Example: graphslam_example

graphslam_example screenshot graphslam_example screenshot graphslam_example screenshot graphslam_example screenshot

C++ example source code:

/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
   |                     Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT)            |
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   | Copyright (c) 2005-2024, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file     |
   | See: https://www.mrpt.org/Authors - All rights reserved.               |
   | Released under BSD License. See: https://www.mrpt.org/License          |
   +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */

#include <mrpt/containers/yaml.h>
#include <mrpt/graphslam/levmarq.h>
#include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindow3D.h>
#include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindowPlots.h>
#include <mrpt/img/TColor.h>
#include <mrpt/opengl/CSetOfObjects.h>
#include <mrpt/opengl/Scene.h>
#include <mrpt/opengl/graph_tools.h>
#include <mrpt/random.h>

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

using namespace mrpt::literals;  // _deg
using namespace mrpt;
using namespace mrpt::graphs;
using namespace mrpt::graphslam;
using namespace mrpt::poses;
using namespace mrpt::math;
using namespace mrpt::gui;
using namespace mrpt::opengl;
using namespace mrpt::random;
using namespace mrpt::img;
using namespace std;
using namespace mrpt::system;

// Level of noise in nodes initial positions:
const double STD_NOISE_NODE_XYZ = 0.5;
const double STD_NOISE_NODE_ANG = 5.0_deg;

// Level of noise in edges:
const double STD_NOISE_EDGE_XYZ = 0.001;
const double STD_NOISE_EDGE_ANG = 0.01_deg;

const double STD4EDGES_COV_MATRIX = 10;
const double ERROR_IN_INCOMPATIBLE_EDGE = 0.3;  // ratio [0,1]

template <class GRAPH, bool EDGES_ARE_PDF = GRAPH::edge_t::is_PDF_val>
struct EdgeAdders;

template <class GRAPH>
struct EdgeAdders<GRAPH, false>
  static const int DIM = GRAPH::edge_t::type_value::static_size;
  typedef CMatrixFixed<double, DIM, DIM> cov_t;

  static void addEdge(
      TNodeID from,
      TNodeID to,
      const typename GRAPH::global_poses_t& real_poses,
      GRAPH& graph,
      const cov_t& COV_MAT)
    typename GRAPH::edge_t RelativePose(
        real_poses.find(to)->second - real_poses.find(from)->second);
    graph.insertEdge(from, to, RelativePose);
// PDF version:
template <class GRAPH>
struct EdgeAdders<GRAPH, true>
  static const int DIM = GRAPH::edge_t::type_value::static_size;
  typedef CMatrixFixed<double, DIM, DIM> cov_t;

  static void addEdge(
      TNodeID from,
      TNodeID to,
      const typename GRAPH::global_poses_t& real_poses,
      GRAPH& graph,
      const cov_t& COV_MAT)
    typename GRAPH::edge_t RelativePose(
        real_poses.find(to)->second - real_poses.find(from)->second, COV_MAT);
    graph.insertEdge(from, to, RelativePose);

// Container to handle the propagation of the square root error of the problem
vector<double> log_sq_err_evolution;

// This example lives inside this template class, which can be instanced for
// different kind of graphs (see main()):
template <class my_graph_t>
struct ExampleDemoGraphSLAM
  template <class GRAPH_T>
  static void my_levmarq_feedback(
      const GRAPH_T& graph, const size_t iter, const size_t max_iter, const double cur_sq_error)
    if ((iter % 100) == 0)
      cout << "Progress: " << iter << " / " << max_iter << ", total sq err = " << cur_sq_error
           << endl;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  //                GraphSLAMDemo
  // ------------------------------------------------------
  void run(bool add_extra_tightening_edge)
    // The graph: nodes + edges:
    my_graph_t graph;

    // The global poses of the graph nodes (without covariance):
    typename my_graph_t::global_poses_t real_node_poses;


    // ----------------------------
    // Create a random graph:
    // ----------------------------
    const size_t N_VERTEX = 50;
    const double DIST_THRES = 7;
    const double NODES_XY_MAX = 20;

    for (TNodeID j = 0; j < N_VERTEX; j++)
      // Use evenly distributed nodes:
      static double ang = 2 * M_PI / N_VERTEX;
      const double R = NODES_XY_MAX + 2 * (j % 2 ? 1 : -1);
      CPose2D p(R * cos(ang * j), R * sin(ang * j), ang);

      // Save real pose:
      real_node_poses[j] = p;

      // Copy the nodes to the graph, and add some noise:
      graph.nodes[j] = p;

    typedef EdgeAdders<my_graph_t> edge_adder_t;
    typename edge_adder_t::cov_t inf_matrix;
        edge_adder_t::cov_t::RowsAtCompileTime, square(1.0 / STD4EDGES_COV_MATRIX));

    for (TNodeID i = 0; i < N_VERTEX; i++)
      for (TNodeID j = i + 1; j < N_VERTEX; j++)
        if (real_node_poses[i].distanceTo(real_node_poses[j]) < DIST_THRES)
          edge_adder_t::addEdge(i, j, real_node_poses, graph, inf_matrix);

    // Add an additional edge to deform the graph?
    if (add_extra_tightening_edge)
      // inf_matrix.setIdentity(square(1.0/(STD4EDGES_COV_MATRIX)));
      edge_adder_t::addEdge(0, N_VERTEX / 2, real_node_poses, graph, inf_matrix);

      // Tweak this last node to make it incompatible with the rest:
      // It must exist, don't check errors...
      typename my_graph_t::edge_t& ed =
          graph.edges.find(make_pair(TNodeID(0), TNodeID(N_VERTEX / 2)))->second;
      ed.getPoseMean().x((1 - ERROR_IN_INCOMPATIBLE_EDGE) * ed.getPoseMean().x());

    // The root node (the origin of coordinates):
    graph.root = TNodeID(0);

    // This is the ground truth graph (make a copy for later use):
    const my_graph_t graph_GT = graph;

    cout << "graph nodes: " << graph_GT.nodeCount() << endl;
    cout << "graph edges: " << graph_GT.edgeCount() << endl;

    // Add noise to edges & nodes:
    for (typename my_graph_t::edges_map_t::iterator itEdge = graph.edges.begin();
         itEdge != graph.edges.end(); ++itEdge)
      const typename my_graph_t::edge_t::type_value delta_noise(CPose3D(
          getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_EDGE_XYZ),
          getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_EDGE_XYZ),
          getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_EDGE_XYZ),
          getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_EDGE_ANG),
          getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_EDGE_ANG),
          getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_EDGE_ANG)));
      itEdge->second.getPoseMean() += typename my_graph_t::edge_t::type_value(delta_noise);

    for (typename my_graph_t::global_poses_t::iterator itNode = graph.nodes.begin();
         itNode != graph.nodes.end(); ++itNode)
      if (itNode->first != graph.root)
        itNode->second.getPoseMean() += typename my_graph_t::edge_t::type_value(CPose3D(
            getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_NODE_XYZ),
            getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_NODE_XYZ),
            getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_NODE_XYZ),
            getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_NODE_ANG),
            getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_NODE_ANG),
            getRandomGenerator().drawGaussian1D(0, STD_NOISE_NODE_ANG)));

    // This is the initial input graph (make a copy for later use):
    const my_graph_t graph_initial = graph;
    //  graph_GT.saveToTextFile("test_GT.graph");
    //  graph_initial.saveToTextFile("test.graph");

    // ----------------------------
    //  Run graph slam:
    // ----------------------------
    mrpt::containers::yaml params;
    // params["verbose"]  = 1;
    params["profiler"] = true;
    params["max_iterations"] = 500;
    params["scale_hessian"] = 0.1;  // If <1, will "exagerate" the scale of
    // the gradient and, normally, will
    // converge much faster.
    params["tau"] = 1e-3;

    // e2: Lev-marq algorithm iteration stopping criterion #2: |delta_incr|
    // < e2*(x_norm+e2)
    //      params["e1"] = 1e-6;
    //      params["e2"] = 1e-6;

    graphslam::TResultInfoSpaLevMarq levmarq_info;

    cout << "Global graph RMS error / edge = "
         << std::sqrt(graph.getGlobalSquareError(false) / graph.edgeCount()) << endl;
    cout << "Global graph RMS error / edge = "
         << std::sqrt(graph.getGlobalSquareError(true) / graph.edgeCount())
         << " (ignoring information matrices)." << endl;

    // Do the optimization
        graph, levmarq_info,
        nullptr,  // List of nodes to optimize. nullptr -> all but the root
        // node.
        params, &my_levmarq_feedback<my_graph_t>);

    cout << "Global graph RMS error / edge = "
         << std::sqrt(graph.getGlobalSquareError(false) / graph.edgeCount()) << endl;
    cout << "Global graph RMS error / edge = "
         << std::sqrt(graph.getGlobalSquareError(true) / graph.edgeCount())
         << " (ignoring information matrices)." << endl;

    // ----------------------------
    //  Display results:
    // ----------------------------
    CDisplayWindow3D win("graph-slam demo");

    // The final optimized graph:
    mrpt::containers::yaml graph_render_params1;
    graph_render_params1["show_edges"] = true;
    graph_render_params1["edge_width"] = 1;
    graph_render_params1["nodes_corner_scale"] = 1;
    CSetOfObjects::Ptr gl_graph1 =
        mrpt::opengl::graph_tools::graph_visualize(graph, graph_render_params1);

    // The initial noisy graph:
    mrpt::containers::yaml graph_render_params2;
    graph_render_params2["show_ground_grid"] = false;
    graph_render_params2["show_edges"] = false;
    graph_render_params2["show_node_corners"] = false;
    graph_render_params2["nodes_point_size"] = 7;

    CSetOfObjects::Ptr gl_graph2 =
        mrpt::opengl::graph_tools::graph_visualize(graph_initial, graph_render_params2);

    graph_render_params2["nodes_point_size"] = 5;
    CSetOfObjects::Ptr gl_graph5 =
        mrpt::opengl::graph_tools::graph_visualize(graph, graph_render_params2);

    // The ground truth graph:
    mrpt::containers::yaml graph_render_params3;
    graph_render_params3["show_ground_grid"] = false;
    graph_render_params3["show_ID_labels"] = true;
    graph_render_params3["show_edges"] = true;
    graph_render_params3["edge_width"] = 3;
    graph_render_params3["nodes_corner_scale"] = 2;
    CSetOfObjects::Ptr gl_graph3 =
        mrpt::opengl::graph_tools::graph_visualize(graph_GT, graph_render_params3);
    CSetOfObjects::Ptr gl_graph4 =
        mrpt::opengl::graph_tools::graph_visualize(graph_initial, graph_render_params3);

        5, 5, "Ground truth: Big corners & thick edges",
        1000 /* arbitrary, unique text label ID */);
        5, 5 + 15, "Initial graph: Gray thick points.", 1001 /* arbitrary, unique text label ID */);
        5, 5 + 30, "Final graph: Small corners & thin edges",
        1002 /* arbitrary, unique text label ID */);

      Scene::Ptr& scene = win.get3DSceneAndLock();

    // Show progress of error:
    CDisplayWindowPlots win_err("Evolution of log(sq. error)");
    win_err.plot(log_sq_err_evolution, "-b");

    // wait end:
    cout << "Close any window to end...\n";
    while (win.isOpen() && win_err.isOpen() && !mrpt::system::os::kbhit())

int main()
    // typedef CNetworkOfPoses<CPose2D,map_traits_map_as_vector> my_graph_t;

    cout << "Select the type of graph to optimize:\n"
            "1.  CNetworkOfPoses2D \n"
            "2.  CNetworkOfPoses2DInf \n"
            "3.  CNetworkOfPoses3D \n"
            "4.  CNetworkOfPoses3DInf \n";

    cout << ">> ";

    int i = 0;
      string l;
      std::getline(cin, l);
      l = mrpt::system::trim(l);
      i = atoi(&l[0]);

    bool add_extra_tightening_edge;
    cout << "Add an extra, incompatible tightening edge? [y/N] ";
      string l;
      std::getline(cin, l);
      l = mrpt::system::trim(l);
      add_extra_tightening_edge = l[0] == 'Y' || l[0] == 'y';

    switch (i)
      case 1:
        ExampleDemoGraphSLAM<CNetworkOfPoses2D> demo;
      case 2:
        ExampleDemoGraphSLAM<CNetworkOfPoses2DInf> demo;
      case 3:
        ExampleDemoGraphSLAM<CNetworkOfPoses3D> demo;
      case 4:
        ExampleDemoGraphSLAM<CNetworkOfPoses3DInf> demo;

    return 0;
  catch (exception& e)
    cout << "MRPT exception caught: " << e.what() << endl;
    return -1;
  catch (...)
    printf("Another exception!!");
    return -1;