RANSAC C++ examples
1. RANSAC algorithm
MRPT comprises a generic, template-based C++ implementation of this robust model fit algorithm, useful for outliers rejection. For a theoretical description of the algorithm, refer to this Wikipedia article and the cites herein. See also this excellent MATLAB toolkit by Peter Kovesi, on which MRPT implementation is strongly based.
2. C++ API
The base C++ API for RANSAC in MRPT is mrpt::math::RANSAC_Template, while some specialized classes exist for particular instances of common problems, e.g. fit a plane or a line to a point cloud, as shown below.
A simple genetic-like modification of RANSAC is also available through the template class mrpt::math::ModelSearch.
3. Particular applications
3.1. Fit a 3D plane
3.2. Fit many 3D planes
3.3. Fit many 2D lines
3.4. Data association with RANSAC
This example illustrates how RANSAC can be used to establish the pairings (the “data association” problem) between a set of 2D noisy observations and another set of 2D predictions from a map. For example it could be used to match planar range-bearing landmarks against a 2D map, or a subset of image keypoints against a larger image mosaic.
This method was discussed in our paper [BGonzalezJimenezFernandezM13].