Utilities for MRPT-wxWidgets interfacing (in

#include <mrpt/gui/WxUtils.h>)

// classes

class mrpt::gui::CPanelCameraSelection;
class mrpt::gui::wxMRPTImageControl;

// global functions

wxSize mrpt::gui::GetScaledClientSize(const wxWindow* w);
wxImage* mrpt::gui::MRPTImage2wxImage(const mrpt::img::CImage& img);
wxBitmap* mrpt::gui::MRPTImage2wxBitmap(const mrpt::img::CImage& img);
mrpt::img::CImage* mrpt::gui::wxImage2MRPTImage(const wxImage& img);
mrpt::img::CImage::Ptr mrpt::gui::wxImage2MRPTImagePtr(const wxImage& img);
mrptKeyModifier mrpt::gui::keyEventToMrptKeyModifier(const wxKeyEvent& ev);

// macros

#define WX_END_TRY
#define WX_START_TRY

Global Functions

wxSize mrpt::gui::GetScaledClientSize(const wxWindow* w)

Returns the size of a window, including the optional magnification scale set by users in Display->Appearance.

wxImage* mrpt::gui::MRPTImage2wxImage(const mrpt::img::CImage& img)

Create a wxImage from a MRPT image.

The new object must be freed by the user when not required anymore.

See also:


wxBitmap* mrpt::gui::MRPTImage2wxBitmap(const mrpt::img::CImage& img)

Create a wxBitmap from a MRPT image.

The new object must be freed by the user when not required anymore.

See also:


mrpt::img::CImage* mrpt::gui::wxImage2MRPTImage(const wxImage& img)

Create a MRPT image from a wxImage.

The new object must be freed by the user when not required anymore. It is recommended to use wxImage2MRPTImagePtr instead since smart pointers are safer to manage.

See also:

wxImage2MRPTImage, wxImage2MRPTImagePtr

mrpt::img::CImage::Ptr mrpt::gui::wxImage2MRPTImagePtr(const wxImage& img)

Create a MRPT image from a wxImage.

The new object is returned as a smart pointer to a CImage object.

See also:


mrptKeyModifier mrpt::gui::keyEventToMrptKeyModifier(const wxKeyEvent& ev)

Extracts the key modifiers from a wxKeyEvent.