap* parent)

Alternative constructor, using pointers for convenience.


CHMHMapNode::TNodeID getNodeFrom() const

Return the starting node of the arc:

CHMHMapNode::TNodeID getNodeTo() const

Return the ending node of the arc: