Example: opengl_texture_sizes_test
C++ example source code:
/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) | | https://www.mrpt.org/ | | | | Copyright (c) 2005-2022, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file | | See: https://www.mrpt.org/Authors - All rights reserved. | | Released under BSD License. See: https://www.mrpt.org/License | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include <mrpt/examples_config.h> #include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindow3D.h> #include <mrpt/img/CImage.h> #include <mrpt/opengl/CText.h> #include <mrpt/opengl/CTexturedPlane.h> #include <chrono> #include <iostream> #include <thread> const std::string myTestFile( MRPT_EXAMPLES_BASE_DIRECTORY + std::string("img_basic_example/frame_color.jpg")); using namespace std; using namespace mrpt; using namespace mrpt::gui; using namespace mrpt::opengl; using namespace mrpt::math; using namespace mrpt::img; // ------------------------------------------------------ // TextureSizes_test // ------------------------------------------------------ void TextureSizes_test() { // Prepare a few test images: color & BW, random size and 2^N size. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- CImage imgCol_N, imgBW_N; CImage imgCol_2N, imgBW_2N; if (!imgCol_N.loadFromFile(myTestFile)) { cerr << "Cannot load " << myTestFile << endl; return; } imgCol_N.scaleImage(imgCol_2N, 512, 512); imgCol_N.grayscale(imgBW_N); imgCol_2N.grayscale(imgBW_2N); // Masks: const int W = imgCol_N.getWidth(); const int H = imgCol_N.getHeight(); CImage transpMask_N(W, H, CH_GRAY); for (int y = 0; y < H; y++) for (int x = 0; x < W; x++) *transpMask_N(x, y) = (((x + y) >> 5) & 1) ? 240 : 10; CImage transpMask_2N; transpMask_N.scaleImage(transpMask_2N, 512, 512); cout << "Loaded image size: " << imgCol_N.getWidth() << "x" << imgCol_N.getHeight() << endl; cout << "2^N image size : " << imgCol_2N.getWidth() << "x" << imgCol_2N.getHeight() << endl; CDisplayWindow3D win("Test of MRPT's OpenGL textures", 640, 480); COpenGLScene::Ptr& theScene = win.get3DSceneAndLock(); double off_x = 0; const double off_y_label = 4; const double STEP_X = 15; if (true) { opengl::CTexturedPlane::Ptr obj = opengl::CTexturedPlane::Create(-3, 3, -3, 3); obj->assignImage(imgCol_N); obj->setLocation(off_x, 0, 0); theScene->insert(obj); opengl::CText::Ptr gl_txt = opengl::CText::Create("Color texture, random size, w/o transp"); gl_txt->setLocation(off_x, off_y_label, 0); theScene->insert(gl_txt); } off_x += STEP_X; if (true) { opengl::CTexturedPlane::Ptr obj = opengl::CTexturedPlane::Create(-3, 3, -3, 3); obj->assignImage(imgCol_N, transpMask_N); obj->setLocation(off_x, 0, 0); theScene->insert(obj); opengl::CText::Ptr gl_txt = opengl::CText::Create("Color texture, random size, with transp"); gl_txt->setLocation(off_x, off_y_label, 0); theScene->insert(gl_txt); } off_x += STEP_X; if (true) { opengl::CTexturedPlane::Ptr obj = opengl::CTexturedPlane::Create(-3, 3, -3, 3); obj->assignImage(imgBW_N); obj->setLocation(off_x, 0, 0); theScene->insert(obj); opengl::CText::Ptr gl_txt = opengl::CText::Create("B/W texture, random size, w/o transp"); gl_txt->setLocation(off_x, off_y_label, 0); theScene->insert(gl_txt); } off_x += STEP_X; if (true) { opengl::CTexturedPlane::Ptr obj = opengl::CTexturedPlane::Create(-3, 3, -3, 3); obj->assignImage(imgBW_N, transpMask_N); obj->setLocation(off_x, 0, 0); theScene->insert(obj); opengl::CText::Ptr gl_txt = opengl::CText::Create("B/W texture, random size, with transp"); gl_txt->setLocation(off_x, off_y_label, 0); theScene->insert(gl_txt); } off_x += STEP_X; if (true) { opengl::CTexturedPlane::Ptr obj = opengl::CTexturedPlane::Create(-3, 3, -3, 3); obj->assignImage(imgCol_2N); obj->setLocation(off_x, 0, 0); theScene->insert(obj); opengl::CText::Ptr gl_txt = opengl::CText::Create("Color texture, 2^N size, w/o transp"); gl_txt->setLocation(off_x, off_y_label, 0); theScene->insert(gl_txt); } off_x += STEP_X; if (true) { opengl::CTexturedPlane::Ptr obj = opengl::CTexturedPlane::Create(-3, 3, -3, 3); obj->assignImage(imgCol_2N, transpMask_2N); obj->setLocation(off_x, 0, 0); theScene->insert(obj); opengl::CText::Ptr gl_txt = opengl::CText::Create("Color texture, 2^N size, with transp"); gl_txt->setLocation(off_x, off_y_label, 0); theScene->insert(gl_txt); } off_x += STEP_X; if (true) { opengl::CTexturedPlane::Ptr obj = opengl::CTexturedPlane::Create(-3, 3, -3, 3); obj->assignImage(imgBW_2N); obj->setLocation(off_x, 0, 0); theScene->insert(obj); opengl::CText::Ptr gl_txt = opengl::CText::Create("B/W texture, 2^N size, w/o transp"); gl_txt->setLocation(off_x, off_y_label, 0); theScene->insert(gl_txt); } off_x += STEP_X; if (true) { opengl::CTexturedPlane::Ptr obj = opengl::CTexturedPlane::Create(-3, 3, -3, 3); obj->assignImage(imgBW_2N, transpMask_2N); obj->setLocation(off_x, 0, 0); theScene->insert(obj); opengl::CText::Ptr gl_txt = opengl::CText::Create("B/W texture, 2^N size, with transp"); gl_txt->setLocation(off_x, off_y_label, 0); theScene->insert(gl_txt); } off_x += STEP_X; win.setCameraZoom(150); win.setCameraAzimuthDeg(90); // IMPORTANT!!! IF NOT UNLOCKED, THE WINDOW WILL NOT BE UPDATED! win.unlockAccess3DScene(); win.repaint(); cout << "Close the window to end.\n"; while (win.isOpen()) { win.addTextMessage(5, 5, format("%.02fFPS", win.getRenderingFPS())); std::this_thread::sleep_for(2ms); win.repaint(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------ // MAIN // ------------------------------------------------------ int main() { try { TextureSizes_test(); return 0; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "MRPT error: " << mrpt::exception_to_str(e) << std::endl; return -1; } catch (...) { printf("Untyped exception!!"); return -1; } }