class mrpt::opengl::CText
A 2D text that always “faces the observer” despite it having a real 3D position, used to compute its position on the screen, and depth (so it can be occluded).
Use setString() and setFont() to change the text and its appareance.

See also:
#include <mrpt/opengl/CText.h> class CText: public mrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderText { public: // construction CText(const std::string& str = std::string("")); // methods void setString(const std::string& s); std::string getString() const; void setFont(const std::string& s, int height); std::string getFont() const; virtual shader_list_t requiredShaders() const; virtual void render(const RenderContext& rc) const; virtual mrpt::math::TBoundingBoxf internalBoundingBoxLocal() const; std::pair<double, double> computeTextExtension() const; virtual void toYAMLMap(mrpt::containers::yaml& propertiesMap) const; };
Inherited Members
public: // structs struct OutdatedState; struct RenderContext; struct State; // methods virtual void render(const RenderContext& rc) const = 0; virtual void renderUpdateBuffers() const = 0; virtual shader_list_t requiredShaders() const; virtual void freeOpenGLResources() = 0; virtual shader_list_t requiredShaders() const; virtual void render(const RenderContext& rc) const; virtual void renderUpdateBuffers() const; virtual void onUpdateBuffers_Text() = 0; virtual void freeOpenGLResources();
CText(const std::string& str = std::string(""))
void setString(const std::string& s)
Sets the text to display.
std::string getString() const
Return the current text associated to this label.
void setFont(const std::string& s, int height)
Sets the font among “sans”, “serif”, “mono”.
virtual shader_list_t requiredShaders() const
Returns the ID of the OpenGL shader program required to render this class.
See also:
virtual void render(const RenderContext& rc) const
Implements the rendering of 3D objects in each class derived from CRenderizable.
This can be called more than once (one per required shader program) if the object registered several shaders.
See also:
virtual mrpt::math::TBoundingBoxf internalBoundingBoxLocal() const
Evaluates the bounding box of this object (including possible children) in the coordinate frame of the object parent.
virtual void toYAMLMap(mrpt::containers::yaml& propertiesMap) const
Used from Scene::asYAML().
(New in MRPT 2.4.2)